AF - 46163N° _ 652 ;.�G � >� Village of Frfdley, Minn. �% �'` �� BUIIIDING PER11'IIT ��� � �� . : .�~`"� ; �f �� �.� �� � � � Office of INSPEOTOR OF BIIIT.DINQrS �� :`� ;-�, ��' Owaer ° '� � ' � e f ; r : �e.S Architect R � � � '�! ,.� � � � . "� ,�X" f � v������ ,:� ) �� �� �� � �.• Fridley, M1an., � a' ? �'� c': -� � ��,+� k , 19 • ' ��' Builder ` °� � � °..�- LOCATION OF BUII.DING � `� Q � � �� 0�,�.� � ` � �,�. No. Btxeet , , ,�. :'*� r T�at;r Part of �- ' Lot " ; Slack �� Addition or 8ub-Divisian "- " �.`� _ DESCRiPTION OF BiJ�.LDING � FA'^ d -p �I A 19 L'ront Depth te r� Height � Stories_ ?� Manner of ConetruCtion y:' y:°'e � �'o be used ae , '� `° � �' r'' `+ To be completed s� � ' '" ��� �` Esl3mated Cost ° � �:, � 6�,. ;� � , > �� ' s -. � - ; � �� ,� ..� � Pernait ie hereby gtanted to ' F 4 �' _ ti� s� �� � � 6 � . � �'; ,- �� � the buildisng �'-`' `� descrlbed in the above 6te.tement. Thia permlt !a granted upon the expre�s conr3ltion that the person to whom it fs granted, aad hie agente, employees and worlmnen, in a11 the work done ln, atound and upon said building, or any part ther�f, sha11 conPorm in all respects to the ordi- nances of Fridley, Mina., regardiag the conetruction, alteration, maintenance, repair and movlug of buildinga witbia the city limits, an� thie permit may be revoked at any tlme upon violation o! any of the provieions of eafd ordinancea. � � z � ��`.: '�� ��,' � ^_ - Tn�r.1�0i OY Bi1�1d9IIg8. AGREEMENT AND SWORN STATEMENT In eonsideration of the isaue and delivery to me by the Inspector of Buildings of Fridley of the above permit, I hereby agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the description above set �orth and according to the provisions of the ordinances of Fridley, and, being first duly sworn, I hereby state and say tha.t the factas st�ted by me a.nd contained in the above permit are true as there4n stat�. Subscribed. and sworn to before me at FrYdley, day o� ,� �• r �i.D. 19 �� � . �. � `� Mfnnesota, this � �s ,f��,.''� � , . � ��` �� � �. a , u r,,�: i�� �;� �' �;�'r � � �; �" •,3, � y�r_ .;�', �� .: � �1 City of Fridley, Minn. ,.� BUILDING PERMIT NA 6798 � �- � -�--- � � � a i�/ Date: � VrlralQi: IY�i e ��I ��,�,..��J'�'�=�� v a411� �"�'� d � �:l�l�iry;!;! Addrese CATI N F I DING No. y��;�� stt�eet .�����.�.. P of Lot Lot .�..._ Block ..�� Addition or Sub-�iv3eion ���'. � Carner Lot — Inaide Lot � Setback _.���_____ Sideyard d�— SeWer IIe�ation � Foundation IIevation DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING T sea as: � y � t Depth _� Height �_. Sq. Fk .��� (�, Ft, Fro DePth � eight �� Sq. Ft Cu. Ft Zj►pe of Construction �,.. F�st. Cost _.._ _� To be Completed In con�deratlon of the issuanc+e to me of a germft to construct the building described above, I agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the description above set Porth and in cbmplian all provls�tons of ordinances oP the dty of Fridley. � In com�deratton of the payment of a fee of $�6� , permit is hereby gianted to to conatruct the building or addit3on as descrYbed above. Thi� permit is gi�anted upon the express candition that the pereon to whom it ia granted aad his agents, employees and worl�nen, fn all work done in, around and upon said building, or anypar� thereof, shall coaform in all reapects to the ordinauc� of FridleY� Minnesota g lxation, construction, alteration� maiatenance, repeir and mov3ng of buildings ordinancea d� limits�and�ttiis permit may be revoked at any time upon vio�, tion of any of the Provfsiona of said Bu9lding Inapector ��'1 Nonc� 'hds pemrit doa rto� eewr ths eomtraeHon, le�apalloe fsr vrhln6. P���e. 6a haNng, awu o� wmr. B� wn ro sM 16a Boildieg les�e�or tor apanM psrm6s for tha� �. .w,, � . APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNL30TA ` '' f ��, _� � , , , . , �� � _ ,, �/��. �i ./. � � _�1y�. � . � . � .� � ► � � :��_ -�T �.. 