SAV91-02• .:� ^.:(�.���l.p.�� �'�M�l%'• 1 ;�;;t , ��p' _ �� GTY OF FRI DLEY PRIDL�:Y MUMCIP�L ('I�:N"I�lilt • G�131 UNIVtiRSITY AVP,. N.1:. PRIDLfY, MN iid12 • 1612) �71-3450• FAk (612) 571-I?R7 CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN NOTICE July 8, 1991 Timothy and Donnett Miller 591 Dover Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Miller: On July 1, 1991, the Fridley City Council officially approved your request for a vacation, SAV #91-02, to vacate all that part of Van Buren Street, now known as Dover Street in the plat of Riverview Heights according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the • office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka County, Minnesota, lying Easterly of a line drawn from the Northwesterly corner of Lot 19, Block L to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 21, Block K and lying Westerly of a line drawn from the Northeast corner of Lot 22, Block L to the Southeast corner of Lot 18, Block K, all in the plat of Riverview Heights. Subject to an easement for walkway purposes over the northerly ten (10) feet of the southerly twenty (20) feet of the portion of Dover Street to be vacated. Subject to an easement for utility purposes over the Southerly twenty (20) feet of the portion of Dover Street to be vacated. Also reservinq an easement to Minnegasco over the Westerly sixty (60) feet of all that part of Dover Street lying Easterly of the Easterly line of Broad Avenue. This request was approved with one stipulation: 1. The petitioners, Timothy and Donnett Miller, shall provide a hardsurface driveway by August l, 1992. If you have any questions regarding the above action, please call the Planning Department at 571-3450. • C, J � • Timothy and Donnett Miller July 8, 1991 Page 2 Sincerely, Barbara Dacy, AICP Community Development Director Please review the noted stipulations, sign the statement below and return one copy to the City of Fridley Planning Department by July 22, 1991. Concur with action taken ANOKA COUNTY PROPERTY RECORDS : 2100 3rd Avenue, Anoka, Mlnnesots 55303 Filed by The Instrument(s) forwarded reasons Iisted below: ❑ Warranty Deed ❑ Quit Claim Deed ❑ Mortgage D/39/� ❑ ABSTRACT Receipt # � TORRENS Certificate � U �� Assign Mortgage � Satis/Rel Mortgage j� Partial Rel Mortgage Reasons� �� � Q, _ ���� �� � �� � �-� �- � ��� �� , �, 0 isiare not acceptable for filing for the ❑ Aff of Survivorship f� Contrac for Deed ;� Other,(�1a�.?��,,, � � ��� � �� � ��.� � �� ,� � � �/�� �� ��-� ��- PLEASE NOTE: WHITE OUT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE ON TORRENS DOCUMENTSI � PLEASE RETURN TMIS FORM WHEN YOy1 RESUBMIT YOUR DOCUMENTS. NAME �_�%��� Phone # (763)323-54 ! � Orlylryl: Oxum�nt Copy Bluc Fib Copy // ��/.Y� � U \v/ ✓L i� v i!i.il �-�l�i�� - 1r � '�PCLC:�E . :\noka.)linnesula....C�..../.�%.�.,1?t .............. y:: COU�TI' REl'ORDF�R OF .aNOKA COL`NTt'. �IC�'�'ES01'.� Pleasc char�e against our de�sit with you for thc record nf lhe f,!low'ing ins:ruments: TOT:\L ........... " �Z°�'n � PI-�a,Se C�';a -c, �� C! f� ._ o ������ �� -�F � 1r�Cfi'� � i � �l-� c.�-,��-� �,;,� �' ; ma�,�.. rr;; �, �� o�--� S9� �°f�r'SlY-� , :' �l';C1%1,��� `�J (,( i,` ° ll;,��?'/",�it� �Ir. Timothv 1. Vli!ler ;9t r,�over J�re�: �.�. Fridley, �Gnnesaa ��a�2 COU•NTY OF ANOKA O� �ce or rhe E.:aminer of Tir(es "S =�S' �1AIN STRE�T. ANOKA, �bIINNE50TA 55303 . -- !�5 Fax:763-422-�919 - .. ,;;a�i,r�'r�.ancKa.mr.,:s Jamrs l. Paulv �o�emcer :�. _00_ Re: Reguest for Examiner's Directi�e Esaminer oF Tides tile �o. D-U3-60(V) Certificate of Title �o. 39860 IYour lecczr uf Sep�embe: 16. 