P - 78607�1-�99-905 � �t.��SS ❑ NEW - �REMODEI 0 ADDITION ❑ 0 to 400 Ar 401 to 600 CIRCUITS OF LESS THAN 50 VOLTS 3 to 12 Unils Each Additio Fbur REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Minnesota Board of Electricity - 1821 University Avenue Suite S-128, SaiM Paul, Minnesota 55104 (651) 642-OS00 TfY/MRS 1-800-627-3529 www•electricity.state.mn.us � Describe -using the back of the white copy 'rf necessary - the work covered by this request: �Sl����--7�5 Outdoor Li�hting Standard � $1 , III) (I�II II (II IIIII I�III II� I�� �� �� I� L3999057 ONE 8 TWO FAMILY DWELUNGS, EACH UNIT Includes ihe Service andlor Power Supply up to 500 Amperes, NI Cirouits and Two Inspection Trips Exh Dwelling Unit �$80 TOTAL FEE I �'z; ,�{L (minimum total fee �s $20) o'v`� Tbs u� Fat rsaECra+ usE aar � hereby cer6(y that I i�pec0ed Ihe elec6ical i�faNmon desaibed hdein on Me da0es st�ed: FL>�i CiF�dCE LiSE. ii�ii"Y �6y,� �.S � Request �e: Rough�n Inspedion RequireCt ❑ Yes Inspedion Other Than RagMn: ❑Ready NaYV WGI Caq �/`��3 You must caN the inspectar when reedy! Dafe Reedy: I cerlify lhat I am the �ICENSED CONTRACTOR ❑ COI�ANY ❑ ONMER and he�eby requestinspection a(1he elec6ica� wak at;