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Inspection Card - 1436
LOCATION LOT 4-x Permit No, 2865 686 853 3961 1956 3485 24,700 25,552 25,824 25,862 27592 14,050 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 6725 C`hannel Road N. E. OWNER -ge�e��e�� P. R. Vi$ ,,,.,,,� BLOCK ADD. �,,,,,,„,, D„�, T,,,� s b #21 Canstruciion Building Permit(Garage) Heating Pennit Plumbing PeYmit Water & Sewer Permit Plumbing Permit Heating Permit Building Permit(Reside) Electrical Permit Electrical Permit Electrical Permit Building Permit(Reroof Heating Permit Dat� Contractor 2j24/58 Ted Renollett 9/8/59 Frank's Heating 12j7/59 Minneapolis Gas Co. 8/8/60 Jarnig Plumbing Co. 10/19/61 Ted Renollett 12/22/65 Frank's Heating 10/17/96 D& D Home Improvemen 10/17/97 Paul Vik 1%2%98 Paul Vik 1/16/98 Paul Vik 918/98 Paul R. Vik 3J31J00 Sharp Heating u. Cost $ 4. 00 6. 50 2.00 30. 00 3.25 6.50 74.75 25.QQ 15.00 15.00 37.50 25.00 Fiaal 1/8/98 1J8/98 1/20/98 4J3/00$ P#35,860-7/29/75 B4i122,357-3/10/97 E4�125,211-12/15/97 E��126,196-1/5/98 E��126,199-1/8/98 E��126,385-1/20/98 B4�130,525-9/10/98 B��130,684-9/30/98 H��139,318-4/13/00