AF-V - 40853�� �. � io. o � ,�� 10, i� �a � � . � � � � � , APPT,iCATIO�d TO TI�E BOARD OE+ APtEAYeS � CZ?'Y CGU�G7,L FOR SPECIA.L USE PFRMZT, VAl:YAtdC� IY3 RF:QUY€t�ME1�S Otr CERT�7.ORDaFiAP}CE5 0� TiiE CI7'Y OF P'l�I17LE'Y � • (Applitant to c��lete ZCem� 1, 2, 3) ��'7' ' � � � 1. Ns�x end Addr�Ee of ��,�lic8nt ` 0 2. Legal Description of Proparty (also �e�a�ra� locacicn, such rte;"no�t�:- east comer of 6�tFi Av�nu�s end 5tb 5treet10 or b�+1S �'ifth StY�st") . , • . 3. t�e�cribe ehe varianc� r�queeted .(Attr�i �let a� S�t�v�er �+E �ortrty __ ohowing locativn oi prnposed b�ild�.c�, et�.e oiio ad�olntag �ro��tiea r��l a�nar�hip within 700' of esid p�operty.) � 4. C�ne� by ad�inigtrative offirial denyin� o�i�inel requeat ior bufldfn� �as'�it or ocher p�rmit. (To b� cc�plete� �;� a�cair�'_arraCfve oYi`ici�:l. App�oprie�te ord��ir�ancee and eezt+loa of o�di�s�nc. �; ct� i,a eitPd.) 0 _r_____.._ 0 ti � - 2 - S. �otiao of 8easic►g appe�red dataat (ma�t bs at leaet oa�ce 10 atgached)e ial Newepape,r on ehe following •• Cvpy of notice to i. S�rd M�mbare aotifi�d of ineeting by • ' . (��et M�ereD �te PTo�ified, a�d "Yes" "N or p amm� to �tt� l�a'i.ng) , a ' 7. !� ►r� �� ��_ � _� _.�__ �t pl� �lttemd �2�""""�- Baa.en malc9,a�� appea�i snd the foliowi�g propeaty o��a� �avf.en� �roperty af��i:e 2�° aoti�i�d: ,.: i__ � -� i _�_�, �� � _ , � , � / ' ,.� .�� � i � � . i► i� i /t ;� _ i� i ` %`. � c_r �/ J , . / i . �r���n� �ii' %�_!i»iii4�v.. /�/ .a.rY .�� _ir. ui �� �� �y t+leart� �Tottifieel by os� il._ (�nitfal) ,. - — �� •. 'ibs lollo�rbng Hoard ��rs and �nter�atad partiu v�s� �s����t �t the fl�asistg t BOA�D ��S e � . 3 — 0 OTfiER PARTYES : NAr� ADDRESS a 9. Opinione and recommendations by BOARD OF APPEALS: ��c��� ��.���.�� � � 10. For Above Rec�mendationa Against•Reco�nendatione 1�.�...�� . � a�_� • � �� . .. • . 11.•�c on by City Counci and Date: ^ �. ' - � 0 OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF ERIDLEY PUBLIC HEARIlVG BEFORE TTHE BOARD OF APPEALS TO WIiOM IT MAY CONCERl�T : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeals of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chamber of the�CiLy Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesda.y, August 10, 1971 to consider the following ma.tter: A request for a variance of Section 45.153, 2, Fridley City Code, to reduce the average depth of existing structures from 94.5 feet to 82 feet to a11ow the addition of a garage onto the front of a.n existing structure located on the South 5 feet of Lot 5, �.11 of Lot 6, Block 1, Scherer Addition, the same being 6745 East River Road N.E., Fridley, Minnesota. (Request by Dr. Akbar Sajady, 6745 E�st River Road N.E., Fridley, Minnesota.) Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter ma.y be hea.rd at this meeting. ROBERT A. MLIVISH CHA,IRMAN BOARD OF APPEALS OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRI�.EY PIJBLIC i�ARIIdG BEFOBE T8L BOARD OF APPEAI.S TO WH�I I� �IAlC CONCERN t NOTIC� IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeals of tha 81ty of Frid�ey w�.11 �et in, the Council Ch+ambes of the��py Hall at 7:30 P.M. oa 1��isday� August 10, 1971 ta consider the following matter: A request for a vasiance of Section k5.153, 2� Fridley City Code, to reduce the sverage d�pth of existing atructures �rom 94.5 faet to 82 feet to a11ow the addition of a gar�ge anto the front of aa exiati�g etructure locatad on the South 5 feet of I�t 5, all of Lot 6, Block 1, Scherer Addit�.on, the eame beia� 6745 Eaet River Road N.E.