AF-V - 45911d� 6_ � v. �s�� ' � sua�ecr � � ;? � City of Friclley '" � AT T"E t°P °F T"E T"'�"S � APPLICATION TO BOARD OF APPERLS , , � � �• " �- ������'� �COMMUNITV OEVELOYMENT DIV. ' ' 4V ������' ( . � � PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. ' � � I � 1 � � ' �"'1 � C�TV HALI FRIO�E� 55432 HUMtlEH AEV. DATE VeGE OF AnVnOVED HY � ••_•� � �•� 612360-3a50 910-F23 1 3/21/75 i 2 800 Name Addres Phone � iviv�s -P w 57s �' e oe S� � Legal Lot No. Slock No. Tract or Addn. Description �Q-�I• 3 N � � er� �� w ^ Variance Request(s); including stated hardships (attach plat or survey of property showing bui].ding, variances, etc., where applicable) J' ___ _ ' �.' ___'. ..�.._� n ��._..._// iv� .e n..�...�.n �- . ��l��i�� !/./_..� � T, �//� �� � / %� T�'i! �/�r /.�. � , , , .� .i�r i. � � (/ v ✓ ' ' . •. . _�.S - Meeting Date Fee . Receipt No. SignaCure � A�� » �ti 80.0� 9Gsa y�' �� Comments & Recommendations by C� ,�'�`"_ the Board o£ Appeals �`� ����i� —�� �,� �,�y��•--° _ � .�.,� � > >, , City Council Action and Date ,` i:ity of I�'ritllcy A7 TME TOV OF �THE TWINS i Staff Comments COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT ��V. PHOTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. C�7Y HALL FRIOLE� 551�2 6�i.5ea�eso : sue�ecr APPLICATIO�d TO BOARD OF APPEALS (Staff Report) UMNFR NEV. LAfE 4A4E OF APPHOVEU UY 910-F23 l 3/21/'S 2 2 800 Board mesnbers notified of ineeting by List members, date notified, and "Yes" or "No" for plans to attend hearinc�. I Plan Name Date To Attend Pearson making appeal and the following property owners having property within 200 fPPt nntifiad- � Bv Whom . Name M(M Milton fbffa,551 41u90 St. N.E. Peter Budish & Candace Irish,565 Hugo St. N.E. M/M Robert Rogers,573 I{ugo St. Y.E. Linda WooCard & Karen Lovegren,579 Hu90 St. N.E. Mr. Oou9las R. 41i11iams,533 Glencoe Street 1L E. M/M Stephen Finkenbinder,539 Glencoe St. N.E. M/M '�onald Ecker,547 Glencoe St. N.E. M/M Gary Kre6,549 Glencoe Str. N.E. M/H Terry Murphy,555 Glencoe St. N.E. M/M Robert Tatro,565 Glencoe St. Pl.f. (-0/N Dennis Skillin9, 575 Glencoe St. N.E. M/M avi9ht M1tennenga,595 Glencoe StreettNiE. Mr. & Pirs. Robert Petersan,.590 Hu90 SL. N.E. Ms. Hanna Noffa, 582 Hugo St. N.E. M/M Duane Mandery,576 Hu90 St. N.E. Mr. Merton Ulrich,4114 Fwin9 Ave. S. Mpls 55410 F1/M Alex Rara, 560 Hu90 St. N.E. Herbert Hansen,2223 Genjamin St. N.E. Mpls 5541D Ms. Ida Plowman,5A0 Hu90 St. N.E. M/M Charles Datko,547 Fairmont St. NE Clara & dean Simonson, 549 Fairmont St. N.E. M/M Walter Streich,563 Fairmont St. N.E. M/M Roger Knaus,573 Fairnont St. N.E. M/M David Avgustin,593 Fairinont St. N.E. Ms.. Susan Iia9en9ast,593 Fairmont St P.E. M/M Norman Vorbe<k ,594 Fai�mont St. N.E. M)K doseDt Calistro,57C G7er.cce St. M.E. M/M LeROy Pau7son,560 Glencoe St. N.E. � Mr. Larry Grad, 550 Glencoe Street �LE. M/M Andor Buraas, 548 Glencue St. N.E. N;4 4Hlbert Eonine, 601 Giencoe St. N.E. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Urquhart,611 Glenoce Street N.E. M/M Dougtas Neacham,629 Glen<oe Street N.E. M/M John Andrews ,610 Hu90 S[. Y.E. tic. Michael Caron,600 Hu90 Str. N.E. M/M Ralph Nintz,610 Glencoe Street N.E. M/M Ro9er Avery,600 Glencoe Street N.E. CITY OF FRI�LEY 8497 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Sb432 TELEPHONE (812)577•3450 A�u�USt 3� 1974 NOTICE OF PtiBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Appeals Commission of the City of Fridley will conduct a public hearing in the City Council Chambers at 6431 University Avenne Northeast at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday,.Augu�t 14, 1979, in regard to the following: Request for a variance pursudnt to Ghapter 205 of tf�e Fridley City Code, to reduce the side yard set6ack from the required 1Q feet to seven feet, to allow the construction of additional living area on top of an existin� garage at 575 Glencoe Street N.E. Notice is hereby give that all persons having an interest therein will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above time and place. VIRGIhIA $CHNA��L CHAIRWOMAN APPEALS GQMMI..S�,IQ�! Npte; The Appeals Commission will have the final action on this request. unlesS there are objecti.ons from surrounding neighb.ors, the City Staff, or tBe petitiener does not agree viith the Conrtnission`s decision. If any of t6ese events occur, the request will continue to the City Council through the Planning Connnission with only a recominendation from the Appeals Corrnnission. Item #2 August 14, 1979 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 575 Glencoe Street N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY RE9UIREMINT: Section 205.053, 4B, requires a minim� side yard setback of 10 feet for living area. Public purpose served by this requirement is to main tai.n a minimum of 20 feet between living areas in adjacent structures and 15 feet between garages and living areas in adjacent structures to xeduce exposure to �nflagration of £ire. It is also to allow for aesthetically pleasing open areas around residential structures. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "MOre living space is required. The best way to add living space to the existing house is to add on the top of the garage whicfi is existing approximately 7 feet from the west property line." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The house to the west is on the corner lots and faces Bmad Avenue. It has 10 feet (verified) between the structure and the con¢non lot line. If the variance was approved there would be appmximately 17 feet between living areas. ,. APP�ALS C0:.4;RIaSI0T1 1�1F.ETING� AUGUST 1�6, 1979 - PAGE 13 ' � -A. . Ui'OFI A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIPdG AYE, CHAIRWOP+IAN � MOTION �CAP,RIED UPJAPdIPdOUSLY. TH� b4s. Schnabel informed the petitioner and e audience that the public hearing was still open and invited a interested parties to return in two vreeks. BZs. Schnabel declared a � 9135 P.i��. � at 9�25 p.M. and reconvened the meeting P�i0TI0Pd by T�1r. Barna, seconded by P:Is. Gabel, to open the public hearing. UPON A VQICE VOTE, ALI, VOTING AYE, CHAIRi'JOPtIAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLZC HEARIIdG OPEN AT 9�35 P�Tr� Lis. Schnabel asleed the petitioner to come forv�ard and read the Administrative Staff Report as followsi ADM7NISTRP.TIVG STAFF R�PORT ��� 575 Glencoe Street N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOS� SERVF.D BY RfiOUIREMENT: Section 205.053, 4B, requires a minimiun side yard setback of 10 feet for living area. . Public purpose served by this requirement is to main tain a minimum of 20 feet between living areas in adjacent structures and 15 feet between garages and living areas in adjacent structures to reduce exposure to conflagration of fire. It is also to allow for aesthetically pleasing open areas around residential structures. B. .STATED HARDSHIP: "More living space is required. The best way to add living space to the existing house is to add on the top of the garage which is existing approximately 7 feet from the west property line." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW; The house to the west is on the corner lots and faces Broad Avenue. It 'has l0 feet (verified) between the structure and the common lot line. If the variance was approved there would be approximately 17 feet between living areas. . APFEALS C0;.4E1I5SION T�tL"�TING, AUGUST 14, 1979 PAGE 14' � . }, P.2s. Schnabel stated that she understood that this was existing garage on the west side of the house and it appeared that the top was removed and the petitioner wished to build on top of the garage. She asked what the addition would be? P�Zr. Skilling stated that part of it would be to add room on the kitchen and part of it would be a family room. He showed the Commissianers a drawing of what he proposed to do and explained hovr he planned to do it. Ms. Gabel asked if the garage could support the structure? PZr. Skilling stated that it could and that he hadtchecked it out. If necessary, they would run an extra header. C4s. Schnabel asked if he would do.the work himself or hire someone? PHr. Skilling stated that he v�ould have the work done. P:Ir. Kemper asked what the addition would cost? &Zr. Skilling stated it would cost around y14,000. PRs. Schnabel asked if the exterior would tie in with the existing exterior and if the roof line rvould tie in with the existing roof? D4r. Skilling stated that it would. P�7s. Gabel asked about the windows? P�Ir. Skilling stated that he would relocate them on that side. P,Zs. Schnabel asked if he had talked to his neighbors about the addition? P.4r. Skil].ing stated that he had and they were in favor of it. E?r. t,7oravetz showed the Commissioners an aerial photograph o#' the area. Mr. Kemper stated that they were looking at a 3 foot variance. L4s. Gabel asked w�hen he would start? Trir. Skilling stated they would start as soon as possible and the actual construction would take about five weeks. BIOTIOId by