P - 62696Inspec�iQns 76�-5?2 :3604 SiTE At)DRESS � 'TNIS Ai>PLICANC[St TENANT B►ITILZ%Il�Ci FtESiDEIYTIAL A�'PLICA"�IO� �ITY iJF FR YOL1R E-t�A1L ADURESS C i�.t�a f��G �OWNER �1iGOTITRACTOR '� _�..f � 4VP1.11�A�4:1'VR a��iaG�w W s�� :�3ii�i�! DR'.il. ��i ' STATE LICENSE ii 1920 County Rvad "C" West StiBMIT A COPY OF Roseville, MN 55113 Y�UR S'iATE LICEIYSE Ai3DR�s5: wr�t��.icA,�orr ,,�o�,� License #BC13098'3 PRCIPERTY TltPE s�l�c�,���a�cvnv�� +651-ZG4-4?7? O $��N7ENf FiN73H O RQOF O DE�1G O SIAII+f nESC�E wo� sFarrcc sQu,v�s �,�'oi. PRl)POSED SiZE: PR{)POSED Fi�1GtiT: C7� G Atuminum Q OQaer �3 rN E?nsTtxG �PEMidt`.s �res oNo 4R FOR NEW 4FEhi1NC'�S-DESGRIB$ 3IZE OF Pl� Review Fire 3urcharge Surcharge License Stu�cha�e SA�G Gharge Curb Guk F.sGrow Eros�n Control P�rk Fee Sewer Main (�arge Per�i# y�.r�k.��- STA'1"� .2.IP' r s�Axe�i� D i)RAIiti Ti � OTHER . e a t�ous� ac �,4x.ac� � A7"I'ACk1ED tiARAGE C] DETAfHED(iARAGE' flSoiiis 0 Trim ❑ Fascia LUCA"ClON OF W[NDOWS � wn�rr� -� cos�r oF U.ByC FEE �CH�DULE) i. ExisdngFlaatPlan 2. t�opo�ed tioer pira 3. Lmi ofauuctutel roanbers t4 L� wed F�R, NSW L'�}NSTilIiC`1'ION Ib[iCLUDINO flECKS,, ' A��'�(JNS_ & PCSR[_f�iFC Ci {�M]T� 1. Sita PIu�3�uvay sLowi� tl� ex�dng tu�te�dure s� i�a'oAOSCd 1ttoJe�t. 2. 'fw�o seFS �coash�uclion Pl�ne 3. Laet�y C�atcnhtions 5�oe BackPage 6or fiee 3chedule 659�0 of Building I�ermit F� .001 times the tc�tal job valuaticm .U005 x Permit Valuetion► Mini�nurn $.S(} S5.0f1(State Licensed Residdttial Ca�sctars) 52554 per SAC lln'st {�lans to MWCC far d�te�rnination) ft-+6R= Etx�2laS; 5450 Conservation Plen Rcvierv Fee I�ceerm'sned by Eng�emxg Agree�zent nccESSary { ) Non 1'+7ecass�ey ( ) M�1+uG cie�ks n�svable toe C##v of Fridlev Attac THIS i5 AN APPLICATIDN FOR A PERMtf-h1C71' VAL(Q UM'F[, PRGCESSID I hErelry apgiy for a buildir�g pe�rnzit and I ackaowledge t'hat the infarmatiaz abov� is +a�mplexe and accun�ete; xlmt the work will be is canfarrna�nae wit�h the ardinances �d codes of the Gity af Fridley and with the Mu�nesota Construc� Codes; t�t 1 un+de�stand This ia t�at o pesmit laut cmly an application pennit �d work is tw�t to start withaut a petmit; that th� work will be in accordance with the �ppm�c piat� in the case of aEl work whi revi approvat plans. SlCiNANREUF APPLIGANT NAME/1 Z'CC�.�1AS�tf�`� �pATE_,,,,� 1, ��� � . _� ...... < Wci tr4�£���. �iOZ/£4Jtr �ai�d � E!� :a�ed.., 06491�L9LS9 :u`ao�� . . ... _ , �..., ... . _�..