AF - 42537c � City of Fridley, Minn. 6431 University Ave. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. 55432 BUILDING PERMIT Date: ___ December...26a._1972 Owner: _..:Darrel A._._Farr _De_yelopment_Co. � B�der Same�_ Adaress _---59 QJ.._..B.r_o �.k_l,y.n._B.�.u_l.�.ua�s�_____.v_._----�.. Address Same_.__... + � i _ i � •� LOCATION OF BUILDING No. _-.----_�.,5,3.]_._..... Street _---��5_t_.�.�Y����.x�..P.s�.��._.1�LE...__.._..._ Part of Lot Lot ..............2.._..._..__...,_ Block .__:......._._._4__.._......_._._....._.._........... Addition or Sub-nivision _._._I�nsbruck North_T.H. 3rd Addition Corner Lot Sewer Elevatian ....._...... Inside Lot .....---------�----...__.------_-• Setback _.__,_.__.___—.._ Sideyard .----•-------- •--------------•••-••-•----------....--••------•--.:::_:. Foundation Elevation ._._� DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To be Used as: 1200' -�uwxil�.ouse-------------.---- Front _._24'---. Depth .�24.!•._ Height .....,a,6.!__.... Sq. F� __�DQ_�_ Cu. F� _.L�.,.I�.00 � .5��.�.1g�---....._...._....---------_ Front .._10.,,.,� � Depth __�.�..�__.. Height __..�Q' ._. Sq. F� 23.L—_ Cu. F� .�?..LW' Type of Construction ----_Wood...�rame•---_----_ Est. Cost ...-----�.�D�.R1.Q_..._..._,._._ To be Completed 1��r Stipulations : � �S%/ �. ' In consideration of the issuance to me of a permit to construct the building described above, I agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the descriptiott above/s�,�r€c�-th and in compliance wit�,t all pTOVisions oE Ordinances of the city of Fridley. �/ 10.01 SL�df.e Surchar�e In consideration of the payment of a fee of $_._._�.,� OQ�.�_., permit is hereby granted to Darrel A. Farr Dev. _____....._._....__......._ ......................___..�.. to construct the building or addition as described above. This permit is granted upOti the express condition that the person to whom it is granted and his agents, employees and worl�nen, in all Work done in, around and upon said building, or any part thereof, shall conform in all respeCts •to the ordinanCeB pi` �'ridley, Minnesota regarding location, construction, alteration, maintenance, repair and moving of buildi�lgs yyithin the city limits and this permit may be revoked a t any time upon violation of any of the provisions of Said ordinances. �'��,,. /l., _ . Building Inspector NOTICE: This permif doea not eover the eonstruction, insfaflation fo� wiring, plumbeng� gas heafing� sswet or water. Bs suw To sN ths Building Inspector for separata permifs for these items. . :� i r�PpLICATION FOR R�:SIDEi�TIAL, Ai'�rfLATIO�, OR AllllITIOti BUILDIivG ����IT CITY OF FRIDLEY, tiiINNESOTA �T=*]i'iER' S N� :��'iJ^�P/ �/�sars� ,C�rv�/p. Co. i3U�LDT� : SQ tae t'. .t1DD:3cSS : S90/ .droodt0y» d3l �d • ADDRc SS • s ez �n � r�a' _�537 s�.�E�• .�'r�s� ,C3av��:��-�► f'�ss I:i�' �. BLOC�: '� ADDITiOI+I:.Zl�ass�aar.�e f�ao-��i 7r=i�..,3=`�/'�r�t1i'¢�o�'t Cflii,.�iER LOT: INSIDc I.0'.�: � SE�C'_�: SIDEYA.�D:�� �►pali�ant ��tach �o this foan T�o C��tifica�es o� Survp�I o� Lor and pro��s�d building loc�tion drawn �n �h2s� Certifi�at�s. ^ D�.SCRIPTION OF �3UILDIi�G �o �3e U�ed As : ��-+07 i7e]u.S` �+'xOTli: o�°�'� t�F'pi.11: .�'�� H°3_o�1t: ��� ���fl S�uar� re��.. G�� Cubxc Aee�. /�.��e� ����"� �'� " �'xon�: /�lI.S� �eptt�: .�1 � H�x��.ti: 10 � Sruax� �'��t; .�•�, �u�ic '���et: .��/C� i'`y�p� az �onstruc�ion: ,�r?�i� �s"���.�� '��a-��1wfl �a��; $ �e�°s 1J�.�t� . so B� �.;mpl����: %— /— 7,3 ati� unuersi�2d hax�by �'�cLa a�pli�:a�i� �oz a;�w�:�i� so?- :'�1-�:� woz?� �ex��?1 5�2+;.�.i�.�4� �o??v�'�T.?� �O :..�0 ui� il0?'.{ :Lil 3�:�'i�i .n.{:CO";�:3:'�C'y ;.J3.�.i1 a...4�!?_ �.?�;i' C�'w Fric�'�� 0�.°din�ce3 ard ?-�1-ir..�� o�c �i�.° De����n� of .�u�Z:..�_i.�;;s� �?�� i�-�w,^-_�y dLclax�� tn�L all ��:� iw�L3 �nci �=��,�s�n�:��ion� s����d i�. �;��3 �1U71���s.'$3i1 J_.��° �H'llv c i:lCi CO�'i°C�. 2 �ri�!��+: I� � �:�� I I� �J.�l..n'�ii._�,LL.�w' • {S�� i?���r�� Sid� ;o� .�,d�i��cna'! b�i�°-^a��.