AF-V - 41858�. . . :� �, ,� ,, ���� � o�d� � APPLICATZGV TO THE BOARD OI+ AP�EALS ArT� CITY CG1lli�ClLy�, FOR SPLC7AL USE PFR�4IT, VARIAA]C�: IY3 �QUY�iMEh"TS OP /� ��� �� °�9%� CERTAIl�1.ORDiNANCE5 OF TE�F: CI1`Y OY� i+'ltIALE'Y � (Applicant to coaaplete item� 1, 2, 3) ��� ..,,�f��p.� 1. Ns�rx and A�ds-�ee of 12��IicanL i�'. 2. Lep,al east ' .s� �3 Description of Prop�rty (slso genersl locatic�, su�h �r;"no�t�:- corner of 64th Av�nue end 5th 5tre�t" or 6415 pifth St:est") � � � - ._, ). D��cribe the variance requeeted. (Attsch Q1at ar S�trv�sr nf hraraTty __� ahowing location ol prnposed buildir.g, ets., olio ed�oiniag pro�attiea end acfierehip vithin 200' of said property,) � i -� 4. C�nta by edminietrative official denyin� oriBinel requeet for busldfn,� �a�it or ocher p�rmit. (To be cc�spleted by a��ain'_arrarfva officlKl. Appx�opri�te ord�l�ancee aad s�ctioa of ordinunce: t�� ir� cited,) . , -2- S. wotic• of Hsaring app�ared in datsas (�ust ba at lea�t once 10 day attschsd). ial p��+spaper an eha follo�riag ■astiat •� coh► of notice to 6. Soard Mrbsr� itotified of seeting by_ ���� /�-/'?o2J _ (�.i�t 1�eobera, Date No�ifiad, and "Yss" or "Md' os p�ana to stt� laaring). ° � 7. Na_a at �l�n to At�ad �'6-�� `i���►1.L�� O � ,_,_ �i �� � �. ...e.._L � ' � � � hsson aatiag app�ai snd tba olla►Lng pro�tty o+esss �vf.ag proPsrty Mithin 20Q' aoti�W ; 11a",os � ,� '�•�'-'.� •�� :,�__:.� i � . . � . . �__ _ � � _.j.�� � � •, . �_ ...�� ..� �� � ..,:r_� iu � • i 1 � � _ . .. � •� w --- ,. • __: . � l� 'I '� �LI / + ! /i 1 � � •! + 1 ��l � .:.. 1 � ►. _ i� / I _.� �l . - • _� %1i _�« �y !'Aaas liotifiad by Dat• os_, �e�, il _, (I4ici�►1___ � 0, Yyi.s�, ....�..--�-�� �,�.�.�. •, ibs tollariag soard Membsr� and intar�at�d pastisr �sa �s�a��t nt the 1Na�io� t DQA�D ��BRS . <�, , i .i. � _.rl_� �.� ` r �� _�, r .� - � • � _ � _11:1 � itl _ 1u � , � ►• •�� • � �-����_ �.�✓�' �� -/ ,i � ' ' - - � �, - - - - - • f . 3 - OTHER PARTIES: NAI� ADDRESS < � �,, � � � , , :y' - : a �_' _ _ � .�_ � _ y.. !� , �, •�„_ ._ _ � , • � l r► � _ , �.! . ,�• �� � _ . _ .> � �L .�. .� .._ . .� I � �� '.!..�. •- � � - I " _'_ •1 � / '� � ' �. `v . ` I � •. , • +i :�1 _ �: /! . l�-- . t'� � . i �:./ 4 _� �! i • • � � � r,,ta / L L .��L �.lt� � � � � f � � � ,1_ �, _ ,� : : - � % l�_ ... • � � C/)') i i e l�"1 i n,. a_ �.v ! � ! _♦ .i. � y� - • �s i 9. Opiniona and recommendatione by BOARD OF APPEALS: . . 10. For Above Recommendatians �-� -� , 11.'�ction by City Council and Date: l�'/'`7-� ° Aaa ins t. Rec omonendat �.one � r�7'L � - , _ . � � :,: ; OFFICIAL NOrl'IC8 CITY OF FRID�.EY PUBLIC �G BBFO�B TSB B�D OF APPBAIS TO i�ll xT 1KAY CONCB� : �� ��ggy gIYffi�i TBAT the Boaid of App�aia of the City of Pxidiay ' aill rat in ths Cout�cil Chasbe� of tha City Hs1I at T:34 P.it. aa �ciaday, Mq 23, 1972 Co coa�idss ths follo�ing mstt�r: A roque�t for a vuiaace of Section 45.053, 4B, Sa, Fridlay City Coda, to s�uca ths tide yasd Width on a atrast �ida of a coraer lot fro�s 30 fsst ta 20 feat to allov e;6s co�s�truction of s garag� o�a I.a!ts 7 6 8, Block G, Afv�svisa � Hsight� Additian. the same beiug 8I82 Baat xiver Road N.B.. Bridlay, Minnaaots. (�qw�t by Mr. � Al�s�d R,alln�s, 8182 Bast Bivsr �osd p.g., Fridley, Mians•ota.) AngoA� Mha ds�isys to bt hassd with ratar�ncs to tha abo�ve matter may ba hs�aret at this ssating. � s. rarASs c�� • so�D o� arraeis 0 . ! 1. The meeting wae called to order by Chairman Mini�t 7:32 P.M. �ERS PRESENT: Mini�h, Crowder, liarju, dheimer, Wahlbesg OTHBRS PRESENT: Clarence Beliele - B ding Inopector 1�pTI0N by Wahlberg to apprwe �t pril 25, 1972 minutee �aa Written. Seconded by Sondheimer. n a voice vote, th�re baing no nsye, the motion - carried unanimously. 