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`� � March 23, 1978
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Mr. Walter Czichray
�� 7879 Firwood Way N.E.
: �� Fridley, NII�1 55432
TELEPNO�E ( 812)bT1-��50
Re: and Refuse on the Ground at 7879-7881 Firwood Way N.E.
Dear Mr. Czichray:
It was brought to the City's attention and contirmed by an on site
inspection on Ma.rch 22, 1978 tha.t there existed on your property an
accumulation of garba�e and refuse adjacent to the refuse containers
located off East River Road.
Section 113, of the Fridley City Code, requires that all refuse be
stored in an approved manner between pick-ups, e.g. a 30 gallon metal
garbage conta.iner, and be removed to a sanitary landfill at least once
a week. �
Therefore, the City must require yau to clean and maintain your
property f.ree of all and refuse found deposited there and
dispose of same at an approved sanitary landfill.
A reinspection will be coriducted on or about ten (10) days from the
. date of this letter to determine compliance. We are conf'ident in your
cooperation with regard to this matter and if any questi.ons or problems
arise, please feel free to contact me at 571-3450.
Failure to abate this violation may result in this matter being turned
over to iche City Prosecutor for his legal consideration.
Environmental Officer
�C: Mr. Kirylo Czichray
147 Craig Way N.E.
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7885 Firwood V�iay, id.E.
FrS.dley, Mi�an. 55432
ll�arch 18, 1978
Dear Steve:
Just before our fYrst sno�ufall last fall I calleci to tell you of' the
garbage situation at 78'7�. Their name is pronounced Czichery or Czachery -
it is eastern �urope�n.. 1Vlaybe you have heard the name. So the snow covered
up the mess before you saw it - if you even came out to cheok.
T1o� the snow has melted and you should rEa.11y drive by some time.
AND right beside them the Reiners situation is just about as bad. �ha't
mamber is 78�,� Firv+rood Way, T�'.�. The trash cans are turned over v�.th
garbage strewn about by dogs and wgate�er. Her name is I�a.rilyn Reiners.
She lives there with her two teen-age son.s argi her boy friend whose �me
is Don. She works at a grocery store.
The �ealth and Sanitation Depar�tment would never stand for suoh �goings-
on, and v�e should not haae to be exposed to such sloppy conditions.
You yourself would neeer live in such an enviornment. You know the
kind o£ taxes we ha�e to pay to the City of Fridley.
If you do not make some efi'ort to olean up the situe�tion, I oaq�ect to
take this to your superv-�sor and from there on up as far as I have to
go .
That name is Czichray,
Krylo Czichray is the
iellow's father•
Sincerely yours,
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P�rs. VioTa Froneybe r
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Dear j't'iAV9:
7885 Fir�vood �Vay, Td.E.
Fridley, Niinn. 55432
Apri 1 11, 1978
Czicshray ?877 Firwood �ay
I n re x 12ei ner 7879 F'ic�vood ti`Vay
Tharzk you ior nudging my nei�.bors into o� up their back yard.
�'hey even removed v�at was left of' their o�.d� beaten up garbage cans.
I�preciate your effbrts and thankyou much for your good �����
$111C 6 I'O Z j�s
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Mrs. Viola Frone erger