�n.) City of Fridley �, AT TMR TOP 0� T11E TN�IN� � � ' rL'�"�-^� GOMMUNITI' OEVfIO�M[NT OtV. � ' � MOTECnvR wf�CT10N OqT �l � r---` ; prr ►u►�,� f�uO��Y �M! {......1`.� .J N�-i�0-3�0 �ob eaares,s '-�- �"`"- ,� � ��� Contractor i of Building Comp etion Date �� ���i � ' ; � �� j ( W ii WI I � � � � _,; , W i i � � I ~ ° i ' ' I� I� 3 ° I�� I I ' � j � �, a�sr�� I � I I I•U I; .5-' � i' %,j^t��5��' iw�EGT PLUM�Ii�Vf, PERf1IT APPLICI�TI}�iJ ��:�;�t�'����� ress s se � �O /�� , � i ��scima�ea c;osc Plumbing Fixture Rates: N0. RATE TOTAL Number Fixtures � � x$2 .00 S�v � Future Fixtures x $1.50 New Fixture-Old Open. x $1.50 Catch B$stn x $3.25 Water Heater-99,000 BTU � x $3.00 .�.� Ground Run Old Bldg. x$3.25 Elec. Water Heater x $2.00 Gas Fitting Fees: lst 3 Fixtures / x $2.00 �.� �� Additional Fixtures x $ .75 Gas Range-199�000 BTU x $5.00 Repairs & Alterationa � See Description: Code State Surcharge .50 TOTAL FEE $ .s',�� The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit fur the work herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance w ith the City Ordinancea and rulin of the Department af �uildings, and hereby declare that �11'the facta and xepxesentations 8tated in thia �pplica�ion are true and coxrect. �- � z� Date f . � City of Fridley t 4T T/If TOP 0' TME TYrINY , i` . r �'L'--"�-� GOMUyNITY OEVELO�MENT OIV, � � � PROTECTtvR wt�CT10N O�K, �l � i �.__` � pTV ►u►�� s�uOL�Y �M� 4....�.� .� N�-��0�3�0 ob Address Contractor Kind of Building Comp etion Date � u � � i ( F� I J I � I W � i C I i W � � F < ; � I � I a�NVa � i s��� I 'lddY � � av� I � �swl I ( i i � •sao� I•�nNrval I " I d SNISVBI I I %I H�lV]I I ��i � ( 6NIVtla ;O ol 3 � aoo�� I I �w � ,� V I saaMw+gl I I 'z � !� I •tNno� 'GG'ti �Niaol ( I t/�U A I- p'� sAVail I I (,� 1. NSYM A � 9]INISI I I iNISYY sant Miva Nwn 53 -8Z� -> -915 . 51 iwJEGT 5537 E.Bavari�n Pass PLUM� I�Vr, PERf1 I T,qPPL I�AT I=�E� 1 ess rarrell A. Farr DevPlopement MIINNEGa Frame !� -2 -71�. � ; �� �1 1 ,_._ __�' I � j j I' � � �i i i I ' I I I � I ao � � �; _ ' _ il �� ; __i i o I � ' � ; I� I i —� j� i I !I � i I O 1 w I ' eo I � � I � I � � � I I C� I � d I � B � � � � — � � � � � • i « .,� � � �3���� !�—r2?— 77 Ii I ss d�3? f�AAk�UEiiF AV�iVuE se ��� Res. stimate ost . 10.00 Plumbing Fixture Rates: N0. RATE TOTAL Number Fix tures x $2.00 �_ Future Fixtures x $1.50 New Fixture-Old Open. x $1.50 Catch Bastn x $3.25 Water Heater-99,000 BTU x $3.00 Ground Run Old Bldg. x$3.25 Elec. Water Heater x $2.00 Gas Fitting Fees: lst 3 Fixtures x $2.00 Additional Fixtures x $ .75 Gas Range-199,000 BT[7 1 x$5.00 5.00 Repeirs & Alterations See II Description: Code � State Surcharge Class �A'� Surcharge .50s� .50 i i TOTAL FEE $ 5.50 +The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit �for the work herein specified, agreeing to do all work . in strict accordance w ith the City Ordinances and rulin of the Department of Buildings� and hereby declare that a1l�the tacts and representationa stated in this application are true and correct. �� - ���/ O`� / ��:ho 'Signature ��.jk.r,���„� Date � . 1 �pp�fcatio� !�'owar ltaiM� ond H�a1�g. Coding. Y�ntilatio�, R�triq�roNos a�d /� Conditioning S�s and D�rie�s . P�ARTfAI tt�4TE SC1-�EDULE a�i.��*'i� Rf�AM AIA: iu'ra 'ioTAI.. � �rr � n+� w� . . =�o.oa s Iieplacement of F�rnace 6.00 i Repairs dE Alterations---up to fSOb.pO 6.00 S- -- .._ ._ ftegairs de Alteratfon� each add. f500.00 . 3 OU �_ . ___ I�ftCI;. WJ►ltyi 11I�t �ltrnace SheII di DuR Wari� to 1�0,000 BTU !i!h add. AO.00Q BTU . . . . . . . . . Replaceeieni of P1�rrsace Repairs d� Atterations--up to f500.Qp IZepairs de A2tesations each add. =500.00 . EI0 00 �a ' � 3.UO i 6.00 ! 6.00 - �_. 3.00 :— ____. STEAl�t o: HOT WATBR SYS?E1t F�rnace Shell d� Lines—to 400 sq. !t. F.DR Steam �10.40 �----_ __ __ _ }iunace She�i ac Lane---to 640 sq. ft. EDR Fiot Water 20.00 s_ __ _____ __ Each add. 200 aQ. tt. EDR Steam 3.