AF-V - 41076ri � , � . � �°ee : �G l/� .I` � I�ieeting Date: /�c�l/e ��j /9�� ReC, �: �o�d �.� A�'�,ICATIG;I TO THE BOARY) OP AP'�AI,S APiD GT1Y CGi1Hi1L F�R SP'dCIAL IFSE Pi�Ztiii'i, VP.�IAI�Ci: I;� aFQU1�ti,'*SEh1S OF' �RTAIAI ORDiI�ATSCES Oi� Tk� CI�Y OP P'ltII7LEY tA�piitant to co�lete item� 1, 2, 3) 1. Naa.� and �.�l,a-�Ee of Al�y�licant ��Y � ��. Y��0� . -�..'�-1 `�� - ► ��� � �� - - a 2. Lega1 D��cription of Propsrty (nlso general locatic�, such ��;"norer- eeet corner of 6=►t6 Av�nu•� end 5ch Street° or 6/�15 I�ifth Stz��!") 0 3. � n De�c�ibe the variar►ce requeeted. (Att'ach P1at ar S�rv�er �E �o�artY •ha�ring locatfoc� o! proposed buildlr.�, ets. d o16o ad�oLning ptcrp�tt ita �nd a.�e�ship uithin 2d0' df ea3d �ropert;►. A � � s � 9 � 4. C�nt� by s��inistxative off4ciel denyin� o�i�inst requesc for tusl�tn: �aruit or acher permit. ('to be cc:.��Ict�3 by �i��i:�'_�crstfbFa c:iici�l, Approp:lste ercFi�ancea and ec�tion of o��din���cc>: c�, u-� cicr�3, j �,--�-_-:�_ _ _ _ - �_ . _.�.,____._.._.,,.._ ._,_ �...._�. _.._� _ . _ 9 � . . �� S. �otf�� �f Heari�g a�pemrsd� �n �8t�t� ° - /(ec�/L (c� t+baa �t leaa t once 10 deye at2�eh�d�, fficial Alewepapes m the follrnriag meetis� •- copy of notice ta 6. ��rd �9amb�r� aotified of �eetfn8 bY ' /v01/F ,(�,� a�, / �'i �%� . �11,iat t��er�6 �te F1o2ified, end "Ys�o� oa ��Alo►' og plans to eaCt� �►a�sing) o a � � �D �� to ��e� O�%- �G .o �n� / ✓�l/��S �g l7 %a� � �4 � � ���� . ��.. �.c1�-�.-�� �@ �t€�� makS�� �pyeat ac� �ba follo�viag pro�ps+�ey o�e►�sas R��rin� p���t�y o�i���� 2�rc" aotift�: ,. J �) � � . /' � . .,.� I i �,t._ . � ��1� I. J . _ . • A� 4..., _ . _ --_.. � � � � ..� ..,� �i : j _� ��.' ..'_ �y lha� 1�a��.f�.� by os�� (��itisi� � % � .•�� ��� ��.��. � � . ,�.-� -���os-�_.. � R��..�.���...�._ �.�.. �� _ ,� �. ��:. �.� .. A :.:,,:r �:.:�:- .+ � ' �._, �1 ✓ i..�[ . . � . • - . � � ' i�tl ' _ _ " .��L > � � � �� �• • .� � —, � � . . . , . � / �l! [ / • ii_ ' .' . ,► � '_ r�! � ., t � . :�r � i _ ' � } � . • - 3 - �IER P�1RTiES: NAME �L �__:.1_: ��i.��'_��[ o, � � �'!_ '.1 �,.�c:' � � i � / r , . ��. � ti t ,u �� ,� 1 b ' , I � - - � • ii . ��_.�.�� 4� �� ' � - ADDRESS !. Opinione �e�d recommendatioeae by �OARD OF APPEAI,S : �Ol/. �c�, 14%,?� s l0a For �bove R�co�endations _ ainat Reeo�end�taone 11. � �ct. �;,:; �y Cit� ;,�vracil �n9 DaCe; �-----�------ . ---- __.. � QFT+"ICTAL NOTIC� CITY OF FRI,DLEY PUBLIC �G BEFORE THE BOA'R� OF APPEALS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOT�CE IS HEREBY G�VEN THA� the Board of Qppeals of tt�e City of F'xidley wi11 meet in the Council Cl�ember o� the �ity Hall at 7:30 P.M, on Tuesday, Noveaaber 28� 1972 to coneid�r the £ollow�.ng matter: A requ�st �or � variance of Sectioa 45.053, 4�, Fxidley City Code, to reduce the front ya�rd eetbaak from 35 feet to �7.5 feet to allow th� conetructioa of a garage addition onto the existing dwelling located on Lots 22, 23, 24 and 2S, oxcept the West 60 faet, Block 7, Spxing Brook Paxk Add�.Ci�n, tk�e saaae being 7950 �$et Aiver Rpad N.E., Fridley, Minneaota (Request �y Mx. Robart DeGardner, 7950 East River Road N.E., Fridley, Minnesota.) Aayone who desires to be heard with reference to the above mat�ex may be hea�d at this meeting. � ApBIItT ,�. 