AF-V - 46160.�, i�JLGT City of Fridley r, 4T T11E TOP 0� TMF TMIINq APPLICATION TO BOARD OF APPEALS ; �, �� �'L'--"'—� CQMMVNITY pHVR�NT OIV. � i r110T�CTIHR IpfA�Q(p� �/7; i � � � �"' i Q11: M�LL IAIOLtY �� �----1�: �.� �st-s�o-a+so �� etv. o� c ��E or o ar � N� - 1 2 800 Addreas Phone a �arson 1345 Hillcre�t Dr. N.E. 788�4858 Lega Lot Na. Block No. Tract or Addition ��°• 1 4 B�oore Le.ke Hills Variance Requested (Attach plat or survey of property showing location of proposed bu�tlding, etc., including adjoining properties and awnerahip within Z00 feet of said property.) �` ,e , � Z° ar :�� ' � �. `7i C��,; , � , � . ,.. , F i f gp � ' ` �:� :h� d � "P � � Me��i�g D�te �'�� R�c�ipt N�. � -��-�3 �5�0� �t lo��� 5� Opinione and Recoa�endation by the $oard of Appeale � o?�/, �c/% 3 ° ��..���%�,,"2,�f' (�%' ��Lr'� r� ��"1-r v , For Above Recotrmtendation Againat Recoumendations ;�\ �' L� 4,)L i� �✓'(� ���b��C�� � .� 1 • .a , � , ;�. � a . City Council Actioa and Date . Q.�� °7, e9� ' e w • ��IiCT City of Fridley .._ .. 4T T1� TOP 0► rME TirlNi APPL I CAT I ON TO BOARD OF APPEALS � � � � ; t+.-------� cowuuw�rroevi{.Oqi1QNTDIV. (Staff Report) � �lpritrivR Na�ta�roM oi�'r: � i � C1TY NA64 IINBLLY H*R r--� i ...._J�►•� .J iiii'b�0"JKO N1Mit1! RtM. CAT[ E OR er _ 910-F23 0 2 15 73 2 2 800 Co�nents by administrative official denying original requeat for building perniit or other pexmit. (To be completed by administrative.official. Appropria�e Ordinances and sections of Ordinance to be cited.) Board members notified of ineeting by List members, date notified, and "Yes" or "No" for plans to attend hearing. Name . Date Plan to Attend " ._, - . ' rJ . - - � l i �I L , . � . � � ,t j i / 7 � ' - .1 `�S 1�i.. � � (�(_f�.� � ' % 1 � ��.�t" � � � Q�� � � I 1 _S ��1.� �� ��.> �iCI�LQ..�.�-� 1. ; � l � '� �� C- C'o� % ;� Perso ma.king app al and the following property owners having property within 200 feet notified: Phone Notified B �� �Date ,.or Mail (Initial) c��°�.� «� / �! ��,e.Q.�c�� � - / 0 - °� U.;c� D�'1, s�/ . �c, - � +� , � + � � . ,--� ' � '' / � � � 4�`��Q�J - � Y� - � �3�a �- ,�3�0 �. . � ,' . ,e..� . i � , ,. ������ _�� � THE �QF THE, BOARD 0,�'�, SUBCOI�I,TTEE I�ETING OF APitTL 24. 1973 � a° The meeting was called to order by Chai�aan Drigans at 7s32 P.M. 1. �; � ��'', � a r MEMSERS PRESF.�TT: Dri$ane� Crawder, Harju, Wahlber� �ER� ABSENT: Myking OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Ncrdahl - Operations Analyst 1�TTON by Wa�ilberg, aeconded by Harju, to approve the minutea of the Apr�l lp, 1973 meeting as written. Upon a voice vote� there being no nays, fhe motion cartied. Chairman Drigana said that eince there was no one present t4 preee�nt the requast at thia time, the Board will postpone the requeat until later in the meeting. MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Wahlb�rg, to waive reading the public hearing notice. Upon a vaice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gera1 d Larson wa� present to preseat his requeat. He stated hia driveway ia currently oa the north aide of his lot and has a very steep alope and entera a siag].e car garage. Directly acrosa from hia driveway are two driveways. This creates somewhak af a congestion pxoblem and there ia also some difficulty in getti.ng up the incline eapecially in the winter. He said they back out of their �arage onta the atreet and with the incline ther� ia a visability problem which wort'i�e them with the number of children in the area. In the winter they have skidded down to the street. There has bean no accident as yet but he eaid ene could happen. Se atated he needs a double garage and by building the addition plus changin� the dxiveway to enter from the top of the hill, the east