AF - 47706� � � Caty of Fridley, inn BUILDING PERMIT Date: � 18, 1965 � ��� N° '7949 p�: RICHAitD E. JOHIQSON g�� MORTi gl�,nF,A,� Add� 6391 Jefferson Si. N. E. Ad�sa 2627 �z�7,�p,�Qnne �'oxt1� Fridley 21, Minnesota Minneapolis� Minnesota LOCATION OF BUILDING N� 6391 S�t ,��fferson St. N'. $._ part oP Lot � 20 _�� 5 Addition or Sub-Div3sfon �hr�j,��,g�tp Coraer Lot Inaide Lot Setback Sideyard Se�ver IIevatalan Foimdaa.t3on IIevatfon To be vsed as: Ft�ont Front Type of Construction DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING DeP� Height Sq. Ft Cu. Ft Depth I�eight Sq. F't. Cu. Fk �, �, �$3� 485 . 00 To be Completed REPATRS DIIE TO STORM DAMAGE. In consideration oP the issuance to me of a permit to construct the building described above I agree to do th� ProPosed work fn acc�rdance with the d�scription above set forth and in complianc�e with a'11 provisfons of ordinances oP the dty of FricIIey. � Ia cam�deration oP the payment of a fee of $ 1 �•�� , permit fa hereby granted to MORK RiT77.ilF.R c to canstruct the buflding or addition as d�crlbed above. Thia t ia granted upon the expr�a condition that the persoa to whom ft is granted and his agents, employees an worlmnen� fn all work doae fn, ara�usd and upon said building, or anypart thereof, shall conform in all reapecta to the ordinance� of Fridley, Minnesota regardinng location, construction, alteration, maintenance, repair aad muving of buildiup within the dty ]iadts and this permft may be revoked at any tiine upaa violation of a�► oE the P�vi�tona of seid ordiaances. ALLEN G. JENSEN g�� �� NOTICEs 'IYs psrm� dws naR eeser tM coe�lruetl�, �oe tee �rl�de5. P���9. ia headng, iwa er vrmr. B� wre te a� Nro Baildieg les�etor for aparat� �emhs for thta It�ms. 0 OW1�R' S NAilE 't � ' .!�.%1°�G!� ^ <� -� � ADDRESS f ° . " �° / ` '-�,�,/�°'� APPL�CATIOR FOR $UILDING PERMIT CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA LOCATION OF BUILDING �� ��`��. ,/ ��". �Na,��` $treet Part af LoC -�-.� - - � ...�..- _.....�.� L� '� '�� �BLOCR � ADDITION OR SUBDIVISZON �����-�- _ , Corner-`yot Inside LaT Setback Side-�iiatd ..�._ _._.... ���R �LEVATION FOUNDATION ELEVk�ION Applicant attach to t�ia form Two Certificates of Survey of LoC and proposed building locatiou drawn on these Certificates. � To be used as: DESCRI�ION OF BIIILDING Front Deptt� Height Sq. Ft. Cu. Ft. Front Depth Height � Sq. Fe. Cu. Ft. �ype of Caa�truction EsCimated CosC � �,�� ° °��' To be compleeed q'he undersigned herebq makes application fo� a permit for the work herein agecffied, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the Citq of Fridley Ordinances and rulings of the Department.of Buildings, and hereby deciares that s21 the facta aad repres�ntations stated in Chis application are true and cor�ect. ���-� ��° �� /� � � �'/�' - �/�`�'�'�;��G'-��.�" �tfE,- � � ��� (Schedule of Fee Costs can be found on the Reverse Side). � ��� ����' �� ��` ��'°� ���'_/ �'� C��C.�' � � 1- r �`�� i� � �..�._, - � �� � C` 1 . BIIII,�I�iG PERI'�T � _ SCSEDdJ�,E � � SEG°1'ION 2. The Inspector o.f Buildings shall� before tssuiag an�Y ��t for ehe erection of any building or strucCure, or for gny addition to any,�isting build- ing or etructure, or for any alteratians or repaira to anq esiatit� buildin� or structure, ugon application therefore, require the gayment by the l�pPlicant for such permit� of fegs to the amount heiein below set�forth and in the�•�IIer hereia__ provided to�wit;� . 