Inspection Address Card - 2746� INSPECTOR OF BUI'LDIN'GS ��rCarlson LOCATION 1008 HACI�IANN CIR�CI.E N: E: p�ER ���-,�z-��,� �„�,. ��. LOT 2� BLOCK � ADD. parkvien,t Hts .� Ad�. � a. Pesmit No. Canstruction 3$12 Building Permit,House , 493 Flumbing Permit 559 Hesting Permit 3377 Water & Sewer Permit ,41.3 Electrica7. Permit 600 II.ectrical Permit /,,l;3 ELectrical Rough 434o Heating Permit 14,315 Electrical Permit 16,393 Building Permit(Alter) 8679 Plumbing Permit 20,481 Electrical Permit 21,933 Building Permit(.Sashes) 11,429 Heating Permit 30,934 Building Permit(Reroof) 30,214 Electrical Permit 11 1M-12-58 Date 4,/23/59 6/24/59 6/24/59 b/25/59 6/23/59 8/19/59 7/6/59 11/27�68 9/16/81 '9/16/81 9/18/81 10/22/91 6/25/93 10/25/93 5/10/00 4/3/03 Contractor Arvii E. Carlsoa & So �'arr Plumbing Companf� Geo. Sedg�►ick Stg. Co Farr Plumbing Company 0. B. Thompaon Compan American Eledtric Co Ro,yalton Htg. & Cool. Curtis Acree Curtis Acree Curtis Acree Fraenkel Electric 'Itain City Storm Sash Cronstroms Htg & AC Paul Jorgenson Shortstop Electric Cost #2dj.•�0 �'17.00 �11L�.50 �30.00 � 9•�5 $ 2.00 7.00 16. 00 ; 17. 50 10.00 15.00 72.00 2 0. 00 57.05 60.00 Fiaal 10/12/59 8/21/59 12/ 2/ 81 12/10/81 10/28/91 9/20/94 5/5/03 C#53,8Q5-3/14/79 B#62,072-3/24/81 B#62,404-3/24/81 B #62,405-3/25/81 B#62,406-3/26/81 B#62,407-3/27/81 B#64,393-9/15/81 B#64,054-9/16/81 E#64,409-9/18/81 P#64,058-9/17/81 P#64,804-9/29/81 E#66,329-12/2/81 P#66,522-12/10/81 C#67,665-5/7/82 E#101,508-10/28/91 H4f106,118-7/1/94 H4t105,937-9/20/94 H4�112, 567-12/9/94 E4�151,946-5/5/03 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS i.00ATION 1016 Hackmann Circle N.E, OWNER Allan H. Rudolph LOT 24 BLOCK 2 ADD. Parkview Heights Permit No. 3912 560 5 75 478 3439 743 778 478 1956 5586 15,123 15,383 28,209 31,319 04-00411 Construction Dat� Building Permit (House) 6/3/59 Plumbing Permit 7/21/59 Heating Permit 7/8/59 �lectrical Permit 7/8/59 Water & Sewer Permit 7/28/59 Plumbing Permit 10/8/59 Electrical Permit 10/15/59 Electrical Rough-in- 7/15/59 Elec�trical Permit 2/1/61 Plumbing Permit 5/23/72 Building Permit(Alter) 4/13/79 Building Permit(Pool) 8/8/79 Building Permit(Reroof) 10/13/98 Building Permit(Reside) 8/16/00 Heating Permit 3/31/04 Contrac2or Arcicl �, l:arlson Farr Plumbing Co . Geo Sedgwick Htg. 0. B. Thompson Farr Plumbing Co. Minneapolis Gas Co. American Electric Co Heights Electric Minnegasco A. Rudolph Allan H. Rudolph Four Seasons Rf.&Rem. Paul E. Becker Paul Becker Cosi Fi:►al �d�- 17.00 14.50 9.05 10/12/59 30.00• 2.00 2.00 10/19/59 2.40 5.00 7. 