AF-COS - 42979�* � * PIOIV6�R * ene neer * * �. * LAND SURVE`IOHS • dW. ENOINEDiS LAND PLANNERS • LANDSCAPE ARCHIlECTS Certificate of Survey for: House Address: �:7 1' % �. House Model: 2422 Enterprtae Drive Mendota Helghts, MN 55120 (612) 681-1914 FAX:681-9488 826 Hlqhwoy 10 N.E. Blaina, MN 55434 (612) 783-1880 FAX:783-1883 T.HE RO T TL UND COMPANY 649�.8496.6497 & 6499 Chrisienson I,ane Ga ble Town.homes MISSISSIPPI STREET S89'46'00"E �., �� x eoo.o Denotes Exlstfng Elevotl� � D�ot� Proposed Elsvat►on � D�otes Droinage f7ow DMectton — Denotes Dralnoge de Utlllty Eosement —o— Denotea Monument —+-- Denotes Offset lron Becrl�gs shown cre assumed LOTS 16-19 , BLOCK 2 our�or A PBOPOSID Bt�DING ELEDATIDALS Garage Slab ElevatTon: 863•2 (at door) N07E: Prapoaed bup�ng sRe g►od�g ia ln atcordancs wi� the gradtng pla�a approved by the c{iy englneer. NO?E: Contraot� muat vsriy a0 dbna�alona dc drivsway design. CHRIS�'ENSON CROS5ING ANOKA COUNTY. MINNESOTA We hereby certify that #his survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supeMaton and that I a duly Ilcensed Land Surveyar under the laars of the State of Mtnnesota. Dated thts ��W day of A�S..s't A.D. 19°�. Sfgned: PIONEER ENGINEERING, P.A. ,r� Scale: 1��h = 30 eet BY ���. ��.� Robe B. Sikich� LS. Reg. No. 14891 or 3� 16190.62 TRB Terrence E. Rothenbacher, LS. Reg. No. 20595