P - 75639Minnesota �pa 443 Latayeite Rt St. Paut, MN 55 Phone: (651) 28 TTYtMRS: (65 arw�v.2�'i � . . � /oJvB' �ddress of Irts� �6i3 haner Name L• of labor and Industty 798 Reguest for Electricai Rough-in Inspectfon Req�ir�? Gontractor Must Sc�eduie Ail Rou on - Street �l��. l �ivt JUE. n� r•� r�rn r�din es Owner T8lephone Numb�r(sj - in f�lG3- 37� - ��_ contrac�or Name BRONSON ELECTRIC !NC Contractw TeFephone Number (320} 761-2625 Atea Gsl- 717- 7��3� :tion - One Family Dwe Yes Sirtgle Inspection pther T �tians Gontfactor AAus1 SdtEdulE City/Township rr 1 PTOJBd PtPOR �' Sif.�07� Contredor Ma�l�ng Acfdress 251 OANORA PL ST, CLaUD, MN 56301 •+�u�v��cesu a�yna[tsre Gor►tractor Lioer►se Number ._� -����_ CA040�7 Fee Caicuia#ion New Home or Ass�iaited Structure Plew [7rovelling Servic�lPo�a�r SuPp1Y �- 400 ampere @1$35 New Dwelting SenripeJPower Suppiy 401 - 800 artrFsre �$6p YVfiN V Il1.iY��� " (It18dd1�10(1 t0 30 A C� S6 Eme t�tached Garage or Other Associat�d Structure New ServicelPower Supp4y 0- 400 ampere �$35 New Feeders/Circuits i 1 C� $8 Each ,l�na kac ��T� N a� Structure � Ready Now � Wifi Scher�eih Existing Home/Structur+e Rem�1e1 or Addition �- Mew Sarvice/Powar SuPPh� 0- 400 ampere �$35 � Alew Servic�/Power SupPh+ 401 - gpp ��p8re � ggp __ .�. -----__-------__—___----- --- ------ _ _ __�.__ �fE+m/Extended Feeders/Circuits - Up to 15 F�cbers/Circuits i ) Feeders/CirCUits C�_$6 Each ar 16 to 3U ��trtn � Detach�d Garage or Other Associated Structure I Ne�►+ Servic�e/Pawer Supp1Y 0- 40D ampere � S35 `- NewlExtendetl FeederstCircuds i�) G$S �ach A -- Recon�cied FeederslCir�uits ( } � g2 Each -. — i OtheriSaec.ifv! � --'�". _._.__.,_�_____..___ ._---�---. T�ta! (the fee cal�ulated above or S35 muhiplied Totai (the fee ratcutated above or $35 multiptied � �.. by the num�r o! r�quued ms�ion Mps, by the number af ! whichever rs greater) ►equued inspection trips, ; O wh�cttever is gfe8tsr) i Re4uests tor E�Ctntcel i�actla� �REI) wNh a fe� of 5260 or i9as explre 12 mcfrrths frmr+ the R U►e 3 2 anontl� per9ad ar suhmit srtotfi8r RE! tha't inCludes !he i�tspeedaa Pee tor t1� ure� � date. Fhe CorNraetor must have tlee w�k CompleteQ QmP�st� work. t�pe�ctlon te� t� n� carry over h�um a� R o A servtCe cha ��er. rge or 33o wtu ee addea ror �n dishorto,�ed cl�ectce. �1f/� 1 herebY Ithat�tily in�pecied the electnc�l instaliaUon herem on the detes ara►� -- � N 4' / Rough - !n inspeqian(sj � �- i ors ma�ena� can 1� TOD (661) 297-4198. REI U2 {6lQ7) Date -• o..,........�..�. .,�, �y �,> . '� (� 6 v � �yl��ls� � V� � �� �"'4 oet� Z � � —� Z�-�;��____ I�EC�p J U N�=6 2008 � �� '� � �a+'9e Prfnt, BraUle or on a tape, r� req�, ceH 1-8Q0-3�2-8354 (d!' -DU+ Vo(ce or l/V ���