50 12, 00 74.75 44.85 25.00 2/14/61 1/8/73 5/2/79 P�21,337-1/8/73 B#54, 705-5/2/79 C#55,757-10/16/79 B4�132,084-11/9/98 B#140,179-8/16/00 B��141,385-9/8/00 LOCATION LOT 23 Permit No. 3 752 583 622 560 3472 84 3 1648 53 70 14, 346 15,166 13,322 7732 15, 606 20, 458 20,800 10,880 20,443 22,607 29,374 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 1024 Hacl�nann Circle N.E. OWNER Dennis Bechard BLOCK 2 ADD. parkview Hei hts Additioi Conatruction I Dat� Building Permit(H&G) 3/30/59 Plumbing Permit 7/28/59 Heating Permit 8/6/59 Electrical Permit 8/4/59 Water & Sewer Permit 8/3/59 Electrical Permit 11/5/59 Heating Permit 9/18/61 Heating Permit 9/5/72 Building Permit(Reroof) 9/8/77 Building Permit(Addn.) 5/2/79 Electrical Permit 8/27/79 Heating Permit 8/31/79 Building Permit(Dr. Til )1/16/80 Building Permit(.Addn.) 7/3/90 Building Permit(Reroof) 5/2/91 Heating Permit 9/30/91 Electrical Permit 10/3/91 Electrical Permit 8/17/94 Electrical Permit 1/4/02 Contracior Cost Fiaal Arvid E. Carlson & So Farr Plumbing Co. Geo. Sedgwick Htg. Co O. B. Thompson Co. Farr Plumbing Co. American Elect. Co. The Mitchell Company Dennis Bechard Dennis Bechard .. Dennis Bechard Dennis Bechard Barbara Bechard Dennis Bechard Dennis Bechard Kirchner Constructior Sharp Heating & A/C RTS Electric Hunt Electric Dennis Bechard $ 25.00 15. 00 14. 50 9.05 10/12/59 3 0. 00 2. 00 11/ 6/ 59 6.50 7.00 5/13/75 7. 50 75.00 10/22/79 h.00 10/22/79 7.50 10/22/79 7.50 1/25/80 17.00 9/21/90 41.00 5/21/91 30.00 10/14/91 15.00 10/16/91 15.00 g/31/94 30.00 1/29/02 H#34,725-5/13/75 B#54,840-5/18/79 B#55,565-7/2/79 B#56,274-9/13/79 E#56,273-9/13/79 B#56,613-10/22/79 E#56, 614-10/22/79 P#56,615-10/22/79 B#57,878-1/25/80 C#75,383-5/3/84 B#96,488-7/5/90 B#96, 494-7/6/90 B#97,261-9/21/90 B#99,385-5/21/91 H#101,180-10/14/91 E#100,979-10/16/91 E��110,671-8/31/94 E��146,992-1/29/02 INS��CTOR OF BUILDIN:GS ARTKtnt R; KRENZ JR LOCATION ].Q31 Hackmann Circle N:E: OWNER''�'��': ���'�� �: LOT �, BI.00H 1 ADD. Park�ieW Asights Pesmit Na. Ccas3ructian Date Co,ntractor I Cost Finsl 3892 3376 564 643 699 86 �9 564 10, 763 19,835 25,733 27,044 Baildirig �+ermit, H�use Water & �`ewer Per�ai.t Electrical Permit Heating Permit Plumbing Permit Plumbing Rough Electrical Permit Blsetrical Rough Heating Permit Electrical Permit Electrical Permit Building Permit(reroof) 11 1 M-12-58 5/25/59 6/25/59 8/5/59 8/18/59 9/21/59 9/2/59 11/5/59 S/26/59 6/11/91 6/28/91 12/9/97 8/7/98 OWner Farr Plumbing Co. 0. B. Thompson Co. Geo. Sedgwick Htg. Farr Plumbing Co. America.n Elect. Co. East B;ethel Heating �irnak's Electric Kaster Electric Four Seasons Roofing �25.