1�TION by Wahlb to approve the May 9, 1972 minutee ao writt�n. 86conded Crowder. Upon a vcice vote� there b4ing no naya� tha motion � cars'i nanimou�ly. Mr. � Mrs. Kellner were present to present their request. A verifyit�g aurvey, locating the propoaed garage, was shawn to the Boasd. l�c. �ellner explained hia houae faces Eaet xiver Boad and has a 20 foot setback fxom Hugo Street on the side. The proposed garaga vill faca Hugo Strsat ¢rd ba �et back 20 feet from Hugo Street and 3 feet frwn the back lot lina to lina up witi► the house. He atated ha has two young boys and ha Nant• to hava aot�s back yasd for tham to play in. If the garage had to be set back the raqui'r�d 3Q ��st he aould only have a 10 foot baekyard. , lir. R�llner continued that he callad N.S.P. about a 5 foot eas�at along tha back lot line and they told him they thought there wa� an easement thera but tbsy ' didn't use it anymore. N.S.P. said they would allaw Ms. Kellner to build the �araga 2 feet aver this eaaemant and if the City wantad a lettar •tating �u�h tbat thq �rould � and one . Chairman Miniah said he thou�ht it would be desiYabin to get a lettes from N.$.P. ttating they have no objactians to the garage. Mr. Kellnar preaented a.lettar of "No Objaction" to tha Board, that Wa� �ignad by Mr. Overaon tha adjacent property amer on Hugo Straet. 1�TION by Crawder to receive the letter from Mr. Overson. Sacondad by Wahlberg. Upon a voice �ote, there being no naye, tha p�otioa c+ti'z'ied aaanimou�ly. Tt�,e 8oaxd a�ked about the •etbacka on Mr. Ovaraon's hou�e. Tha �urvey of thi� hou�e ��ts sha�n to the Board. . .' � ` ' . The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Meeting of Mav 23, 1972 Pat�e 2 The aurvey aho�wed thia houae set back 34.8 feet from Hugo Street and approximstely 14 feet from the adjoining property line. This would leave 17 feet between e tructurea . 74�e Board aeked about the change in drainage if the garage was built. Mr. Kellner said he vould have to haul out �ome dirt but the garage would not chaage the drainage that much. It would be draining more toward the sCraet then before becauee of the drivgway. Mr. Minish asked if the setbacke on ttie other houeas in the area are unifos�u. rtr. Kellner said m4at of the houses are older and the aetbacka a�ce not uni�ox�q at all. There are 2 newer hou�es, one acroes etreet, that hava unifor�a �etbeclu. There is also a hill on Hugo Street so the setbacks areu't that notice�able. Mx. Harju asked if an attached gasage could be built. Mr. K,ellner answered the•house has a half aplit level deaiga oo aa att�ched garage could be built but it would cost more m�ney than a detached 8asa8e• Mra. Walhberg aeked how he would feel about moving it back S feet to compromis• with the 35 foot setback on the house next door. lrir. Kellner eaid if he moved it back any larther he wouldn't be able to get a awing set back of the garage. He said he wouldn't waat to put the swing eet in the aide yard ae the grass would eventually ba ruinad and it would �poil the looks of the property. �DTTON by Crowder to cloae tha public hearing. Secondad by Aarju. Upon a voice vote, there being no nq�, the motion carriad unaaimputly. Mr, Har�u said there is definitely a hardship in the •ize of the 1ot (60� x 11Q�) and the n�ighbor did give hi� appraval of the guage but a� far a�� the aoard yrn,awa, the n�ighbor could aall tomorraw. Zfie guags would be jutting o�� i.n front of the neighbor's house snd it might be battar to sat tbe guags baak 5 ga� further to be only 10 feet