2002) Dear N[r. Nliller: In response ;o your abo�'e-referenced fe�ter, which I_eceived fer a second time on Oc:ober 30, 3002. I have enclosed a copy of my letter'o you dated Occober 3, ?003. To my knowled�e, �one of :he concems raised by this fetter have been �ddressed. Please review [he enc,osed lette: with an at�omey whose practice inc;udes real property law, and le: me know when you are ready to proceed. C:II;:. or commen�s you may have, or ir I may oe ot anv Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer COUNT-Y OF ANOKA Ofr�c� or rhe t:aminer or Ti:1ts COURTHCUSc 325 =AS- �IAIN STP.E�T, 'N340 ANCK,a. ibIINNESCTA ��303 � 763-422-7a85 Fax: 763--�22-0919 =-m2il: jFaci���'cc.ancKa.mn.�s �amesl. Paulv Cxmntner �r :::(es Octobe: ? 2002 �ir. Timothv J. �IiLer �91 Daver S[reet N.E. Fridlev. �Gnnesota ��-43^_ Re: Request for Esaminers Directive Examiner of Titles file Ao. D-Q2-60(� Certificate of Title Yo. 39560 (Your letter of September l6, '002) De:u �Ir. �Iille:: I nave revie•.ved the reques� for an examiner's direc:ive contained in your above-referenced letter, �.�hich I received fram you an September 19, 2002. linforunately, because of the wordin� of ihe easemeats in the vacacion ordinance. I am unable to provide you with a direc�ive which would be usefuL Please conside: [he rollowing comments and recommenda[ions and [hen Ie: me know haw you wouid like to proceed. Walkwav and Ctilitv Easements Ordinance No. 9?= vaca[es Dover Street subject to :he following two easemen[s: Subjec[ [o an easemen� for walkway purposes over [he nottherly [en (10) teet af [he southerly twenty f20).feet of �he portion of Dover Street to be �acaCZd. Subject to an easement fro utility purposes over the Southerly twenty (30) feet of the portion oT Dove: S[reet to be vacated. lipon vacadon, the nonhe;iy half of Dover S[ree[ accrued [o your prooem as a matte: of law, while :he;outheriv half of �he st:ee[ accnsed to �he �ro�ertv ac;oss from vours. .�ccorcins ro ihe recorded piat of °RIV�ER V1EW HEIGI7�TS Anoka County �[inneseca", Dove: Stre�: as dedicated was, in [act. �0 feet wide, and ;o the city council app:uendy assumed tha[ the southerly 20 feet ot the vacated road �.vould be �he saune land as the sou[h hulf. In :hat eve��, of course, the walk�Nav and ucilitv easemen[s would not affect the poaion of [he vacatzd road �uhich accrued �o your land. Affirmative Action ! Equal Opportunity Employer T �(r. Timothv J. �-�]ler Pase Two Octobe: �'. _002 Howeve:, che wid[h of the halves of a vacated road�,vav are a ma[ter ot acival measurement based un plat monumentation, and Dover S[reet as laid out and traveled may oe somewhat less ,han 40- fee: wide, makine the width of [he northerly half cur:espondin�ly (ess [han ?0 _ee�. Were [ha[ the case. then an easement over the sou[herl� ?U feet of the vacated road wouid extend over some por[ion ot the northeriy �alf and wouid thus affect your land. Because I have na means of resofvin; [his issue without an accurate field survey, were I to issue �he reyuested directive a< <his �ime, it would make your punion oP vacated Dover Stree[ subjec[ to chese easemen[s. �[inne�asco Easemen[ The ordinance also purports .o reserve the iollowing easemenr. .�lso reserving ar. easement �o �finnegasco over �he Weste:iy 60 teet oP all that par of Dover Stre�c 1�ing Easce:ly of che Easce:iy line oi Broad .�venue 1"he City oi Fndley is cer�ainly Tree ro reserve an easement to itself over :he vaca[ed :oadway, and then to convey [his easemen[ to wnomever it may c!