2.1. For any such germit for the erection of any fire�proof buildin�, other than a garage, �arehouse, factory or grain elevaCor, or for the erection cf any fire-proof additiou, for aimilar occupancy, to anq existing bui:lding, shall be at the rate of $1.40 for each one thouaand cubic feeC, or fra�tion theteof� in such cubicai coutents. 2.2: For any euch permit for the erection of any fire-proof gara�e, Warehouse, factorq or graia elevator, or for the erection of any fire-proo� addition, for similar occupaucy, tt� any existing �uilding sha11 be at the r�e of $1.25 for each one �housand cubic feeC, classified as "fireproof" by ��.` 3ection 502 of the Mindeapolis Buildin� Code. flOUSES . . . _ 2.3. For any such germit for the erection of any non•fireproof building, othe hau a garage, warehouee, factorq or grain elevator, or any non•fireproof addition, for aimilar occupancy, to any exiating building - ger�it $1.00 for each one thousand cubic feet. GARAGES �� 2` 4. For any auch permit for the erection of any aon-fireproof garage, warehouse, factory or grain elevator, or for the erecCioa of any non-fireproof addition, for aim3lar occupancq, to any esisting buildiag or tor each such buildin� or addition - ninety cents ($0.90) for each one thousaad cubic feet or €raction thereof, ia the cubical coatents t&ereof with the miaimum of $4.00. For tbe purpose oE computing fees for building permits, the cubical conteats of any building or addiCian to a uniform beight throughouC by multiply3ng the ground area covered from a poine six C6) inches below the floor line of the basemeat or cellar to the average height of the upper surface or to the average height of the roof euxfaee of the main gable of a pitched roof. 2, 9_� ' For repaire or alteratioas,to an ex3etiag structure, the fee shali be at the raCe of $3.00 per. each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or fractioa thereof in the c�et of alt propoaed work. Z.6. In no case a�iall the fee charged.for any permit as set forth in Secti n 2 be lese than $4.00. �� � � _ . .� �.� � .- -� f.�_ � . __ __� sus�ecr PERMIT NO City of Fridley �-=� 6 7 0 AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS g U I L D I N G P E R M I T r ; � REC T NO � • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. � � � �ti: - - r � � PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. � . � `-__- A ��"��,,� CITY HALL FRIDLEY 55432 NUMBER REV. DATE PAGE OF APPROVED BY i �� 612-571-3450 910-F15 7/30/82 � � JOB ADDRESS �91 Jefferson Street N.E. 1 LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. 2Q 5 Christie Addition SHEET 2 PROPERTY OWNER MAII ADDRESS ZIP PHONE Kenneth R. Carlsan 6391 Jefferson Street N.E. 571-2783 3 CONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS 21P PHONE LICENSENO. S�ne 4 ARCHITECTORDESIGNER MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE IICENSENO. 5 ENGINEER MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSENO. 8 USE OF BUILDING Residential 7 CLASS OF WORK � NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION 0 REPAIR O MOVE ❑ REMOVE X 8 DESCRIBE WORK �nstruct a 13' x 4' Addition 9 CHANGE OF USE FROM TO STI PU LATION S Change hea.der to three 2 x 12's. Install products of combustion ala� if not already existing. � � A,�� �� �4r1+ti+ec SEPERAT� PERMiTS R�{�,l!l1RED f01�' 1!