AF - 46346� � � City of �'ridley, inn BUILDING PERMIT NOVED�ER 5, 1965 Dat�: �: DALE S. JO�SOla' B�� SIISSII. COMPAIQY 3 i�� � N° 8589 �,d� 5325 Horizon Drivn Ad� ].850 Como Avenue Fridley 21, Mina.�sota St. Pau�,, Minnesota LOCATION OF BUILDING N�, . 5325 S�t Hoarizoto. Drive ��. ._.�.. Part of Lot Lot 3 .__ Block 6 Ad�ti3on or 8ub-Div�fsion Cax oz�'s S++nmii- M noT�, Nor h Addn. Coraer Lot — Inaide Lot r. x Setback � Sideyard Sewer IIevation — Foundation IIevation DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To be vsed as: DETACHID GARAGE �t 24 Depth 22 Height x0 gq. �, 528 �, � 5,a280 Front Depth FTefght Sc1. Ft. Ca. F'� Type of Construction �� Fst. Cost — � 45 0 To be Completed In consideratlon oP the issueace to me of a permit to construct the bufldfng described above I agree to do tha ProPosed work 9n accordance with the d�scrlpt�on above set forth and ffi compliance wlth afl provisfons oP ordinancea oY the dty of Fridley. �_ - D �� _ f� _, � _ ���.,�.,.� In co�aid�ation of the payment of a fee of � 5•00 , Permft fa hereby granted to SIISSEL COMPANY to construct the building or additfon as described above. T'hfs �ermft is grante� upon the express c�ndition thst thepe�on to whom it fs graated and his agents, employees and worl�en� fn all work done fn, arovnd and upon said building� or anypar�t theneoP, shall conform fn all reapects tfl the ordinaace� of Fr1d1eY� M9anesota regar�ilng la�t4on, conatruction, alteration, maiatenance. repafr ead moving of bu9ldinga �� dty I9mfts and thfs perm4t may be revoked at any time upon violatfon oP aay oY the Provisions oY sa�d AT,LEN G. JENSEN g�g �r aonce� 'lhis p�rmh doa ee� eowr tia cee�lroati�, Ie�alHflon tor �, Ptumbie6► aa 6atlea, snru or waf�r. B� wn to a� tla &rtldi� Imp�lor tor aparat� p��mlM fo� f6a� (fum. _ � � AP1�L�CATION FOR BUIt.D?NG PERi�IT CiTY OF FRIDLEY, MIi�1NESOTA OW1�R' S NAME � � �� �- ��d � vt � �1�.. BifiILDER �� s S' � � � .� _.�..`. ADDRESS �� � � �rr r s@,� ��. � � ADDRESS_ /��ca �% o m-c� � LOCATION OF BUiLDING -�� _ Srreet Part of Lot L�T �� K � ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION �' ° ��° � < ���-"°�-' Corner Lot`_Inside LaT Setback Side-�Yard SE[eIER ELEVATION . FOUNDATION ELEVATIt1I� � _�� Applicant attach Co t�iis form Two Certificates of Survey vf LoC and proposed building location drawn on these Certificates. DESCRIP�IOA1 OF BOII,DAITG To be used as; ��- �� � Front_ �y� II�epti� � `3° I�eight �' � � Sq. Ft. ��v� � Cu. Ft. �� � ,0� ._-r �Frant Dept ��_Height Sq. Ft. Cu. Ft. �q�pe oi Construction /�"�.� Estimated Cost f�so °� To be compleCed_ Qha timdersigned herebq makes application fo� a permit for the work herein apecified, agreeing to do all work in str3ct accordanca with the City of Fridley O�inances and zulings af the Department of Buildings, and hereby declares that all the facta and repres�ntaeione stated in ehis application are true and correct. — /i�� � (9chedule of Fee Coats can be famd on the Reverse Side). � �I s c+ � A ( \ !�. . � • ' 1 „,f a• - .f � � , : a�l� 1 .4 ' +�t u�� �i� N� �_!��� SECT_ IOAi 2. The Inspector of Buildings sha1.1. before iesuin� aay �rmit for the erection of eny building or atructure, or for any additioa to anq egisting build- ing or etructure, or for anq alterations or repairs to anq existiag building or atructure,-upoa application therefore, require the payment by the applicant for auch perinit o£ fees to the amount herein below set forth and.in the..maaner hareia__ pravided to-wit: 2= For anq such permit for the erection of any fire-�proof building, other than a garage, warehouse, factory or graia elevator, or for the erection of any fire-proof addition, fos simi.lar occupancy, to any existin� building, ehall be at the rate of $1.40 for each one thousaad cubic feeC, or fraction the�eof, in euch cubical contents. 