PHs. Gabel, seconded by T:r. Plemel, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOIGE VOTr, AI,L VOTING AYE, CHAIR�40MAN SCHNABEL D�CLARED TIiE PUBLIC }IEARITQG CLOS�D AT 9�50 P.BT. APPF,ALS COI?P4ISSION P,IEETITIG; AUGUST 14, 1979 PAGE -15 � . — - P��Ms. Gabel stated that she had no problem with this. It was a small rambler and he had a growing faMily and it looked like it would be a nice addition to the neighborhood. T�IOTIO;d by PQs. Gabel, seconded by P7r. Kemper, to approve the request for the variance pursuant to Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code to reduce the side yard setback from the required 10 feet to 7 feet to allow the construction of additional living area on top of an existing garage at 575 Glencoe Street NE. UPON A VOIC� VOTT, ALL VOTIIdG AYy, CHAIR�90I4AN SCHI�iAB�L DECLARED THE I$OTION CARRI?s'D UP�ANIidOUSLY. T,Zs, Schnabel informed the petitioner that he was free to get a building permit. . I�lOTIOId by P+ir UPON A VOIC'y V PU�3I,IC HEARITdG (xequest by JoYin DoyZe, S. J. Construc ver Road I�I.E., Fridley, I�'in. 55�32)� , seconded by t�ir. Barna, to open the public hearing. ALL VOTIidG AYE, CHAIRt�lOP.TAN SHCtdABEL DECLARED THE �t�T 9,53 P.i;t. b9s. Schnabel asked the�petitioner to come forward and read the Administrative Staff Re�rt as follows� 355 S3ugo A. PUSLIC PURPO5E S�RVED BY REQUIREMII9T:� REPORT N.E. " Section 205.053, 4A, requires a minimum £ront of 35 feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provi open space for off-street parking without encroaching onto public righ of way. Also for the aesthetic consideration not to reduce the "building li e of sight" encroachment into a neighbor's front yard. B. STATLD HARASHIP;� � � \ "The normal 35 foot setback would place the house behind both adjoini houses and would place it in the creek bed. It is requested that the be the average setback (26'� feet) between the twc� adjoining houses." C. -� APP�ALS CCT•�.TISSION I�fEETING, AUGU5T 14, 1979 - PAGI: 16 �� � � � � -1 x + �� Wit the approval of the variance, the off street parking would be 28�x fe fncl 'ng the 2 foot boulevard area. Parking could all be maintained o he pmper without encroaching onto public right of way. The building ' e of sight w ld not be encroached upon as the house to the west was gra ed a front yar variance to 30.8 feet (verified at 29.5) in May of 1976 o construct an attache garage and the house to the east was built in 1948 w' h a setback of 23.3 feet. Other houses along this block also have less th the 35 foot setback due to the natural terrain of the land and the locat' n of the creek. The Department Natural Resources was contacted and has proved construction on this lot with ertain conditions in relation to keepi the creek banks in ilieir natural stat . Granting approval of this varianc would not be setting a precedent for fro yard variances in this area and ould allow develo�anent of these lots. Pds. 5chnzbel comr.iented that it was a would save as mariy tree as possible. P-ts. Gabel agreed that the ees shoLyl had done a nice job at the ther hqfzs R4r. Doyle, the petitioner, st better than the aerial photog go out and show them the wate culpret. Vdhat he would like wooded lot and hoped he be saved and noted that he he had built. that his map would shorv the problem He stated that he had his surveyor e on the map. The creek was the is put a home in here that will not be as big as the normal 960. It wo d be about 9�0 on the main floor and he was trying to �vork t in with garage which was tough on this lot. fie shovaed the Comrn' sioners his oposal. The �videst garage he could get on the lot wa a single car ga age. The house would have a walkout from the lower level looking out the crsek. iie could put in a house without a arage and meet all th requirements but wanted to put in the gara� . Piir. Plemel t he should have the bTr. Doyle state that previous ovmer of the lot.got etters from the DNR and had so 1 borings ta?zen and surveys done and "d an extensive amount of wor . They took three soil borings. l:e sta d it would require ext work but would work out. T.",r. Kempe asked if he had a buyer and what the price woul be. Mr. Doy e atated that he did not have a buyer.. The price woul depend on whe her or not he fi�lished the lo4ver level. If the loFVer le 1 viere ot finished, it would run in the mid to upper �S"50's. [.fir. D le sta d that he would like to finish the lower level himself and th wo d push the price up to the $80's.