�!!!fC, �n8 �s11 � � �,tc: ge�wc a��t.��ECt���- �� H�Af{M�, PLUI�l9t�iC ANn �IG1+�. ��tErHeN� , �p �,`( ���1R TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING OH AIR CONDITIONING. WOOC� F13IIle THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING SQ. FT. CU. FT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT rj2 ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ]. STALLS GARAGES AMD KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT y��-�900 $.95 DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE pERM1T FEE SAC CHARGE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- STRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. �S3]..00 NONE PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL FEE �.,, 75 39. 70 S tvn UREOFCONTR CTOfiO u aiZE AGENT �DA7E� ;,,�'�EN PR E Y ALI AT THIS IS YOUR PERMIT � 3� � ^� 1-3�- �� I UREOFOWNERiIF E B LDER� 1 ATEI BLDG iNSP �ATE CITY OF FRIDLCY Effective Aug, 1, 1981 AI'PLICATI�'�l fOf� RCSIDCiJTII►i_ 6UlLQ1fiG PCRi4ITS ��� tj�f`�' �Nc�r, Alter�tions, Additions, orr Repairs) �� ��° OI�JHER: .�r �T/� � �A2LSo� ADDRESS: 1i.3 I/ �FFG Rso� �r /1�� t3UI LDER : Dt,v��2 � . AOD1tCSS: TEL N0: -� %/--a �� � TEL f�0: Construction Location - ST72I•TT NG : lo � 4� STItEET: �E�F� /�SU /�% � � LOT: �Q BLOCK: �� ADDITION: _ C/,��/S7/�' D��✓- Corner ?rot: �, Insii3e Lots Setback: " Sideyards: Ap�licant attach to tliis form two Certificates of Slizvey of lot and pzoposed building locatia�n drawn on certificates to scale. DESCRIPTIOid OF COhJSTRUCTIO�� � ,/ / i� ��• Front: %� Depth: "7� Iieight: % � Square.Feet: Qibic Feet: � . Front: Depth: Height: Square Fegt: Gvbic Teet: �"2 � ��,�.G � �8'8'm► `� . � /�Oe1 Type of Cor,struction : r� y1� � Estimated Costs $ ib Be Cbr.�pleted: �� 10 • � Alt. A Alt. 8 Proposed Drivearay WiBth If New Openinq Is Desired: $� $ , . SE� REVERSE SIDE OF SHEET . T1ie un8ersigned hereby ma3;e� application for a permit for the work� here3n specified, agreeinq to co .all work fr, strict accordancc ��ith the City of Fridley Orainances Pa�d ruling� of t1�e Departme�t of D�ilc]inqs, ancl hereby declares that all the facts and reprQSe�tations stated in this Application ar,,� true and correct. D.3TE: / � .�" �Z SIGNATUI� : Stfpulations: � ���r�L�� �I � � �.� �I.�� 1�` '�, � �� / /. i �ti I I � ' i . � " '� � . � '� � / � � � , �� � � . B�7ILDING PERI�IT FEE SCHEDULE The Inspector of buildings shal],, before issuing permits for the esection of any buildiaq or structure, or for any addition to any bxisting buildinq or structure, or for any alteration or repairs to any existing bu3ldiaq or stzuctuze, upon application therefore, requ3re the payment by the applicant f oz such permit of �ees to the amount bereia below set forth and in the manner herein provided to-wit: TOTAL VAI�JATIOi�T 51.00 bo 5500.00 $501 to $2,000 52.001 t� $25,000 525,001 to $50,000 PEES 510.00 Min3mum Fee $15.00 plus surcharge 510.00 for the first 5500 plus $1.50 for each additional S100 or fraction thereof, to arid including $2,000 $32.50 for the first $2,000 plus 56.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction th ereof, to and iricluding $25, 000 $170.50 for the first $25,000 plus S4.50 for each additional $1,000 oz fraction thereof, to and includinq 550,000 $50, 001 to 5100, 000 5283. 