AF-R - 46877_i'� �,P -:.• .� � � t:�.. _r�.:� ,.r":�: ;.� _ �.-� � �� � '� May 26, 1982 .��:��"�,.0 :_. �Y..'c:�..�.r�:1i .za } �'��.Jy�. ��q ��'.�� ��a"3'',��:4!_�: � z �,. � ..,,,__, ... �'ri�'=�� CITY OF FRIDLEY 8431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E.. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA Sb432 '�: Ms. Ann RQSe B. Kania R�.. 430 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 TELEPHONE ( 812)571-3450 Re: Repair & Nlaintenance oi the Rental Property Located at 430 Ironton Street N. E. , Fridley, NIN Dear Ms. Kania: It was confiffied by a raaitine on-site inspection on May 25, Z982 that the above listed rental property was being maintained in violation of Chapter 220, Residential Maintenance Code, of the Fridley City Code. The inspection on the above date faund the following list of deficiencies which must be corrected. Any repairs or improveAents r.�ust be completed in a worl�anship like manner. It is the City's hope that simi.lar or other deficiencies that were not noted will be corrected as needed. EXTERIOR ' �'� � , ,� � � � �-.-° 1. The painted wood surfaces of the windows are starting to chip and �� �,,. flake and consideration should be given t� refinish them_this su�ner. 2. Replace the missing downspout at the southeas�corner of the buildi:ng. �_�� �-=�a' � INTERIOR GENERAL 3. Provide and maintai.n approved, sinqle cylinder, dead bolt locks on all doors entering into any apartrnent. Any installed dead bolt locks must be single cylinder, five-pin t�unbler type with a mi.nimum lock throw of 3/4 inch. Any questions as to type and location can be directed to the City Inspection Depariinent. 4. Enclosed you will find a copy of the enerc�y retrofitting requirements that were adopted by the Fridley City Council in March, 1982. Please note that the ordinance requires that all exterior wirnlows, doors, rim joists, joints and utility openings be effectively caulked and weather- stripped to seal off drafts and reduce energy losses. Although these are manditory requirements, it is the City's hope that each property owner will realize that the money and energy savings and the increased comfort to the accupant, would more than coanpensate for the cost of doing a permanent quality job of sealing up these openings. UNIT INSPECTION- �2 There were no deficiencies rnoted during this inspection. Ms. Ann Rflse B. Kania � May 26, 1482 Re: 430 Ironton Street N.E. Page 2 A reinspection will be conducted on or about June 28, 1982 to determine compliance. We are confident in your cooperati.on on these ma.tters and if any questions or probleas arise, please feel free to call on me at 571-3450. Failure to abate these violations may result in this matter being turned over t� the Ci.ty Prosecutor for his legal consideration. Sincerel , S EN J. OL N, R.S. E nvi r oiune n tal Of f i cer SJO/mh ��c: a M � GITY OP FAIDLEY, SUBJECT 6437 UNIVEQSITV AVE. NE. FqIOLEY, MN. BS43e �B127 671-3450 RESIDENTIAL RII�TTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION REPORT ,f paqe � of �� �-� : DATE: .{''°'-y�j �'�`.• ADDRFSS: � - !��'`� ���' ' ''` j � -_� (�°,s�,^ � d e�`j`� a.'; � � tr.� # OF UNITS: �•• OWNER: �i.��d•�" � 1�``; ��,`_' /'%10 ���'t%�1 li{� RFSIDENT MANAGER: i't�'tp j�.s'?.�1 r� ADDRESS: � "',Fi� '� 1� a�, •, �i'�;-y-x �"� a d ��� ADDRESS: - y' "�A:`T'�^.-° �"Z APT. # �'���^" r;; ,A�i��:�-,. �d'.'�°°"..+a� �'�a- .',r TELEPHONE NO. � �,��P�� '�f�,- , °° a" � .�- TELEPHONE t70. CIRCLED ITEMS ARE VIOLATIONS QF CHAPTER 220, FRIDLEY HOUSING MAINTENANCE CODE� AND FXTERIOR 1. Driveway/Parking Lot -(1)not hardsurfaced (2)insufficiant (3)no striping (4)chuck holes (5)surface breaks (6)littered (7)junk vehicles 2. Refuse Area -(1)area littered (2)rodentsp CONTAIIJERS; (3)not covered (4)not screened (5)inadequate 3. Landscapirx�.-�(1)not maintained (2)dead vegetation (3)cut grass (4)cut weeds „�,,,_,..r,�.