AF-SP/VAR - 45252i . ,�d''�L'h /-e' ��L(- 71 � A- ( � "LJ ! ' '- �� � �,�/�„ S � � � /ds , . . � . � ' . . .�� �� c� � �--r����-�- ,,�-�r SQi�RD OF A�P�J1�.B 11�ETIl'�3 Mt�1T�S — SiP'1'1�t�RR 9, 1964 7� �tipq � cali�rd to a�e�c by c�eirn�an �taewsoqci a� ?:34 P.Mq lN�it�aca P�Nlirc►t: DTaeatoC�ci, O+syociak� Goodrl�dt►, Sta'ris, 1t�ql�r �a 11b�nts �a�a � i� .. :� t- c • ; �=.�1� � � �i' ' i = '�f..`! .i 1' 'i.�� �4' y� � �;' �' S� �� � prrtitio�. �iillia� 8�ti�].dje, waa pac�eut, �c1 �It. B�aicnard Wol]cr►. . �'� 'L�� Y �.. f.�11 ._'_ii 'ti,.i� �r �raatAd. S�coaa�d � Burr�a. i1po� s voico vot�, A4 �ytr � t�aitmel� Naowrocki dAC.lax'ed tb�t �ioss iN�� �1� �i i�ii YA� ��• W�A�ri� ��V�i/�L ���i� th� �t.i�g �kljOlis'a�cl at �i45 it•M[. �atfully euboitfi.od: �'�f P � Sasl P. i�ag�ar s��tary to tho Boar� � a , " ,r e I.' + : 6' � Q 70 M MY �,�IA��: Fart of th� � og seatio�s llo et public hearing date� �0►1'ION by B�occp4at�t. s�sco� by 1"h oa�, tha� fib�� P1aa�iLaq Ca�a- missio� s�t tihe publiC i�rir�g �ate Octc�e�r 8, 1964 £a� ti�a p:�oW- Pos� ����i'Y Plat, P.s. #64— . l�e].oc�y Mancac 3ra Add�.tio�►, �tik� Ha�neac, bein�g pmrt og f�s og svctio� 11 o tlpcar► a voic:e VOt.i� 81�. VOt� 8j�e� �19 C�'i C�Y�t1• . �,,,,�$s Part, of t�6 � of Soatioa� 110 3st publi.c heaacing d$t!o / 1i0►1'IC� by .� b�Y 1'hoa�sot�, t�sat fih+s Pl�nnl�q Coe� siasia� aft pvblfa hsiriag c'i�►t+o of Oata�oac 8. 1964 f`aar �hs �'aP�� Plat� P�S. #64'-lb� �NlOdy �100.' 41fi Add1t�.10�c►r �tik� Sa , bsis�q Fatrt of ths 13� oi S�etioa 11. t)p�o� a voi.os vvti, w�tis�3 �. t.h�s �t.i.ap eas�ri�dv o,�DOt�� BT�GASrOaP__S�; AT� U8Z P�Rt�QT: � of Lot 7e 3ub�divislon uf I.ot 10, A�ditar' 8 3vbc�ivisia�s �94 bitls�g 5355 Fill,moorst Str+�st N o8 0 {r�qu�eted by Wili�n Shielde, 1�.300 �t3�w� #ZOO �.s. f Saa wolko was p�aseait to ra�cesant the petitioo�or o Mar=c�T by Johansoa, eecor�ea by sana�l, tbat �be pla�ing com� misaior► co�cur with the Boarcl of A,�peals atid raa:o�e�d gran�tityg the Sp•cial IIse Paacmit far a doubl� bungalaw to b� coras� ia an R-1 distriet t�que�t.e�i by �illia�a 3hields faac th� �wthwe�t Quart�ar o�. Lot ?, 3ubdivision of Lat 10 e Audito� ° s Sub�1ivisi.aua #94 � being 5355 Fillmo�e Straet Diooctheasta tlpoon a vo3e�r vote, ali va►��ng �Y�o tl� Yoatfou cx�rrit�d e � g o 3,�'. g�-�.RSQ�,�^"„ _� L�s ... 22�., W�,-T-�*n� „SH��„�: T'ha Raa�t 75' of 3outh 140 • of tlze Westarly 150 ° of Lat 7 of Svbdiv�.aian of Lo 0, Auditoo� • a subdiviaiou #94 at�d th� W�t 75' of th�s Sauth 140 ° fihe l�eat�ly 15�I ° of T,O�t 7 of Sul�diviaia� �10 o Auc7ito� ° 6 3ui�divis #94 0 Baoa Woiko`�a pac�s�t to r+e�sse�ut the petitio�aoc o I�i'YGbi by Sat�do s�8ed by T'bcmpBCS�►, �hat the PlanAiAq Co�- �qiBA�,OOi 7.`�CO�$ ap,pY' Of� Lot BpY.it #64�22e W1113�am Shi�e].ti8 b�9.ag t.ha� Sast 75 • of t'b� 140' of th�e we8t�ly 150 ° of Lo�t ? o£ subdivieioa► oi Lat 10, oac ° s Svbdiviaio�n #94 and the W�� 75 s of tl�s Satth �,40 ° of ti�e W ly 150' oi Lot ? of S'ubdlvision of Lat 14, Avdita� • s sub�Aivisioas t)po�► a voics vot�e all votitrg ay�, th� aa�tiou casr3�+d. �. A�y � /a i�� Page 12. fram R-1 8ingle Family Dwelling, to G-1, Local Busines8 ea, the Sontheaet Corner of �tissiseippi 8tre�t and 5th Stre , Lots 1 aad 2, Lots 29 and 30, Block 2. Proposed Riedel Pla as revised. Seconded by Wright. IIpon a voice vote, there being nays, the nation car�ied unanf.m�us2y. �z� �� The City Manager read to the City Coeulc �he recommended approval of the Planaing Com�isaion aad stated re� was a letter from Mr. Petereon, c�wner, requeeting the lot lit in which he indicated hs could accep� only a 68' deep iot and #:he aplit would be 68° from Gardena baeauae of his driv y. It was explained the 8lanniaq c7ommfs�ion had qone alo with the 80 foot deep lot �aelia�g th�ey