00 for the f3rst $50, 000 plus $3. 00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to aad includinq $100,000 $100,001 arxi up S443.00 for the first $100,000 plus $2.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof PLAN CHEQC: 25 percent of building pezmit fee DRIVII�IAY DEPRESSION ESQtOW: Concrete Curb Streets �ly Alternate "A": Removeal and replacement of curb ar►d gutter only Driveway width plus 6 feet x$13.50 Alternate °H": Ranoval and replacement of curb ar�d qutter and install a 3 foot wide approach with 6 inch depth Driveway width plus 6 feet x$15.75 VERIFICATION OF FOUNDATION Permits for construction will be issued a minimum of 24 hours fraao the time of applfcation to allow for proper review of the proposed structure and of the construction site. A Certificate of Survey of the lot, showing the locat3on of the foundation once it has been constsvcted will be required before proceedi� with the framing. ��j o U �u � !0, � C� Ic�X�.J� r�i1.0� . 3�•.� � s _ - - -- ----� �� � .+ � ��- ����� . � �'�'�'�- d�- ��''�i� �/6�.,�.�'�s o � �� `��� ��� � �`,� �-s�.� S�- �! -- ----------------- - ---- - -------- -^ -- .---- -- -- - ---- j �, ' � � �. � `�,�e.� j ��� - " : --�-- - - - -- --- -- , . ----- -- - - - - -- - ---__ _ - -- ---- - --- - , c ; `Ce o c�- �'-- � C.=�-c�..�:1 S �t�e� � � ' ' --- — - - -- - -- - ----- --i-� ---- , � �i:S'� � r�. __�,� ,-. . _ — �c� F . -----1 �- � W .�&.o�� � � �.-�x �a �..w ci�.�= - _--_ W � .�4+i,1 - - — ��_______� _�_-"J - _ --�� �.��� � � r�---- - - - _- -__ - _-- _ -_- _ - ----°--------- ----------------------- .-------•- -- ----��1��j--- _ J_�_,,- -Or.-� --� --.�'— _ � - ---,— --- ----- -- -�=---�: �� �.- --- -• 4a-� � �� � �►��s - --" -------- �k, � ���� P� 5��., ���'.�-�_�C'C�-�►=-1'�`---5- -- - -- --- --- - -- - - -- o �. - ----- ----- — --- ------ -- --- --�;�� � � ` - l . -- -- ---- -------.-� _���5 V`,\ ---`-�'' � \ o�� _ ---- - -- - � —:3 X I y, . ' �" � � -r` � � � ---- ' --- - - �� ti\-.0 �.��----- � �C�,�-� . Vd� __i�: _ _0'1� �. C.o_ _.. - Z-- --- ------ .. .. - — - �` - --- - - - - �- - j� r.6, a,�r - : v-e- . . , - -._-.-- -- �--- ----- -- ----- - - --- - = --- ! .� �� --- f �-----'' ----- - --� �' ` 1 � � - -- --- - --- - . C� . � - � r� _ �-;��. ` �L�C,��� - --.----- --�e�roa�-- -- _--a - — ----- - - ------ ---- - -� � {� �—� -- ------- � 17 . �. � • �� �� t !�-- --�t - - ���� _ _ � � �. � �� -- ----... -- - -� -- --------- ----- --. _ _ � --- --------- --- l � . � ------- --- -- --- ----�---------------�0 �...��pOY.� ,`,..�_�.ry'{{�. "` _ I• w � �__'__ ..'_ _. _'_ --- - - ----- - �G,� �� ------.�'� -S�'Y' Q G!� - - -- --- -- - - -- --- i R ' � � S • , �i15�---- -' _ ' iti��' ' j��czt� �sZ'��� �( - -- - ��--C4c+�'c'545- -- -- ------- �` �- � -- - � �.�'' � ,; � � s� � � b � ° �r.� v t� �'' � i^� . -- ._ t, G�. -- -- � --�-- .--- - -- -•- - ------- �,e � $ x i � �+__ =t�------- �- - ------ ----------------- — ---- - �--- ----- — --- . .�� 5--��a�-� .��r1 �_. � - --- -- — - -- -- — _ - -- - - ------ - - -- - --- ---- - �-� --- --- - -- ---- ---- --- — — , �. � �-� Y► +-�'r �4 N�n r� e'I-f� �. 2 f�S o r1 Loi- � � . �0391 �"e�'ers�• S�- NC: S��-a'7�3 oJ � T't e Y'5 o n �+ � — - -t0-- -- - ------------- ---- ----- 3 a i ' ---- -- � - -- -- ----- ------------ ---- --- � -._...