(N► __ ____ Earh add. 320 sq. ft. EDR Hot Water 3.00 s_ _____ _ QIL SURMER—to 3 gaL per hour over 3 gai. per hour—�ee Tee Schedule c�►s amt�t � UD ca �a,000 s�rcrr c�er 199,000 B't'U S�e F« 3cMdu1� GAS �ITTiPiG FEFF�: Ist 3 FZxtures _ Additiartai l7xtures _ Gss Rangt ta 198d00Q _ u� �ts�arwa ruE �.s�a �tar� varn�►s� s�rs�ra� a►e.naar�a�s � �►�s � t�ru� �/- �{ - % ,l� 6.0� t ---- -- � i _ ��'7l ND RATE T07AL _ xf 20Q E � . � — X .%6 f--- -- - :; �00� : — � �= s« r« s�. � �� ��a� ��,� i , � �i�r. ss� s .�ry. � S� n.n:. � �aa.. �.o.,. seo.�eo Lec�lfe� o� S � (' (��-�-��t �f T .�� � Citr � �idler: The undersigned hereby makes appiication for a Dermit for the v�orlc Rerd� : spec�fied, agreeing to do all work in strict accordancc with the City Ordiaaneer and ruling oi the DepartmFnt of Buildings, and hereby deelares that aIl tkc fa�€ and re�reswntatiuns statc�c3 in this applicatioD ere true a� conrect. FridleY. Mian_---- ------�,1� ` ,� �(�/ O`aner — ��-''d��� - L.�.. �2�1"` Kind �f Buildin� _ - = .� — _ tJse� ae - - -�. - - -- — To 1�e completed about - - -- --.-. ----- _ Estimated Cact, S _ __ __ - --- --- Uld—New. Building Permit No. _—_ p�rmit No. �� D�CAZPTiOlf OF rIO1lE HEATING or PO'WL�R PLAN'I5-.�team, Hot Water� Warm Air—No --� /� Trade Nam��j8�,� g� rjp�//r��� 3//n . Capacity---�_��� Sq. !t. E.D.R B1'U g,g Total Connected I,o�d � � � BURNER — Trade N�� g� pp c.D.�ci sq. i�. %.D-R B'iv $;� f�ARR�-01RR} !: �. � � �., i - ,��y/ i ,. SUBJECT P City of Fridley �"- 6 6 8 2 AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS g U I L D I N G P E R M l ;, , � ECEIPT NO. � ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. r � y � PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. � � � � i 1 � �"��1 ' CITY HALL FRIDLEY 55432 NUMBER REV. DATE PAGE OF APPROVED BV �----�'� ,'� 612-571-3450 910-F15 7/15/82 � � JOB ADDRESS 5537 East Ba:varian Pass N.E. 1 LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHEO DESCR. 2 4 Innsbruck North Townhouse 3rd SHEET 2 PROPERTY OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE Lynn Castner 5537 East Bavarian Pass N.E. 574-1576 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS Z�P PHONE LICENSE NO. North Star Services 688 Hague Avenue, St. Paul, MN 227-7061 4 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 ENGINEER MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSENO. 6 USE OF BUILDING Residential 7 CLASS OF WORK ❑ NEW � ADDITION � ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK Bathroom Alter ati.on 9 CHANGE QF USE fROM TO STIPULATIONS S����� P����� RG��� � �R� HE�TI�tG, P{,Ul�BING AND SIGNS. TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD SEPARATE PERMITS ARE RE�UIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING SQ. FT. CU. FT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTqUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANV TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION �- STALLS GARAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WI�L BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT �2�000 �1•OQ DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE pERMIT FEE SAC CHARGE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR IOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- CTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 532.50 ' PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL FEE 3cc J5 9 $33.50 SIGNATUREOFC �RACTORORAUTHORIZEDAGENT i 7e� WHEN PROPERL ALIDATED THIS IS VOUR PERMIT l� �2� SiGNATUREOFOWNER�IFOWNERBUILDEFlI IDATEI �BLDG INSP TE CITY QF FRIOLEY Effective Aug. 1, 1981 APPLICATI�J FOR RESIDLiyTllt� EiUILDIitG PCIL'lITS (t�c�d, Alterations, Additions, or Repairs) B�Ji�ER: �--�n ✓� Cus��1��•-� t3UILD�R: �v ��"� ��'7S-�+� Ser►� �e� ADDRESS: �r5 37 ��j3�✓�qr:u� �aS S %Y� IIDDRESS: 1��� �t ���v�2�,Sf/aul /y�.SSj°�' TEL N0: �✓'`�7 �/-`� � TEL i�0: ��-�' 7 � C�I Construction Location STJtITT NO: �__� STREET: 21�� �Ca��� L07.': �o BLOQC : � ADDITION : -� �'I � S �i �'vL c/1 %i�d ��l %� �7�' 3 r'!