� Fridley, Minaesota. (Requeat by Ds. Akbar Sajady� 6745 Eset River Road N.E., Fsidley� Minaesota.) An'one desiring to be heard with refereace to the above matter may be heard at thia meeting, ROBERT A. M�DiISA CHAIRMAN BOARD OF APPBAL3 � d ��'� 1�0 l+�f.anates of �e Bo�rd o��ls M�eti�� of ��t 10, ��971 ��:e 3 3. Mr. B�lisle anewiered it elc�uld be sh�e�rocked with � one hour �ire rated baaxd on the walls and ceiling. 1►�1�e. �lsexa �tat�d he had pla�ed to uee one l�our fis� rated eheetxock on the ceiling ot t&e gara,�e. T3ie �oud �alced knim wt�y ia� ca�ldn't t�uild the addition flush with the front and b�e;k o£ the gasage ax�d ta�a it setback from th� side of the $ara�� wh?.�h wou�d �-1a�uu m�e� tiae co.�. Ms. �1aen an�aered to supQor� the addition the way he has planned it, would i.nvolve placi.n� a suppo�t be� uader th� joiet at th� Weet wall of the addit�on. xhi� bee�a would not interfere with the oves�►ead door o� the g�xa$e. Tbe alteraa�te plan su�gested wouid involve placi.ag the support be�am under t,�a� Sou�h w�ll of the addition w�►icki would iaterfere �ith the averhead door apearation. Thie p�aa would al�o mean los3.ng an eacisti�� hou�e wfn�. Mr. �rju ��ked i£ he could cut back �he proposed eave on the addition from 3 fe�� to 1 foot� as it would decr�ase the chance of a fire �tarting in the aven� �lln� �.djoia�in� pro�ertl► �c►er'a garage was vn fire. �, Q1s� ��i.d tae �otald cut it dow� to 1 foot. Mr. prigans stated if prope� fire protection and proper conetsuction deeiga Were �ased, and anade eubj�c� to grantin� of the p�rmit, he would be in favor �f granting the vaziance. Mr. Ol�en eaid he did not have the p1anB drawa up because I�e did mot thiak be aeeded then at this �eti.ng. �a0�I0N by l�srju to cl�se �� public hearing. Seconded by Sondhei�ez. IIpon a voice vot�, thare b eing no aays, the �tion carried uaanim�ouely. I��DTION by �ig�aa t� table this �e�uest �nti1 th� applicant has P1ane drawn up ahawing elevat�.one wit'h a sectioa th�ou�it indicating stsvctural details aad fire walle as required. These plan� are to be approved by the Fiso Chief and the Building Iaepector before the ameeting. Secoaded by Wa110 Upon a voice vote, these being no nays, the �tian carried uaaat�.mously. Dr. Akbar wae �reasnt ta p�eaent the request. A eurvey o� Lot 6, together wifi�h surv�yye o� the two adjacent prcpesties, p�atures and the aerial map were shown to tlie Board. � � s� � �e M�i�tes , of the Board of Anve�ls Meetin� of ,Au�st 10. i971 Pa�e 4 T�e aurveya ahowed Dr. Akbar'� houee set back 106.0 feet from �aet River Road and the adjacent houae ta the Norti� ��t back 95.0 f�et. Rice Graek runs along the South side oi Lot 6. - � Ds. Alcbe�r etated he wants to add on a 24 foot by 24 foot garage onto the front of tha exiating gasa�ea 7.`he existing gara�e is to be turned into a workehop as the present workekaop below th� garage ie wet. (accordin� to the surveq th�re ia only 9.4 feet be�ween the houss and ttue side lot line which would require a v8riance to convest the pre�ent garage �ato a workshop.) He also atated he ie planning to add onto the back of his �on� �,ext y�ar or when t�e City ha� completed tii� wosk they are planning which involves tea,sing up �ome pf hi� back yasda The Board asked if i� would be poseible to add on �uat 11.5 feet and coavert a smallez asea fo� workehop to stay within the front yard settback requisemant. px. Akb�� �aid he could not � ttae exiating slab would be higher tban the proposed slab. The Boatd �eked it he could, add on � workahop onto t�ae back of h�s houae and l�ave the p�cesent gaxage as it i� . Dt. Akbar stated he would like the workshop where the p�esent gaxage is because it wauld be �he mo$t convenieat place for it. He could not add the workshop on the back b�cause th�t ie where he ie planning on adlding on bedrooms and enlaxging the dining ro'om,. Mse. Eyinck, 6755 East River Road, stated she was a�ainst