------ ----------- - - - � � ------ - ---- ._—.. ---------- - --- ---------- ---- -- ---- - ---- -- --._.._ .- - - � � (D __-- ------- --- �c�t2Q_2.---�---------------------=--- ----------- � , Q � - -- �-�-- :--------------'----- --- --------- �----- ----- ----------�---------- -- ----- ---- _ _ _ ---- -- -- ---- .__ _--- ------ ------- - -- ! . - � -------------� -------------------- ---- --- — -- --- - - Prv ��vs�C+ � . . ' _�_------------- - ----�-------- --- ____--- ----------_--- --�d����►an------------- � X�3 . �^ � . `►1 _ / ---- - --�—�- -- - -d C2 . e-� � - -- `� 0 - - - - - - -- --. . _ - sus�ECT PER City of Fridley � 9 6 8 6 2 AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS g U I L D I N G P E R M I T � r � � CEIPT NO. � `L ______ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. � I r � � PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. L' i ' ---. A � ���;,, CITY HALL FRIDLE� 55432 NUMBER REV. DATE PAGE OF APPROVED BV s' �� 612-571-3450 910-F15 � 2/6/82 / � JOB ADDRESS 6391 Jefferson Street N. E. t LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. 20 5 Christie Addition SHEET 2 PROPERTYOWNER MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE Kenneth R. Carlson SAME 571-2783 3 CONTRACTOR MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSENO. 4 ARCHITECTORDESIGNER MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSENO. 5 ENGINEER MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 8 USE OF BUILDING residential 7 CLASS OF WORK ❑ NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION C� REPAIR ❑ MOVE O REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK repair damage to house hit by vehicle 9 CHANGE OF USE FROM TO STIPULATIONS SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIqED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. � WOO�I THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING SQ. FT. CU. FT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN.80 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION STALLS GARAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT $g2.00 .�jO DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE pERM1T FEE SAC CHARGE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CON- STRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. � 6. OO PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL FEE �—�, � � Z 16.50 SIGNATUREOFCONTRACTORORAUTHORI2EDAGENT �onr i HEN PROPERLY VALIDATED THIS IS YOUR P RMIT �. �'�� ����� �`��/y'� SIGNATUREOFOWNERIIFOWNERBUILDERI IDATEI BLDG INSP �ATE CIT� OF FRIDLCY Effective Aug. 1, 19s1 AI'PLICATI�� FOk RESIDCNTIl1� BUlLD1t�G PL•RMITS �N�. A1 terations. Addi Lic�s, or Repa i rs ) �� ��� � �. . OWI�ER: ���Y � Son� BUILOER: �`�./�'v%j. .._. .�� Y o ADDRESS: ,,,����1 I .� � F�. �'S�n/ � ✓U� �ODfiLSS: �� Mo: �• .�7 l� z� � � � �� r�o: . Construction Location — . bs�r �: � �� s�er: _ _ �S� � ���--�a.� ,� LOT: _ v� t7 ` BLOLX a� ADD2TICN t �.� 1� I� / E , Corner Lot: � Znsiile L�t: _______ 6etback: �� Sid�yards: 1►p�licant attach to this fcrm !wo Certificates of bl�zvey of lot and pzoposed bufiding location drawn on certificates to scale. DESCRIPTIOi�! OF OOFJSTRUCTIOq ___ Fmnta DeP�= Heiqht: Square Faets QibiC Feet: _ Front: DeP�= Hefght: Squnre Fept: �bic Feeta . c�..c� � X � ,� • . of Corst �t�%� . o �YP� ruction a� .� �v�-� � Estimated Cost: S o�� � G� C� 'lb�Wr� � 2' Z.