P - 76085REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION �' 1— 9 31- 0 6 6 0 Minnesota Board of Electricity 1821 University Avenue Suite S-128, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55� 04 (651) 642-0800 TTY/MRS 1-800-627-3529 www.electricity.state.mn.us Describe -using the back of the white copy ff necessary - the work covered by this requ�t: - - ��E.1J t+'1 A � C�BERAL FEES Outdoor Liphtinq Standard C� $1 401 to 800 Ampere @ $50 Above 800 Ampere (a� $75 �UITS/FEEDERS 0 to 200 AmPere @ $5 A�ve 200 Ampere @$10 iM, CAMMUNICATION, REMOTE WNTROL �UITS, CIRCUITS OF LESS THAN 50 VOLTS 3 to 12 Un(is @ � �II II ul I) lu (� III II I� II I� I� III II III ���� 19310663 ONE & TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS, EACH UNIT Includes the Servke andlor Power Suppty up to 500 Amper�, AO ; Circuits and Two InspecUon Trips Each DwelGng Unit @$BO Addftlonallns onT' $20 Investi ative Fee Rein 'on Fee $20 TOTAL FEE (minimum total fee is $20) 30 , � � nas n�n wrs ms�crox ug an.r I he�BbY �ff thet i� tlre electrlral 6isffi�iun d� herein en the dates sffied: _. � w uate Fwniu�cnoN �� O_ oau�n� oA� iISCONNECTED IF NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 12 MONTHS FOR OFF{CE USE ONLY � ,� ���� �� � ��� Rough-in Inspectfon Requfr�iT ❑ Yes � No IrrspecHon Other Than Raugh-In: ❑ Ready Now �WN Cefl � 1 J� Q� You must call the inspedcr wrhen readyl Date Ready: I cefify that I am the UCENSED CONTRACTOR ❑ COMPANY ❑ OWNER and hereby request insp�tion of the electrical work at .wb sna sae� naar� cny 'S144 d-�►o�� � �ti _ �1_�t . �n�a�� �� or ❑ � �13ot�i� Please Pmv�e Two (2) Phorre Numbeis I �.i)51-L� c�o3�.1 (�� reeNumber Nlaster DecMdan w P �y Lloen� Number l.� � �1� 551�..� Please Provide Two (2) Phone Numbers ��, ) ���,y i )