1�1ISH CHAZ�tME�N BOARD OF APP�EALS 0 4r�zar,�. Nozzc� cz� oF �unr�r 1'UBLTC �G BEFORE �HE BOARA OF APPE,A�,S TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS I�REBY GTVEN THAT the Board of Appeals of th,e Ci.ty of Fridley wi],1 aaeet in the Council CMamb�er o� the �ity Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesd�y, November 28, 19�2 to consider the follow�.ng matter: A reqaest �ox $�ariaace of Sectaioa 45.053, 4p, Fri,d].ey City Code, to reduce the fxont ya�d aetback from 35 feet to 17.5 fset to allow th� conetructipa of a garage addition on�o the exiating dwelling located on Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25, except the Weat b0 feet, B1ock 7, Sprin$ Brook Park Addition, the san�e be�Lng 7950 �ast River �,oad N.E., Frid].ey� Minneaota (Request by Mr. Robar� DeGard�er, 7950 East River Road N.E.a Fridlsy, M�.nnesota.) AayaMe who de�ir�� to be heaxd with reterance to the above n�tte� a�y be he�ard at xhi.s meetimg. • ROBER� A. 1��1ISH CHAI�tMAN BOARD OF APP�AT.S 0 c CITY OF F�ID��� THE MINUTES OF TH� BOAitD OF APPEALS MEETING OF MOVE;IBER 28, 1972 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Misish at 7:30 Pob�Io MEMBERS PRESENT: Minish, Wahlberg MEMB$RS ABSENTt Harju, Crowder, Sondhefiner OTHERS PRESENT; Clyde Moravetz, Sr. Engineering Aide MOTION by Wahlber� to waive the approval of the minutes of the November 14, 1972 meeting until the next meetiag. Second by Minish. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. A RE�'UEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053, 4A, FBIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE T� F�tONT YARD SETBACK FROM 35 FEET TO 17.5 FEIs'� TO ALLOTa THE CO1��TRUCTION OF A GARAGE ADDITION ONTO THE ERISTING DWELLING LOCATE� ON LOTS 22,23,24, i; � : Mr. Ro�ert DeGardner snd Mr. Jer�ry Johnson were present to present the zequest. Mr. #�,e�ardnex st�ted he did not wish for an addrese change because he Inad had the East River Road address �or years. Mr. Moravetz st�ted th� only reason a variance was necessary on the garage addition was due to �h� fact that Mr. DeGardner wi�hed to maintain his atid��ss on Eas� Rive� Road and that the Ci�ty Staff had no objections to the requ�at. M�. Mi�nish asked if the sight distance wou�.d be obstructed. Mr. Moravetz said i,� was not a normal intersection and that there was no problem with pos���t�e obst�uction* . MU�TQN by Waihb��g tQ recommer►d to the Ci�y Couacil approval of the variance as ��q�oBed. Se�oa�c�ed bY Mimish. Upon a voice vote, all voting �ye, the motion carried unsni�Apus ly . AA.T�I[TR�NT : The w��timg w�s adjoura�d by Chairman Min�.sh at 7;45 P.M. Respe�£ully, sub�itted, � `� � � � -, N�� E' �. c. . ` �°-z;,i Gie � 1�Q��T� �-r--�-----r-� �#�G d�$ �}�Cxet�ry P � t • REGUI,t�R COUNGIL 1�ETING QF DECFNIBER 4, 1�72 �AGE 11 � R�C�IVING THE MINUTES OF THE 80ARA OF APPEAI.S MEETING OF NOVEMBEA 28, 1972: `� A � ?�. R fii G� 5 A V, MS�����1 OF S$CTION 45.OS3 ION FRIDLEY CITX CODE, TO .5 FEET TQ ALLOW THE �__., '17z� Cit� �n�ineer pointed out �hat the Board of App�als did not have a quoxum a� the#.x meeting, but the two members that were present recommended approval tai the variance. Councilman Breider asked if there were any problems with any abstructions. The City �ngineer said thexe were none as East River Roa�l �� vexy wide hexe. He mentionad to Mr. AeGardner that he must continue living in the house to cont�.nue his home occupation as a small real astate busines�. MOTIQN by Gouncilman Breider to concux with the Board of Appeals and approve th� var�.ance as requested. SeGOnded by Councilman Mittel�tadt. Upon a voice v�te, all ayes, Mayor I�iebl dec�ared the motion carried. NIATION by Councilman Bre�,der to xeceive the minutes of the Board c�f Appea�� Me�tin� of Nc�vvember 28, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Mittelstadt. Upon a voice vo��, a�l ayes, Mayox Liebl declared the motiort carri.ed. RECESS: Mayox Lieb� declared a recess at 10:30 P.M. 