AF-V - 45876� �sJ Fee: � io, � ;� Meeting Dat/e: YA1�.3U /�l� Rec. � • (P�'�i0 S APPi,ICATIC;1 TO THF BOARD OP AP?EA1.S AND CTTY CGVNCIL F0�2 SPECIAL ItSE Pi'iLYLT, VARIrlliCi: L`: aEQul�ti."'.Etit'S GP CERTALN ORDINATiCES OP TFi�; CITY Ol� YNIULEY (Applieant to comyleta item� 1, 2, 3) 1, Nade and ArGrcca of p,.plicant Gordon x. llrake � . _.. .. Brooklvn ' nter Minn 554 0 _� 2. Legel Description of Propar[y (elso genetal locaticn, such ��;"nozti:- eest corner of 64tfi Avanu•_ end 5ch 5[reet^ or 6�iI5 pifth StTe�t") I.ate 55,,�6 Blk I xiver Vier Heighta __� �_� ----„ South aide oi' Glencoe Street ---near the Eaat xiver xoad S� � � ,��-c��� �. Describe the variaece requeeted, (Attech Plat er Survtrr �f �oyaTt) �hosring locetion oi pzopoeed bulldir.g, ett., 016o ed,Jotntng �rc±r.�rtlzs •�i o�mershlp uithin 200' of ea2d propert;�. ) _. .� .•.: . .. .• ��- . .� •� . . 4. Ca�eac.a by adainis[raLlve officiel denyin� crt�ica! requegc for tusl6tn paruit or ocher permit. (io be ccciplcce3 by �:i��i::'_;crstt,�a ci;ici�L. ppproprfmte erA1n^.ncee and eectlon of ot'31n�nce: c�, u� eltaJ.) S. Motfc• a€ Hmar:ng appe daua � (aou�t be at les�t onee attechedl, - 2 - in Official Newpaper an the follwing ya -- co�r of notice to 6. boerd �tmbera notified of eeeting by_ �pm .�O, ��l 3 (E.i�t t4amIIera� pate Noaified, end "Ye�" "Iid'�oa' p a! os to ac[t�n� } hsaiing), a t, Name O � !�� l�v'��Q� �nn i��r c�.e� � � .a�, J Plan to ,AtYx�d � �._.._�. _. --. �o .�.. �� � � �sw. aski�p� apyeal ac�6 tha followiag property otiet+eri Rsvire� pccperty �itrii� 20C' nocif:md: paoa Date G�� S�So�.RQ. /-� -23 � � �( �Q.Q. _.��1 .e��, �y Phene Aat4f:-ed by O[ Meil (IqtLial �I��J 6/I,�• -.S b i Co lz.�t cc� c� - � � �h���.�� , �' �����_ �'-y.�ll� c�_, Co l� � 5�9���° � ..r. ` �nQ�d__,(�,'.��i'_e,v -_ S�i� �o�e�� C.�4� 6 i, TM Zo13orSng 1loard Membars snd 4nteraeted yyartie� +r�s� ,*:a*��t at �ne �s1a�G eaun �sacs , ._. _ ___.. �,�,p� 1�;c�iL� -Szl9 �'Cw�_ CzgF� ��r �!�1_._��S'Z� �%_ Q..__...... �C�d_o<_u�L�j �SSS �o�aM�C�s2, . x Xlt �._.�e�L�,t1�1rL:�Ch1 " �?��3_s�Qyyt� �� 071iER PAR? I ES : NAME ��G2. ��neUi'Y�a> - �5�-IO�QO �,1cv�Qnce n,��a�u,e,��s�od���e � p0 G1.QC� ,_�rB2JL� -S�o �u� o .�ie.�,�e, �c� L� � - SZ�o � o 5,�,� .���,�,�,c,- CO�s�.o � su�i, �.e,�� mcun - S�oriamc �se� ��anc4: ��� ��S � u� � n ,-� 9. Opiniona ADDRESS �a�cl� ,���a ��� - �aS n�(, n�� )�u)a��`� • Si�-.�ca��rm��� - �I2Qm% S�IL- Sal �1�J)6�2.� ,. � � 1a �k��l � r�c�, � a9�y G(�n.�clUC� - '1 _ ' � u n or� � � � D� • ��lS �C��,vi ma�-� ��a�o (�crc�� rK �t -�1 � i a�� ort,� IU, For Aboce R�coaoendations � _ � / ��!?�1�_. �� 11. .;,:::..., by Ctt;a �ounci2 an� Data; v —�� �S�S"3 �Z� � _ �— Agalnst Recon+merdationa � `t2_��2?�1 -- � e � OPFICIAL NOTICE CITSC OF FRZDLEY PUBLIC fiEARING BEF(?RE THE BOARD OF APPEALS 1�0 Tdf�ll ZT 21AY CONCER�1: NO'lICH IS i�REBY GNEN THAT the Board of Appeals of the City of Fridley �ill neet in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, Jaauary 30, 1973 to consider the following matter: A xequest for a variance of Section 45.053, 1B, to reduce the mininum required lat area for a lot ia a plat recorded before December 29, 1955 fron 7500 aquare feet to 5500 square feet to alloa the constniction of a dwelling on Lots 55 and 56 giock I, Riverview Heights Addition, the � s�e being 526 �iencoe Street N.E., I+Yidley� Minneaota. (Requeat by Mr. Gordon R. Drake, 7226 Siverdale Road, Srooklyn Center, Minnesota.) Anyoae who degirEa to be heard with seference to the above matter may be haaid at this meeting. . i -! RUSERT A. MINISH CHAIRMAN BOAitD OF