could have an eas nt to grovic� driveway privilegeso The City Manaqer further expl iae►d Mr, Peteraoa eay�a this is n�ow itnacceptable to him or the rtrgage con�any and says 68feet �a necasaary and wan�e seee nts back if he doesn't qet tw�o lots, tLat since there are two ildinq eites, tbat was the baeie at tha time tl�e lin�e wa� in. The Finance Dizector stated the propsrty had bsen sed on tt�o lots. The City �ianaqer ex- plaine8 the eaa�nt ropoSition was aot Bntisfactory so that the City Wuncil d have a choice of authorizinq a lot split of �i8 feet. Coun�c Wright atated he wiehed an opinion on the refund de�nnded d how it aEfacted hia asaessment. The Finance ni.reetor expla it a�ae ti�e fact 1►�c. Petesson feels i� he can • t aplit his lot rahould not pay for ti�e ee=vice for the other lot if it is qo to be kept as one buildiag.lot, thst he ia� asaesa�d so many feet on Heujamin Street and alao oa Gardena. It was £arther ained by the Finance Director tt�at whenever there is a large par 1. r�ormally you assess fos the frontage and then if tche lot of such dspth the owner could logically split, they would ae�eas�►d �here thoae builditbg sitee would be. ldot by Wycight to reger �he lot ap13.t r�quest, L. 8. �64-17 by lter A. Feterson on Part of Lot Z3, Auditor'8 Subd�vision #9Z to t'he Pla:aning aom�afesion with �orremmpondence attached. S nded by Rirkh�m. tlpon a voice vo�te, thes� being no mays, the motion carried nnaai.mc�uely. DODBI.E HtJNt3ATAiW SB�CIAL IISE�,P$RMITs SW 1/4 OF,_„YAT 7. StTBDI�TISI�Q �tZF, L� 10 AtTDI'1�OR' S 3DBDIVISIO� �I►94 BRIDK3 5355 FILII�R$ STRES'� DT. 8. (Rt�tJ88T BcY WILLIAP�l� . 1300 HIGHW.AY #100 M. $. :� � . �� bs . h. # .., � � —' /���-//�� i Page 13e AND LQT SPLIT R�QiJSSTs L. S. �&4-22. WILI,]CAP� �i�CF.E,DSt THI� B�A:3T 75' OF,,,, T� SOtJTH l��' OF Z`i� WESTERLY 150' OF Is0'� 7 (?F StiBDIVISION QF IAT 10,�,AUDZ�'OR' S SUSDIVISION #94 A�3D T� WS�T 75' OF � SOUTH 140'. OF T� i�STERLY 150' OF S� 7 OF SIIBDIVISION #10. AUDITOR'S SUBDIViSION #94s Ttie City Manager explained to the City Council the requeat fo� a speciai use permit iQr a dauble bungalow and gave th� recomraended approval of the Planning Con�niesion. Mr. B�rna�� Wolke, contractor, was present to explain th�a area to the City Gouncil, also, the cioub�e bungalaw to �e �»,��.].t. Ti�e Cit;� M�ar�ager s��tec1 th� Plannirag Commi�sian hac� ai�o reconrnmende�l the lot spl�.t requ��t necessqucy far the doubie bungalow and ii� the City Counc�.1 concurred in the speciai use permit they could set a public hearing. Mr. Wm. Shields� was p�ce�ent tc� �xplain the ar�ae Motion by Wright ta concur with �the recoma�endation of th� Planning Dam�ni.s$ion and grant the iot epl�.� rec�u��t, L. So #64-�2�, 'lay William �hie�.cls on the East 75 feet of the Sout�� 14{D f�et of th� Westerl.y� 150 feet o£ Lot 7 of Subdiviaior� of LQt 10, Auditor°ss Subdivision #94 and the We�t 75 feet ta� the South 140 feet c�f the Westerly I50 fest of �ot 7 ot Subdavision #10, Auclitor�e Subdivision #94. Second@d by Kirkhame U�un a voice voteA there i�eing no nays, the motion carr�ed unanimously. Mot3on by Kirkham to concur with the recvm�nendatican of the Planning Cc��mr�iss fon and eet a publ ic hear ing for a double bungalow apec ial. �ase permi.� , SW� of I�o� ?, St�bd iu 3.�ion of I,ot 10, Auditor's S�bdivision #94 beinq 5355 Fillmore Street DT. E.. requea� bg wi113.am Shields, 1300 i3ig�hway #100 Nortk��ast. Seconded by Wriging. tTpon a voice vote, ther� being no naysG the r�ot�.on carried unaraimouBlx. Mayor P�ee annc� ed for the con� id��a�ion vf ti�e City Caur�ex�. the receip� of the nute� of the Facidl�y �a�Q'�y Commi�t�e Meeti.rzg held Septem�er 1964. 