ahead of it. Mr. Crawder atated that thia ia probably the bast apot for the garage. aa •aid be would go along with �etting the garage back farther if all of tiia satb�ck� in the area were uniform but sinee the yards do vary, ha i�sd no objsetiot►a to tt►e proposnd location. Mzt. Wahlberg said she thought having a 25 foot •ntbuk Would be battex to conform to the adjacent dvelling as that neighbor could change aC any �i11�►: �ir. Sondheimar said as he •ees it, it will be a campromise all the Way Chxough. �Ie said it sounds reasonable that the garage ahould ba oa Hugo Street i.ueGesd of on Eaet Rivez Road a:d it is in aligament with the houae. His co�►ces� wa�e 'witt� only 3 feet between the SaraSe and the lot line because of •ervicing t,he g��e � . . � � . . � � 2. The Minutea of the Board of Appeals Meeting of May 23, 1972 Pat�e 3 Mr. Minish said the Code only asks for a 3 600t sideyard on a detached garage. Mr. Minish said he couldn't see anything wrong with the 20 foot setback. He didn't think the alignment of front yards was that crucial in this nei$hborhood. IriDTION by Crowder to reco�end to Council approval of the requeet with the stipulatio� that Mr. Kellner present to the Council the letter from N.S.P, tI'l�t states they approve of building the garage 2 feet over their easement. Seconded by Harju. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mction carried t�nanimoua ly . , � MOTION by Ha%r�ju,. aeconded by Wahlberg, to waive the rnading pf the publiC t1e�t'�Ag notice. Upon� voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. I�'• Charles Peug of Signcrafters, Inc. wae preaent to preaenC the xequest. q blttepri�nt of the a n was shawn to the Board. A picture of the exi�Ging t�an- �onfo�c�ning pylon wa also ehvwn to the Board. 1'Ir, �eugh explained tha because of the mansard roof on this building, ths �#�tl i�e Claseified as a roof n instead of a wall sign• This �fgn will havR 34 8qua�Ce feet of area and wi not set on top of the roof or even extemd over tha �pp af th� roof. He felt th claeaification of the aign waa the hardship• pu. 1Kinish asked what purpose is�served by the roof sigrt. �. P�ugh answered identification a this is part of their national image. '�Gponald's cauld have a squared buil 'ng and put thie eign on a wall withaut i►ny v�triar►ce but since they have the mensa roof which makes the building lopk b�tt�T they need a vaxiance for the aign. Mza. Wahlbexg asked what will change on M7c . I'eugh answered that the b ig arches w i 11 be po�.e with the arches on top. The main portion lon sign. �. Beliale atated the existing pylon is over the oved and the sigr► put on one the pqlon is 14 feet by 7�set. M�, Crowder aeked if the exieting sign will have to th�+ Si.$n 0'�din�nce. inance eize requireaenC, in 1974 a� stated 3.n j�f aslisle said he thought it would have to conform at that �ime. �r. peug�s also mentioned the wall signs shown on the aketch of th bt�ilding axe �and blaeted logos and are less than 15% of the wall area. �pTION by Crawder, eeconded by Sondheimer to clo�e the public hearing. pon a �oic� yote, there being no naya, the motion csnied unan-i�moutly, 0 < < , • . -��Z�.% C��%�.�.��.2�i �-''� `��C'���/�-J � � �c-Q� -e�- t�c,�-�-�r � r� �� . %� /� � / - � ���- ..