aide of hie lct� he would be killing two birds with one etone. He said the propoaed driveway would havs a little slope to it so it would be self draining. Mr. Laraon continued that he also wanted an encloaed patio off the back of the house which would decrease the back yard to 15 feet from the lot line to the edge of the patio. Th� aerial photo o� thls area was shown to the Board. Mrs. Wahlberg sai.d that the new dxiveway seeme to be acroas from two driveways a180. . Mr� j�ax�on eaid that it would be but the driveway would have a better placement as it would b� more levql. ° �e Minut�s of the Board of Aapeals Meetin� of Aaril 24, �973 Pa�e 2� !`` Chaistaan Drigaas aske+d how much of a alope the new driveway would have? 3. Mr. Lareon answered approximately 1 foot. Mxs. Wahlberg asked about visability for backing out onto the atreet. Mr. Larson said the visability would be better because the driveway would be level. . Mr, Harju asked if the 1�7 foot measurement was from the garage to the stree� or from the garage �o the property line? Mr. Nordahl answered there is approximately 40 feet from the corner of the . pzoposed addition to the curb. The 17 foot mea,surement is from the proposed addition ta the property line. MOTION by Crowder, aeconded by Wahlberg, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion ca�xied. Chainnan Drigans stat�d he could aee no objection to grantia�g this varia�xice. Mr. Crowder atated he felt it was atrange that the neighbor�didn't come to the meeting as the applicant is building closer to the adjoining property line and the public hearing notice reada as such that the applicant could be building the garage within 1S feet fro,m the lot line. He asked if it was knawn how �ar the neighbor was from the lot line. Mr. Nordahl stated he did not know how far the neighbor was from the lot line. Mrs. Wahlberg stated the existing dwelling is non-conforming with the rear yard aetback before adding the patio, and with the patio it would not be bringing the structure that much cloaer to the lot line. Mr. Iiarju atated he felt the garage request was reasonable and that he would be more inclined to queation the patio variance but aince the neighbor doea not see�n to object he could go along with the variance. Mr. Laraon added that there is a privacy fence between the two propertiea aad that the patio would not be heated. MIDT�ON by Wahlberg, aeconded by Crowder, to reco�nd to the City Council, apprwal. of the variancea due to the consideration that the existing houae is cloe�r to the lot line than the Ordinaace permits and the fact that there ia a privacy fence be�ween the propertiea im�olved and it seems reasonable to grant the variance for the garage. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, the moti.an caxried. � OF OFF STREET PARKING FROM 5 FEET TO THE PROPERTY LINE TO ZERO FEET, REGUI�AR COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 7, 1973 • PAGE I1 Councilman �reider said there was to be a cocnmittee formulated for the purpose of evaluating the low income housing within the City. He questioned if there is a committee formed, would the committee say what the Metro Council wanted them to find? Mr. Clark said Mro Jerry Boardman was the City Representative �n the mat�er and it wo,.�ld be m��re appropriate to direct questi�ns tu him at a later date when he was prtsent at a meeting. Mayor Lieb� said there was a report submitted. He said the Coun�il members should S�udy the report and digest its contents and then question Mr. Board�an. Couaxcilman $reider asked if the problems were at the Fridley level or at the �Ketro Council level. CounCilman Breider said he would like sotne direction from the Metro Council on the housing role. He said this would give a committee something to work for. He said h� �as xedundant to set up a committee to work with the Metro Council if they say no to the role the cc�mmittee is playing, -- -- ---- .. Councilman Starwalt suggested discussing the matter with Mr. Boardman at the present time and if any que�tions arise after thi5 the representatives of the Metro Council could be called on ror assistance. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, May��r Liebl declared the motion carried unanimously, RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF AY}':'ALS NIEETING AND RECEIVING LETTER FROM MR. RODGER L. SORSOLEIL REGARDING VARIANCE RFQt'EST (ITEM ��7 on MINUTES) REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE UF SECTION 45.013 A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 45 013 4B FRIDLFY CITY C�DE. TO REDUCE 'I'HE REQUTRED SIDE YAFD SETBACK FROM 15 FEET TO 6 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION ro AN F.XISTING STRl1C1'IRE LDCATED ON LoTS 16 ANU 17. AUDITOR'S 3iJBDIVISIOid ��8�, THE SAME BEING 6161 HIGHWAY ��65 N. E. FRIDLEY MINNESOTA (REQUEST BY MR, WILLIAM NIC}.ZOW, 6161 HIGHWAY ��65 N E, FRIDI.EY MINNESOTA) Mr. Clark said the r�quest had been �ubmitted by Mr, Nicklow and was foz the construction of a walk in freezer. Mr. Clark said the petitioaer was not present aC the meeting and it was his belief that he had changed his mind and intended to Gonstruct the freezer in tt�e basement of the existing building. Mayor Liebl said he had heard this also, so this item would require no action. �-�;�j �' A REQtJ�$T FOR A VARIANCE OF: SECTION 45.053, 4C FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE Tf� R�QUIRED REAR YARD DEPTH FR0�11 25 FEET TO 15 FEET AND SECTION 45 053r 4B. -' S�. FRIDZEY CZTY C�E �, TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD WIDTH WI�RE AN ATTACHED ACCESS� BUILDING _ OFENS ONTO 7.'I� SIDE STREET FROM 25 FEET TO 17 FEET_ Tn AY.T.CIW � 1�IOTION by Cour�cilman Starwalt to approve the vaziance as xequested by Mr. Ge�ald T.RrsPn f4r the constzuction of an attached garage and enclosed patio. Second�d by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayox Lieb1 declared the motion carxied unanimouslyo REGUI�R COUNCIL MEE TING OF MAY 7, 1973 PAGE 12 AND SECTION 45.134, lE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE OFF STREET PARKING IN TME REQUIRED FRONT YARD FROM 20 FEET TO 13 FEET TO ALLOht THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WAREHOUSE TO BE LOCATED OAT LOTS 1, 2, 3, AND 4, BLOCK 1, ON.aWAY ADDITION THE SAME BEING 7��0 I�1�I�1 STREET N, E. , F'RIDLEY, MINNESaTA (RE,(�UEST BY PACO MASONRY INC , 5920 KIRKWOOD LANE NORTH MINNEA]POLIS , IKINNESOTA) t1ND �„REQUEST FOR A VARIAI+ICE OF SECTION 45.134. 4B FRIDLEY CYTY CODEo TO REDUCE �HE ��UI.IZED SIDE YARD SETBACR FROM 2Q FEET TO ZERO FEET AND SECTION 45.134,4C FT�IDI.EY CI'�.`� CODE TO REDUC� TH� rfINIMUM REAA YARI� FROM 25 FEET TO 24.5 r'EET y AND ��G��fJ�1 45.13.�, lE, �1tI11i�Y CTTY CODE. TO REDUCE TIIEE MINIMUM SETBACK OF OFF STREE� 1'�KING FROM ��EET 20 THE PROPERTY LINE TO ZERO FEET TO ALLOW Tkl� CONS1'RUG�I:�N OF �. ,�.., ,A WAREH�USE TA E� LOCt#T'�U OAT L01'S 24, 25, 26, 27, AIdD 28, BLOCK 1, QNi1WAY ADDIT]CON �kT� S� B�ING 7��� �LM 5��� N. E. k'RxDF�Y IrTTNi�IESQ�,� (ii�QiJEST �Y AA�O i+99ASONltY INC .