- p eted: � lllt. A A1 t. 8 Proposed Drivc�+�ay i�iiclth If New Openfng Is Des3seds S;____� a _ SE� Rr^,VER,E SIDE OF SHEET 7iie un8essigned hereby mat;es applicr,tion for a pez�niL for the a,ork herein specified, agzeeing to cb ,all aork ir, strict accorasnce �+ith the City of Fridley Ozdi»ances ea�d ruling� of the Der►�rtmc�i of Duildings, and hereby declares that all tl�e fact� and tepresent�►tiens stated 3� t�is appifcation are �rue and correct. aa�: -2 � �� sicNnlv�: _ ,Z'�l c��t�a�� ¢ . �� n�� sti��cio�: � /� oa ,�Z� � � � /� . � z�. _ �'�.� � v . _ . , �,� . - . - ��-� �� � � � a �° 0 BUILDI1�iG PERMIT FEE BCAEDIILE TAe Inspector oi buildinqs s�all, betose issuinq permits ios the •s�ctioA oi any bnilding os atructnze, os fos aay addition to any �xistiAg buildiaq os structnr�, or fos any aitesation os sepairs to aAy •sistinq buiidinq os •tructnse, npoa applicatioa t2►esefose, s�qais• the payment by the applicant toz such permit ot �ees to the asouat b�seia below set ioztb and in the � aanez hereia psovidea to-wita . �. TOT11L V11LUl1TIQ8 !�5 i1.D0 ta i500.00 Ssoi m i2,000 SZ/��l � �LSI��� 525,001 to 550.000 t10.00 !linim� Fee 515.00 plus surcharge 510.00 foz the firsL S500 pius 51.50 for each a8dit3onal �100�or fzactioa thereof, tc and incivaing b2,0oo 532.50 ior the fiztt 52.000 plus S6.00 for each additional $1.000 oz fsaction th esecf, to and 3�cluding 525,000 b170.50 foz the iirst 525,000 plus 54.S0 for each ad8itiona2 51,000 oz fzaction t?�rseof, to a� iacludiag SS0,000 550,001 !� 5100,000 �283.00 tos the fisst 550,000 plus S3.00 foz each add3tional 51,000 oz fraction thezeof, to and including 5100, 000 �100,001 ard up 5443.00 foz the first 5100,000 plus S2.50 foz � each ac]�itior�al 51,000 or fraction thezeof PLAN C�IECR: 25 perce�t of buildiag permit fee DRIVfl�IAY DEPRESSION ESC3tOW: Conczete Wrb Stseets �ly l�lternate "A'a Removeal and Zeplace�oer�t of curb arid qutter only , Driveway vidth plus 6 feet x S13.S0 111ternate "B"a Aeooval ar�d sep2ace�ent of cuzb and gutter and install a 3 ioot vide approach with 6 inch depth Dziveway vidth plus 6 ieet x 515.�5 _ d VERIFICATION OF FOUNDATION Permits for constructian viil be issued a �eini�n�e of 24 hours fzao the time of application to allow for propez zeview of the proposec7 stsucture and of the constsu ction site. A Cert3ficate of Snrvey of the lot, showfng the iocation of the fown� tion once it has been oonstsvcted will be zequired before �rocee_ d_ irg vith the frami.nS. �. _,r ► t r � � ' ' SUBJECT , ' � City of Fridley AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS g U I L D I N G P E R M I T r � . � � ; `V __��� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. r � � PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. � i_---� ��"' �'� CITY NALI FRIOLEY 55132 NUMBEP pEv t 612-571-3450 s1aF15 lOB ADDRESS 6391 Jefferson Street NE t LEGAL L07 NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ACDITION DESCR. 