the garage as she doee not w�tnt har bedrocwa windowe to face a blank wall - she has a view of the creek at this �ima that ws�uld be blocked off by the p�oposed garage. Mra. A. Raiser, 6765 East River YLoad, stiated she was present to find out what Dr. Akbar was plaaning on constructing. She wa� not against any construction as long as it did pot de�tract �zom the neighborhood. Mss. Eyinck stated she had been told bg people that it would devaluate her home to have this garage sti�king out in front of it. She h�s also been told that it would mar the appearaace of t.he aeighbarhood and that it would eat a precedent in the area. Mt. DuigBns �tated he could not see a hardahip in just waating to�mowe the workshop. Tf Dr. Akbar wauted to use the garage for another purpose that would be another point. �e ce�tainly ia�s the sigtat to add on the 11.5 fee� that tae ie allowed under the code. Mz. Wall stated tiiat he felt, becau�e of tl�e points brought out, that it would take a hardship of consequence befose he could agree to the variance. MOTI�T by Dtigane to recot�mend to the Council denial of the variance for the follawiag reasona: �.o For the lack af a hardship aa seated. 2. The aeethetic view of the creek would be affected for the neighbors. 3. 7�ere ap�ear� to be altern,ate �ethods� for buflding that would be within the code sequiremeate. Seconded by Ha=ju. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, th� motioa carried. ATI�iOi�ttI�NT : 9�e mee�ing wae ��journed by Ci�ai�ma� Minieh at 9s25 P.M. � pec�ly eubmi�ted, ��crets�r a� . � AP.PLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL, ALTERATION, OR ADDITiON BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA � � / � � � �' � � ._I / _t _r_r.� � J,t� ,f.� �� ► �+• i_l�� ` � 'i � ' � � ' . t�� ..� L►: . � � I � � • :,�. , i _�� �.� ! NO:. ��',l.S� STREET LOT: � BLOCK: / ADDITION CORNER I.OTs INSIDE LOT:��SETBACR: SIDEYARD: �,pplicaat attach to this foxin 1t�io Certificatee of Surveq of �.ot aad proposed '�uild�tg lo�ation drawa vn these Certificatea. ��� --� tiC < °-� ��SCRIPTION OF BUILDING To Be Used As: � �/ , Fxont: a � Depth : � 7F Height • � � Square Feet: � Cubic Feet: , ��/ (0 � � g'xontt Depth: Height: Squa�e Feet; Cubic Feet: _ Zjipe of Coaetruction: � Estimated Cost: $�2v5 ��. �� To Se Completedg The uade�signed hereby makea applicatisn for a�ermi.t �or the work herei.a epecified, agreeiag to do a11 No�ck in ettict accordaaca wi.t� tt�e C�ty �f �'�cidley Oxdinsaces and suliage of the Department of Buildiage, aad hersby decl�see that all the facto aad representatione etated in this applicatiou ase txue aad correct. nATE : ��� � / , SIGNAT�JR� : (8ea Reri�ree Side For Additioasl Informat . � O �� �.n , � ��' �, _ yLJcs / ��/)l/ � � �• � �/ .�� BUILDING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE SECTION 2. The Inspector of Buildings shall, before issuing pezmits fox the erection of any building or structure, or for any addition to any existing building or structureD or for any alteration or repairs to any exieting building or structure, upon application therefore, require the payment by the appli.cant for such pern�i.t of fees to the amount herein below set forth and in the manner herein prwided to-wit: UNlFORM BUILDING CODE: Type 1, 2& 4-$2.15 for each one thousaad cubic fee�, ox fraction thereof, in such cubical contents. 1�►pe 3� 5-�1.85 fox each one thousand cubic feet. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Fox the purpose of camputing fees for building permite, the cubical conteats of suy building or addition, is determined by multiplying the ground area covered frvm a point six (6) inchee below the floor line of the basement oz the Cel�.ar to the average heighte of the upper surface or to the average.