�. . Corner Lot: Insic3e Lot: SetbacY.: Sideyards: Ap�lica.nt attach to this form two Certificates of S�zvey of lot and pzop�sed building location drawn on certificates to scale. DESCRIPTIOiv OF COt•JSTP.UCTIOW � Front: Depth: Height: o��� Square lr eet: Glibic Feet: . Front: Depth: Height: Squar.e Feet: G>>bic I'eet: Zype of Cor,struction : ���� �� �@�_� Zb Be Wr,�pleted: Estimated Cost: $ ����% Alt. A Alt. B proposed Drive�•ray Width If New Opening Is Desised; $� S , . SE� ite.VERSE SIDE OF SHEET _ �iie undersigned hereb�► ma):e� application for a permit fcr the ��rk herein specified, agreeing to do .all work is, strict accordance ��ith the City of rridle}� Ordii�ances and rulings of tl�e Department of Builc3ings, and hereby declares that all the facts and re�resentatiens stated �n this application are true and eorrect. D.1T�: c.i � �S � / �d- SIGNATURe.: Stipulation : P� 32. � o -r� �•°� 33 .s� �- ����Z ��� �'t 3. S�-�/�'� G� . . 4�_ . oc i � � z � � � � w � a a Q � > � 41 r � � k 0 z � �� w � � � 0 z �h o 4 � �c�► � -� b 41 � � . � �'� �� � �, —j i , �- a� n�o�d3id w ra-i-� 'rS�St C�K�'%rs�'Q ,, a �°,�°f �7'� 7CSl -h�LS Nd �I W r�3 70! �� ss�d Nv��vAe� � �,�ss �l3 ►v1s b� N tY� 7 �1VV � �JW i sue�ecT PE • City of Fridley � 2 2 0 7 8 � AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS g � I L D I N G P E R M I T i � RECEIPT NO. � � COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT OIV. �()q� r � L � PfiOTEC7IVE INSPECTION SEC. `� � � '� /"'1 � CITY HALL FRIDLEV 55432 NUMBER REV. DATE PAGE Of APPROVEO 8V �.-•-'�; ,.� 612-571-3450 910-F15 8/26/�3 � / JOB AODRESS 5537 East Bavarian Pass NE 1 LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. 2 4 Tnnsbruck North Townhouse 3rd Addn SHEET 2 PROPERTY OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE Marilyn Pederson 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS Z�P PHONE LICENSE NO. Dicks Fire & Storm 864 19. Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414 '7g1-6T70 2481 4 AFCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADORESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 6 USE OF BUILDING Residential 7 CLASS OF WORK ❑ NEW ❑ ADDITION O ALTERATION � REPAIR D MOVE ❑ REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK Reroo� Gara e CTear--of�) 9 CHANGE OF USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS Provide smake detectors as per UB:C 1210 adjacent to all sleeping areas and in basement, TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING SQ. FT. CU. fT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERI00 OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTFEET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION 1 STALLS GARAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TVPE OF WORK WIL� BE COMPUED $40� $� �jQ WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING Of A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIO�ATE OR CANCEL THE pERMITFEE SACCHARGE PROVISIONS Of ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- $15.00 Fire SC $, 41 STRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL FEE License SC $5.00 $20.?1 SiGNATUFlE OF CONTRACTOA OR AUTHOA�ZED AGENT IDATEI yy ROP VALIDATED THIS IS VOU PER /IfT . � � [ SiGNATURE OF OWNEA UF O�NNER BU�LDEA1 IDATEI LOG �INSP ATE NEW ADDN ALTER �� �� tl Constivction Address: Legal DescriptiOII: CITY OF FRIDLEY SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEXES R-1 AND R-2 Building Pernut Application F.ast Ravari an PaG� NF. Effective 5/26/93 ��Q � � Owner Name & Address: Tel. # Comractor: Dicks Fire & storm (Richard J. williams) MN LICENSE # 24s1 A�tCSS: 864 19 Ave SE, Minneapolis , MN 55414 __'�ej. #_ 781�6170 Attach to this application, a Certificate of Survey of the lot, with the proposed constr�ction drawn on it to scale. DESCRIPTYON OF IMPROVEMENT LIWING AREA: L.ength Width Height Sq. Ft. GARAGE A.REA: Length Width Height Sq. Ft. DECK AREA: Length � Width HgtlGrouad Sq. Ft. OT�R: Reroof Garage %� r1 l� ° L r� Corner Lot [] Inside Lot [] Ft_ Yd Setback Side Yard Setbacks Type of Construction: Estimated Cost: ��o�' �- Approx. Completion Date: _ . (Cost on Back) Driveway Curb Ctiet Width Needed: Ft. + 6 Ft = Ft x� =$ DATE: 8/Z 6/9 3 Permit Fee Fire Surcharge State Surcharge SAC Charge L'tcense Surcharge Driveway Escrow Erosion Conirol Park Fee Sewer Main Cturge TOTAL $ $ $ $ $, $ $ $ $ $ 378-2880 APPLICANT: �� � �'� � �� _ Tel. # �a1-61�0 ��� :. � .