AF-SP - 46866Planning Commission Meeting - June 13, 19Yb Psge ti
Mrs. Shea asked what the square fooLage o�� tne nouse was� ana Mr. Boardman and
Mrs. Willson answered they did not know. Mr. ttoardman said that the lot was
lj,5bb square i'eet and ttiat lu,UUU square f.'eet was required Yor a doudle bungaloY�.
Mrs. liabel asked how many rooms there were, and Mrs. Willson answered there were
i'our rooms upstairs that would be made into an apartment, plus a large porcn. She
added that they would be living in the downstairs apartment which also consisted
of four rooms and a porch, and there would ne two stairways.
Chairperson Harris asked if they were proposing a considerable amount oi' remodeling,
and Mrs. Willson said they were. Mr. Langeni'eld asked if they had complete
heating and cooking elements separate Yor the rental area, and Mrs. Willson said
tnat �ras right. Mrs. Gabel asked i.i' they would be making the upstairs apartment
into a one or two bedroom, and Mrs. Willson replied it would ee a two-bedroom
apartment ��ith separate bathroom and kitchen facilities.
Mr,. ttergman asked iY a petition had been circulated or any formal document signed
by the neighbors, and Mrs. Willson said she nad no signed staternent but tne
nei.ghbors she had talked to didn't object. 5ne said she felt ii' anyone had an
objection they would be at this meeting to voice their opinions. Cnairperson
Harris asked iY they had a one-car garage, and Mrs. Willson said they were planning
on building a garage that would be large enough to include a tennant. Mr. Harris
tnen asked if they were planning on paving tne driveway, and Mrs. Willson said
she wasn't sure, but Mr. l3oaraman said it would be required to meet all codes.
Mr. Langena'eld said he woulci like to indicate �hat due to the age oi this dwelling
it snoulci be approved as t'ar as Y'ire saYety was concerned, and Mr. �soardma.n said
it wo�id be required to meet code.
Mr. liergman asked �ahat type of dwelling existed on each oi' the four sides. Mrs.
Willson ans�ered that there were two double bungalows on one side, a vacanL lo-i
which they owned on the other side, a four-plex across the street� a five-family
apartment kitty�corner across the street, and a Metro 500 gas station behind them.
Mr. Boardman explained that the area behind tnem was zoned M-1 and R-l.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission close tk�e
Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-08, by Phillip
M. Willson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declaxed
the Public Hearing closed at 8:50 P.M.
MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Gabel, that the Planning Commission recommend
�o the City Council approval of the request for a Special Use Permit� SP #76-08,
by Phillip M. Willson, to permit the conversion oY a one-family9 two-story house
to a t�ro-family house in an R-1 District (single family dwelling areas), per
Fridley City Code' Section 205.051, 3, D, to be located on Lot 2� B�ock 1,
Froid�s Addition, the same being 1�01 Ironton Street N.E. Upon a voice vote� all
vating aye, the motion carried unani.mously. �
SUPERETTE: Per Fridley City Code� Section 20 .101� 3� N, t
cisp ay area for a hydragonic growing system, to be located
26� Bloc�c 3, Ree's Addition, the same being 61�83 University
Mr. Robert Stavanau was present to represent Stav's Superette.
allow an outside
on Lots 2s and
Avenue N.E.
MQTlON by Peterson� seconded by Be�rgman, that the Planning Commission open the
Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-09, by Stav's
Planning Commission Meeting - June 23� 1976 Page 7
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld� that the Planning Commission recommend
to the City Council approval of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-07,
by Nancy Melbie� to a11ow a child care center for ten chi.ldren, per Fridley City
Code� Section 205.051, 3, F, in an R-1 Zone (single family dwelling areas), to
be located on Lot 12, Block 3, Meadoiamoor Terrace Addition, the same being 1346
MeadaTamoor Drive N.E. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried
a replat oi' Lo�s 1 to inclusive, Blocks 21 through 2, and also part of
Lot 1, Block 28, Innsbruck North Townhouses Third Addition, to allow changes
in the size of garages, generally located on the West side of East Baearian
Pass and South of Meister Road NaE.
Chairperson Haxris informed the Commission that Mr. Jim London had called him
before the meeting to let him lmow he would be late, and he suggested that this
public hearing be delayed until the arrival of Nir. London.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Gabel, to temporarily table the Public Hearing
on consideration of a preliminary plat, P.S. �76-05, Innsbruck North Replat
Third Addition, by Daxrel A. Farr Development Corporation, until Mr. London arrived.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
�� . � �
I�I '� WiLLSUN; To permit the conversion of a, ttao�story house to a
�� two-family house in an R-1 District (single famil,y dwelling axeas), per
Fridley City Code, Section 205.051� 3y D, to be located on Lot 2, Block l�
' Froid's Addition, the same being 1�01 Ironton Street N.E.
Mrs. Phillip Willson explai.ned she was present to represent her husband, who
was ill and could not attend the meeting.