� hei�ht of the roof surface of the main gable of a pitched roof. Fox sepa3.r� ox alterations to an exiating structure, the fee shall be at the rate of $3.00 per each five hundred dollars ($500.00) or fraction thereaf in the cost of all proposed work. In no case ehal� the fee chaxged for any pexmit as set forth in Section 2 be lesa th�n $,�.00. V�RIFICATION OF FOUNDATION NOTE: �erm�ta for c�onstsuctioa will be iesued a minirnum of 24 hou�s from the �i�e of applicatioa, to allow.for proper review of the propoeed structure atad of the construction site. A Ce�ti�ied Survey of the lot, ahawi�g the location of the foundatioa, once i.t hsa been canstructed� will be required before vroceedia� with the framiag. CERTIFTCATE OF OCCUPANCY Applicatiaa for a Certificate of Oceupancy aha11 be made teu (10) daye prior to t11e use or occupancy of any atructure for which a building parmit hae been issued; and eaid etructure shall not be used or occupied until a Certiiicate of Occupancy hae bsen ie�ued. f � !� � REGULAR COtINCIL MEF.'�ING OF AUGOST 16, 1971 ' PAGE 5 three gear time limit, and Mr. Simer aaid they expect to expaind their buildinq within three years anyhow, so the temporary buildinq w�ould be done away with. The City Engineer asked if they were leasinq or buyinq the building and Mr. Simer.said they were buyiug. 1"he City Engi�aeer said that the plans they have submitted also show �ome upgrading of the parkinq lot and iaaprcve- ipents to the loading dxk. . . MOTION by Councilman Aarria to approve the request to iaove in a temporary buildinq for Simer P�mmp Co. for a period of three years subject to their c�npletion of the work_as outlined on their plot plan �ubmitted to the Enqineering Department. Seconcled by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, 81I ayes, Alayor Kirkham declared the motion carried. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to receive the M3nutes of the Huilciing Standards - Desiqn Control Meetinq of Auqust 5, 1971. Seconded by Council�an Hreider. tlpon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Kirkham declared the mnotion carried. RECEMNG Ti� MINUTES OF Ti� BDARD OF APPEALS MEETIId�G OF AUGIIST 10, 1971: l. A RE�UIIBST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4�, SU�PAItAGRAPH 3, , FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE TI� SIDE YARD �1D�YOIId�G A.TJ ATTA..CiiED �G� FRpAq 5 FEET TO 4.7 FE�T TO ALI�OW THE CONS'I'RUCTIOid Gd �iIJ 8 FOOR° . ADDI3'ION ON'd'O �N EXISTIl'1G ATT�iCHED CaARRGE Z.�ATED Ql� LC±TT 2A � BI�K a� UPLI�iND 21�ID ADDITION. TIi� SAME .SEING :6141 5TH STREE� N.E. s FAIDLEY, MI�SOTA. iRFrQtJEST BY MR. H�NRY J. KOESTER JR.. 6141 5TH S"�R�ET AI.E ' The City Eagineer said this request was for a varianae of 3" for an attached qt�r�qe. The applicaat want� to enlarqe a single garage to a do�le garage. The Board reco�nded approval. . . 1� MOTION by Councilman Liebl to concur with the recommendation o€ the Board of Appeals and grant the variance for Mr. Henry �.•Roester Jr. Seconded -+ by Councilman Breider:' Upcn a voice vote, all-�.yes, Mayor Rirkham declared the matioa carried. 2� A�EST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4B, F_RID�I.EY CITY CODE, TO REDpCE Ti� SZDE YARD ADJOINING I,NI1�iG ARF•A FF�M 10 FF�T TO 7.1 FEET Tp �►LLp�T THE ADDZTIO�I OF LIVIICG AREA ON TOP O�' AN EXISTIY3G GARAGE LOCATED ON I+OTS 22r 23r AND THE SOUTI3 2 FEET OF_24, BIACK 4, FLQRENCE pARR ADDI�IOId, Ti� S�EE HEII�TG 6431 J��CKSON STREE'� N.E. , FRIDLEY. NuNNESpTA. (i��UEST BY MR ARNOLD OI,SEAI, 6431 .JACR�OP] STR�E'T N.E. �_ rFItIDI,EY._ MINI�SOT�) : . The City Engineer reported this zequest was for a side yard variance. Tia� 8oard wanted ad8itional inform�tion, so it was tabled. . • 3. