AF - 46761s � ci�nroF FRI DLEY se� �c.���� u�cv�l�s 6<<� � �..�o� �, �� ����-� ��- ����� �� . FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MN 55432 •(6t2) 571-3450 • FAX (612) 571-1287 CITY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN NOTICE December 16, 1993 Anoka County Department of Highways Michael Kelly, Chief Right-of-Way Agent Government Center 2100 - 3rd Avenue � Anoka, MN 55303-2265 Dear Mr. Kelly: On December 13, 1993, the Fridley City Council officially acted on your variance request, VAR #93-32: * * * Denial of the request to reduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to 8 feet, at 129 Hartman Circle N.E. Denial of the request to reduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to 15.22 feet, at 6880 East River Road N.E. Approval of the request to reduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to 28.44 feet, at 102 - 71st Way N.E. * Approval of the request to reduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to 31 feet, and to reduce the lot area from 9,000 square feet to 8,363.52 square feet, at 7095-99 Hickory Street N.E. If you have any questions regarding the above action, please call me at 572-3590. Sincerely, 0 Barbara Dacy, AICP Coinmunity Development Director BD/dn � _ � � DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: �� Community Development Department PLA�� D�SION City of Fridley December 16, 1993 William Burns, City Manager �Barbara Dacy, Community Development Director Assessed Valuations of McDonald Property Attached is a copy of the assessment file for 129 Hartman Circle, the McDonalds' home. The 1992 value is $81,400. There is no information in the file about comparable properties. Let me know if you need further information. BD/dn M-93-741 �■■��������■ ...������■. �■5.����■��� �■�������■■� ■.�i■�■■���■ ■�..��i�.�■■ � � �� �� �i 7r:��7�P.'.:��nC���'������■�■��■����! O��CC�10��'�■■■��■i■■O��■■��■ ��t��a �n��C;E����■����■����■�■ ����`�C��q10����������■����■�■�■ �1,,!`��,\V�� �w ��.■■■■■.■■■■■■■■.. r�i��r■��■��■�■■O■�■■������ ■���■�■���■■��■�■�����■���■ ■■���■■��■�■■■�■■■����■���� ��o�orn�oeoe�e�■■■■���■■�■����■■ �� ���o����e000�!��■■■�■■■��������■ - . ��;��������0,�0o■��■e■■■��■■��■■■ �7�,_`-!^�ci��:. V •� �1�10�o����i■e■�■■�����■ �� �;c����*����������■�■■e■�■������� =�■s�e���.�a�����e���0���■.�■�e�, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■e■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■���■■�����■■��■■o�■■oe����■■■ ���c�o�ooeovor,����■����■o■■■����■ ►����oc�000vo��■■■■■�■■�����■��■ . ; ��4e;�.�o�:���������s�■es��■����■��■ . �..���c���������€�c�■■�■■■��■���■��■■ �c�������►���,��■�■�.■■■�����■■�■ �■�e�.�■��■��o■���e�vo��������■ ■���■■��a■��■■■■�v�■�■�■■o■■�.■ ��?��:i���`�+c•P:� ,.� :.`�.���■■��!■�■ ■■..�■1 ��� ��l���i■ ii ■��������■��■■O�i ��:�� �i���■�����������������■��■