AF-CE - 46782- _ C�� � FRIDLEY FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL CENTER • 6-�31 llNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FR[DLEY, MN 55-13? •(bl?) 571-34i0 • FAa (bl?) 571-1?R7 March 13, 1990 Dave Ulrich 157 Hartman Circle N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Mr. Ulrich: Recently the City received information suggesting that you may be renting out the basement of your residence as a separate dwelling unit. The City's Zoning Code prohibits operation of a multi- family dwelling in an R-1 district. (Copy of dwelling unit definition is enclosed.) At this time, the City is requesting.that you supply our office with some information. We are specifically interested in the number of people living in the dwelling unit, whether or not they are related to you, and the number of entrances and kitchen facilit'ies within the residence. Please contact me at 572-3595 to discuss this matter as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation! Sincerely, Steven Barg Planning Assistant SB:ls C-90-108 _ _ CITYOF F'RIDLEY FRIDLEY MUNICIPAL CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MN 55432 •(612) 571-3450 • FAX (612) 571-1287 March 23,1992 Steven T. Rosso � 5301 East River Road, Suite 117 FYidley, MN 55432 RE: Property at 157 H�artman Circle N.E. / Mr. Dave Ulrich �-. i '.� • Zhis lettex is a follaw up to our c�oriveYSation of last morith regardirig the above referenced property. At that time, yau i.ndicated to me that ydu are still representing Mr. Ulrich and that you w�uld check further into the current use of his property. The Fridley Zoning Code prohibits the operation of two family dwellirigs in R-1, Single Family districts. I have enclosed copies of the Zoning Code's definitions of "family" and "dwellirig unit" for yaur review. Ztao of the key requirements �rtain�q ��s issue are as follows: 1. More than 5 unrelated persons living in a clwrelling unit shall not constitute a family. 2. Separ�ate dwelling units must not be maintained such that no i�;vidual living in the residexx�e has access to the entire stxucture. At this time, I am requesting that you supply our office with some information. I am specifically interested in the n�r of peaple livirig in the dwellirig unit, whether or not they are related, and details concerning the facilities and physical layout within the residence. Please contact me at 572-3595 to discuss this matter as soon as possible. Z�ank you for your cooperation. Sirx�erely, Steven Barg Planni.t�g Assistant SB:ls C`E-92-54 � 'r , 1 `� ✓ ��V � _ U�iYOF FRIDLEY FR[DLEY MUNIC[PAL CENTER • 643! UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MN 55432 •(612) 571-3450 • FAX (612) 57{-1287 November 5, 1992 Dave Ulrich 157 Hartman Circle N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 RE: Property at 157 Hartman Circle N.E. Dear Mr. Ulrich: In 1990 I sent you a letter concerning information which I had received indicating that you were renting out the basement of your residence as a separate dwelling unit. The City's Zoning Code prohibits the operation of a two-family dwelling in an R-1, Single Family Dwelling district. Two key requirements pertaining to this issue are as follows: l. 2. More than five unrelated persons living in a dwelling unit shall not constitute a family. Separate dwelling units must not be maintained such that nb individual living in the residence has access to the entire structure. Subsequently, that you were Zoning Code. information. your attorney, Steven Rosso, contacted me and stated not operating a duplex as defined by the Fridley Mr. Rosso sent me a brief letter to confirm this Within the past year, I have once again received complaints. I contacted your legal representatives to discuss this matter again and received a written response from Dale Sheldon stating that your property was being used in full conformance with the City's single family requirements. Recently, I spoke with an individual who has apparently been inside your residence and stated that there are two completely separate dwelling units within the structure. Based on this information, I am requesting that you contact me as soon as possible so that we may arrange a meeting at your residence for the purpose of determining whether or not you are in compliance with the Fridley Zoning Code requirements. Should you not contact me by November 16, 1992, to set a meeting or provide verification of compliance, I will submit this matter to the City Attorney for prosecution. �, .