>.4,., - 4 Doo=s, ��+Tindow�-�'Screens -(1)loose-fitting (2)holes (3)not caulked or weatheratripped G4�ainted surfaces need�� mai.ntenanc�' (5)broken glass (6) locks don't work Y°°"¢ -=1�-�'�°�`"" 5. Walls/Foundat3on -(1)holes (2)cracks or openings (3)not weatherproof; POOR REPAIR: (4)paint (5)brick 6. Roof -(1)lealcs (2)trim needs maintenance (3)dawnspouts misdirected; MISSIfdG: (4)shingles (5)soffit or roof vents 7. General -(1)no address #'s (2)fire lanes u�arkedt STEPS: (3)unsafe (4)no handrailt ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: (5)not maintained (6)incorrect location INTERIOR COMM�J AREAS 8. License -(1)not posted (2)no resident manager 9. Staixway(s) -(1)littered (2)obstructed (3)handrail missing/loose (4)lightix�g inadequatei TREADS�RISERS: (5)loose (6)broken (7)unsafel FIREDOORS; (8)not self-closing (9)pmpped open (10)unapproved construction 10. Hallways -(1)lighting inadequate (2)littered (3)obstructed (4)no exit liqhts; FIREDOORS; (5)unapproved construction (6)not aelf-closing (7)propped open 11. Walls, Flooxs, Ceilings -(1)not clean (2)poor repair (3)holes (4)cracks (5)peeling paint (6)atains (7)miss3nq tiles 12. Electrical - LIGHTS OR OUTLETS: (1)inadequate (2)non-working (3)poor repair (4)improperly wired (5)not gronnded 13. Fire Prevention -(1)no fire alarm system or pull stations for 4 or more unitsi EXTINGUISE�RS: (2)missing . (3)unapprwed typ� (4)size (5)location (6)no current service date 14. Stora4e Areas -(1)fla�able storage (2)unlocked (3)under stair area unprotected (4)littered (5)not clean INTERIOR FURNACE/LAUNDRY AREAS 15. Fire Prevention -(1)fla�able storage= EXTINGUISHERS: (2,)miasing (3)unapproved type (4)aize (5)location (6)no current aervice datei FIREDOORS; (7)not self-closing (8)propped open (9)unapproved com truction 16. Walls, Floors, Ceiling -(1)not clean (2)poor repair (3)holes (4)cracks (5)peeling paint (6)atains (7)missing tiles 17. Appliances -(1)unapproved qas pipinq (2)no shut offs (3)flexible connectors (4)TPR valves missir►g (5)no extension to floor (6)open gas lines; MISSING OR NON-FUNCTIONING: (7)furnace (8)water heater (9)washer(s) (10)dryer(s); FLtIEa (11)loose connections (12)holes (13)improper pitch (4)no backdraft diverter (15)no make-up sir 16. Plwnbing -(1)no laundry sink (2)leaking hot/cold faucets (3)waste not vented or leaking (4)uncrovered floor- drain (5)leakirig water lines (6)no running water (7)no hot wa,ter 19. Electrical -(1)inadequate service (2)over fusing (3)improper grounding across water meter (4)non�aorking 13ghts or outlets (5)inadequate wiring or ground (6)temporary wiring (7)extension cords Z0. General -(1)inaect or rodent infestation (2)littered (3)obstructed UNIT IIdSPECTION: BEDROOMS 1 2 3 EFF. Missing N�ber on Door KITCFiEN 21. S,intc- (1)no running water (2)poor repair (3)leakirn� Yrot/cold faucets (4)waste not vented or leaking 22. Walls. Floor, Ceilina -(1)not clean (2)poor repair (3)holes (4)cracks (5)peeling paint (6)stains (7)missing tile 23. Electrical - LIGHTS OR OUTLETS: (1)inadequate (2)poor repair (3)non-working (4)improperly wired or grounded 24, Stove/Refrigerator -(1)not provided (2)poor repair (3)non-worki rn3t GAS CONNECrIONs (4)no shut off (5)flexible piping BATHRO�i 25. Hand Sink s Bathing Facilitv -(1)not present (2)poor repai.r (3)leakirn� hot/cold faucets (4)no running wate= (5)waste not vented or leaking 26. Toilet -(1)no�rfunctioning (2)leaking (3)no running watet (4)no anti-siphon ball cock (5)no seat 27. Walls, Floor, Ceilinq -(1)not clean (2)poor zepair (3)holes (4)cracks (5)peeling paint (6)stains (7)missing tile 28. Electrical - LIGHTS OR OUTLETS: (1)inadequate (2)poor repair (3)non-working (4)improperly wired or grounded 29. General -(1)not within the apartment (2)access through bedroom (3)no door (4)no mechani.cal or natural vent SEDROOMS 30. Walls, Floor Ceiling -(1)not clean (2)poor repair (3)holes (4)cracks (5)peeling paint (6)atains (7)missing tile 31. Electrical - LIGHTS OR OUTLETS: (1)inadequate (2)poor repais (3)non-working (4)improperly wired or grounded 32. General -(1)no doorp ESCAPE WIAIDOW: (Z)too small (3)tno high off floor (4)obstructed LIVING ROOM/HALIln1AYS 33. Walls, Floor, Ceilina -(1)not clean (2),poor repair (3)holes (4)cracks (5)peeling paint (6)stains (7)missing tile =rr�tfFS-�bt�Tf�TSe #i}is�egt�a�e--(-2}poe�--repai.r-E�}�an-wafk3ng-E4i-� 35. Smoke Detectar -(1)not provided (2)non-working (3)improper location GENERAL 36. D�ors, Wirndvas, Screena -(1)loose-,fi�n�=(2)holea (3)not caulked or weatherstripped (4)windows not openable (5)no acreens (6)broken glass (7)3:+aFks don't�wor'k. ��°- �--�=l� ���� `� � ��Gr?�'�?`�'cs:� 37. Insects Rodenta -(1)esey access (2)harboracja �3)food aources (4)present (5)exterminate 38. Heat -(1)inadequate (68°F, at all ti.mes) (2)not provided � COd�7ME�1'L5: `� ��';:-� � =F' ,_� � �,; �.��, c-n_�-�-�-1 L � �7s�-' ?'� ; �. �� - I � \ 'ED BYs DATE: INSPECPOR;,.__ REINSPEGTI�i DATEt �� � � ._ - _ ._. . . . _ --- �) , �'� d �� ""�--- �/ e �'� �'� .�� ;� ���� �,� �r�` , `�� � � � �, ��. � f�... q�. ����`'� � T� ��.� BA31 UNIV�RSITIf A!/ENUE N.�.� FR166EY� MIPdPLESOTA b5432 :" November 2@, 1979 �� Mr. Stanley Kania L 430 Ir�nton Street N. E. L�+a�l� � Fridley, bu1 55432 , TELEPHdWE ( 812)571-3450 Re: Repai.r & Maintenance of the Rental Property Located at 430 Ironton Street N. E. Dear Mr. Kania: It was confirmea by a routine orrsi.te inspection on October 24, 19i9 that the above listed rentai property was being maintained in violation of Chapter 220, Residential Maintenance Code, of the Fridley City Code. The inspe.ction on the above date found the follozaing list of deficiencies which must be corrected. 11ny repai'rs or improvements must be completed in a workmanship like manner. It is the City's hope that siinilar or other deficiencies in apartments that were not inspected will be corrected as needed. EXTERI�R � . ' ' lb Th� �ainted surfaces of the wood trim around the windaws is starting to chip and flake and should be refinished.�„� ��� �_ UNIT #1 `' �` . 1. Re�air and maintain the leaking water faucet in the bathroom� 7� � 2. Repair or replace th�n-working electrical outlet in the ^ bathroom. �j�,� C 3� R�lsair or replace the b ok'en window and casing in the upsta.irs bedroom. l 7 -�" �°- . 4, There is a tenant sleeping in the cellar of this apartment. The use of the cellar as a bedroom is not acceptable unless an � approved means of fire exit is provided, e.g. escape windows. �� � Questions should be directed to the Building Inspector as to the size and type of window that would ineet the requirements. 5. Repair and maintain the leaking shower unit. ��d d�� �, reinspecti.on will be conducted on or about_ December 17, 1979 to determine compliance. We are confident in your cooperation on these matters and if any questions,or problems arise, please feel free to coYttact me at 571-3450. _ Failure to abate these violations may result in this matter being turned over to the City Proseautor for his legal cronsideration. Sincerely, � r STLV J. OISOtd Enviranmental Officer i� � � , � � � ��., �. . ' ��� �� � � ��1� -� ���. /� ,�'i � Z y-'d q , : �%� � c��'T`� � �� ,,. _ � ' . e� � �'� ._ . � �t2- � — t-J7 V�..c c-�r3 � Gs??JvL 6 � C� � � - - - _ �. �,. - _ _ :-,.�,.�- � - - - , /�r. � � `� I; f-�� t , _ _ _ _ + �? 7-� �.�' -- s � � _ � �.:-- _ �,,�..�,�Q,� �,.....,� ,� � _ _ 1��� f� � ¢ � � ��'�-�e-� ��_ ._ ` e _ � ' � � . - . _. .'_ _ _.__.._ _ . '__ _—'.. _ ___ _ _ �;� �,,,� � i cl-�rq�� ��, _ _ __ _ _ I `-� � � ����j - �° Z� • Z�� � ' ���'�- - --- - -- _ - - - ___ r �� � f ad�271�" _'� �� � � :��s`' ��2 " _ �" �t � - - - - -_ __ � _ d���G��" �'�� ' � � ' _ ��t�'� _ � -- - - - - - �'�-- --- - � � � �� /�,--- . - - � �� ��� � �� �� ��... �,.�� `�_� - ` '`�° �� �� - - - �- � � -- - � - -� -� ��-.�. . � � . --- _ �-—���-- ; r -- - ���� - --- -- —, -, � ���, �_ � �-. _��. __ - �� �� � . - ; ;.. ,. � � / - � i 1 _ i ,-'% � �� i - _- �..''_.. i�-� 7-79