3 a ,f__ � > -� � � >'' ;c �, /�. � � �� ✓ LOCATIOId OF BUiLDI1VG No._ /� �� Stseet a Part of ot ` Lot �`� Block -� Additifoiz or Subd3visiou �.�,._ Coraer Lot Inaide Lot�Setbeck __ Sid Yard SEWE�t II,EVATION FOtJ1�ATI0N �LBVATION Applicant aetach to thia form Two Certificates of Surveq of Lot and propoaed build- ing lacation drawn on theae CertificaCee. � DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To be used as: � ' ������ � i� Front_�,�%' � Depth �� Height � r Sq. Ft. °'� �� � Cu. Ft. �� d�� . Front Depth Aeight Sq. Ft. Cu. Ft. � Type of Construction_ ���,�,� _ Eetimated Cost ��� To be Completed �,� / ' ���5� i7 The undersigaed hereby makes application for a permiC for the work herein apecified, agreeing to do all work ia strict aceordance with the Citq of Fr3dley Ordinances an� rulings of the Departnent of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the facte aad representationa stated ia thia appl3.cetion are true and correct. DA�.'�' �La���% /��� SIGNATiRtE L��� � (schedule of F�e Costs can be found on the Reverse Side). �� �� 4 � ;: ; � �..,. -- -� _ . � _. -�- � C BUILD7NG PEItMIT F8E S(�IEDULE Section 2. The Inspector of Bu3.ldings ehall, befose issuing anq permit for �h� erect�on of any building or structure, or for any addition to anq egise- in� building or eCructure, or for any alter�tions or repairs Co any exia�ing building or atructure, upon agplication therefoa, require the paqment by the applicaat for such permit of feee to the emount herein below aet forth and in the manner hereia provided to-wit: 2.1. For any auch permit for the erection o.f any fi�re-proof buildimg, other than a garage� warehouse, factorq os grain eleva'tor, or for the erectioa of any fire-proof additian� for aim�.lar occupancq, to anq e�ietiag building shall be Bt the rate of $1,40 for each one thousaad cubic feet, or fraction thereof, in such cubical contenta. 2.2. For any such permit for the erection of anq fire�proof gara�e, warehouse, f�.ctory or greia elevator, or for the erection of any fire-proof additiaa, for similar occupancy, to any existiag bu3lding sha11 be at the rate of $1.25 for each one thousand cubic feet� classified as "fireproof" by Section SOZ of the Minneapolie Building Code. HOUSES 2.3. For any such permit for the erection of �ny noa-fireproo£ building other than a garage, warehouse, factory or grain elevator, or anq aaa-fireproof addition, for similar occupancy� to any existing buildiag - permit $1.00 tor � each one thousand cubic feet. GARAGES 2.�i. For anq auch permit for the erection of any non-fireproof garage, warehouse, factory or grain elevator, or for Che erectirna of any noa-fire;rrouf addit�.�, for�similar occupaacy, eo any ea3sting building or for �ach such - �.�iding or addieioa -.minety centa ($0.90) for each one thousaad cubic feet or fraction thereof, in the cubical coatents thereof wi.th a minin¢stm of $4.Q�. For the purpose of campu�iag fees for building permita, the cubical conteats of anp building or addi.�iar,� to a uniform height throu�hhout by multiplying tg�.e ground area covered fram a poinC eix (6) inches below the.floor line of the b�aement or cellar to the�average height of the upper surface or to the average height of the roo£ surface of the main �able of a p9.tched roof. 2.5. For repaira or alteraCions to an existing atructure, the fee eha11 be at the rate of $3.00 per each Five Hundred Dollara ($500.00) or fraction thereof ia the coet of all•propused work. 2.6. In no case ahall the fee_chargad for anp permit ae eet forth in SeCtioa 2 be lea� than $4_00. � � /"� _ _ - ..