� �' ^. /r• - _ � _ � DATL: TO: FROM: 8IIBJ8CT: Community Development Department P G DIVISION City of Friclley November 5, 1992 William Burns, City Manager Barbara Dacy, Community Development Director Steven Barg� Planning Assistant Property at 157 Hartman Circle N.E. On November 2, 1992,- the residents of Hartman Circle met to discuss a variety of concerns with Connie Bauman, Councilmember Nancy J. Jorgenson, and myself. One issue raised at this meeting involved whether or not Mr. Dave Ulrich of 157 Hartman Circle N.E. was unlawfully operating his residence as a duplex. Based on the City's interpretation of the Zoning Code definitions, a property is deemed not to be a single family residence if one or both of the following conditions apply: , 1. More than five unrelated people reside on the property. (This violates the definition�of "Family" found in the Zoning Code.) 2. Separate dwelling units with compietely independent living facilities are maintained such that no individual living in the residence has access to the entire structure. (This is based on the City's "Door Policy" interpretation of the separation of living units.) During the past two years, I have received several complaints concerning the possible existence of a duplex operated at the Ulrich property. On two occasions, I have sent letters regarding this issue, and both times Mr. Ulrich's attorney has contacted me stating that his c].ient's property is being used in full compliance with the City�s Zoning Code requirements. On March 25, 1992, this attorney sent me a letter (copy attached) to confirm the information which he had provided in our telephone conversation. The most recent complainant in this matter, Harvey Jones, 150 Hartman Circle N.E., indicated to me that he has been inside the Ulrich residence and that it constitutes a duplex as defined by the City. Based on his comments at the November 2, 1992, meeting, it is my understanding that Mr. Jones would be willing to testify in �' ,N .,- � 157 Hartman Circle N.E. November 5, 1992 Page 2 court should the City take legal action against Mr. Ulrich. " In past conversations with the City Prosecutor, I have been told that the City may proceed with a charge that cannot be proven by staff if a witness can testify that a violation exists. On the morning of November 4, 1992, I called Mr. Ulrich's attorney, Dale Sheldon, to further discuss this matter. Mr. Sheldon indicated that he would promptly contact Mr. Ulrich to discuss the possibility of having him meet with me at his residence to verify compliance with the Zoning Code requirements. As of this time, I have not received a response from either Mr. Ulrich or Mr. Sheldon. Earlier today, I sent a letter (copy attached) instructing Mr. Ulrich to contact me by November 16, 1992, to arrange a meeting for the purpose of verifying his claim that his residence is in conformance with the Zoning Code requirements. In accordance with the terms of this letter, I will issue Mr. Ulrich a citation and submit all documents to the City Prosecutor's office if I do not receive a reply by November 16, 1992. Please let me know if you have questions or wish to discuss this further. SB:ls CEM-92-98 ��� / � � � DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJBCT: Community Development Department PI.ANNING DIVISION City of Fridley November 23, 1992 William Burns, City Manager Barbara Dacy, Community Development Director Steven Barg, Planning Assistant Property at 157 Hartman Circle N.E. As you are aware, residents living in the neighborhood adjacent to the above referenced property recently voiced a concern that the property owner, Mr. Dave Ulrich, is operating a duplex at this site. Shortly thereafter, I sent Mr. Ulrich a letter addressing this issue and requesting the opportunity to meet with him. On November 23, 1992, I met with Mr. Ulrich at his residence to inspect the property and discuss the situation with him. Mr. Ulrich lives on the main level of the residence and rents the lower level to�a woman and her child. The lower level can be accessed through a front entrance to the main level and an adj acent stairway or by a rear walkout off the lower level. The renter's living area contains completely independent living facilities (kitchen, sleeping area, etc.); however, there is no physical separation between the living areas. This situation does not appear to constitute noncompliance with the City's R-1 zoning district requirements pertaining to dwelling units. This is because a physical separation does not exist which would prevent one or more parties from gaining access to the entire structure (the so-called "door policy"), and there are not more than five.unrelated persons living on the site. However, this scenario does not meet the Zoning Code's guest room definition since a separate kitchen facility exists for the second living area. Staff will be seeking a legal opinion concerning whether or not the situation at Mr. Ulrich's residence constitutes an illegal duplex. We will keep you posted as to the status of this matter. SB:ls CEM-92-102