�592Q KIRt�1�0A I.AI� NOR'1'ti , MT�TIVEAPALTS L I�1�1��QT�� �i�'a Clark �aid th� twro r�quests could be handled together as th�y were concernia� �he same type of variance. Councilman Breider asked if a plot plan had been submitted? Mr. Clark said ther� had and he showed it to the members of the Council. Mayox Liebl questioned if the adjacent property owner had approved the variance to zero? Mr. Clark said there are other constructions with zero side yard set back. He mentioned Fridley Auto Body and a construction on Bee�ch Street. The City Attorney said in those cases, both properties are owned by the same person. Mr. Clark said these were the only two building constructed in this manner that he c�ulcl recall. He said according to the code Lt could be handled with ap�roval of the adjacant property a�aaar. Mr. Clark said Mr. Haratad said he did not object. Councilman Breider asked the City Attorney if the warehouse would be converted to tnanufacturing, could the City post ao parking signs all along the block? The C��y Attoxney said legally the City could. He said he did not know if they would like to do this. He recalled the caee of the parking in the area of the pvst office sayi.ng this was different thai� what was originally planned for. The City Attorney said the problems arose from two things, manufacturing and ass�mbly work. He said the parking xequirements changed rrom the original planaed usage which was shopping. The City Attorney suggeated perhape requiriag so maay per equare foot rather than by usage, but said in many cases people coa$truat huge warehouse� and only employ Chree or four people. He eaid ta requixe 30 or 40 parking stalle would not be fair to thie type of operatioa. Th� City Attorney,said he did not kaaw an e.asy anawer. MOTT(�+i by Caur�cilman Starwalt tu table aay act�ion oa the matter uatil th� aext �+ne�icag May 14, 1973, Seconded by Cauacilmaa Ne�. Mayor �iebl agreed wiCh the idea of tabli.ag th� action for � week. T�tc. �deoa said he h�d a i�tCer frca� Mz. iiaretad aAd Mro Har�tad planaed to glace hie building xight next ta t�i� �lanaed constructioc�. i L'' -%��J , 2 E c� lond Planning sf/�1/��lf,) (, . . � A875 Highway No AS Kf. i• l�t �l l lond Surveyi�g ���� Minneopolis, so�i. Teseing � /d�l'�IIPN�fII�� • • �w��,, sse3� Civ�l Engineering Telephone 76e-6066 Munitipal Engineering Engineers & Surveyors Areo Code 612 Mortga,ge Loan Survey for NQU�a�. `,L`��� ��(;�'��. ��I�L L�2�=`�� ��1V� _ c�b.'.5 M..,., -- Q r ': � l_vO:t r�t�lt ' ( __�^_ � 1 ' \\ � I , � ' � - � � , � , -��-=l1--�.}6 �, . . _ '33 " , �q.2�1 y � ; ; � � 101 �t �1 • ' c.. ; y me . �; � I f ��� c� � � j " il j � � \ �. �e � ` �E \� �.'N �<- . S � � �, �1 � 7 � �� \_ � � ,�: _ � r- ��� N �\ � �1 T ' ,: � fJ � � � � � �� � � /� �O ,� y , � Y+\� i f- I ` "1 f 4� 9 Z�� ` �.�/ . ` r �'�I � � � �,� �-, ,.,. � � -.�;;�r�„r ;� - - -_ _ _ i � i :�; � � / J --- - -------- J - 5 � �,+ � _ - � ---- --- � � d :; .1 V I a � � _ I � - — � �:aa.�_ �M�a� Fttd�n �,� To �s � R���n��o 2S r� t')� ��orb�'�R� c,N �R��9�mE 6?e�e�t, �ao� �„ �ci�e' 1 -.',r' _�u � 1, � �oct� �1 Moo�� ���� u�►�t � n t YI��kCI l.•Ct�ttl�/ This is o true and correct representation of a survey oi the boundaries of the land above described med of the locetion of QII buildings� �f any� rhereon� ond oll visi6le encroachments� if any� from or on said lond. This surver is made only in connection with a mortgoge loan now being ploced on the properly ond no liobilify is assumed ercept to rhe holder of such mortgage or any other interest acquired by the reoson of such morfgoge. It is �nderstood and agreed nTp monuments hava been placed for the purpose of establishing lot lines or boundary torners. Dated this 2� -�' doy of �1 x" „ p, D. 19;�� . SUBURBAN ENGIN@ERIIdG, INC. Enginee�r,s Sur erors by �`',� . r! ��.- .!'