AF-CE - 40476� �:::;_, � ,� �; CiTY OF FIZIDLE.Y CIVIC CENTER • Er131 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 • PHONE (612) 571-3450 October 16, 1986 D�► r rel r;adsen 7191 East River Road Frialey, I�N 55432 P.E: hon-�om�.,liance of the Fric'1ey City Code at 7191 East Iti.ver Road N. E. Dear A'�r. r;adsen: On Octot�er 9, 1986 it was conf irmed by an on-site insF;ection that the pro�erty at 7191 East P.iver Fcad does not meet the minimum standaros neaessary to iaaintain a pleasant and prosperous suburtan enviroc�nent. While major wc� requiranents are sati:f ied, the following item aoes not com�ly with the �erfoLmanoe star�daras of the City Code: 1. Blue Olds, license CTR 300, registereii to Gerald t•�yos, �rked for sale in the f ront yard. I understand that there may have been some extenuating circuastances for this to have occurreo, hawever, your quick action to oorrect this situation would be a great improvaner►t for your property and the entire oar�arunity as well. An inspection wi11 be oonducted on or about OctoGer 28, 1986 to determine oo�r��l. iance. If you have any questions or o�noerns, please feF1 free to oontact me at the FYidley Civic Center. 571-3450. Sincerely, Richard w. Wiersna Cocie Enf orv�nent 1�1W/lmn C-86-467