� � � �.,. _ _t f _ sus�ecT fT NO. A �,? c�ty of Fridley 2 2 7 2$ �� AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS g U I L D I N G P E R M I T � � ` RECEIPT NO. � • COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT DIV. V PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. � 7�� � � '_"-� r ; ; `� _ , ---_� /'�'1 •j CITY HALL FRIDLE� 55432 NUMBER REV OATE PAGE OF APPROVEO BY � ' � 612-571-3450 910-F15 7/19/94 � � JOB AODRESS �348 Hillcrest Drive NE t LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. ],S 3 Moore Lake Iiills SHEET 2 PROPERTYOWNER MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE June Duininck 1348 Hillcrest Drive NE 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS Z�P PHONE LICENSE NO. Same 4 AFlCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 ENGINEER MAILADDRESS Z�P PHONE LICENSENO. 8 USE OF BUILDING Residential 7 CLASS OF WORK ❑ NEW � ADDITION 0 ALTERATION � REPAIR � MOVE ❑ REMOVE X 8 DESCRIBE WORK Reside House 9 CHANGEOFUSEFROM TO STIPULATIONS SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATINQ, TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY CaROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTFiUCTION ZpNING SQ. FT. CU. FT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 80 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I HEFiEBY CERTIFV THAT 1 HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION 1 STAILS GARAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WI�L BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PEFiMIT �ZsOOO �1.00 DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE pERMIT FEE SAC CHARGE -PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- [�S.00 Fire SC STRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. � �Z.00 PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL FEE $48.00 G nTURE OF CON � A TO OR AUTHORIZED AGENT iOATEi PROPE LV DATED THIS IS VOUR/ PERM � �..L� ���'�Ld%�� ' / ' � � C� G I � ` GNATURE OF OW ER i�f OWNEt7 BUILDERi �DATE� oBLDG iNSP �i/.TE NEW ADDN ALTER il �1 (1 CITY OF�FRYDLEY SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEXES R-1 AND It-2 Building Permit Appiication ConstructionAddr�s: % .�J �(f Legal Description: _ Owner Name cYr. Address: � Cantractor: � � Addr�ss: . � LIVING AREA: GARAGE AREA: DECK AREA: OTHER: Tel. # MN LICENSE # . � Tel: # Attach to this application, a Certificate of Suwey of the lot, with the proposed construction drdwn on it to scale. Length Length Length D�SGRIPTION OF� IMPROVEMENT � - ' Width . Width Width -� Effec;tive 1 / i /94 -�� �s-� He'ight � Sq. Ft. � Height Sq. Ft. Hgt/Ground , Sq. Ft. Comer Lot (] inside Lot �j Ft. Yd Setback Side Xazd Se�acks Type of Consbruction: oo���,� ,e,e �11 Estima.ted Cost: $o� �a d o� Approx. Completion Date: � � (Cost on Back) Driveway Curb Cut Width Needed: Ft. + 6 Ft = Ft x$ =$ DATE: � - � % APPLICANT: � Tel. � -� � � Permit Fee Fire Surcharge State Surcharge SAC Charge License Swcharge Driveway Escrow Erosion Control Park Fee Sewer Main Charge TOTAL STIPULATIONS: $ � `�Z) $ « - � C� $ /. C� C� $ $ $ $ $ $ $ -��. �a �� USE ONLY Fce Schedute on Reverse Side .001 of Permit Valuation (1 / l Oth%) $.50/$1,000 Valuation $8� per SAC Unit $5.(}0 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) Alt. "A" or Alt. "B" Above $450.00 Conservation Plan Review Fee Determined by Engineering Agreemeirt Necessary [ ] Not Neces.sary [ ) d o�' a � l�U1LUtNG F'ERMIT FEE SCEiEDULE "i�he (,fllCi t31ItI(�l[l� UiiICIdI Siial(, t�cforc issuing permits for thc erc;ction of any bui(c�ing or structurc, c�r fi�r any �►�i�i<<����, to any cxisti�g t�uiiding oc sttucturc, or for any allcration or repair to any cxistin� [�uildin� <�r structurc, upun a�plication thcrcfore, reyuirc tltc �ayment by t1�c a{�plicant for such permit c�f iccs t<� thc aiti<�unt hcrcin bclow sct t<��t}� and ia t}�c manncr I�crcin I�r<ivicic:ci to-�vit: "['U"1'AL VALUf: $ l to $500 $SO1 to $2,000 $2,001 to $25,000 $25;001 to $50,000 � � $50,001 to $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 $500,001 to $I,0(?0,000� . i . � $1,000,001 and up Ff:};S $15 (Minimum Fcc is $15 plus surcharge) $15 for first $Spp p(us $2 for each additionai $100 or fraclion thereof, to and including $2,000 $45 for first $Z,ppp g(us $9 for each additional $1;000 