�0 �30.00 �9.05 �4• 5� �17.00 2.Q0 20.00 15.00 15.00 54.00 u/4/59 11/6/59 6/17/91 7/10/91 5/18/9� B#75,641-5/8/84 H#99,790-6/17/91 H#99,576-6/18/91 E#100,026-7/10/91 E��127,745-5/18/98 d.00ATION LOT 2 2 Permit No. 3 841 491 3378 468 567 652 468 862 5478 4579 5971 8900 15731 15,765 19,692 11,618 28,271 33,867 04-01322 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 1032 Hackmann �Circle N:E; pWNER Kermit E. Gillund BLOCK 2 ADD. Parkview Heights Coaatruction Dat� Building Permit(House) 5/6/59 Plumbing Permit 6/22/59 Water & Sewer Permit 6/25/59 Electrical Permit 6/29/59 Heating Permit 7/1/59 Electrical Permit 9/8/72 'Electrical Rough-in 7/6/59 Plumbing Permit 12/11/59 Building Permit(Gar) 8/14/61 Heating Permit 9/10/69 Plumbing Permit 6/21/73 Heating Permit 1/2/85 Electrical Permit 1/7/85 Electrical Permit 2/13/85 Building Permit(Steps) 9/30/88 Plumbing Permit 6/24/96 Building Permit(Reroof) 10/15/98 Building Permit(S1idDoo ) 9/9/03 Building Permit(Windows 8/12/04 Contractor Arvid E. Carlson Farr Plbg. Co. Farr Plbg._Co. Thompaon Elec. Co. Geo. Sedgwick Htg. American Electric Minneapolis Gas Co. K. E. Gillund Royalton Heating Minnegasco Noel's Heating/A/C T.W. Hipsag Elect. T.W. Hipsag Elect. Kermit Gillund Norblom Plumbing Z-Roofing Kermit Gillund Windows America cost Final $20.00 17.00 30.00 9 . 05 10/12/59 14.50 2.00 9/14/59 2.00 4.00 7.00 5.00 3 0. 00 10. 00 5 . 00 15.00 20.00 74.75 63.15 111.25 12/2/71 12/31/84 2/8/85 10/22/98 9/7/04 9/7/04 i���i76d3-12/2/�1F P#25876-6/27/73 B#75,642-5/8/84 B#75,648-5/14/84 H#77,614-12/28/84 H#77,618-12/31/84 E#77,547-2/8/85 B��131,619-10/20/98 B��131,666-10/22/98 B4�153,168-9/11/03 B4%157,701-9/7/04 - -�-�I�N,S- INSPECTOR OF BUI'LDING�;. t�x,�r�r�r LOCATION 10/+8 I�ackmann Circle N:E:: OWNER Morin LOT 24 �LOCB � ADD, p��yien� $ts., Addn. , �,:,.. ,:�. Permit Na. Cansfruction Date Contractor Cost Fiaal 3815 Bail�tina Permit, iiouse 4/�3/59 Orraer � #24.pp 562 Plumbing Permit 7/21/59 Farr Plbg. Co. $17.00 501 ,- IIeetrical Permit 7/14/59 0. B. Thompson Co. �9.05 10/2/59 3437 Water & Sewer Permit 7/28/59 Farr Plbg. Company �30.00 616 Heating Permit 7/29/59 George �'edgrrick Htg. $14.50 562 Plumbing Rough 8/6/59 777 Electric�ll Per�it 10/16/59 A�arican �lectri� Co �2.IX� 10/19/59 501 II.ectrieal Rough 7/z7/59 489�. Building Permit, Add'n 9/14/60 Harris Gonst�uction �4.00 ,�266 Plumbing Permit 9/13/60 Minneapolia Gas Co. �2.00 8142 Plumbing Permit 9/25/79 Minnegasco 7.50 14,046 Heating Permit 3/22/00 Total Comfort 30.00 5/4/00 27,924 Electrical Permit 4/19/00 Wright Electric 20.00 4/21/00 28,389 Electrical Permit 9/26/00 Suburban Electric 30.00 9/25/00 11 1 M-12-58 B'#106,663-5/4/93 B��106,108-7/1/94 E4�139,420-4/21/00 B4�139,723-5/4/00 E4�140, 798-9/25/00 LOCATION LOT 1 ps�t rro. 41.27- 702 702 3 58? 