1+l�t�.om by �Cfrkha� go rec�srr� an e th� in.inut�� Qf �k�e Fra.c��.ey Safet� Cc+�i��e� Y�eta.ne� held 5���.eml�e �.96� o S�conc�e�d la� w�rxgrY�t. Up� a��ice �ro��A �he�r� }�ing na na iche mot�c�n carra.ed �znar��usly. coa��c,P„TZtxJS: . � � �/��6 s� _� . A . I . h Pag� 5e - n�]BLE Bt]NGALOW ( 5 3 Mayor Nee announeed a Public Kearing ari a Spec3al Use Perrait for a double bungalow at 5355 Fillmore Street Northeasta The City Manager presented the original application and explained the variance and lot split iad been grant-ed by the Board of Appeal� and this was the public hearing for sar�ee The City Manager read the Notice of Hearingo Mayor Nee inquired if there were anyone present other than the petitioner, Mr. Shields, that had a concern with this Special Use Pexaait to allow the co�struction of a doubl.e bungalow in an R-1 district. There was no one present in favor of or in opposition to the spec3al use perm3t. Z�ie City Manager indicated the psogosed dw�e].ling was o� the Northeast corrzer of Fillmore and Skywood Lane . Mayor Nee declared the Public Hearing on a Special tlse permit for a double bungalow at 5355 Fillmore Street Northeast closedo Motio� by Wright to concur with the recommendation of the Board of Appeals and approve a Special Use Permit for the construction of a double bung�l.ow in an R-1 District to Wi113am S�hz+e].ds, the same being coa�tiny+ent an substaritial matching of cons�ruction to the plan �esented to the City Councit, at 5355 Fillmore Street Northeasto i/ '�Sece�ded by 5heridan. tlpaal a roll call vote, those voting aye, Nee, Wright, S�eridan, Kirkham. Those voting nay, noneo The motion carried unanimously. � �ay ee announced a Public Hearing on Smprovement for Storm Sewer Projec 710 The City Manager read the Notice of Hearinga Mayor Nee reqwe a discussion regarding the reasons for this drainage district where it would b� piciced up. Mr. Comstock, consulting engineer, exp ed the area on a map presented and gave the boundaries of the proposed ainage district, that the legal description of the drainage area was nsiderably larger than what was progosed to be assessede Mr. Norm Riedel inquired if th3.s storm sev�er c�ould be goi.ng davn to 64th �venue. a Con►stock replied this would be on7.y on the c3ty property and the proper to the East of that was included but any property South of 64th Aven would not be includedo It was explained that most of the drainage and st c�vas what discharged to the Higriway Department right-of-way. Mayor stated he felt the City was getting a good deal by cooperating with the 'ghway Department on this project, that the project was lower as a result of negotiations between Mra Canstocic, City F,hgineer Qureshi, City M r Wagner and the Highway Department and the City a�as saved a substan amo�t of money and in coopera�ting 4+r�.th the Highway Department tt►e ity was solving several problems inex ensivelye Mr. Caenstock e;cp ined the prelim- inary report covered $2.40 a hundred square feet an the final assessment figures would be a total of $2.40 based on t�mates with the one erception that the area in Rees Addition would assessed appro:c3mately $l. 30 per hundred. square feet additional o e;�la3ned the drainage area shaan on the map dra3ns to Trurik �47 right-of-aaay and presently with the high�aay not improved was it (OfYicial Pnbllaad�E �" � OFFICIAL NO'lZ C1T„YnT.�C HEA&1NG m..�VPednesaay. �q. to consider � r: or a SPecial �on ' �er�g�ow � � ' r gection ', ands � oII f 46.28 II omiront 9�'d set•'' . � � lenm � � � i �... ��. �SOUinwco. : � Audi• , subdivlaion o! ti 30. tor'e Subdivisi�neaota� same ka CountY. E,�ore ' S t r e t bein 5355 No�eB�, (Raquest by 7�� .'- 19W giBhwaY o. � . . or east) • � . � be heard � . AnYone desirin8 the above mat- ', r�rith rete� heard at U+is meet-' er wiA,, ,. ;n6, BARRq No p1AROC� (Aug ae mSept� � �� �