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P - 76746
�linnesota D�partment �af Labor artrl tr�d�sfry 4�i3 L�#ayetfe Ro�d t�t�ttt S#. Paul, EvtN �51�e5-43�2 Ptrone: (651) �8�4-���4 TCYtt+�1R�: {651) 2�7-�198 wu+w.��eetricity.state.mn��ss Contra�tor Requ+�st far Electrica! [n Laate Rou��;-1� Ins�.aectis�� Re�uired? 11/30/07 C C€antractr�r Must Sct��dufe A1� R�u t�-I �c3dress af 6ns�cti�n — Sfreet 610 HUGO ST NE t�ner Na�a� GOSCHEY.DAVE �o�`�-�a�o� �cro o � c - 5 Zoo� �ction — Qn� FamiEy dw�lling#Asso+�iat�d �tructure Y�s ��ng� tc�pec�ac�n D�tser� �h�n Rc�ugh-ln: ✓ Re��+,� f�o�^ ctic�ns %e�tractc�r �r1�s� Sch�dule All Finaf 1r�s tic�ns ❑°�`ill Sciaetiule C�tylT�aw�ship Cou[�ty FRIDLEY ���,k��.� ���.,��E��� XCEL ENERGY SAVER �1�l,�ETCH C7wner Te�:ph� Nurnb�r�s� — �nclude .Are� Gc�d�ts} 763-433-9243 �in�rac�x hiar�e Ca�a�r�ctar �7�€�ir�g Address HUNT ELECTFtI� C�ORPC)f�iTl�?�! 23(}� TERRiTOR[AL RD., ST. PAUL, MN ��"[°[4 (;ortEraeiar T�leahone Numt�er Gan�raetoc E-mail Ati�iress Elec�ric�l �Jtilit+r (6�1} 6�4�-2911 1'}-8�fn�r�F�untelec_c�rn , Cantr�cfor A��horize+t� S�gnatur� Ge�tractor Lir�;nse Numa�e� .�c�ta�Pmject �riac� Persvn �``"�.•"�"�"'. CAQ0883 TOM HAFNER %m N�fn�r �'��`:��, F�e +�afc�alat�+�r� Aie�r H�r�ne or As��iate�d Structure Existing H4melStructure Rerr�adel or Addation i�dev� G�welfing Serv�cefP�r Sup�iy f3 —�300 err�pere �$35 3`dew Crwe#ling ServacefPorrer Suppiy 4fi'[ —$i30 �rn�rs �$6E7 �7ew [3welling F�ecl�rst�itcu�ts r. uca w Ssa �.`JMa -.8 r sFt1 9devr Hoen� — t�4� th�tt 3Q Fseders;�ircuils {in additiot� ta �tmve F�ederst�i€cuits U io 2i?4 A $b' E�ch OtE��r {Specafy� XCEL ENERGY �1��IER S�+"VIT�CH � 35 De#�ched G�rag� ar t]t�rer Associ�ied StructUre �Wew Serv�c�a�awer Sup�ly L� — �C�tl ampeee � $3� �9ew F�e�ersdG��us'ts J�er (Spec�Fyj C}�her (Specsfiy� �le�vt ��rvaceJP�swer �upp�Y t�ew servicetPawer �upP�Y iJevWExtended Ct — 4�lti a€npe�e t� �3� 4ti � — 8� ampere � S�0 kS - ci{p i41 s �eedBt9icifctf�tS �6�schar16to3�s�$900 — �Aore Than 3Lt Feeders�Circu� Ao E� ltR is� �� A{,g� �6 Each � j �eeciersJ'Gi�custs t� �2 �ach I Det�ched Garage or Uther Associaied Structure �9ew Serv�celPower Su�ply Q — �� �mpere ,� �35 � ) C� �8 E���r N�vwl�x4�nder] FeedersfCi�cuafs { }� g6 E�ch R�cr.sr�nected F+eede��arcuits d f� S2 Each dlher (S�Secif�r} Tt�tal {the i�e calcu6aEeaS �ka�ve or $3� r�uliip�ied � � Tt)t�) �#h� �e calcu��#ed m��ove or 53� r�2ulti�iti�d b�y �� n�tr�b�r af r �ir�d ing ct(�n � s; w"" � $35.50 -�� �� � ;-� � � R� R sgr th,� num�sr of re�uir�d �nsRecE�ran t��as, c�y v whiclaever �s reater �=: � � �' � � } vhicheuer is gre�t�r} s���».���:� Req�sts far Elec�trica! �spectia�► {REt} v�ri#h a fee af �i2�t! ar less expire i2 mar�tAs frarn #se filing datr. The coratractor must have fhe vrari� comgi�d within the 12 mon� period ar su6miE anather EiEI that incl�s the inspectian fee fa� the uncample#er! w�rk. Mspection fees do rta€ s:arry over from one REl to an�ther. R service char�e of �3i3 wil� be aclded for alf �ishonayred checks. % h�reby certi€y Ssa4 t anspected tFae efec¢rical instaltation herei�s on the clat�s stated: FoC D�pet#tTlBiEt USC E}IEPy Rough — In ln�ectian(s� �iate � �,$ ����� � � TQQ (651 j 297�! 98. #�Ei Q2 (6dC�7� �� 3 '�°g � , such as targe p�nt, Brsit� or ort a c�r