Inspection Card - 2180LOCATION LOT 8 Permit No. 10,854 5965 7986 15,523 9675 23,892 24,341 31,247 28,383 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 7601 East River Rc�ad N.E. OWNER. -swse�ers3��- Bt��xa� 6�e�e�s�er� Tappe BLOCK ADD. Rev. Auditor's Subdivision #77 Conairuction Dat� Contracior Cost Final Building Permit(Reroof) 10/9/70 Steve Swiderski $ 5.00 11/2/71 Plumbi.ng Permit 6/8/73 Beaver Plumbing 6.00 Sewer Permit 6/5/73 Beaver Plumbing 20.00 Building Permit(Reroof) 10/18/79 K& N Remodeling 9.00 Water Permit 11/7/88 Berghorst Plumbing 15.00 Building Permit(Reroof) 11/22/95 Century Roofing & Con t 51.25 12/5/95 Iuilding Permit(Reside) 7/10/96 Panelcraft of MN 124.75 10/1/96 Building Permit(Gar} 7/26J00 Sussel Corp 237.25 9/28J00 Electrical Permit 9/22/00 Total Electric 30.00 9/19/00 B#18,388-11/2/71 � P#25,831-5/9/73 P#25,857-6/6/73 P#25,866-6/7/73 W#�1,008-11/7/88 � . � B4�116,640-12/i/95 B��117,025-12/5/95 � B��120,666-10/1/96 B#140,671-8/8/00 B��141,636-9/28/00 � E��140,775-9/19/00 