2�.2. For any euch permit for the erectian of any fire-proof gar�ge, warehouse, factory or grain elevator, or for the erection of anq fire-prooi addition, for similar occupancq., to any existing buildiag shall be at the rate of $1.25 for each one thousand cub3c ieet, classified as "f3reproof" by Sectian 502 of the Minneapolis Building Code. HOOSES . . _ y 2_;3. For any such permit for the erection of any non•fireproof buildiag, other than a garage, warehouse, factory or grain elevator, or aay non-fireproof addition, for similar occupancy, to any existing building • germit $1,00 for each one thousand cubic feet. GARAGES �_ 2.4. For any auch permit for the erection of anq non-fireproof garage, warehouse, factorp or grain elevator, or for the erection of any non-fireproof addition, for si.mi.lar occupaacy, to any exieting buiiding or for each such buildia� or addition - ninety cents ($0.90) for each one thousand cubic feet or fractien thereof, in the cubfaal conteats t�ereof with the minimum of $4.00. For the purpose of computing fees for buildin� permits, the�cubical eontents of anq building or addition to a uniform height throughout bq multiplyia� the ground area covered from a poiat six (6) inches below the floor line of the basemeat or cellar to the averege heighe of the upper surface or to the average height of the roof su,rface.of the ma3n gable of a pftched roof. 2.5. For rega�ra.or alterations to an exieting structure, the fee ahall be a the rate of $3.00 per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or frect3on thereof in the c�et of all proposed work. 2.6. In no case shall the fee char�ed for anq permit as set for,th in Secti n 2 be less ehan $4.00; � __ . _ �"1 _ ' . _ �"� d� LOT BLOCK ADD'N. ��� �� NAME ADDRESS \ AREA � � � iV1 Es �-� 4t3LL��.ItT � 5•0. 18' D oo c� 2' �,c� 2ou a _� 4a �o�Tg (� S�ue..2� I�c)�TEa �oc�sE 0 (�ESH � �ouOvei .Q-3.E � �'"` y , e �2o e.3 T i� S12E Z.4��cZZI VALUE -1-�� ° � TVPE 1 3 _� � _� r� � � ,- . � sue�ecT . c�ty of Fridley 2 � o s 9 AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS g � I L D I N G P E R M I T r ; � RECEIPT NO. � `L � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. ���� r � � � PROTECTIVE INSPECTtON SEC. � j � � /"'1 � CITV HALL FRIDLE� 55432 NUMBER AEV . DATE PAGE OF APPROVED BY �----� � �•' 612-571-34b0 910-F15 8/10/98 � � JOB ADDRESS 5325 Horizon Dr t LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. 3 6 Carlosn's Summit Ma.nor North Addi io SHEET . 2 PROPERTY OWNEFi MAIL ADDFiESS 2�P PNONE Elsie Johnson 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADORESS ZIP PMONE LICENSE NO. R&B Construction 1814 2 4 - 0 4 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAII ADDRESS ZIP PMONE LICENSE NO. 5 ENGINEER MAILADDRESS ZIP PMONE LICENSENO. 