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P - 76927
�AAit�esot� L�p�# of L�bajr and ir�dushy 443 L��yette �taad I�t St. Pat�, NlIV 5�5,5�-4342 ���_ ���,���-� TT`tf�+If�S; (6�1j 297-419� vwvw.e�ctri�t.st�te_�_�us Gontractor Reque�t f+�r Ele�tric�at Ins Date Rc}u�h-in In�ect�s �eqt�i�'ed? 8/2/07 ��ntract� P+Aust s�dul� A]I R�uc�h-tn �4dd�+�s �f I�s�cticm — Stt�et 185 CRAIGBROOK WAY NE GIORGIO. DONALD E �rwrt+� 7el�iiu�ne Num�{s) — In�l�e �re 763-571-6214 �I1�T�� l��[itE HUNT ELECTRI� GURPORATION �b�`i-�3� �cro oc-r i 9 zoo� :iiQn — {3ne Famit� Civ�rellingfA�sc Y'es ��9� lt�e�n C7�fi�er Tl��n F�c�-�n: City�Towns�i�a �nty FRIDLEY. MN ANOKA X�EL ENERGY ��kVE#� SWlTCH 2300 TEf2RITORtAL RD_, ST_ PAUL, MN a�114 C.�tractar E-m��l A,ddness E��c�rica� u �f Structure ,� Reatiy �Vow n W�1 Sct�eciufe (6�1) �4�-2�t� � TH�fier a�h�u�telec.c�m Ccxrtr�cior Autl�rized ��}nature C�ntraetor l�c�nse �tumb�r ,h�i�o��et C�ntact Pe�or� �"""�� � �°�* CAQ�883 TC�M HAFNER TO/it �%c� f17�.'i � �....+� �. aw. �, Fe� �ai�culatic�n New Fio�ne or tissaciated �tructure Existing Hor�el�truc#ure Remodel or Additir�n tdew C2�+eBling S�ervaeetP�rer ��P�BY Q— 4�€3 empere t� 535 PJev. C�vailing Seru�eea'p�er Supsrhd �0 i—�Q �m�re B� 5�J Ide� ��v��ling Feedet�lCircuits �R tb 3i3 F�ci�,rsa�grcuit� - �14 tJew Nom� — A�c� tha�: 3fl F�e�J�rsfCir�it� {in ada�itio� to XCEL �f�ERGY SA�.+'ER sV1tITCH � � Detached Garage ctr C3ther Associated �tructc�re hiew S�rsr�ceJPQVrer SuP�Y Ed�vr Ee�e�rs�Gir�u�ts t�ther (�pec�Fy� Q — �f�€} a��re r� 53� l � � �� E��h I�ew S�rv€c��Pt�er S�PP�Y 3��w ��rv�catP'ower �uPP�Y i GGYGE96S...HL4RILw'f� } �e6��£33G`ErGtl�t$ ��derslCircui�s 0 —4t�} ��pere i� �35 �[7� — 8� ��r�€p�re � b�D — i,�r Sv , w a ecYac.zs,v...a� w�,�,a:, ���cn���a��a�s�na tvt�re Than �t3 Feeder�PC€rc�ts LtD t� 2(lt$ ,4 �r �6 Each � J �e�dersa'Ci��u�ts �? a� ��eFa � �leta�hed G�rage +�r {3iher Assc�iateci 5tructur� �iew S�rviceiPc�wes Su�r}aly 0 — 4£I� �r��pere €� �35 �1�w1��tzr�+d�� Fe�dersP�r�cu�Es 4 } � �� E�ch R�cs�r�n�cted ��eders��irc�it� � } � �2 E�;ci� TOt81 �#tie fee s�IcuEet� ei�arv� 4r �35 m�altip�ied Tt1�l (!fi� Se� �alcuia#�d a1,�a�e a� �35 �ttuitipi�d ��t the n�r�3b�r �f �e��i��d 'wr€s�secti�ar� tr�p�„ "" � �ay ifi�� numb:er c�€ �qu�red inspe�#�n trips, r°��" "� "` "" s ,� ,`� � mvh+ches�er'ss grea#er) �°��^ wuhiehever �s c�r�st�r} � � ��°�� °�`�°`� � . Rey�sEs #or Eke�trical Erxspectian [REtj with a fee of 32.�ii11 or iess e�te 12 mantEss #rorn the fiiing daie_ Thr crrntractar must havr Ehe uro� canpdet�ed wit1� tfte i 2 month �riad ssr sutrmat �natiser RE� that i�ux�s #he inspe�etiom %� fsar the unoomplek�ed worh_ Fns�aection trees dsr not rarry over fr�sm one i2E7' ta an�ther. R se�vice r�,arge � S3�i vriH be added fvr a!1 dishm�ored �checks. 3 her�eby c�r#i[y ti�at # ansqre�ied FF� Rt�ugh — In In��ct��s) F+£� ��t� Fnal Ensp�ci� [3�te I C_._—���- 1l.. t�- �% Tha$ tr�teri�t c� be mecie av�il�i�e in ciiffer�ni forrns€ �uctt as l�rge print, Bra[![e or flrr � T�U (�SSi) 297�4�9�8. fF�t (12 (�Si�'D7) ar