AF-COS - 42977�* � * PIOIV��R * eng neer **�* uwu suaveroRS • 2422 Enterprise Driva Mendota Helghts, MN 5512Q (812) 881-1914 FAX:881-9488 LAND PLANNERS . uNDSCAPE aRt�il'�ECrs 826 Highway 10 N.E. Blatne. MN 55434 (612) 783-1880 FAX:783-1883 Certificate of Survey for: House Address: ��7 ►�i �. House Model: THE RO T TL UND COMPANY 6493.849b.6497 & 6499 Christenson Lane Ga ble Townhomes MISSISSIPPI STREET S89'46'00"E �� �� 50.00 S89'46'00"E x soo.o Denotes ExJsttng ElevotTa� �oa,.,� Denot� �roposed Elevvtlan --�— D�otes Dratnage flow Dhectton — Denotes Dralnoge dc UtpTty Easement —� D�notes Monument �� Denotes Offaet lron Beartngs ahown cre assumed LOTS is-1� . B�ocx z our�or ,a ,P�POSI�D BU]LDlNG ELEVAT.[OJ�S Garoge Slab ElevotJon: 863.2 (at doar) N07E: Propoaed bupdfng dte groding ia Tn aceo►da+ee with the gradtng plana approved by the city engtneer. NOTE: Contraotor m�t verity o0 dbnenatona k drivsway deatgn. CHRISTENSON CROSSI�G ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA We hereby certtfy thct thta survey. plan or repart was prepared by me or under my direct supeMalon and that I a duly Itcensed Land Survey+or under the laws of the State of Minnesoto. Dated thls ��W doy of Aob., s't A.D. 19,°�. Signed: PIONEER ENGINEERING, P.A. Scale: 1��h = 30� B �, �. ��� Robert B. Sikich� L.S. Reg. No. 14891 or 3� 16190.62 TRB -� •�" Terrence E. Rothenbacher� LS. Reg. No. 20595