AF-VAR - 409804 _ _�_ � � ' � (� - f1 �',� J' ' � `tli. � � • 0 _. ��\ i��� Y �. � � ��I1 � � , ��, 'r��'A� CATION Tf� THE �OARU OF`, A$P ?'S AND, C�TY CpUNCYL ' 1� FO SPECIAL U�E� PE�T V�tIANCL Il� REQU�REM�NTS 0�' a TAIN ORDII$At$CES OF 'i'IiE �� OF �'RIDLEY (Applic�int to �omplete itefns 1, �, �y 1. Name and Address of Applicant �� l. D � , � � ,// `� 2. Legal Description o# Property (also geberal``l.oaaCion, auch ae;"north� east corner of 64th Avenue and Sth Street°° oY 6415 Fifth Street") 3. � �_ � Deacribe the variance reiquest�ed., �aCta�h Pl�t c�r Surv�y of Property ahbwiti�g locaEion of' propbsed bui�dirt�� �tc �� aldo ad joitniag properties atrd o�mership �aithin Z00' of said property, � 4. Comments by administrative official denying original requeat for buiidin� permit or other permit. (To be completed bq adminfatrative official. Appropriate ordinances aad section of ordinances to be cfted.) . _ __. � . - 2 - 5. Notice of Heering appeared in Of�icial Newspaper on the following datea : � ' � ° j -- ,� � - � � (mi�st be at leaat once 0 daqs before meeting -- copy of notice to be attached). 6. Board Members avtified of ineeting by sy�'I �L cT� � ����• (Liat Members, Date Notified, and "Yes" or "No" for plana to attend hearing). � Name Dat� Plan to Attend 7. Peraon making appeal and the follo ng property owners having property wiehia 200' notified; � ���. ,� -;�-�� � By Phone ATotified by Name Date or Mail (Initial) ,� /�.L�1�.1 ��C� . - ----- - 8. The Following Board Membera �nd iaterested parCies were preaent at the Aearing; BOARD MEh�ERS a ., -3- pTHER P1�1iTIES ; � ADDRLSS 9. Opinions and recommendations by BOARD OF APPEALS: 10. For Above Recommendatians Against Recommendations � � 11. Act�,e}i by City Council and Date; o � 0 OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PDBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF �PPEALS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS �BY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeals of the City of F'ridley will meet in. the Council Chambers:of the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, May 22, 1968, to consider the following matter: A requeat for a Special Uae Permit to allow a buai.neas office to be built and uaed in an R-3 district in conjunction with an apartment building on Lot 2, Block 1, gua gddition, the same being the Southeast corner of 77th and F�.st River Road, or 7691 East River Road, Fridley, Minnesota. (Requeat by Roy Erickson, 6441 University gvenue N.E., Fridley, Mi:n.nesota.� Anyone desixing to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heaxd at this meeting. :POBLISg: MM�.Y s , 196s MAY 15, 1g68 ROBIl3T E. YLINIIV CBgIRMAN BOgRD OF APPEALS �'-` � � (OInC1a C8 OII) OFFICIAL NOTICE ' CITY OF FR.IDLEY PUBLIC HEARING �'' BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPEALS TO WHOM IT MAX CONCERN• NOTICE I5 HEREBY GIVEN TFIAT the Board oP Appeals of the City of Fridley w�ll' meet ffi the Council Chambers o! thp City Hall at 7:30 A.m. on Wednesday, May 22, 1886, to consider the fol- lowing matter: A request tor a Special Vse Permit to allow a busingse; office to be built and used ffi an R-3- distrlet in co �mction' with an aaartment b�dina on Let 2, Block 1, Aus Addit[on, the same being the Southeaet corner