AF - 46010nat�: „"' . v "' �/Wll�i ��Y'�"A �_.�__f �I'� _% City of Fridley, Mi.n.n. BUILDING PE�IT N° 5 519 ��' r"°' /1� �a. i•e ,� 9 � �q! �/ . t . . . , .�� ' � J��dP.� * � � # — Address ,�.� — � + LOC�4TIp F BUILD16t9G No. +��� Street : �� ' ! .�._.:.. Part of t �, .' - .� Lot __ Block Addition or Sub-Div�n .�:� �..� � r ri", . �� Coraer Lot � Inside Lot �� _.._ Setback �-�..�._._._ Sideyard _.��"','__' Sewer Elevation � ._._ Foundation IIevation DESCRIPTION OP BUILDING T vsea ; : �' r!''� �f F � / ��,''�j ' t�`�� Depth ��� �� Height � Sq. Ft�� Ca. FL ��1�s'c`�'" ont e th �3eight, —_� Sq. Ft. Cu. Ft — � ;� T�. , �q�nstructioa ',�. z� a Es�. Co -�����i�-�To be Completed ..� � �'' % � ` , ,, �' � � `� � �/ �!'' �`` � �' ,��' ��:�..�= ,,r' � "'� , < � . ��i �•, _ : � , ; .+� ,� .' In consideration of the fssuanee to me of a germit to construct the building described above, I agree to do the proposed work in accordance �Wlth the description above set forth and in compliance wi'th eA Provisions of qrdinances of the dty of Fridley. . � In considera.tion of the payment of a fee o� $.%�"'� , permit is hereby granted to to construct the building or addition as descrlbed above. This germit ia gra.nted upon #he express condition that the gerson to whom it is granted and Yris agents, employees and worlunen, in all work done in, around and upon said building, or any part thereof, shall conform in all respects to the ordinances of Fridley, Minnesota regarding location, conatruction, altera.tion, maintenance, repair and moving of buildings within the dty ]imitas and this permit may be r�vok� at any time upon violatioa of any of ttie proviaions of said ordinancea _ _ w . �.� , _ Bu9l�ing Iaspector NOTICE: T6is permlt does not eover 1he eonstrvetion, inalallatioe for wirine, Plumbing, gas 6eatfeg, sewer or wate�. Be sure to see 1he Building laspeeto� for separa�e pem�its for lhese hems. t ..- � -�. � 4 �., -:� �d � –�4- ,. —/ APPLICATiO� �O}.@ BUILDING PERMIT C�'1'Y OF �`R�,D�EY, M�TQi.VESOTA (3wner' 9 Name AUDUBON PARK CHU�2CH OF Builder l.. � r� ��'D Co"'���--na_.Y ._ CHRTST Address Z�q,r,t�. �'!�� �,u.Y. _,�,� Address �q � 0 , a � o� �po�,`s, B LOCI�TION �F SUITIDING �o, 1375 ,treet Highway �100 N:E �� of Lot Aud. Lo� 4(Parcel 4t'l�j,ock Additioa or Subdivision �'►�• #94 _____._...__ Corner Lot �nside Lo� x Setback, 1`?5_Side-Yard 64� E. SE[t�ER ELEVATION FOUNDATION ELEVATYON Applicant at�ach to �th3s �orm Certi�3cate of Survey of Zot and g�roposec� building 7.ocat�.one DE�CAIPTION O� BUILDING .^i o �e used as o CHURCH & CEiURCH`` SCgI00L �ront� epth 29 ���� I3eight 24 � Sc�, Ft. 3555 Cu. Ft. 85,320 �rorit____ Dep��h Height �q. Ft. Cue Ft. �ype o� Construction Masonry,`& Steel Es�tltmated Cos� $90,000 To be Compl�ted Spring, 1962 � ___._._ 7C'he undersigned here�oy makes applicat3.on fo� a permit �or �he wo�ck herein specif�Led, agreeing to do all work 3n strict accor�.ance with the C�ty ot Fridloy Ordinances and ruling o� the Depar�cmemt of Huild- �ngs, and hereby declar�s that all the facts d�epresenica�ions s�ated in th3e application are true and co DATE August 30, 1961. SIGNATURE �' C , 1�L6 m(�Q1U`( (Schedule oi �'ee Costs ca� be found on the Reverse �ide). .� 4 � � �,. :� �� SUYLD�NG PEiaMIT � SCI�EDULE secicion 2. The T�spector o� Bu3ldin�s shall, before issuing any per�i�: �or the e�ec•�ior� o� any bu�.lding or structure, or for any additcion to any OX�.Si '1Ylc� bt1]lld�l,hg' or s�truc�ure, or for any alterations or repairs ico any oxis�ing i�uilding or struc�ure, upon application �thereior, require �ho pay,nent by the a,ppl3cant fo�c such permit o� �eea to �the amount heYein below set forth and in the manne�e here�n pxov�.ded to-wi�o 2.1. For any suc� po�c�nit for �he erect�.on ofc any �ire-proo� building, oi:her than a garag�, wagehouse, �actory or grain elevator, or �Eor the erec�ion of any rire-p-roo� aoldition, for similar occupancy, to any �x�.s��ng buildin� sha11 be at the �caice of $1.�0 for each ono thousana cub�.c seet, or �rac�tion the�ceof, �n such cubical contents e 2.2e �or any such permi� �or �he er�c�ion of any fi�e-p�oo� garage, wa�ehouse, racfioYy a�c gra�n elevator, or �or . the erection or ar�y �ire- proo� ada�ition, yox simila:� occupancy, to any existiag bu�ilding shall 3�e at the ra�ta or $1.25 y0Y each oa�e thousand cul�ic feet, classi��.ed as "�ireproof" �y Section S02 of�tile Minneapolis Building Code. �ousEs 2.3. For any such pe�m�,� for the erec�ion of any non-fiaceproof build- �t�g ofher than a garage, r�arehouse, �aciory or grain elevator, or any non-rirep�coo� addi�:�on, for similar occupancy, to �ny existing buildingo Pe�cmit $1.00-for oach ona thousand cubic feet. G�,GES _.__._�._ 2eas. For any such �ermi� for �he �rectiom o� any non4fireproo�E gagage, warehouse, �actory�or grair� eleva�or, or �or the erection of arny non�f3.reproo� add�.tion, yor simila� occupancy, to ang existing building or �or eadh such building�or adc�itione Ninaty Cen�ts for each one �,housand cubic �eet or fraction ic�iereoi, in tho �ubical contents thereof wi�h a minimum o� $�e00o For �he purpose oc co�npu�ting fees for building permits the cubical.con- ten�s o� any builc�ing or addit�.on to a unifo�m height tlzroughou� by multiplying the ground atcea coveseci froan a point six (6) ir�ches below the floor line o� �he ba.sement or cellar to the average height of the up�er surface or to che average heigh� of the roof sur�ace o�' the main gable of a pitched root. 2�.5_._ Fo� repa�rs oY alterations to an existing structure, th� fee shal]. be at the ra�ce of $3.Q0. per each Five HuMdred Do�.lars (�500.00) or �gaction �lsereos �n �the cos� of all proposed worke 2.6e ia no case sha11 the ree charged fog any permit as sc:t �orth in sec�tion 2 be less ti?�} $4.00. ,-� . --.. .- , .,_ �