APPEALS � THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS SIIBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 1973 <-� The meeting was called to order by Chairman Minish at 7:38 P.M �� MEliBERS PRESENT: Minish, Crowder, Wahlberg , MEPIBERS ABSENT: Harju, Sondhei,mer OTHERS PRESENT: Ron Morris t+@OTION by Wahlberg to approve the minutes of th ecember 12, 1972 meeting as written. Seconded by Crowder. Upon a voice vote, ere being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. , 1 A DWELLING TO BE LOCATF.D ON LOTS MOTION by Wah erg to waive reading the public hearing notice. Seconded by Crowder. U a voice vote, there 6eing no nays, the motion caxxied. Mr. DeGa ner was not present to present the request. Chai n Minish stated the Board would consider the requests by Mr. Drake and re rn to this request after Mr. DeGardner arrived. /`� 2. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45.053 1BL_TO REDUCE THE MINTMUM REQUIRE 3. 4 FEET'TO 5500 SQUARE FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DY7ELLING ON LOTS 1� Ai7D 1'he Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of Januarv 30 1973 Page 2 Mr. Gordon Drake was present to present his requests. Mr. Drake explained the sizes of each prospective 1ot; those north of Glencoe were to be 62� feet each and those south of Glencoe were 50 foot lots. Mr. Drake further explained that the homes were ramblers laid lengthwise on the lot and that each house placement would meet all zoning requirements. Mrs. Wahlberg asked where a garage would be located. Mr. Drake indicated a driveway along the side of the house with a garage in the rear yard, to be built later if the owner desired. Mr. Crowder asked if Mr. Drake £elt the cost would be prohibitive to purchase additional lots abutting the present lots. Mr, Drake replied that the 50 foot lots abutting the property were being sold at the cost of an independent building site and conaequently would put the homes out of range of other homes in the area. These homes were to be at the top of the price range in this area, $24,000 -$25,000. Mr. Crowder moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Mrs. Wahlberg, upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. MOTION by Crowder to recommend to Council approval of all four requests by Mr. Drake, for variances of the square footage requiremenes on Lots 15 and 16, B1ock H, Riverview Heights Addition, Lots 14, 13, and the West Z of 12, B1ock H, Riverview Heights Addition, Lots 57.and 58, Block I, Riverview Heights Addition, and Lots 55 and 56, Block I, Riverview Heights Addition. , ; Seconded by Wahlberg. Upon a voice vote, there being �o nays, the motion carried. �a�xman Minish referred hack to item �61 ae Mr. DeGardner had arrived. Mr. DeGardner explained that a building was presently on the site, and this building would be razed and a home built in its place. A discussion followed in regard to the likelihood of future floods in this area. Chairman Minish reminded Mr. DeGardner that this area was part oi that being considered for flood plain zoni.ng. Mr. DeGardner replied that he realized this, but he lives in the area and cannot see where there would be a problem since the road was raised, Mr. Crowder asked if he would consider waiting until the flood plain question is settled. Mr. DeGardner indicated a desire to begin i�ediately and would like action this evening. Mr. Minish was concerned about the welfare of the prospective owner in th.at he be informed of the Zocation of the house in relation to the 1965 flood and the flood plain.