� � Fee Schedule on Reverse Side .001 of Permit Valuation (1/1Qth96) $.50/$1,004 Valuation $750 per SAC Unit $5.00 (State Licenseci Residential Contractors) Alt_ "A" or Alt. "B" Above Conservation Plan Review $450.00 Fee Determined by Engineering Agreement Necessary [] Not Necessary ( j STIPULATIONS: � r sue�atr �� City of Fridley 3 0 6 8 2 AT THE TOP OF TME TWINS g U I L D I N G P E R M I T � � � • � �' COMMUNITY OEVEIOPMENT OIV. �� � v pROTEC7IVE INSPECTION SEC. , _�•' r � �; . � _ , � �"'1 � C�TY NA�L FRIDLEV SS4�2 NUMOER nEV O�TE v�GE Oc AvvqOVED !r �""�' �'' 612-571-3450 9t0-F15 2/24/00 / / �oe ��aaess 5533, 5535, " %�' S539 East Bavarian Pass NE t LEGAL �OT NO. 6LOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTAGMEO oescR. 1,2,3,4 4 Innsbruck North Townhouse 3rd ADdition SHEET 2 PROPERTY OWNER MAII AODR�S$ 21P PMONE Various 3 CONTRACTOR MAII ADOR£SS Z�P PHONE IICENSE NO North Central Builders Inc 7401 42 Ave N New Ho e MN 55427 533-6168 3763 1 ARCHITECT OR OESIGNER MAIL AODRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. � 5 ENGINEER MAII ADORESS , -_�= ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO 8 USE OF BUILDING ' Townhouse Buildin 7 CLASS OF WOqK � D NEW O ADOITION ❑ AITERATION � REPAIR O MOVE O REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK Reside Townhouse Buildin 9 CHAN(3E Of USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS Call for building wrap inspection before covering. fVPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCV LOAO SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMBING. NEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING TMIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION 20NING 50. fT CU fT. AUTMORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCEO WITMIN 80 OAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANV TIME AF7ER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO DWLG. UNITS OfFSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFV 7MAT I MAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THiS APPlICA710N (} 57AlLS GARAGES ANO KNOW TNE SAME TO 9E 7RUE ANG CORRECT. ALL PqOVISIONS OF �AWS y��UATION SUATA% ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPUEO WITM WMETMEii SPECIfIEO MEREIN OA NOT. TME GRANTING Of A PERMIT �iH�%9% �9.40 OOES NOT PRESUME TO GtVE AUTHOR17v TO VIOLATE OR C�NCEL T►1E PEqMiT fEE SAC CNARGE PROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGUTATING CON• STRUCTIpN OR THE PERF MANCE OF CONSTRUCTION �3OZ.25 F re SC �iH.HO PLAN CNECK F E iAl FEE Lic se SC . 0 $3G0.45 S�GN�TUpEOFCON CTOpOp�UTN �ZEO�GENt iO�iE�—� H pq V VA� ED THIS IS UA PEpMIT � � -��s'-�a SiGN�TUaE O� OWNEp�i� ON�WEpBU�LDEAi ���tE� ��G �h$p ' �i��E sue�ECr PER City of Fridley 310 9 3 AT THE TOP OF TFIE TWINS g � I L D I N G P E R M I T i ` RECEIPT NO. COMMUN�TY OEVEIOPMENT OIV. � � �' + � PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. r , , � . , � = i"'1 � CITY NALL FRIOLE� SS�J2 NuMBEA pEV O�TE v�GE Oc •PP OvED 9� �""�" �'' 612-571-3450 9t0-F15 6/27/00 / / �oe �ooaess ' 5533 35 37 39 East Bavarian Pass 1 IEGA� LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED oescR. 