8 USE OF BUILDING Residential 7 CLASS OF WORK O NEW ❑ ADDITION O ALTERATION � REPAIR ❑ MOVE O FiEMOVE B DESCRIBE WORK Reroof house and gara e(23.5 S) Tear-off 9 CHAN�E OF USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS Underlayment must comply with State Building Code. SEPARATE PEHMITS ARE FiEQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBIN(3, HEATINO, �PE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCV LOAD VENTILATING OR Alq CONDITIONING. THIS PEfiM1T BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTiON ZONING SQ. FT. CU. PT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 80 DAYS, OR IF CONSTpUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFY TNAT I HAVE pEAD AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION STALLS GARAGES ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VAIUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT 2001 �, . O DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE pERM1T FEE SAC CHARGE PROVISIO S OF ANY OTHER STA OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- STRUCTI OR THE PERF R OF ONST CTI ]/{. S Fire SC L.00 �./ �AN CNECK FEE TOTAL FEE d °'/o �9 e SI A1URE OF CONTRACTOR OR TN F12ED AGENT IDATEI �1 P OPER LIDAT �+ IS yf�R�R IT � l SiGNATURE OF pWNER�iF OWNER BUILDEiii iDATE� BLO �NS� q�iE 4� � � 1�TEVV ADDN ALTER [l [l Ll ConstructionAddress: CITY OF FRIDLEY SINGLE FAMII.Y AND DUPLEXES R-1 AND R-2 BUII.DING PERNIIT APPLICATION �3� 2.� I�o�J zn n/ Effective 1/1/98 0_ 1 c�� �b � � Legal Description: Owner Name & Address: _� L� j E„ �J�r ,.,r,dS oti Tel. # S� �— el ��o Contractor: %Z � L� ��vs 1�2t.c c 1 r o.c� ..T�vc �.�.1 L, � ie, c MN LICENSE #�Zoo'7 �, �� 3 Address:_ l f�/ i( o?l ��- �ve /�%�. l�.�ie2. /��J/ ..S,�d i/ Tel. #'�r%3 `�—J Z a 6 LIVING AREA: GARAGE AREA: DECB AREA: OTHER: Attach to this application, a Certificate of Survey of the lot, with the proposed construction drawn on it to scale. DESCRIPTION OF IlVIPROVEMENT Length Width Height Sq. Ft. Length Width Height Sq. Ft. Length Width � Hgt/Ground Sq. Ft. � Csl� i,vy�s � �G? / . Construction T o o � " � �c,r� �.tJ /� �' Ype:_ !� � Estimated Cost: $ _ J ' � �(Fee Schedule on Back) Driveway Curb Cut Width Needed: Ft. + 6 Ft = Ft x$ _$ � DATE: , u �Jff APPLICANT: � Tel. #�3Y � I ZD.� Permit Fee Fire Surcharge State Surcharge SAC Charge License Surcharge Driveway Escrow Erosion Control Park Fee Sewer Main Charge TOTAL STIPULATIONS: $ . �-� $ -C�O $ 1.G� $ - � �-o� $ $ $ $ $ c`�- i� CITY USE ONLY Fee Schedule on Reverse Side .001 of Permit Valuation (1/lOth%) $.50/$1,000 Valuation $1000 per SAC Unit � $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) Alt. "A" or Alt. "B" Above � $450.00 Conservation Plan Review Fee Determined by Engineering Agreement Necessary [ J Not Necessary [] -�i µ ! BUII.DING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE The Chief Building O�cial shall, before issuing g�rmits for the erection of any building or structure, or for any addirion to any existing building or structure, or for any alteration or repair.to any existing building or structure, upon application therefore, require. the payu�ent.bX the.applicant for such permit of fees to the amount herein below set forth and in the manner herein provided to-wit: . ,� ,; `TOTAI: VALUE $1 ' fo $500` $501 to $2,000 $2,001 to $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 . $50, 001 to $100, 000 $100,001 to $500,000 $5�,001 to $1,000,000 $1,000,001 and up F�ES. . : �.. , . ' . � . � $21 (11!Iinimum Fee is $21 plus surcharge) � $21 for first $500 plus $2.75 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 � $62.25 for first $2,000 plus $12.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,Q(l0 � $349.75 for first $25,000 plus $9.