P - 36732From: City of Fridley To: 7633237595 Page: 4/5 Date: 3/4/2010 3:29:26 PM Building MECHANICAL Permit No.:� Inspections RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION Receivecl By:� 763-572-3604 e��(� �' � 763-502-4977 FAX CITY OF FRIDLEY trr•tcTiv� �-i-2o�o UATt !/r— � — I S1Tt ADDRtSS � THIS APPLIC;ANT IS PROPERTY OWNER/ TENANT ❑ OWN�R �� NAME: ��, � AUU R�SS: PHONt: lY. IZ� �12R� YOUR E-MAIL AUURESS CTOR CITY �%� A' CONTRACTOR L(�MPANY NAMt:y���`�`�� L�C, ��1.� SUBMIT A COPY OF LnNTACT PEILSON: �(�� ���r-�p �u YOUR STATE STATE LICENS� it ^'-��' EXP DATti ---'—� L[CENSE WITH AUll1tESS: s p�IQ CITY STATE�'L1P_��i�✓ APALICATION PHQ[�!� � r•,ax PERMIT TYPE TYPE OF WORK: �� N�w NAMILY ❑ TWO NAMILY �_tiPLACtMENT DETAILED DBSCRIPT[ON OF WORK ❑ TOWNHOUSE ❑ ALT�ItATIONiREMOU�L F�N:S Alt� BASN,D UV 510.00 P�R FIX"I'URE, EXC�P"1' WH�R�. VO'f�:D. F1X"1'UIi�:S: (1VDICA'I�N.'f0'fAL VU�1BN:12 ON N:ACH BELONh PROVID� HEA'I' LUSS CALC'S PER �IAVU J 2006 ASHIi4N, HAV DBOUK. +�� G,� /�� �quipment ln�talled MFG: �`�'fi1A( MOUEL: �li`) l'f'l�,u s(� Sl'LtilBTU �� (/cJ�/ MNG:O���k�u.� MQDtL: � G!3't�� S!'LFJBTU � �TVnS �AlC $25.00 Alli TO A IK EXCHA NG EEK $ I 5 BOl LEK $35.00 CHIMNtiY L1NtR$10.00 UUCT WORK$10.00 MFG: MODEL: NIRtPLAC� (GAS) $ I5.00 HIREPLACE (Vb'OOU) $35.00 �FURNACE $35.00 _GAS DIiYtR$10.00 GAS P1PWG $10.00 Sl'LI:./BTU GAS IL4NGF.lOV�N $10.00 NEW GAS GR1LL $l0.00 GAS UNIT HTR$l0.00 POOL HtATEK $35.00 VEN TI LATOR $ I 5.00 THIS IS AN APPLICATION FORA PERMIT-NOT VALIll UNTIL PILOCESSEll I hcrcby apply for a building permit and L acknowtcdgc that thc information abovc is complctc and accuratc; that thc work will bc in conformancc with thc ordinanccs and codcs of thc City of Fridlcy and with thc Minncsota Construction Codc��; that 1 undcrstand tfiis i.c not a permit but only an application f a permit and work is not to start without a permit; that thc work will bc in accordancc with thc approvrd plan in thc casc of all h_h rc uires rcvicw and approval of plans. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT PIiINT NAM� c � �ATE_ ... .. ; / APPIZOVAL 1NSPtC;TORS SIGNATUIZ� llA �ll�` City of Fridley Building Inspections Department 6431 University Avenue NE, Fridley, MN 55432 763-572-3604 FAX: 763-502-4977