INSPECTIONS ADDRESS CARD - 28246 . INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS LOCATION 7501 Hayes Street NE OWNEft Kocinski LOT 5 BLOCK 2 ADD. Don's 5th Addition Permit No. Coaatructioa Dat� 12,890 Heating Permit 9/24/97 32,706 Building Permit(PatDoor 6/19/02 Conlraclor Sharp Heating & AC Pella Windows & Doors Cost 55.00 83.25 Page 2 Fiaal 9/30/97 7/18/02 � INSPECTOR OF BUI4DING5 LOCATION 7501 Hayes Street N.E. OWNER Gerber--i�at��e Poepping LOT 5 BLOCK 2 ADD. Don's 5th Addition Pesmit No. 9571 4019 4491 6965 6977 6841 4207 4713 7439 10,674 5614 5739 9640 12,263 12,832 15,877 14,334 21, 441 11,596 Coastruc2ion Building Permit(Iiouse) Heating Permit Plumbing Permit Electrical Permit Electrical Permit Water & Sewer Permit Heating Permit Plumbing Permit Electrical Permit Buil.ding Permi.t (G&Porch) Plumbing Permit Heating Permit Electrical Permit Building Permit Building Permit(Firepl) Building Permit(Deck) Electrical Permit &uilding Permit(Reroof) Plumbing Permit Dai� 12/1/67 12/16/67 12/11/67 12/13/67 12/27/67 12/12/67 8/21/68 9/10/68 10/16/68 6/1/70 6/20/72 7/3/73 7/3/73 7/31/73 12/9/74 8/13/80 9/29/81 7/14/92 5/29/96 Contractor Cost Clemron, Inc. $ Ray N. Welter Heating Knapp's Plumbing Co. Williams Electric Robbinsdale Elects ic Knapp's Plwnbing Co. Ray N. Welter Heating Minnegasco, Inc. Robbinsdale Electric Robert Garber Minne.gasco, Inc. Superior Contractors Superior Contractors Robert Garber Swanson Construction James Hauge Bacon's Electric D & D Home Izr►proye� R A Johnson & Son 30.00 17.00 17. 00 21.75 4.00 3 0. 00 17. 00 3.00 4.00 17.00 8.00 12. 00 4. 00 6.00 6.00 7. 50 10.00 31.Q0 20.00 Fiaal 9/23/70 12/28/67 1/10/72 i0/17/68 5/18/71 6/ 30/ 72 9/12/75 9/18/73 11/3/80 10/ 5/81 7/ 31/9 2 E#2510-11/23/67 B#2397-11/21/67 P#2595-12/8/67 B#2650-12/18/67 B#2888-2/2/68 E#2916-2/2/68 B#4594-7/3/68 B#10,827-6/4/70 B#10,832-6/5/70 B#10,843-6/9/70 B#12,055-8/31/70 B#15,833-5/18/71 P#17,689-1/10/72 P#20,244-6/30/72 B#25,757-8/6/73 E#26,551-9/18/73 B#32,294-12/10/74 H#35,284-9/12/75 B#61,283-11/3/80 E#64,454-10/5/81 B#104,053-7/31/92 B��125,091-9/30/97 B4�145,947-7/18/02