1-4 4 Innsbruck North Townhouse 3rd Addition SMEET 2 PFOPERTY OWNER MAIL AOOpESS ZIP PHONE Innsbruck Townhome Association 651-224-5482 3 CON7RACTOR MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE UCENSE NO Garlock-French Roofing Corp., 2301 E. 25th St., Mpls., NIN 55406 612-722-7129 ♦ ARCHITECT OR OESIGNER MAIL A�DpESS ZIP PNONE IICENSE NO. 00001423 5 ENGINEER MAIL AODRESS IIP PHONE LICENSE NO 8 USE OF BUtLD�NG Residential 7 CIASS OF WOFiK O NEW ❑ ADOITION O ALTERATION [� REPAIR O MOVE O REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK Reroof Townhouse Building (Tear-Off) 9 CHANGE OF USE FROM T� STIPULATIONS Underlayment must comply with the State Building Code. Permit Inspection Cards �liil Be Malied tu Nomeowner To Post SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIiiEO FOR ELECiRICAL. PLUMBING, NEAT{NG, TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCV GROUP OCCUPANCV LOAO VENTI�ATING OR AIR CONOITIONING TMIS PERMIT BECOMES NULI ANO VOID IF WORK Op CONS7RUCTION ZpNING SO. fT CU fT AUTHOR12E0 IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 OAYS. OR If CONSTRUC71pN OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONEO FOfi A PER100 OF 120 pAVS AT ANV TIME AFTEq WORK IS COMMENCEO. NO DWIG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I MEREBY CERTIfV TMAT I NAVE iiEAO ANO E%AMINEO TMIS APP�ICA710N 4 STALLS GARAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE 7RUE AND CORRECi. ALl PROVISIONS OF �AWS VA�UATION SURTAX ANO ORDINANCES GOVEFNING 7H15 TVPE Of WORK WI�� BE COMPlIEO y�y �ypr WITM WHE7MER SPECIFIE� HEpE1N OA NOT. TME GRANTING Of A PEiiMIT �S�IO%.34 �p4�4,/ �2.SS DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTMORI7Y TO VIOIATE OR CANCEI TME pERM17 FEE SAC CNARGE PqOVISIONS OF ANY OTNEFi STATE OR IOCAL LAW REGULATING GON� STRUCTION OR TME PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION �IZS . ZS Fire SC ��l�q ��F . SO PLAN CHECK F E T TAL FEE 132.60 S�GN�1UpEO�CON'AA(;TOAOA�UTNOA�LEO�GENT �O�tE� EN FOP VAL ED TMIS I VpUp EpMI . .� �� I $�GNATUaEO�OW�+EA���O�NNEpBU�lOEpi ��ATE� �,�SO � �iLft � � NEW ADDN ALTER [I I] Il Construction Address: ; Legal Description: Owner Name & Address: Contractor: � �— Add CITY OF FRIDLEY SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEXES R 1 AND R 2 BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION 5?�3, 35 . �� . .� 9 �I.UQ� %Q� �C�ss S� g�. 3� �,9 3 Effective 1/1/2000 612-672�604 Bidg Insp SS '�•-hbrne�. #��5 �- a� y � 5N� � MN LICENSE # ��D I �a3 lU SS�1DbTel. # %(� - �I2"a-%1� �'j Attach to this appiication, a Certificate of Survey of the lot, with the proposed construction drawn on it to scale. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT LNING AREA: Length Width Height,.,_,_ Sq. Ft GARAGE AREA: Length � Width Height �_ Sq. Fti DECK AREA: Length Width Hgt/Ground Sq. Ft. OTHER: Construction Type:_ ROQ � Estimated Cost: $ 5• � b�7 • 3�-i Driveway Curb Cut Wdth Needed: Ft. + 6 Ft = Ft x$ =$ DATE: � 2 APPUCANT: u�- �in(� �P�L Tel. # r� � a-�a a-7 I a�''► CITY USE ONLY - Call (612) 572�604 for Permit Fees if maiiing in application Permit Fee $�a5. �S Fee Schedule on Reverse Side Fire Surcharge $ -� .001 of Permit Valuation (1/10th%) State Surcharge� s�'$ ,�$.50/$1,000 Valuation SAC Charge $ $1100 per SAC Unit License Surcharge $ $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) Driveway Escrow $ A4t. "A" or Alt. "B" Above Erosion Control Park Fee Sewer Main Charge TOTAL STIPULATfONS: $ $450.00 Conservation Plan Review $ Fee Determined by Engineering � Agreement Necessary [ ] Not Necessary [ ] . � • � �� �'t ` $ - ���� ���•l ?�� ... . . . .. -• CITY OF FRIDLEY INSPECTION DIViSION . . 