2O 5 Christie Addition 2 PROPERTY OWNEq MAIL AOpR�S$ Ken Carlson 6391 Jefferson Street NE J CONTRACTOR MAIL ADORESS Nutzmann Bros. Construction 736 1 Ave NW, New Br 4 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAI AODRESS 5 ENGINEER 8 USE OF BUILDING Residential 7 CLASS OF WORK ❑ NEW B DESCRIBE WORK Reroof House & Gar 9 CHANOE OF USE FROM STIPULATIONS MAII ADDRESS � ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION 25 Sa) Tear-off DATE I PA 4/19/99 / ' 29245 ��� oR APVnOVEO er / SEE ATTACNEO SMEET 21P PNONE 571-2783 ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO ., MN 55112 628-0128 ZIP PNONE LICENSE NO. 20043453 ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO C� REPAIR O MOVE O REMOVE Underlayment must comply with the State Building Code. CONSTRUCTION WORK HOURS: 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, Monday thru Friday; 9:a0 am to 9:00 pm on Saturday; No work on Sunday. SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED POF EIECTFICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, TMPE OF CONST. VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION 20NING AUTHOq12ED IS NOT COMMENCED V�IITHIN 80 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOiiK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONEO FOFt A PER100 OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AF7ER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO DWIG. UNITS I MEREBY CERTIFY TMAT I NAVE READ AND �XAMINEO TNIS APPLICATION 1 AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORREC7. ALL PRpVISIONS OF LAWg VAI.UATION ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TVPE OF WORK WILL QE COMP�IED WITM WHE7HER SPECIFIED MEREIN OR NOT. TME GRANTING OF A pERM1T �2�1�}2 DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORI7Y TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE pERMIT FEE PROVISIONS Of ANY OTHER STATE OR �OCAI LAW FEGULATING CON- STRUCTION OF THE PERFOiiMANCE OF CONSTRUC710N �7�F.�IS PLAN CMECK fEE L e I SiGNATUAE OF CO ACTOp Oi14UTMOpiZED eGENT IO�T i EN ,( SO. FT S7ALLS $ 5,90�Q NCYGROUP OCCUPANCV�OAO CU FT. ET PARKING IGARAGES �1.�7 SAC CMA E Fir S, $2.14 TOT F E „ �82.96, /7� � � s NEW ADDN ALTER �l �� [l ConstructionAddress: Legal Description: Owner Name & Address: Contractor: VG � Address: %�l� -/�/� Effective 1/1/98 � CITY OF FRIDLEY SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEXES R-1 AND R-2 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ����a�� LIVING AREA: GARAGE AREA: DECK AREA: OTHER: Tel. # � �Z -��Z7� MN LICENSE # �G� �/�-�(�",e3 /I� Tel. � _�.S/-��c�-�eZ�j' Attach to this applicat�on, a Certificate of Survey of the lot, with the proposed construction drawn on it to scale. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVENIENT Length W idth Height Length `Vidth Height Lengtt�_ Width HgVGround a � s� Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Construction Type: - (� � � ` � Estimated Cost: $ '�� � � `�/� (Fee Schedule on Back) Driveway Curb Cut Width Needed: Ft. + 6 Ft = Ft x$ _$ DATE: °`� % APPLICANT: � 1 � � �%%� Tel. � �.�%-����'�C�/��' Permit Fee Fire Surcharge State Surcharge SAC Charge License Surcharge Driveway Escrow Erosion Control Park Fee Sewer Main Charge TOTAL STIPULATIONS: $ �� ,��- $ �?. ( �-� $ S C� `� $ � L lm� � $ $ $ $ $ ��o �'� CITY USE ONLY Fee Schedule on Reverse Side .001 of Permit Valuation (1/lOth%) $.50/$1,000 Valuation $1000 per SAC Unit $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) Alt. "A" or Alt. "B" Above $450.00 Conservation Plan Review Fee Determined by Engineering Agreement Necessary [ ] Not Necessary [ ] / �� � G / � ,� � G ) �b /�� l BUILDING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE The Chief Building Official shall, before issuing