AF - 46794�� y �?CT 1y ' 9�1 11 � 47 RHRf`IH G�I�`r' :'. '=TEFFE('di;EF'. �ta�ut a w�N�Y ROUWO J. 7N���R CARYM b. YE Virgil. Herrick 200 Co�n Rapids $lvd Coon Rapids, Mri. 55443 re: Dr. Wayne Dahl �?ear Mr. Herrick : T,�A,R,��Y & THEILER ATiORNEYS A71.AW SUITH 6180 1300 (30DWnRD 37R�ET N.@. MINNEAPOLlS, bi1NME30TA 55413 (612) 331-4500 (800? 700-4b01 Fl1X 331-7740 Septembex 29, I994 F.1 O( CAUnae�: PATRICIA J. RYERSON' �aeo Ucxnaed !n NoAt1 Aak01a & WisCdtsln Afte� �ur mast recent conversation on Monday I wanted to send you a le�t�r setting farth my clients position regarding h��e neighbor� ���empt to avaid the city's building codes and its adverse a��ect �pon his. prop�r�y values. Y agx'ee wa:th the cities assessment rhat the driveway in dispute has been in place �or many years. Y beiieve the previaus owner of my clients property.did in fact g�.ve the prior owner of the adjacent �roperty �ome land to utiliz� for a driveway. However, over the yearr� the ro ert owners adjacent to my client have a.n:creased tkze size af the d.rzvewav so tha� it encroac � on my clients an . en an ow this occurred is not exactly known. �Iy client dzscove�'ed the encroachment aver five years ago when he xeviewed the m�tter �nrith me. I sent a letter to the neighbors IHayfox�ds3 letting them know we would allow the use of �he prpperty �s theix' dri�crew��y, but would not aaree t e uae was x�.ot open. and �'1L7S�.7.J.� . ThaYp h78 nc�f- }�oon anti.� i_n� L'`Y adv�ra� pos�egsien �� il1�T cl�.— e� n�s prap�rty and this is not an issu� at this time. 'S'h� areaJ. issue now involves th� Hayfard' s work on that portion of the tariveway which is salely upon their o��:n praperty. Th� Hayfords apparently have tarn ug part�ons of the dr�veway up with the a.nterzta.on of resuriacing it completely. The driveway abuts my clients prop�r�y Zine. The Frid�ey city code, as I understand it, requires any change to �xisting..stxuc�uxes in �xcess of 50g must be done in compliance wit�h the.current cit� code, irre ardless of when the structure was first buil� or the code requirements at t e ime i�was uil�—� a�.so�� re � res � a a u s must e at east eet rom a neighbors property� line.. 612 7�U 1�?7 ;. C?GT 1a ' q�l 11 � 48 BARf`IA C�UZY 'u STEFFENGEF' F.� The Hayfords drzv�way is right on the property line and not in Conformance with the current city cod�. I am not sure �.f it wQUId be in compliance with �.he city code � wh�n. it was orig�.na].ly bu�.lt but z think that �.s a.rrelevant. My client believes that a correct reading of the code would require the Hayfords to move their dri.v'eway 3 feet �rom hia existing prpperty line for twQ important r�ason� : 1. A d�i�crew�y i8 a�_sr.r,��r„rA �� iu]?a.r}1 i� governed by the C4C�@ . It muat meet the codes requa.rements o� a 3£oot �et back and cannot be buil� up to a property 1ine. 2. The euxxent construetion of the driveway is not "maYntenance" �f an exist�.ng structure but the "replacement° of an exYS�ing sk.ructure. Tt involves th� rernoval of 50� of the tructure and �he r��urfacing of 100� o� t e nId area. This wor enta�.ls more than 50� of aYea and sub��cts the work to the current ci�.y code. My client talked'to the contraetor who sai.d the bid he gave the �iayfords was �ox a new dxiveway. in performing �he woxk the way i.� was done, the cast raas still the same as for a whol� new dri�rewaY • _ Th� purpose of �he cade's xequirements is to ingure that a11 structuxes built in the past become conforming dver time as they _ar�.repazred �r essentialiy xep�aced., If the Hayfords are ailowed rr� re �:ace th�ix ald driveway with an essential y new one �. ey w� 1 av� ca.rcumv o e an � ci wi ave er etuate a non � con orming use . Then in the future, the Fiayfards wili be a owe o continue t� maintain the non conforming use which de�val.ues my clien�,s praperty. For exampZe, if the part not repai�ed �hi.s time should need rep�.ir in the future, it could be done at a iater date ag�in cixcumventing �he city code. � think it is r].ear the Hayfords have chosen to replace their driveway. Th�� h��ve tried to do so�n a piecemeal �ash�.on to avozd th� reg,uirement�� of the Gode. z think anyone would agree that a riveway a.s n.at rep aced by cutting ou� 5d� of the m�terial ar�d then resuriacing of tihe entire driveway over the old rnatex'ia�.. Xt is no� n�rmal c�ana�.ructian pxacta.ce ar�d would not be allowed if �c�per y zn.specte , was one o preserve a non conforming use to a st�uct�xr� tha� clearly needed rzplacement. Tt�e cit�r ��iould require the Hayford� to mflve thei.r new dzi.veway to a location that canfarms with existinr� code requiremen�—The Hayfords were well aware not only Q� �he code requix�emexzts but the GY.)]F'.G�].Q11f3 to th��a.x� proposed plans because of contact .they have had with the city and my c�.a.ent . Tk�e� chase to go ahead anyway, we believe, to for�e the city to acquiesce in their attempt� ta avoid the cade requirements. M� client appreciatea the time you've taken fi�o review �h�.s matter. It is o� great concern to him nQt anly becau�e it cauld.poten�ially de�r�lue his property but also becauae it will result in a agran 612 78� 17?7 . � � �CT 29 ' 9=3 11 � a� BAf�NA �;I_�71' ;: STEFFENGE� ._ •-� F' . � �. violation af the city's cade. Mare importantly, it is likaly to be a sourc� o� future problerns uriless it is ful�.y �ddxessed immediatel.y. My client loaks forward to your opinion. Xouzs truly, �/� • l�� Mark Karney MAK/kIj cc• Dr. Wayn� Dahl C