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Inspection Card - 1437
INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS LOCATION 6734 Channel Road N. E. OWNER Roland Magne LOT 24 (1260) BLOCK ADD. Brookview Addition Psrmii No. Conatruction Dat� Contracior 7994 Building Permit(House) 6/23/65 Westrich Builders $ 3609 Plumbing Permit 6/29/65 Stu R�thgeber Plbg. 3166 Heating Permit 6/29/65 Larson-Mac Company 5054 Electrical Permit 6/14/65 Royal Electric Co. 6297 Water & Sewer Permit 7/9/65 Rpthgeber Plumbing 4936 Plumbing Permit 5/14/69 Minnegasco, Inc. 21,034 Electrical Permit 10/5/92 Thriftway Electric 24,771 Building Permit(RS/Sof) 11/12/96 Cities Home Improveme t 25,210 Building Permit(deck) 6/24/97 Ives Enterprises 27,229 Building Permit(Reroof) 8/17/98 Seasons Roofing&Rem. 30,255 Electrical Permit 4/30/03 New Day Electric 04-OIlIl Building Permit(BathAlt 7/14/04 Loyal Home Improvemen s 04-01346 Plumbing Permit 8/16/04 Weld & Sons Plumbing Cost 21. 00 14. 00 14.50 14. 05 3 0. 00 8.00 15.00 112.25 43.00 74.75 30.00 183.56 15.00 � Fiaal 3/13/67 10/7/92 3/13/98 5/7/03 E#104,555-10/7/92 B4�123,737-6/26/97 B��127, 116-3/13/98 E��151,970-5/7/03