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.153, 2, FAIDLEY CITY CODE, TO. REDUCE TI� AVERAGE DEPTH OF EXZSTING STRUCTURES FROM 94.5 FEET TO �2 FEET TO ALLOW Ti� ADDITION OF A GAR�GE ONTO Ti� FfiONNP OF' AN EXISTING gTgpCTURE LOCAT^r.D ON 'T'i� SOUTH -5 FEET OF 7�OT 5, ' AT•T• OF IAT 6 HLQCK 1 SCF�RER ADDITION THE. Sl�!!2E BEING 6745 EAST RIVEA �D, FRIDLEY, MI�TNESOTA. (REOUEST BX DR. SAJADi[ AKSr�A, 6745 EAST itIVER RQAD. FRIDLEi, t�lINNESOTA) : n ` � ` -��AR. COUNCYL MEtiTIIdG OF AUGUST 16, 1971 ,- PAGE 6 � e The City Enqineer reportec7 this reque'�t is for a tront yard variance. Th� Board zecoz�ended denial of the request, because of aesth�tics ac�3 objections oi the neiqhbors._ This property is located just east of East Ri.ver Road and uorth of Rice Cseek. Dt. Akbar came forward to the Council table with iuLs plans and th�re was a disc�ssion aihile lookinq at the plans. The Council requested that the City Engine�r bri.a�g in the a�rials of tiaia lx�tion to use in the discussion. Cotuacil�ats Liebi noted tlaa�c �ere were neigF�oars present and asked them theiz aiews. IRrs. Eyinck; 6755 �E�s� Rvier Read, said that i�r objection was purely �r$gnal. Slae wo�al.c� i�av� living quagte�s th�i wou2d look out at the bl�ank wall of taYe garage. It �uld cu�c off the be�utiful view o£ the czeek, ���did not believe that it was right l�it. she �Y►auld have to . look at �'s qaraqe t�aa�.l. Sh� ��id �he iu�s a legal opinion and also a builde�'a oainian ttaat thi� progosal �ould dev�luate h$r property. She felt that Dr. Akbar has s larqe lot and there should be soma way for him to b�ilc7 �it3au�at th9.s q�rag� stickinq, out in iront _ of. th� r��t_ oi the buildinqs on th� bl�k. Mrs. R�iser, 6765 Ea3t River Road, �t�ld that she too, ��orri�d about th� ae�thetic�, and ��on��r�d what this �q�€are hoxy bui].dinq w�uld Iook like �@tis:]ci� out in front �� the reet of the build�sag�. Slze was' also canc�raed about the valiaation ar� hav� it would af'fect hes paopez'ty. . � I9D'PZOPi by Councilman Liebl to table �his it� until , tiie 30�1a of August to � allow tim� for the Council to review this prop�rty. _ Ccuacilmaai BreiBer obj�cted to the anotioa �►d.said there was no reason for not acti�. He added }�e was re�dy to act �, he had already reviewed the � pso�rs�y. 8e said he must aqsee wi�th the ladies wizo spoke and the reason for the Ordinance ia to Dceep the aesthetics ia line with the rest of the _ neiqhborhood. --,,i . , I�9QTION WITFIDRAVIDI by Councilman •%iebl. MOTION bp Councilma�n Bseider to deny the z�ue�t of Dz. A�h�r a►�i concur witb the opiaton of the Board o� Apgaals. Seco�ed by Couaaci� Harris, with the c�a�nt th�t this request� doss not ar�et �� inten�t of ttda� O�tclin�ace as drawm up. The vote upon the mo�..,all voting aye, l�yog Rir�n declared the �tion carried. . .. . .. . . . .. E90TION by Councilman Ba�eider bo receive the Aiiautea o� th� �ard of AppeaZs Meetinq of Auqust 10, 1971. S�conded by Councilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Rir&ham declare8 Ch� motion csrried. , . � . . . CONSIDERd�TION OF REQUEST 8Y PARK CONSTIB)CTION GOALaA1�lYY TO ALLOW FOR EXTENDII�IG 1►lORKING HOURS -�IP3GiOP1 IdORTFi�RN HAULIl�'a OP�TSOiJ t � Mr. Ger�ld A�c:Donald of Park C�natrua�ion Co�p�y �aa p�a�ent �to anse��r questions the Council �aay have. Couneilman Harti� askQd if th�sy have p�rmiasion to �tcckpile and Air. McDonald saia y�s, it ia paxt of the oriqinal contract. He explsin�d_they �nould 3ike to k�ul to the FMC aita on the second shift for twa reasons. One wa� traffic �nd the othas was train tr�f'fic. Park Coastruction feels there will be no inconveaience to any