Inspections Address Card - 3916INSPECTOR OF BUI�DIN'GS TILFORD 0: AASEN �OCATION JEFFERSON STREEm N. E. 6380 OWNEft LOT 2 BLOCB 4 AnD. Christie Addition Permit No. Caasdruction Date Contracfor I Cost 2745 Building Permit �ll;nn� Breezew�y, Ge.rage 11/14/57 ??1�7 Bldg. Per. ftepair S.D. 6/7/65 5026 Electrical Permi_t 6/9/65 5�3? E1e etri.ca.1 Permit 6,�9/65 5�3s Electrcial Permit 6/9/65 5�26 Electric�l Rough 5�3g Electrical Rou�h 503i Electrical Rough In 6/28/65 29,421 Building Permit(Reroof) S/7/99 29,660 Electrical Permit 7/19/02 04-00502 Heating Permit 4/14/04 31,004 Electrical Permit 8/9/04 11 iM-12-58 Same �Xd�,l/��Don Bra �. B. Thompson 0. B. Thompson 0. B. Thompson 0, B. Thompson 0. �. Thompson Richard Hastings Con Bacon's Electric Co Superior Contractors R & D Electric �11+.00 �10.00 $3.00 $12.00 �5.00 �3.00 $5.00 62.2 20.00 60.00 20.00 Fiaal 6/28/65 8/4/69 6/28/65 5/26/99 7/9/02 5/13/04 B��134,919-5/26/99 E��148,983-7/9/02 B��156,239-5/13/04 LOCATION LOT 2 INSPECTOR OF BUI4DINGS 6380 Jefferson Street NE OWNER Aasen Ri,n�r� AD Pssmit No. Caastruction 31,071 Electrical Permit 4 D• Christie Addition D�� Contracfor 9/1/04 Hunt Electric Cos! 20.00 Page 2 Final