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000 $574.75 for first $50,000 plus $6.25 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and• in�luding $1�,000 $887.25 for first $100,0U0 plus $5.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $5�,000 $2887.25 for the fust $500,000 plus $4.25 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000 $5012.25 for the first $1,(�0,000 plus $2.75 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof DRIVEWAY DEPRESSION ESCROW (Concrete Curb Streets Only) Altemate "A": Removal and replacement of curb and gutter only - Driveway width plus 6 feet times $13.50. Alternate "B": Removal and replacement of curb and gutter and install a 3 foot wide approach with 6 inch depth - Driveway width plus 6 feet times $15.75. VERIFICATION OF FOUNDATION Permits for construction will be issued a minimum of 24 hours from the time of application to allow for proper review of the proposed structure and of the construction site. A Certificate of Survey of the lot, showing the location of the foundation once it has it has been constructed will be required before proceeding with the framing. _ _ � ,� Building Inspections 763-572-3604 763-502-4977 FAX From: unknown Page: 1/1 Date: 12l8l2009 9:41:45 AM 1VI.ECHANICAL Permit RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY pA,�.� �p 30.Q9 YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS deVe�deveSheaUr►gandeir.COm SITS ADDRFSS � HORIZON QRIVE TI�IIS APPLICANT lS: O OWNER OCONTRACTOR OWNER/ TElYANT SUBMIT A COPY OF YOUR STA'TE LiCRNSB WI7'FC APPLICA770N PGltMIT TYPE � Nn►wE: e�.s� aoruusoro MN ssas2 ���g: b325 HORIZON DRNE CITY �RIDLEY STATB Z1P PHdNE: $12-226-1480 COMPANY NAME: flA��s HEATING, AIR & ELECTRIC CONTACT PERSON: �Y ��G STAT� LICEN3E 8 �' pAT� ppp�;gs:1801 37TM AVE NE CI'fY COLUMBIA HEIC3H'f3 y�A� �i� 7,IP `'�2� PHONE 7$3-7$1-8901 ppX 783-789-8$05 FAMILY O TWO FAMSLY TYPE OF WURK: l O N�W �t.nCemmerrr a Towr�NOUSE ❑ ALTERATION/RAMODEL DETAiI.BD DESCitiPTiON OF WORK �� �e aao a�rwu. �ua wn'H t�+►wox Fursrace r,neasaurtia�a aae �nwx ceNrRai. aR c�e+3aca�a FCi ES AAE BA3ED ON S10.Qa PER FIXTURE, EXCEP'f' WHERE NOTED. FIXTURES: {IND[CAT� TOTAL NUMBGRS �� BEL4�� ���t ��,� MFG: MODEL: MFG: MODEL: _________ SIZFlB'fU MFO� MODEL: _________� 3fZFJB1V �C $2.5.00 _._.�PI.ACB ((3AS) $1 S.� (}AS RANOFJAVEIV S10.Q0 �-!A[R 1'0 A1R EXCHATIOEPJt $IS IREPLACF (WOOD) S35A0 „�,NEW GAS QR[LL $1Od10 1iA OAS UNCi' H7'R$10.00 9dA.ER $35.Q6 ACE $35.00 PQOL NEATER 535.00 CHfMNEYLRdBR$l0.00 � ASDRYER$t0.00 r'VEId'fII.ATOR$15.00 DUCI' WORK S1Q.� (iAS PIPING $iD 00 — Number oifixtures @ $10:00 � $10.Q0 = �_Y__._,,,�., Number qFfixtures (�a, $iS.OQ � x $15.Op A $_^___„___ Number of 8xnues.� $25.00 �____ x $Z5.00 = $ ��•�' . Number of fixtures (a; S35.Od 1 X$35.b0 =$ 36.00 Siate Suroharge � S� .. •SQ cm.�rMV�r �� s�s��Tor�t # �60 � 0 ' TH1S IS AN APPL[CA7'101�1 FORA PERMIT NOT VAUD LTNTIi. PROCESSED T hereby appty for a is g parmit and l acknowledgo that the information above is comptete and aecurata; that the wark wil! be is coaformance with the rdin c� and cades of the City of Fridley and with tha Minnesota Construction Codes; that J undcrstand this is not e permit but only ap lieation far a permit and work is not to stert without a permi� that the work wpl be in �cordance with the approved plan in tlre t�qr�C whic}Ar�ires rerr�e� and approva{ oPpla�s.. _ �. S, n n� sraNnTUar. oF " City of F�idley Building Inspections Department 6431 University Avenue NE, Fridley, MN 55432 763-572-3604 FAX: 763-502-4977