6431 University Ave NE � U�� v�� C Fridley, MN 55432 APPLICATION FOR POWER PLANTS AND HEATING, COOLING, VENTILATION, 572•3604 REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS AND DEVICES RATE SCHEDULE Residential Furnace Shell and Duct Work, Burner - Also Replacement Furnace (Side Vent - Fill Out Back) Gas Piping (Needed with new furnace, but not replacement) Gas Range Gas Dryer �Air Conditioning • All Sizes AI1 Others/Repairs & Alterations (L1ST ON BACK) 1 Jo of Value of Appliance or Work Commercial/Industrial 1.25% of Value of Appliance or Work Rate TOTAL � 30.00 � 3�. o0 $ 10.00 $ $ 10.00 $ $ 10.00 $ $ 25.00 $ o?SOb $ $ State Surcharge TOTAL FEE MINIMUM FEE FOR ANY HEATING/COOLING/VENTILATION REFRIGERATION/AIR CONDITIONING PERMIT �S $25 00 PLUS THE $.50 STATE SURCHARGE REINSPECTION FEE $47.00/Hr $ .50 $.S5 5'0 Effective On January 1, 2000 JOB ADQRESS SS,3% ��'ST ��iQf/�}�2/�}yU �i�SS �//�'-� OWNER %%iAleJLy✓U ��'�..Q/ZSD,+J S 7�—�� �% BUILDING llSED AS ����� �'�' ESTIMATED COST �D a-d ' PERMIT N0. �� �� DESCRIPT(ON OF FURNACE AND OR BURNER No. of Heating Units Circle One (Steam) (Hot Water (Warm Ai Trade Name L'�Z��E�2 Size No. �� D BTU HP EDR Fuel Total Connected Load Burner Trade Name Size No. BTU HP EDR �1�j21� l�� IQ'�G 3Y7'R �d` �� Se-et2- The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit for the work herein specified agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the City Codes an rulings of the Building Division, and hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE l �'�S- D d H EATI NG CO � /v-GL �/� �S�-P�` /�%%;9Z Signed ���� ���_, TEL # 7S y-a�9s *Air Conditioners can not be placed in a side yard without Approved written permission from adjoining property owner. =�����v Gt�Id.S Ca�V Rough•In Date Final Date � � _ _ �.l l I OF FRIDLEY FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSIT'Y AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MN 55432 •(763) 571-3450 • FAX (763) 571-1287 January 18, 2002 Ms. Marilyn Pederson 5537 East Bavarian Pass NE Fridley, MN 55432 Re: Final Inspection at 5537 East Bavarian Pass NE Contractor: River Ciry Sheet Meta.l Dear Ms. Pederson: A mechanical permit was issued on October 30, 2000 to install a furnace and air conditioner at your address. According to the 1991 Uniforna Mechanical Code a final inspection shall be conducted on the work authorized by this permit. As of this date, no inspection has been called for. The permit fee that was paid covers the inspection to make sure the work was completed according to the Codes. We will keep your permit open for another 30 days and if we do not hear from you within this time to set up the inspection, we will mark the pemut "no inspection called for" and no further action will be taken. To set up the inspection or to have any questions answered, please contact the Building Inspection Division at (763) 572-3604. Sincerely, DJ/mh Building Inspections 7fi3-572-3bi�4 U���=1-- sirs nssnx�s `��`' x rE+is Arpue�urr ts• ^ PR[3PRRTY UWl�i�tl T.�.NANT st���rrr A an�v n� YOUIt �fA'ti'E LICEPFSE W17'FI APFL.(CAT'lOt7 ��x rxr� 11+i.ECHAN�CAL RES�DEN'FIAI. APFLICATI� C�'i'Y OF �ItIDLEY F' YOUx E ADOR£SS � � ��-�..��-,�,,����-- __ ._. o aavr�r� �i�o�e r�,�� �/rn.� l rJ�..� _ -- - -- --. _ __- t�t7MpAl+ii'NAME: P�errnii No. I (0 5� � �,►�t a�: n$� �•a: / �- l �- 8'fATB 11CB{V�i B � bA'[8 �{�f ADDttES3_ ��� � .-1�-�� � �1�-3lAT�,(�i?,�/ / PTiONCI-������--.�-�-1- = �-� FAX __�__�-� ----- _. _ Cl�(CL.�FAB�LY f]TUiRIPA�.Y �TO�iO� TYYE OF WOI�tK: Q t�w �x�e_A�st�tr o �u.-�tt�'ttO�MODtt DSTAI�„BD DBSC`ItIPTI4N QF WORK PBR MS 16H 665 the parmit fue is a miniufam ot 3i 5.QU or 5'1+i d thc talsl eo�rt ap to �9' OB. whiahever �a geaLar. F�' d�e improvemens, inata�letioe� or re{rlacemont o#' a residmrtie! fixtiu� exc{vdin� the F'n�ea. ('thi� d ro8ed o�lly th� oo� of lebor } Lrbcu cvst �� S7t)0 s S15.Q0. Lahor catt betwo� �30Q to 3504 - caet of labar As = FO$ FRO76LT9 WHfiB� Lt�ORSXC�3 33�I.}�9 AliE BA85D ONSl0A0 PSR �C!'VRL•.IIfE,iPT FtX7ilRF8: (DmICATE'1�fA1. 1Vi1DiBER � EA4'i� i�FI.OW} � ,r�� F,qnipq►p� Ut�llvd MT'C. �-�./Y tiY��-h�- l�aO�9?�.����;.. �a1T�l[T!'� .. _ ., � n�+c uonts.• sr.ra�� _._. �vc su_oo �� � �"" � �i�iACg tG�sl ��sai��� '^ a�s �� uae� -. _ .__. �Alll't'L7 AfR �liC?