�oose, but che aty canno� reserve an easement "to sameone else". Fur[he:more, I un almost ceRain [hat vlinneoasco is nat �he correcc desi�na[ion or the owner of the �as pipeline in question. I have enclosed a prin[ou[ from the webpage maintained by the Sec:e[ary of �he State ot �linnesota showin� that °YLinnegasco" is !and has beenj sn assumed n.une owned by any number of :uea utilities. linless the correc� owner of the easement is identiiied or rec^rd. i[ �.vi!'. he very har� tn �,< 1a� rcccrd any release er medifiC�C:Cn ef :he �asemcr.;. Recommendation I strongly recommend tha[ you consider one or the other oi the followin� courses af action: Brin� !hese issues ta the atten[ion ot' [he City Counci] of �he City ot Fr.dle,✓ with the request that the council unend Ordinance �o. 9i3 oy subs[ituting tne words, °ovec the southerly halP' for the words, "over �he southerly [wenry (20) feet" in conne::;ion with the utility and wallcNay easements, and by omitting �he reYerence [o "vlinnegasco" from the easemen� reserved over .he wester;y 60 feec. :�n ordinance so amended would support [he �xaminers direc�ive whica you requested. .�.itematively, you may enlist [he aie o[ a real zs[ate a[torney [o brin� a proceedin; subsequent �o initial re� s�ration for �he purpose of adding the vacated Iand co your certinca[e of tide descnption, but wi[hout iselevan[ easements. Yuur attomey can ailege in the petition [hat yau wish to have the t �Ir. Timothv J. �tiller Paoe Three Oc:obe: '_. �'00? �istnct cuur acdress the issues raised by �his le:te: refati�e [o those easements. In lieu of an amended urdinance, the City oi Fridley would be made a defendan[ in such a oroceedin� sa [hat there mi�h[ be evidence oi �he ciry's in[entions in enac�ing the ordinance as it did. Please feel f-ee �o con[ac� me with any questions you may have, er if I mi�h[ be of anY further �<<�:. , � BLSI�-ESS ORG�NIZATIONS [tiQ(,ZRY" Pa�e 1 ot ? � \. y�, �x �,,;, {,� ,�,,.,,,� ,,, ,�, � �.:� ��� �LY'1 1 I llZ�sd Lc� ���t ,�'�' J` f �.._��'�'l'iX+7'1,'. � �7� ti�YII� l)niine.l��es.. DA_Home UCC Account Session Briefcase Hel /p FAQs A6out �oqin FIYD ErTITY _ A�IE SE�RCH T.�is search was pe , e on 10/"'!"00� :�:�6 wi[h the following search parameter: ENTITY Y:��fE : '�linne;asco click here ;or En�itv Tvpe ID detinitions Records 30 � to 240 ot -101 ORr Entitv Tvoe ID tiame nj _-�!Z �linnefla?nvestmen[s .�VI � 1_ �IIV�-EGASCO �i T�I I�66Q6 �linnegasco '� ,�� 5-�901 �linnegasco, a Division or .�rkla, Inc. FCI Cli-�2 �linne�asco Employees Credit L'nion DC 1600 vIIN�1EG,�SCO E�IPLOYEES CREDIT YY L�iON � ?H-=6 % �Iinne�asco Energy Ce�[e:, Inc. DCI 1�668� �finneoasco, Inc. ,-�� -iC-9^_9 �IL�IVEGASCO, L�IC. DCI 6ti(-� 19 �Iinne�asco Transmission Corpora[ion DCI �C-530 �linnegold Store Fixture Ca, Inc. DCI Ri��- �linn-E-Golf IZ'�Z 1003� 816�3 �Iinn-E-Golf & Hoobv ; G� l0 �Iinn-E-Golf & Hobbv Con 2�992� �linne;raohics 6»31 6H-391 16075 142931 39-YP.a G=31 0-213 1'�29- A.� �finne Graphics VGnnesraphics Business Systems Inc. �1I.�1�+"EH.-�FiA The Vlinnehaha 94 Minnehaha ,4cademv �Linnehahu .�.cademv NLinnehaha Academy Fund �Iinnehaha Amusement Corporatio❑ �..._.��,,. _.. .__._ __ _-'-- . A.�" DC .-�N ,�:�T DCI T�Q AN NP �PI �PI DCI «Previous Next» rnss itv tate Reference �to�s �L�r �Ipls MPIs Niois vlpfs �Ipls �Ipls Nlpls NII�i :Q2 �� � �L�i �IN �� �L�i � LV Elk River vL� Elk River NLti New vGV Hope St Paul �IN St Paul NL�i i Burnsville NLV Mpls �Lv Nlols �IN �Ipls �1N �Ipls bIN � �•