704 6 56 738 656 10lG10 931�0 11,327 22,132 29,244 � INSp�CTOR OF BUILDINGS 1064 Hackmann Circle N:E: OWNER GEORGE E': WOJACK � BLOCH 2 Al?D. 1'axkview Heights �d.dition coasssuctioa Dala Cositracto: Cost Building Permit, fiouse 8/4/59 Arvid E. Carlson �20.00 Plu�nbing Permit 9/21/59 Farr Flumbing Co �17.00 Plumbing Rough 9/15/59 � Water & Sewer Per. 9/22/59 �arr Plumbing Co $30.00 Heating Permit 9/15/59 Geo. Sedgwiek ��14.50 Electrical Permit 9/11/59 Thompson Elee. �13.25 E].eetrical Per�ai.t 10/8/� Affieriesn �.eetric ,e =2.€)0 a Electrical Rongh 9/10 59 �'lect. Correc. Order 3/9/b0 O.B. Thompson Building Permit 6/28/67 G.E. ��Tojack py,�er �7,.00 Heating Permit 7/7/93 Sharp Heating & A/C 30.00 Electrical Permit 12/10/93 Mettler Electric 15.00 Building Permit(Reroof) 4/19/99 Z Roofing 74.75 Fiaal 11/27/59 io/it�/59 4/21/99 B#1769 - 8/2/67 B#107,295-7/12/93 E#109,239-11/23/93 B��134,337-4/19/99 B��134,418-4/21/99 _ INS�ECTOR OF BUILDINGS .�,��.�; .,�.� �Chaa� LOCATION 1�72 �[a.�ic.mann Circle N';�T; OWNER` � LOT 17 �LOCB 2 ADD. P�s�kview Heights Permit Na Ccas3ruc�on Date Contractor I Cost Final �� 5g1 3474 �. ?,1� 697 8l�.]. 1266 1921 697 13,532 7844 16,700 20, 337 30,298 14,366 29 068 �1 1 M-12-5 Building Per�e�.it, &�use Plumbing Permit Water & Sewer-Permit Plumbiag Rougt► Heatit3g� Peztiait Electrieal Permit E1.ectrical Permit Pltmibing Permit Electrical Permit Electrical Rough Electrical Permit Heating Permit Building Permit(Reside Building Permit(,Deck� Building Permit(Reroof) Heating Permit Electrical Permit 8 5/25/S9 7/28/59 g/3;l59 9/22/5.9 . 9/28/5R 9/23/59 11/5/59 9/13/60 1/12/61 10/5 /59 1/3/80 1/3/80 7/28/82 5/4/90 9/27/99 11/6/00 8/20/O1 Ownea� Farr Plumbing Co. Faxr Plumbing Co. Geo. �sdga�ttie�c Htg. �o Thompeon Electric Co Arierican Elect. Co. Minneapolis Gas Co. Thompson Electric Co. Royalton Heating Royalton Heating Panel craf t American Handyman � Roofing �ir Mechanical Inc unt Electric �22.00 $15.00 �30.00 �14.50 #9.05 2.00 2.00 3.80 5. 00 17.00 50.50 37.00 57.05 30.00 20.00 3/�/60 1/3/61 11/6/59 1/16/61 1/ 7/8 0 8/5/82 5/11/90 �/30/99 L1/30/00 1��1��1 E#57,474-1/7/80 B#65,541-8/5/82 B#95, 762�5/2/'90 B#95,782-5/7/90 B#96,104 -5/11/90 B#137,015-9/27/99 B#137,048-9/30/99 H��142,275-11/22/00 H��142,304-11/30/00 E��145,102-10/1/O1