{At�T(3B�il �1 S F1RkPLACE (WOOi7) 535.a4 NGW flA5 {iRD.L Sl0.t�1 ,,�5(?g.ES s3S.Ot1 �1�`FURNAG£ 535.09 OA9 !lNfP f� �1d.09 _ C:�q6dNHY l�f£$ llo.dD 't�AS DAYF,� tiQ00 PA(}L iQul!'git S33.OQ _�E�CT 1R�ORK 510.00 _ QA3 PlPI1HC# i18.00 YLs7dfJLA't+DA it5�&Q Pernn a Fee t ��UU s��n� � _ _ _ _ sQ TOTAL Dll� x _ . �� � � - . �. . -. _ _. �� _ :� Nnmber oi f ira� $( Q.00 __ x 510.4(f - 3. - N�� o; � at s.00 �.., x st s.4o � S __ _ Nwnbar ot � s2s.00 ._ x us_ao = a - Numbor a[ (� 535.0�} „! x�35,00 = i sr� �a - s .so r�ua � a 7�115 IS AA} AAPLlCAtt�i SOQ A PE�"9�AIT.NW VALIQ UNTt4 PMO I hertbY e�►IY far a buifding permit and � ecknaupled�e ihet t� infnrrnot�on Abora is cvmril Ad ca�fornna�nCC �sirA the arct ood�ae of ttm CNy oi l�"r�lio�+ und wrifh th� btuma�s nvt a p�mit 6ut a�fy � appli e�exmit �f warlt " to a[at withaut e pmmit; timt I ap�oY�d pl� m fl►e case 4[ h� ui�as oipl Sitil3ATURB 0� APPLtCATif �1, ��// b'1� P ( � h Il �' 4 I City uf Fridte�► �ttilding Iaspet�fians Department ' 643 } Un�versity Aveaao NE, Fridtay,lViN 554 � ?b3-572-3G04 FA�Y: 763-502-�4477 end acaucam� that the vrorlc vn71 ba a► nution Code�; that i urxl.r�nd Ibi. � to w�oek rri�l be � e000r�eao witb Iba 3Ul?C1111g � nspections 'i 63-572-3604 _ \TE � �� L � V '7 �ITF ADDRESS � i HIS ?.PPLICANT IS: BUILDIi�TG RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY YOUR E-I�AIL ADDRESS mC� C� (�� Q. ❑ OWNER �(',ONTRACTOR �Rt7t ERTY OWNER/ I �,�:_ TENANT �D�ss CONTRACTOR SUBMIT A COPY OF YOUR STATE LICENSE WITH APPLICATION PROPERTY TYP�, PERMIT TYPE TYPE OF WORK: 7 IS !1'U4%'t L'1J� �G S S ���• 1?37 N,,,ME: fHD At- Home Services, Inc. sTATE LI� 2690 Cuinberland Pkwy, Ste 300 aDDxESS Cumberland Office Park PHONE Atlanta, GA 30339-3913 ❑ s�rGLE Lic# 20268257 Ph. 763/542-8826 ❑ TWO FA QADDITION ❑ GARAGE/SHED ❑ BASEMENT FINISH ❑ ROOF � DECK ❑ SIDING D SWIMMING POOL � 19�MAINTEI�ANCE/REPAIR �ESCRIBE WORK BEING DONE: p� LJ/ •li(1�� sIZE OF IMPROVEMENT � UM6ER OF SQUARES _ �ARAGES 'ROPOSED SIZE: ROPQSED HEIGHT: IDING 7 Vinyl 7 Aluminum ] Other ❑ REMODELING ���n � Permit No.: ��► , � Received By: � � e Date �� � � r�. o n:cs . � o/�'� ; r� n STATE_ZIP S �� ?j � q5a (3Y5- (.0�1� CITY STATE_ZIP :E . ORIES WINDOWS ❑ RAIN TILE ❑ OT'f�R . /n 1 V l.1; IGTH WIDTH_ ❑ HOUSE ONLY ❑ HOUSE & GARAGE O ATTACHED GARAGE ❑ DETACHED GARAGE ❑Soffit ❑ Trim ❑ Fascia i'INDOWS � FOR NEW OP£ INGS-U SeCR❑I E�SIZE OF LO�AI IQrN�O� �� DO Tj,�S n���tl w l9 ji �PENING CHANGES & S!����' S YPE OF WINDOW TO BE INSTALLED NUMBER OF WINDOWS � 7 HT BASEMENT REMODELING SUBMIT: 1. Existing Floor Plan 2. Proposed floor plan 3. List of siructural members to be used Ft. FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING DECKS, ADDITIONS. & PORCHES SUBMIT: 1. Site Plan/Survey showing the existing structures and proposed project 2. Two sets of construction plans 3. Energy Calculations ALL FEES ARE BASED ON VALUATION, INCLUDING THE COST OF LABOR AND MA (USING THE 997 U.B.0 FEE SCHEDULE) TOTAL JOB VALUATION $ j, 7� � OCCUPANCY TYPE ermit Fee lan Review urcharge ire Surcharge icense Surcharge :4C Charge urb Cut Escrow rosion Control ark Fee °wer Main Charge otal Due $ �3. !�; $ $ . $ !. 7 g $ 5 .n u $ $ $ $ $ $ � o. 8 �i See Back Page for Fee Schedule 65% of Building Permit Fee (.0005) times the total job valuation — Minimum $.50 .001 x Permit Valuation (1/10%) $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) $1450 per SAC Unit (Plans to MWCC for determination) ft+6ft= ftx$20=$ $450 Conservation Plan Review Fee Determined by Engineering Agreement necessary ( ) Non Necessary ( ) Make checks pavabie to: City of Fridley Attach THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT-NOT VALID UNTIL PROCESSED hereby apply for a building permit and I aclmowledge that the information above is complete and accurate; that the work will be in �nformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Fridley and with the Minnesota Construction Codes; that I understand this is not a :rmit but only an application for a permit and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved an in the case of all work which requu°s r v ew and approval of plans. GNATURE OF APPLICANT � ,� \� PRINT NAME ( / / � �` � � n � DATE 1 o j G � � �