� -�%�t,a1 �'? Or' �C� - � °�'� � `��' ' �� a,a� ���� � � � ' �� . � � ` 0 * J� _ �i�� N O R T H E R N 5 T A T E S P O W E R C O M P A N Y May 25, 1972 Mrs. Alfred Kellner 8182 E. River Road Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Mrs. Rellner: This is to inform you that Northern States Power Company has no easement across Lots 7 and 8, Block G, Riverview Heights, Anoka County, Minnesota. Therefore, we have no objection to the construction of a garage upon said property. Yours truly, . �� James D. cElwain Distribution Supt. North Division JDM/njw �� � � �I; �, �. � G� �- � � � . - �Y . .. .. ... ... . . . .. . . ' . .. . . . . .. . . . . ._.. .. . . . . . . . . .. . .._ . . y W:>. R 0 � 0 • `• . , I � ` � ' �G{�L�iR CQt1N���+ MFFTING OF JUNE 5 r 1972 �'AGa'i �� � . , ,. � . . � . - . . . , ,r. ♦ • ���q� Goi�rlvi�n Utter said that there coulal be �20 cars in that 1n�R��,�,�q �'9A ,��' �V��.'yOAe had two cars . As Councilman Breider said if S�ew g� '�hp�o ° Qq1t��fls had pazties at the same time, the emergency vehicles cauid no� qa�� �AWyh� �io �qreed that something should be done about the garac�e �l��C@m�i�t ��� �,p�iG�lman $reider mentioned and also the viaitor parking. � V�T$ V84N T� MOTION, being a voice vote, Liebl, Utter, �nd ar��,der yo��n� �Y�� mitt�is�adt voting nay, Mayor Liebl declared the motion Carrie�. �QT�QN �ty CoW�Q�l�an �reider to receive the Minutes of the Piaru�ir�g Cc����.qr� �ep��A$ G� May 17, 1972. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a vpic� vote, �4�� �►Q�� Mayc�x Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously. CbWSOilmarl Mittelstadt said that he noticed that Mr. & Mrs. A1freQ KellA�� Were � t�h� audien�cs, and suggested that the first item under the 8oard Ot AppQ��9 �ti�ttes �ae taken next. �C�IVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING OF MAY 23, 1972t + A�tEQ11EST FOR A VARIANCS OiF SECTION 45.053, 4B, SA, FRIDLEY CI' �D(JCE THE SIDE YARD WZDTH ON A STREET SIDE OF A CORNER IAT FR TQ 20 �'EET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GARI�IGE ON IATS 7& 8 R�VERVTEW HEIGHTS ADDITION, THE SAME BEZNG 8182 EAST RIVER R(JA F�tIALEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY MR. ALFRED KEIJ�NER, 8182 EAST �O�ID N.E.� FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): �... , ... E. a F� ' ' CQ{�+Qil�qArt Mittelstadt said that this request was approved by �hfl Soard �ub��Ct �p �h�1 �aur;�il xeceivinq a letter from NSP stating they have n4 obj�a�,ipa. it�� K91��t�� qdme torwa�d to present the letter from NSP statinq they haYe A9 � S��A� �.A thi,s �rea, �'4D'l'�ON by CQUnCilman Mittelstadt to receive the caao¢nunication from NSP dA��� �y 23�� �972._ Seconded by Councilman Breider, Upon a voice vote, al1 ayp�� �A� �+iek�l declared the motion carried unanimously. , �N?TT4N �y �ow'�Ail.man Mittelstadt ta ooncur with the Board o! Appeala and �r�uit !�j�,@ y���nae �Ceguested by Mr. Alfred Kellner. Seconded b� Counci].mt�ri �xe�de�x� (J�Q� a ypi�� yp�g� �11 ayes, Mayor Liebl declared the motior� carrl'.@�l uAtu},�pu$�,y, (NOT�Ii1 Th6 �'euk�inder of the Board of Appeals Minutes discussed l;�te� �n M@Qtir�g) fE MINUTES OF THE B1 - �ESIGN C�NTROL MEETZNO OF MAY NSIDERATION OF A REQT3EST TO QONSTRUCT A 60 FT. X 96 FT. ADDITION TO , ISTIN� SUILDING IACATED ON THE WEST 402 FEET OF THE EAST 852 FEET OF UTH 320 FEET OF THE NORTH FiALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUAATER OF THE SOUTH' ARTER OF SECTION 12, T-30, R-24, WHICH LAST DESCRIBED TRACT IS ALSO OWN AS IAT 1, AUDITOR' S SUHDIVISION �k89, THE SAME BEIt3G 12--�1 72ND AV, E�, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY DETER"7AN WELDING 6 Te'x.;K SERVICE O., 1241 72ND AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA): Q'j18 ��,� �nc�ineer said the Buflding Standasds approved the request s�tb��c� �Q ����u�A�iq�s and his suggestion is that if the Council desized to ap�rQyg t�:s ,i��Ut��� a�$Q� that the applicant be required to mee� the noxmal ��c�ui,��t�n�;