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,Q00 � $252 for fust $25,Opp ples $6.50 .for each additional $1;OOQ or fraction thereof, tA. and including $SO,ODO $414.50 for first $50,000 plus $4.Sp for each additivnal $1,000 or frac�ion thereof, to and including $100,000 $63950 for f�rst -$i00,OQ0 plus� $3_SO for each additional� $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including -$500,000 $20�9.50 for die first $SOO,ppp plas $3 for each additionai $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,0OO,OQO $3539_50 for ifie first $1,000,000 plus $2 for each additionat $1,000 or fractioa li�reof - DRIVEWAY DEPRESSION ESCROW (Concrete C�ui� Streets Only) Aiternate "A": Remova[ and replacement of curb and gutter only - Driveway width plus 6 feet times $13.50_ A(ternate "Q": Removal and replacement of cwrb and gutter and install a 3 foot wide approach with 6 inch depth - Dtitveway width pius 6 feet times $1S_75_ VLR[F[CA"CtON Or FOUNDA"tIOIY PermiLs for constructio� wiil be issued a miriimum of 24 hours from thc tirne of a��lication to a(low for proE�er review oi� the ��roi�osui structure and of the constructiun site_ A(:crt.,ificatc ot� Sucvcy of die lot, stiowing the location of tlic foundation oncc it t�as it t�as hccr� constructui �vill t�e re-yuired before j�roceeciin� with tt�e frarnin�_ Building Inspections 763-572-36Q4 7b3-5Q2�977 FAX From: unknown Page: 1/9 Date: 7/16l200912:03:24 PM MECHANICAL RES��ENTIAi. APPLICtiT�Olrt CITY OF FFItiDLEY Pe�tnit No. Received Da���g�;d: :l: U � DATE__ 7'/� - � � _ YdUR E-MAQ. ADDRL'SS �Gt7'G��� -�jC'v1Lvl.}M y_�'S� . '�?/y`/e�+ , ��% srrE�n�ss /�54�,�r��.c2�s'� 7)2� v� �►/. ,�, _ __ -.- - �txts �ucnur is: a o� �R89AFFRACTOR OWI�EER/ 'T�NANT CO_�TTRACI'OR SU$MIT A COi'Y OF YOL"ii STATE LIGENSE WITH APPLICATTON PERMIT TYPE TYPE OP WORK Eumx�ss: I �4-��Lt.-�rz�,T ��2n��crrY ,�2i,7c.L sTar�i..irS_,�'�3i rxon�: 7�3 - �j�/ — {F-3 � .�' � --- co�atvY rrnn� _� c-rt �v�e��S,_�f��rg'."' .� � �'. /f-�I rz =-'------ _.------ CONTACTPER30�i: a c:� �, ��.7R-✓� _ . _ SfATE LICSNSE # E7►�' DATE ,aa�nxESS: �l/�O G�/L�%�v /J�Y � �If. _ ta�nr v''.g-r ��'2_sra� /1�i� 5�7�� esorr� �� - 4-�� _ 333� Fn�y . �5 _ 1�-�1.�.�� � FANIILY Q TWQ FANIII.Y o �w �.�acEn��:r O TOWNEIOUSE O A1.TERATlONIRFIVIODEL DEI'AILBDDESCRIPTION OF WORK R�= ��UC �id �ct%c- � �h�t ►2� FEE&?�RE H.ASED OH S1Q00 FFdt FLYTL�2E, IXCEPT V1ZifiRE NOTED. FI717URES: (INDICATE TOTAt NLR4]BER OF EACH BE�.OW j Eqmpmex�t tn941la1 'Lif'�G: �/1.�►w� MOD�T,: �C ✓_95� srrr�rr: L h�7 , t� t� p � $Zi.OD AIR TO AIIL EYCHANGBER SLS HC}t[.ER S39A0 (.i�1d:VEY 1 I��IER S (0.00 I?UC7' WQRK 510.00 :1�G: 'l2$N� vLODEL: YLI�'. 9�fFG: M�DEL• _�FII2EPI.ACE (GAS) S1S.00 . FII2EPLACE (NOOD) S35,00 �oxxacE s�s.00 GAS DRYER 510.00 GAS PIPING SIO.OD Number of fnctures (a� � 10.� x� 10.� = Number of iixcur� (a� $15.00 x �15.00 = � Numt�r of f'ntriues �a, �25.00 � x �25.00 = ' � Number of nxturES @$35.00 r x�35.U0 =� Statc St�resharge = $ SO SIZPIB'TU 3Ci� �6 s'7 STLFB7'U GASRrWGFJUViN 511�00 � _NE\ti GAS GRILL SI0.00 _ GAS IfVIT EiTR Sl�.� POOL HEAIFR Si5.00 ~ �VENT(LATOR 315.00 1�ll3 iS AN APPLICAT[ON POR A PERIVII'f-VUT V ALID UIr"!'!L PRQCESSBA I hezeby apply far a b�"ld±� permit and I acknowlc�dge that the informatian above i.5 completc and accurate; that thc work ��ill be in confarmance with the ordinances and codes of ttre City of Fridley and with the Mi�e.sota Constructian Codes; tha[ i understa� this is not a penmit but only an application for a peimit k is nat to sU�rt without a pennit; lttet the work will be in uccordance urith tlie approved plan in ihe cese a hic revi w and approval of pla�. SIGlY�Y'[JRE QF APPLICANT , PRA''C :�IAME � C-�7 T J�s.� J�- DATE_ �� r� _�� � I�LBASE NOTE: PEitMITS ARE RE UIRED FOR BUII,DYNG II.ECTRICAL ANJ7 MECHAN7CAL VfTORK City of Fridley Build'uig Inspections Department 6431 University Avenue NE, Fridley, MN 55432 763-572-360� FAX: 763-502-4977'