AF - 41977� /''� n ^ . � Buildi Job Ra �� --�% 7 6 31 �9 P� n�a�ss -.P . � / ,�� �_' OWNER dllllDER DATE TYPE PC�tMIT NO. I DESCRIPTION DATE I INSPECTION RECORD REPORT COMPLETED & APPROVED INSPECTOR DATE �x,: � - �/J �'�D ��C� . ,� � � Jul�r 30, 1969 Mr. Cl aren � e�=Se1 �. s18 , Huildin� Tn�pec�tor, Civia Cente�, Fridley, N�inneeo tQ. Dear Mr. Bel i e1 e: We would like to bid on a hame at 630 Johneon Stree�, N.E.,M�,nneapralie, belor�gln� �o the 5��,�e i��,�hway Depsrt- men t,an d would �,pprecaiate i t if you would aheck to see tha�:. i� meets wi�h the C1 ty of Fridle�r epeelfiQation�� to p1aQe an our Lo te 15 a,na i6 irr�: a3o�k .Tc, RiveF View H�igh��, Ataoka �oun ty, Minn. Copy of the Surve;� by Mr. B. H. �'adlsy ehowe our land to be 50 fee� by 1l0 Peet�, and it �,e si�ua'�ed on Fairwont 9tre��; N.E. Fridley bet�resn the home att: 6�5 N•�• Fairmon� owned by the genneth Ma�3�' e, and ot�e at` 689 N.E.Fairmorri whlch ie oeaupied by the Ja,mea Hovanetz', The bu�.l,din� we �,re in�erested in bidding on waa formerly owned by Gladya McCoy,but ha� been t�en by the �t�te H1,�hway Departmen � for h�,�hway purpo eea. It `mea�ures 24 f�e�t:8 iraahee a,c��g �h� frt�nt,and �,� 44 f�e�._ 9 inahes deep. We feel 1t would be in keepibg with homes 1�: the loQallty,and beQauee of the le�a,.1, cbmpl�.Qa�iora juet Qiea,red, we feel a home alrsady bui.lt would b� b�e��e� plaQed there� tha,n tryin� to bu11d one wh�n our fenae wae torn down bg our nei�hbor:-preventin� other di,spnsitivn of the prbperty laet Ye ar. Kindly �ive this matGer coneiderat3,on,, an d le t us know �.f we aould plaae suoh a lovely Bun�alow on the proper�y,�d thue place a bid for ��e� �� Verg truly YQ..�'.�..; ., _ _ �� a y � �a�i��.�.��, ���.ada�°�s -�esign Control Subcommittee of A�ag�s� �e ���e�' �age 2 '� 3� CONSIDLRATYON OF A ItEQUEST TO COPISTRUCT AN ADDITION Z°0 ERISTING SERVIG� STATION LOCATED ON PART OF LOT 1, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 25, Ti� SA1rII: BEING 5696 HACI�lANN AVEN[TE N. E. FRIDLEY 1�AIl11ESOTA. (REQIIEST BY Pi1BE OIL COI�ANY 49 VII�I� DRIVE M�IlJEAPOLIS MINNESOTA 55 5. Due to the abseace of any representative preseating the request, a MOTIOa was made by Tonco to table the request peading determination of propertq limits and poseible loop b�ck as being considered by the City. Seconded by Bierman. Upon a voice vote, there �eing no nays, the motion carried vaanimously. 4. COPSIDERATION OF A BEQUEST TO CONSTBIICT A 294 i1DTIT APA8TN�11Tr COI�i,ER TO BB • LOCATED ON LaTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. aad 6. BL�R 2e PEARSON°S 1ST ADDITION. A1dD 5. SA1� BEIPG 7805, 7825, 7845, 7855, 7875, 7895 EAST RIVES BOAD, FBID�LEY, MII�TESOTA. (REQUEST BY N. CRAIG J0�1SON, 4517 07�'ORD AVENUE, MII�NEAP'OLIS, MINAESOTA.) Clarence Lowe and Jay Tyson were present to preseat the request. After a lengthy discussion regarding traffic patterns, landecapiag, parkiag, recreational areas and facilities; it was auggested additional plans ba submitted to tbe board at aome later date to clarify theae mattera along with more detail oa soundproofiag of party walls and ceilin�s between apartment unita. Board also suggested the desi�ners discuse different poseible means of egresa and exit with the E�gineer Department in order to try to miaimize the gossible future traffic problems aloag East Biver Soad. Po one was preaent to preaent the request as applicant was unable to eubmit camplete plaus in time for the meeting. ,� �� 6. II�SGEPCY RE IIEST TO GIVE APPLICANT OPPOBTUNIIR TO BID ON DWBLLING TO ; '� INTO FBIDtiEY IF BQARD SO APP80VES. DWELLIPG AT 630 OP STREET P. B MIRVSAP�LIS TO BE MOVED TO 665 FAIBI�I� STREET N. E. IN FBZDR.EY. - Mise Florence Besaesen was presest to present the requese. Following a atudy of the photographs and letters of tba applieant ae �rell as the photographs and report of the inapection dnpartment a 1�D►1'IOF wae made by Biermea to reca�ead denial of the request ba8ed maialy on the fiadings of the_ inspection department as well as the age of the dwelling. Seccnded by Tonco. Upon a voice vote, there being ao naye, tbe motian carried tmanimoualy. ADJ�ffi�PT s The �eeting was adjourned bg� Chairman Brickson at 11:40 P.M. �espe�tfully submitted, HAPK �lffiC8 - BOILDIAG t�FICIAI. c \ Dwelling at 630 Johnson Street ft. E., Minneapolis, Minnesota to be moved to 665 Fairmont Street N. E., Fridle , Minnesota. 1. Open corn.ice- partiallq deteriorated from roof leaks. - 2. Stucco and brick exterior shows some cracking- brick planter at front cracked. 3. The house was built in 1922 the owner says so is 47 years old. 4. Bedroom walls, ceiling and windows are o. k. 5. Plaster all cracked and loose upstairs. 6. A11 16" framing in the attic but needs rafter bracing. � 7. Some knob and tiube wiring. 8. 2$ 8 joists ia the basement- 8 x8 beam o.k. 9. Roof about 15 yeara o1d. 10. All aluminum storma and screens. 11. Room arangement good. ,0 12. Doors and windows aeed paint and repair. � r J. � �� 4. N I 1 � a � H. BRADLEY CIYIL EI�INEER AND $URVEYOR 9829-2.�'H AVENUESOU7H MINNBAPOLI9. MtNNfiBOTA 8860E � 724-2189 ,f'vrvey f�r �'�ar�nc��es,s�se� /oo! Wesf �6 � �'� J� �o�� �/='zo F3J F�/l�MONT ST . I h�rehy e��tif y fh�f ffii.r is d fru� a►nc�/ �a�rcct /�/a� of� .turvey of Lor�s /5'& /�, f.�/oc�: T, Rive�-view /%i�hf.s', /�nok� C'ocrr�} y, /�'Ii•�o�mh�'. as scirve �+�d h� me �e 9 fh day ol /�1ay /�'68. . ������ , fu�'ve . , MnA. iPc°�. No �/�B.