of 77th and East River� Road, or 7891 East R 1 v e r' Road, Fridley, Minnesota. ($e• , 4ueat bY Roy Erickson, 8441' Fridley, Mfnnesota.) Anyone desirin�' to be he�rd' with rPPerence 'to the_ above mat- ter may be heard at this mee�t ng.1:, ���R� E. YI,INEN' ,__ �Board ot Apyeals _ 1 �� J � t �' i Q.y 6 'W°i I', P , �, � � � / � . . csir.aa.aa, nr.nn.aa�ur . - .. ' BEFORE THE' gOARD OF APPEAL8 TO WHOM IT MAY COPICERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIi7EN THAT the Board of Appeals oY the City o4 Fridle,y wlll meet in the CouncII Chambers of:the City Hall at 7:30 p.m: on VV�dnesdav. Ma.v 22. 1968, to' consider tihe fol- lowin� matter: A requeat f�r a Speelal IIse Permit to a91ow a` busingae office to be built and used in an R-3 district in conjunetion w1Yb an apartment bcilldina on Lot Z, Siock 1; Aus Addition, the eame bein�q the Southeast corner of T7th and East River Road, or 7691 East ft i v e T Road,.Fridley. Minnesota. (Re- quest by Roy E�ickson, 8441 _.Aayone _deairin� _ to be_ hi with reference to the above � ter may be heard at this meel ROSERT E. YLIN - ChalrmaII Board oP Appe als _ (May 8,.15, 1968)—T—C•2A �. 2. THE MINUTES•OF THE BOARD OF gPPEALS MEETING OF MAY 22, �g68 °� The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Ylinen at 7:35 P.M. ME[``�ER.S PRESENT: Ylinen, Ahonen, Mittelstadt, Minish, 0'Bannon NlII�ZBER.S ABSENT : None OTHERS PRESENT: Clarence Belisle, Building Inapector MOTION by Mittelstadt to approve Board of 9.ppeals minutes of May 8, 1968. Seconded by ghonen. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR .A SPECIAL USE PERMIT.TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE BUNGALOWS IN AN R-1 DISTRICT AS PER SECTION 45.19 2A , CITY CODE OF F`RIDLEY, MINNESOTA 1963 ON LOTS 10, 11, �ND 12 BLOCK 2, RICE CR� PLAZA SOUTH ANOKA COUNTY MINNESOTA SAME BEING 6701 , 6711 , AND 6721 MAIN STREE°I' NORTHEA�T. REA.UEST �Y RFRNARII R_ WOLKE, 251 RICE CREEK TERRI�CE Lots 10 and 11 will be used - not 12. Chairman Ylinen relinquished his authority as Chairman a.nd appointment of Mittelstadt as.Acting-Chairman was made by Ylinen, as he has special interest in this ma.tter. Ben Wolke explained his proposal for const:ruction of two town-house like structures, evaluating them at $40,000.00 each. Ylinen is in favor of the construction because the light induetrial zoning across the street will not allow FHA or CI Loans for adequate buildings to be pursued. � MOTION by Minish to close tlie Public Hearing. The motion caxried. MOTION by 0'Bannon to accept the request for Special Use Permit - construction of two double bungalows to be built to plans and specifications presented to the Board at th�a meeting, and because all local neighbors were represented by Ylinen,_as far as he knows, do approve of this building request. - Seconded by Minish. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. _ 8:00 P.M, Don.ald Mittelstadt dismissed himself as Acting Chairman. UEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A BUSINESS OFFICE TO BE BUILT AND u��u 1N A1V R-3 DISTRICT IN CONJUNCTIC BLOCK 1, AUS.ADDITION, THE SAME BEING RIVER R09D, OR 7691 EAST RIVER ROAD, ERICK,SON, 6441 UNIVEEtSITY AVENUE N.E. � WITH .AN APARTMENT BUILDING ON LOT 2 THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 7�' AND EAST RIDLEY MINNESOTA. REQUEST BY ROY FRIDI,EY, MINNESOTA. � � Y • f BOARD OF APPEALS - MAY 22, 1.968 PAGE 2 MOTION by Ahonen that in view�of the zonix�.g of the property to the North and sin�ce the requested useage will not in any way detract from the property or the living conditions of the tenanta of the�apartment, the request be approved. S�conded by 0'Bannon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motidn carried�u.nanimously. ' 3. REQUEST FOR A V.ARIANCE OF SECTION 45 25 FROM 25 FEET TO 20 FEET OF REAR YARD AND A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.26 FROM 35 FEE`.P TO 34 FEET OF FRONT YARD, TO PEftMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A 2b' X 26' DWELLING ON_AN 80' x 146.84' CORNE�i. LOT, . THE SAME BEING LOT BLOCK PARKVIEW OAKS FIRST ADDITION 9NOKA COUNTY .. - -.. . _ OR 1181 LYNDE DRIVE N.E. NORTHWEST CORNER OF LYNDE DRIVE AND REGIS DRIVE FRIDI,EY MINNESOTA. .REQUEST BY GERALD GLENN BUILDEftS 1202 HATHAWAY LANE � N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 21 Tony Gnerre spoke for this request. MOTION by Minish to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by 0'Bannon. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Minish to approve the va.riance. It was pointed out that if the house was facing Regis Drive, the 34 foot setback on Lynde Drive need only be 17 feet. The proposed plan presents lesa of a traffic haza:rd. No neighbor� objected and a petition has been pxesented to the Council, sig:ned by neighbors who approve the proposed plan. =Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, thexe being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. � Chairman Ylinen left at 8:30 P.M. 4. �REQ,UEST FOR 9 VARIANCE OF BUILDTNG SETBACK REQUIRF�lENTS �`ROM 80 FEET TO 20 FE�' TO THE SOUTH PROPER.TY LINE, AND FROM 80 FEET TO 45 FEET TO THE WEST PROPII3TY LINE, SECT�ON 45 • 34� � g V�IANCE TO DELETE REQ,UIRIl�.P FOR PLANTING STRIP AND SIDEWALK ON THE SOUTH AND WEST PROPERTY LINES, SECTION 45.342 AND A VARIANCE TO RIDUCE THE REQ,UIRID PARKING .AREA BY APPROXIMATEL' 60.000 SQ,UARE FEET SECTION 45.343 IN ORDER. TO CONSTRIICT A FRANCHISE SUBDIVISION # 88, ANOKA COUNTY MINNESOTg, THE SAME BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNEft OF MOORE LAKE DRIVE AND HIGHWAY #65. REQUEST BY M1�X SALITII�MAN c/o WYI�IAN SMITH, 1050 BUILDERS EXCIiANGE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Wyman Smith appeared on behalf of the applicant. Max Saliterman, and Mr. Jack Conant, representative of Sandee's, also appeared. � r a F BOARD OF APPEALS - MA.Y 22, 1968 PAGE 3 The road through the shopping centex was dedicated in the past�because it met the City's plans for a main Ea,st�West thoroughfare. Thus, the road divides the shopping center in half. � � The applicant stated objections as follows: • 1. Variance from sidewalks - unfair to require this. � 2. Variance from 80 foot requirement from roads - doesn't want to block . the existing tenants in shopping center. �Doesn't want to put it South of Rice Creek Boulevard because he has major plans for that area. MOTION by Minish to close the Public Hearing. _� - Seconded by 0'Ba.nnon. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Minish to deny•variance. Seconded by Ahonen. Upon a voice vote, there bei.ng no nays, the motion carried unanimously. The reason for the motion is that the Board ca.n grant a vaxiance only if the Board finds strict enforcement of th� Ordinance creates a hardship that is unusual or unique to the subject property. Considering the particular parcel for which the variance was requested, the evidence presented by the applicant did not show a hardship that is unuaual or unique. � � •�� �� The Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. 3 0 �GUT�t CO�IL �T�dG OF JUN� 3, 1968 PI� 10 �%� by �o�acilr:t� �4a�rid� to �agd t�� bid fc�r thi� t�o police ��� �o So�4ivi��r C��v�ol�t, 303 North Coa�co�d ����et, Sou�h St. ��tl, A�������a 55075 � tii� �unt of $4,041.��. Second�d by �����'�r� I���is. Upon a voice vote, a1� votiaig aye, ��yo� ����� d�cl�ed �� �otio� earr3.eci unas�i��asly. . �.�'"� � '� ��� � � o�' �O� �� �P r � " - T��� v 22 1968 1. �'�t�', ��5,�'F�s�t ,� �k���Y�? iIS� P��t. ' ���..��T� �Q��STRUG°'�'�(� 9F �� �„�`�.Tt�-��•��'� �.�..�d I2-1 I3 _���E' A.S� P�R ���°P���T 45.19 (��1. ��� ��� C2� F�.ID��Y. t��?�.���.� 1Q63 (��}' �� 10, t���et� �e I.53.4.f�1+V�1 b�I 6CStei� 4Pi�b-^:d�Ed�i l�.F:g.4.#� 1��aJAd7e i�44E�A`Rh'�' 4rV'l�f�iif �.F_J[.�.�CV.�.GZe e�J[Ir:t�� ��e�ir�l �7olt V/�1� �ib�� 672� !`'7�.6Z7 n78dY��i ' ��-'�°.�'�_�T. !��?'�s�T ��' 8.��1� �� i�4T�t� . 251 R�� C:��IC '�� --- �TO�t T ) : �' .��ra�rd t�c��ke, p����nt at �� �t�, said fhat his buildir�� w�ll �ac� va���, �a��.�d th� ligh� � indu��ia1 prop�r�y, a�nd �hat they e'�11 b� � i�n� �ith the re�t of tYie buildirx��. L��%0� by Coua�cila�n Harris to concurt �itlz th� Bo�d of Ap�als r��;o���,tions to �r�.it the brailcliaag o� doub].e btxaagal�� by S�cial iJ�� P�rrait. S�corad�d by Council� I,i�bl. Upon a voice vot�, �].l voti�ag ay�, �ayor Kir}�h� c7eciar�d th� �.otioaa carried ur��.n�oc�g ly . . 2. �S�U�ST F�� A S��CIAL USE PEI�.t�T TO 1�.1�.�,�7 Ae �US%�SS OFFIC� TU �� �Lt�� At3D U�D %xd �1 �3°3 D�STRIC'� %�T ��+7JiJI���TTIOZ+T �7ITH -�eere ��P�'1'F°t�'`���' �U�1��$dG � ZaeOT � o �3�IC 1 s pbUS` R��?�'1'g��T . TF3� °_--�-�-�- S1�R�� �F.�dG Tf� SOUT�F�T CO�� Ok' 77TH A.� �T R�� P.Q�, �'� /C73.S �x4oab kt.,'..Y�R Ji�MCSN� Sa�.�d.l�i. rnTyyd'ie \BF.�}i}ekJlSe►7J, [�a I�C�� �I����. 6�41. iJAT%�7�FiSIT'X A� N.�o a FRi�,Ei�w �iil�T�.^. Z'i�e City �ngin�er ex�lained that the request was fpr a r�a1 ��t�t� o£fic� in one oiE th� ap�rtments, to be used as his of£ic�. �I� haa� �lained to him that he s�ould provid� 4 pasking spa�ces ea,st of tlie builciing for cars �acugred by his busiaa�s�, that thas� shvuld not by any �ig �igna, aaad that a bigger radius would be n��c3�d for a dx� iv�ay , � Councila�n Sa.�ueison said that h� had many objections to thi� a�art� ��t ia�u�e p�oposal. Coun,cio�nan Harris felt that the CQU�ci,� s�ould �ot �l�:o�v ��u�iness en�.erprise in a zoning not design�si �or it, a�� �t the Counc�l all�s it here, the basis for ci�r�ial in qtla�s ar�as9 woulci be lost. Councilm�n Samueison agxe�d. r - -- �. ; ., �.+_,. :����/. �4 �,;,� . ;�.. �;,:,� , ... ��;-�,,-,�,: s' .� �•, . . . �� � � � �� �� �. ��'�, �� � � � � �� . �.:..: .. -. . . � - � � �� �� E �`' � ��.:.� �� � � �`��� �� � � � ��� � . . . ---- Fi���nc.�er s � Sur ��er�vrs , � �-� � , (A_ J f.__ .-- - �.. ,i"O f�. 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