'The meeting was xeconvened at 10:45 P.M. SUBNIITTING QF NAMES TO JUDGE OF ANOKA COUNTY DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FRIDLEY CNART�R COMMTSSION: _ Th� Councilmen sub�it�ed the following list of names tp be foxwarded to the Distxiat Court Jud$e fox seisction of a Charter Commission: Councilman B�eidex: �axl Henclricks, 7341 Able Stxeet, 786-8237 Elaine Kno��, 6776 7th Street, 560-1938 Fxancis Casoy, 7�40 6�th Avenus, 560-9UA8 Je�xy Radcliffe, 7�50 Memory Lane, 986-2142 Cauncilman �Jtter: John Swanson, 5835 Central Avenue, 786-7638 (Itead by City Mrg.) Herbert 8acon,,159 Logan Parkway, 784�7806 G�or�e �acan, 1336 Hi19.crest Drive, 788-2355 Maxy El�en Luckow, 161 64% Way, 560-�839 Thomas Flolid, 6053 WoOdy Lane, 788-5904 Itaberx 0'Neill, 861 Rice Creek Terrace, 560-1272 �eur�cil�nan Staxwalt: Rolan 8. Anderson, 5194 Matterhorn Drive, 788-7587 ' � Mrs, ,Ta�es J. Co�l�.ns, 6$54 Chann�l Road, 784-96�6 . Axlon J. Hmu�ert, 6524 Anoka Street, 786-1466 Aoy J'. McPherson� 5808 Tenn�son Arive, 788-2440 Pau1 M. Shaw, 6380 MadisQn Street, 560-�767 REGULI�R C�UNCIL A��TING OF DECF.M$ER 4, 1972 . - r PAGE 12 �. Couneilman Nlittel�t�dt: Q1e Bj�rkesett, 100 Ai.E. 63� Way, 560-3639 Haxry Crowder, 146 N.E. 63rd Way, 560-5821 Donald We�1ex, 6815 8ast River Road, 784-5684 Ciiarles Langer, 525 N.E. 67th Avenue, 560-�1388 Hans Sondheimer, 5841 6th St. N.E., 560-1594 Mayor �iebl: Ray Sheridan, 1301 Hillwind Road, 788-6130 �ill Forster, 7539 Tempo Terrace, 784-8360 Andy Kohlan, 236 Rice Creek Blvd., 784-6682 Jackie Jahnson (Mrs. Harold) 1415 Trollh.agen Dr. 788-6009 Jack Kirkham, 430 67th Avenue N,E., 560-3681 MQTION by Councilman Mittelstadt to forward the list of names to the Anoka County District Court Judge for his selection of the Charter Commission for �ridley. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor ]�iabl declarad the motion carried. NSIDER�4TION OF APPROVAL OF RENEWAL OF MAINTEATANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE METRO- L�'�AA�11 SEWER BOARD FOR 1973: M�.�pr I.�.ebl asked the City Engineer if he would recommend renewal of thi� agreemp�t� The City Engineax explainad that this is the existing agreement at the moment and this would extend it through 1973. MOTION by Coun�ilmati Mittelstadt to approve the renewal of the maintenance agreement and e�ctend it until Aecember 31, 1973. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, a11 ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. RECEIVING TI� PUBLIC BXAMINER AUDIT OF FRIDLEY POLICE PENSION AS50CTATION: MOTION by Councilman Mitt�lstadt to receive the xeport of the Public Examiner or� the fi.nancial affairs of the Fridley Police Pension Association for the four years ended Decembex 31, 1971. Seconded by Gouncilman Star°walt. Upon a voice vote, all aye�, Mayor Liebl declared the motion carried. ItESOLi1'TION #1�9-1972 - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL MOTION by Counci�man �reider �o adopt Resolution #139-1972. Seconded by "�auncilman t�ittelstadt. Upon a voice vote, alk ayes, Mayor Lie�l daclared the mo�ion carried. ION #140- AUL1�l�lUN : - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SPLITTING OF SPECIAL 12.7 FEET OF LOT 31 AND ALL OF LOT 32, BL4CK 4, LOWE MOTION by Cour�ci�man Breider to adopt Resolution #140-1972. Seconded by Cqunci�man �littelstadt. Upo� a voice vote, all ayes, Mayox Liebl declaxed th,e m�s��.o� car�ied. '7 s� �,}v, (, - * � �� e - ; .: �,� : � � ,{�:i, _ � e�. �� !/ 7x