MOTIOId by Bergm2n, seconded by Shea, that the Planning Commission open the
Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit' SP �#76-08, by Phillip
M. Willsono Upon a voice note, all voting aye' Chairperson Harris declareci the
Public Heaxing open at 8s�.0 P.M.
Mr. Boardman e�plai.ned that tnis was a two.-story frame home, and according to
the City Code they can�t deaelop a two-family home within a R-1 area. He showed
the Commission a picture o.t the house„ and said it was located on the North side
of Ironton Street just East of a present two-family dwelling unit�that was be�ng
built. Mr. Boardman said that at this the City Sta£f would have no objections
to a two-family dwelling as far as zonin� purposes go; and they felt that if the
design of the structure was proper they could envision a two-family dwelling with
no trouble.
Mr. Bergman asked if the two-d�elling structure that was being built next door
would be classified as a double bungalow and fa11 under those requirements. Mr.
Boardman said it fell under the requirements of a two-iamily structure as far as
parking requirements� etc., but it sicill is in a R-1 area.
^7 '
�'` THE REGULA(t t�ICET1tIG 0(' JULY ]2, 1976 �AGE 3
� x PHILLIf' Id1LL50�J, SPECIAL U�E PCRt41T SP �76-0£3, 401 IRO�tTOP� STRC[T: ;
j_—_ _--- -- - -- -- .
The Public Vlorks Director stated Lhat the Special Use Ppr►nit «as to ��err,it the
conversion of a one-family, tvro-story housc to a ta�o-faiuily house, a do:�ble
, bungalot•;, ar�d the Planning Cu���nission has retoneaended Litc changr. The r�:::.odeling
viould reyuirr_ tFiat all appropriate buildiny codes �iould hvve to be cooy�li���i with,
and the petitiuner has indicated that he �•rould design tlie house to comply :•rith
- all of tl�c codes. The petitioncr is present.
Fi0TI0td by Cuuncilman Fitzpatrick that thc Council concur in the ureanimo:,s �•ecor,enenda-
tion of Lhe Planning CuncnissioR and approvc the Special Use Pennit. Seconded by
Councilvio�naa t:ukor:ski, ar�d upon a voice vote, all vatiny aye. t7ayor �2ee declared
the motion carried unaniir.ously.
7he Public l•lori:s Director stated this vras a request to allor� an outdoo� display of
a hydroponic garden. As it presently exists on the premises it is illegal. lt was
moved from another site. He said that the petitioner felt that he could justify
some expenditures.for further improvements ►•ritt� additional caR�rercial en�erprises
on the site and suggested various 1•andscaping n�easures such as sidev�all;s,. biket•�ays.
and landscaping. .
The Public t•lorks Director said that there was a stipulation that in the event that
the hydro�,unic system Yras displaced that the area be turned into an all-yreen area,
and ihat the petitioner has taken out a building pe ��it. . "
• L . : ..
4lith respect to the traffic problem of �•�eaving around the n:edian, the City could �~
`. review the preliminary plans of the tdinnesota Highti�tay E��partment in conjunction witn ' -•--=
the improve�ent bf the intersection. The Special Use Perr::it r:ould be fo�• a year
and t�iould give control to ensure that the sodding wauld be kept up, the si�:•ubbeiy he
trin�ned, and the.area generally maintained to have_the corner esthetically pleasing.
Councilman Namernik said that the petitioner's remodeling and building has been a
definite asset i:o the corner: e � ' .
MOTION by Councilman Hamernik that the Council con�ur tvith the recommendations of the �
Planning Cor�nission and approve the request for the Special Use Permit �•rith the
stipulations regarding landscaping and ¢uilding modifications. That i� be subject
to annual revie►v by the staff, and that the boulevard area riould be resoc�Ced and
trees t��ould be planted. Posts be installed in tMe bike��ay to ensu e no c:�•iving of
vehicles tl�r•ough the area, and if the hydoponic garden display is�rminate�i, the ,
area rrould be completely sodded. Seconded by Councilioan Starvr�It. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, Pfayor PJee declared the motion carried unaniciously. .
t40TI0N by Council►•roman l:uko►�ski to set a public hearing on the matter on July 19,
1976. Secanded by Councilman Stararalt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, t�tayor
Nee declared the motiion carried unanimously.
7he Public ldorks Director said that the Planning Commission recommended the approval
of the Youth Center based on a•motion by the Conmwnity Development Conm�ission.
Mr. Ned Storla �ras p►'esent representing the Youth Project Committee. A discussion
ensued in �•:h�ch the various sites for a Youth Center ��rere discussed as to p►-opriety
and teasibility. The siics discussed arcre the City Nall, thc old libra►y and a
building located at Locke Park. .
Co►�ncilman Starwalt mentianed that in this proposal there is a dollzr value being
put into it by the City as to the space lieing used by the project, �nd that the
users af thc preoiises shauld plan to pay some reasonablc f�e, perhaps in the forni of
n�embership ducs.