AF-UE - 40978Quit.Ciai:n Deed. . �'.O�a ��...2�: �, . �1��lcr-D�a�is Co.. .liinnrapoli; Ihdi��idua! to Corporttion. Afinnc.��r.� Citiinrm Convcr.�ncin_ Blan1.. IFcviccd f9�C1 �^� /l'�1( ' `�rl,�� ��������. .�1lade this .............................. ...........day of.............................................................., 19............, ; bezac een .. . ................................................................................ ..................... ......................... ............ .... ............... ............... ......................... ........................ , � , . i o f thc County o f ....................................................................................aruZ State o f............................................................................................., � � . . pctrt:........... of tfce fcrst part, a .:..............:...................................��:...................:.....................................................................................:............. ' . ...................................................................................................... ' ty...o.�...E.r..�.dley-......................................................_.....................-. , Mt��1�'�'Cp�i���'. ; a eor ra zon under the laws of the State of ......................i!�1.11t1eS.4td......••.........••••••.--•••••., par�y of the secorwL par�, �lhCf��el�j, That th$ said part............ of the first parE, in consulerdtion of th�e surrz of ..... ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................DOLL✓1RS, to .........:..................................................in h,cznd paid by the said pc�rty of the second part, the receipt wTtereof is hereby acknowledged, do............ hereby Grant, Baryain, C,luitclai�n, and Conve� unto the said pcc�ty of the second pari, its successors and assign.s, Forever, ccll the tract...... or parceb...... of lancl l�ing ccnd bein6 in the CountJ of ....................................................................................and State of JY7i.nnesot�, described as foZloivs, to-avat: A street and utility easement described as �oilows: ; _ :, _. __ - _ _ _ __ _ ; Ali that part o� Lot Z, B1ock 1, P►us AddTtion, lying northerly and westerly af the ; following described line. Corrunencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence � s�outherly along the easter7y line of said Lot 2, a distance of 10 feet to the actual � point of beginning. Thence wester�ly along a line to its intersection with a point � � on a line parailel with and 20 feet easterly of, as measured at right angles to, ti�e wa�terly line of said Lot 2, said point aiso being.68 feet northerly of, as measured } `at right angTes to, the southerTy line of said Lat 2; thence def7ect to the left in � a southwesterly direction to a point on the westerly line of said Lot 2, last said � point being 60.feet -From the southwest corner of said.Lot 2, Block 1, Aus Addition, � and. there terminating. ^, _ =:- -� _-_ =- - .; �.. . _ - ,, � .--� . .,. . _ : _ _ . -- ._y : __ _ � . - - - _ . � anci: - � _ .= The westerly 17 feet of Lot�2, Block 1, Aus Additiort. ' That said easement is granted to the City of Fridley for the purpose of enabling the widening of a present adjoining roadwayo In the event this project is not ' undertaken within 12 years from the date hereof by the City of Fridley, then thi�s �jh?' grant of easement shall become null and void and a17 rights, title and interest 1� to the tract herein conveyed sha11 revert to the grantor, his heirs or assigns. . � �� d� The Gity of Fridley hereby accepts these easements for street and utility purposes. ��� � � ��,l� NO STATE DEEb TAX REQUIREO i. SIDNEY� o INMAN City Clerk �o �,�abe at�b to �oCb tEje �ame, To�%�tlzer z.uitlt ir,ll tli.c� lzeretli.ta�nents o.nd appzcrter�ances tliere- ir.�at.o bclo�i�ira� u�� in an�a�ise apperta.inin�, to f1i.e saict par�t� of the seconcl p2r6, its siicce-ssors and ccssi�ns, i .Forever. � �frt 2�e5timonp �iJereof, . Thc said 7�art.. ......... of i1z.e firc� pu.rt 7zct.. ....... lzereunto set..... ...._ .................. _:. ' ' - - ; 1�c�rz�l,...:. tTze rZ�j atad �car jt,rst aUnz�e zcr•itte�t. � . ; ' _ . ." ; ' . • .. � . .............................�--.............. ............ .....:........._...........,............................. ' i - - . � I , � - � . ........................................ ... ............... ..... ..... ............... . .......:............... ..... .. ............ .... ...............................................�............................ ........ ....... L� 3 : _ 1 