� r� . . \1 ^\ i' / C n OFFIC]'AL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF APPEALS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Appeals of the City of Fridley will meet in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesda.y, April 24, 1973 to consider the following ma,tter: A request for a variance of Section 45.053, 4C, Fridley City Code to reduce the required rear yard depth from 25 feet to 15 feet and Section 45.053, 4B, Sb, Fridley City Code, to reduce the side yard width where an attached accessory building opens onto the side street from 25 feet to 17 feet, to allow the construction of an attached garage a.nd enclosed patio on Lot 1, Block 4, Moore Lake Hills Addition, the sa.me being 1345 Hillcrest Drive N.E., Fridley, Minnesota. (Request by Mr. Gerald Larson, 1345 l3illcrest Drive N.E., Fridley, Minnesota.) Aaiyone who desires to be heard with reference to the above ma.tter will be heard at this meeting. ROBERT A. MINISH CHAIRMAN BOARD OF APP�ALS � ' lond Planning I . !-G��'��G/�f.ljl ,, � � / 6875 HighwaJr Na.65 N.F Land S�rveying � , Min�eapol�s, so�i, Tesfing (, jLl�ZjIPRl�I't�'� �j�h('. ��;,,,,. sse3� Civil Engineering Telephane 784-6066 Municipal Engineering Engineers & Surveyors Area Code 612 Mort�a�e Loan Survey �or 1-�OUS� CLINI(: SiO�� _ 3 "'�/b'1 �_ _-___ __ � I �, ,7 I I � 1 � 3 ; � �I�L C��'�'.�! �'i�1V� -- _ � ��.'.5 M� �•t �� �z_�6.9 r � nt � ' �-- _ ► �� � � � 2 �+ � "�=r"�".� = � T- _ � _ � s'U�; �._%,, L � s�,; �E�,;r � a. a �vi,�r t ` 1a4.�?iMes`.'' FRn�n �,� To �s � R+�Ar��ao �ao�, 2S T" i7� �ior.��ARg c,N �na�t�F� 6�e�R � � > � �� �. • � ,� ��' r \ `1`i `T F� • � � N � � � --T � „ i` C4�e:� .. �p ��r 1, ��oc��c 4� Moo�� �a�� ����L� � r�, ���k:, �_ ��*,�� This is a true and correcf representation of o survey of the boundaries of the land above destribed and pi the location oi all buildi�gs� if any� thereon� and oll visible encroachments� if any� from or on soid land. This surrer is made only in connection wifh a mortgoge loan now being placed on /he property and no liobility is assumed e��ap♦ ro the holder of such mortgoge or ony other interest ocquired by the ►eason of such mortgoge. It is underseood ond agreed�np monuments have been placed for the purpose oi estpblishing Ipt lines or bp�nda.y corners. Dated this �- 'day of,�1�r'-L,�p,D. 19��, SUBURtAN ENGINEERING, INC. Engineer�s � 'o� ,�rpyOrs bY1°, , r �I � . � � � I � � f �' � � � 0 �. � � � lond Plaaning s��'�u/L�� 6875 Highwar No.65 N.E. Land Suweying ,y� ,/ •� /�/�/� • Minneapolis� Soils TesRing �/�i�(/��G•G'G���, �nc� Minn. 5543� Civil Engineering �elephone 784-6066 Municipal Ertgineering En�fnee�rs & Surveyors Area �ode 61� Mortgage Loan Survey for N�l��� �L��1�, ��Q'�� l�I�L C���i ��IV� a�.�5 ti�Ra�. � _ �6.4 I�1 a# � �e �, � �4y ,� � .� . 4 `I� �� � —_ 3s.o t _- � r-,.� � � ' s r �TJ'� � . �S tc�r � � y �rame 1345 4� -0�.3 n I � '� I � <�P,.S6 � 92' 6 I �� I� � � � � �� 1 � �`�" I .�_ ��� � ' � �;; _ ni -, � -v i .N Q.7 � . e4,2 • . �� >4.2 � `: � t-e _ J� � I ��° , �,�. � � f� � � / Po /�' I (f1�l�"1'� �Ct S�i7'1 °i�� _ N_ _ � — — _._. � � " 39 �); �- _. �' �44 4 DI�1' �� , L14Q.��SMe4s., , � . �R�� �►'� 'r� �S' ��ic�r�'h��� ' ��o+�, 2S � �'u i'" 5ior. N�a� oN CvMlgfl��� �cama�, ' ��) - � � � , 1�1 �.� � � N � � Jp '/ J � � Sc�,lee1�-�0 I�C�� 1, ��OCIC 41 M40i�� �A�.� UILL� � AYIGICCI GOtltl��l This Is a frue ond correcT representation of a survey o{ fhe boundariea of tMe lond above described ond of the location of all 6uildings� if any� fhareon� and ali visible encroachme�ts� if any� from or on soid land. This surver is made only in connection with a morfgage loon now being placed on fhe proper►y and ao liabilify is assumed ercept to the holder of such morigage or anr other interest ocquired by the reoson oi such mortgoga. If ie understood artd agreed n� monuments have been placed for the purpose of estoblishing Ipt Unes or boundcry corners. Dated this �LB- day of�nrc�. A. D. 197�,, SUBURBAN ENGINEERING, INC. / Enginee�s Sur,werl�rs � � 4 �`�o br �',� � �� r � --��`�°:f' -s. .. .. , , �