AF-CE - 46414�:� _ � CITYOF FRIDLEY CIVIC CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 • PHONE (612) 571-3450 April 25, 1988 � Soot T. Ral ek 5097 Huc�es Avenue N. E. Fridley, PRV. 55421 l � � / '� � + � ;/' � � � + U Ii�: Nonoomplianoe o� the Fridley City Code at 5097 Huc�es Avenue N. E. Dear Mr. Ralek: On�A 1 22, 1 88, it was confirmed by an on-site inspection that the P property at 5097 Huc�es Avenue N. E. does not meet the minimum standards neoessary to mair�tain a pleasant and prosperous suburban envirornaent. While major aode requirenerits are satisf ied, the following item does not comply with the perf ormanoe standards of the �ity Code : l. Renwe two (?a street ir�operable vehicles to a liaensed junk yard: one (v red and white Q►iC van, 1976; and one (v tan 2-door, make and model uilmown. Your immediate actian to oorrect this situation would be a great impravement f or your property and the___enti re _a�mn�nity as well. An inspe ct i on w il l be a�nducted on or about May 6, 1986, to determir�e a�mplianoe. If you have any questians or c�noerns, please feel free to wntac� me at the Fridley Civic Center, 571-3450. Sinoerely, Lisa Camnpbell Q�de Enf or oenerit LC/ls C-@8-136