permits for the erection of any building or structure, or for any addition to any existing building or structure, or for any alteration or repair to any existing building or structure, upon application therefore, require the payment by the applicant for such permit of fees to the amount herein below set forth and in the manner herein provided to-wit: TOTAL VALUE $1 to $500 $501 to $2,000 $2,001 to $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 $500, 001 to $1,000, 000 $1,000,001 and up FEES $21 (Minimum Fee is $21 plus surcharge) $21 for first $500 plus $2.75 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $62.25 for first $2,000 plus $12.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $349.75 for first $25,000 plus $9.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000 $574.75 for first $50,000 plus $6.25 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $887.25 for first $100,000 plus $5.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000 $2887.25 for the first $500,000 plus $4.25 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000 $5012.25 for the first $1,000,000 plus $2.75 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof DRIVEWAY DEPRESSION ESCROW (Concrete Curb Streets Only) Alternate "A" : Removal and replacement of curb and gutter only - Driveway width plus 6 feet times $13.50. Alternate "B": Removal and replacement of curb and gutter and install a 3 foot wide approach with 6 inch depth - Driveway width plus 6 feet times $15.75. VERIFICATION OF FOUNDATION Permits for construction will be issued a minimum of 24 hours from the time of application to allow for proper review of the proposed structure and of the construction site. A Certificate of Survey of the lot, showing the location of the foundation once it has it has been constructed will be required before proceeding with the framing. .� • . ._� ,',��/ 3'� Building Inspections 7.63-572-3604 DATE�srrE nDDxESS ' TFIIS APPLICANT IS: PROPERTY OWNER/ TENANT CONTRACTOR SUBMIT A COPY OF YOURSTATE LICENSE WITH APPLICATION PERNIIT TYPE TYPE OF WORK: t. MECIIANICAL RESIDENTIAL APPLICATI()N CITY �F FRIDLEY O OWNER YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS si 1�6N7'RACTOR ! isC�� Permit No.: Received By:� Date Rec'd: � ��' Z PHONE: l l,v � � j ! — � � '=� ���N�: N�RTHERN HEATING & AIR �ONE��TIONIfVG, INC. . CONTACT PERSON: STATE LICENSE # EXP DATE ���� �,�...�—�_� � CITY � Il1�t� l STAT�"LU'� ,1L� ADDRFSS: . �, �\ l � � \�'� PHONE�,��a�–��°�-- ��1i FAX� �@�–��� ��`�' � �B-s"I�GLE FAMILY ❑ TWO FAMILY ❑ NEW C��P�ACEMENT DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK � TOWNHOUSE ❑ qLTERATION/REMODEL e, PER MS 16B.665 the permit fee is a minimum of 515.00 or 5% of the total cost up to 5500.00, whichever is grea.ter, f�r the improvement, installation or replacement of a residential fixtiu'e, excluding the fixtures. (T'his should reflect only the cost of labor ) Labor cost under $300 =$15.00. Labor cost between $300 to $500 = cost of labor x.OS = FOR PROJECTS WI�RE 1.ABOR EXCEEDS $500, FEES AKE BASED ON $10.00 PER FIXTURH, EXCEPT �'VHERE NOTTED. FIXTURES' (AIDICATE TOTAL NUMBER OF EACH BELOV� MFG: Y V� , 1� MODEL: � mLf�'=C:4e' SIZEBTU 4��; CiC�C� Equipmentlnstatled . , SIZFJBTU � _7�-'-� I�G: � C•i v`C � MODEL: 2�! ;M��� �fy SIZEBTU �G: MODEL: E A/C SZ5.00 _FIREPLACE (GAS) $15.00 _GAS RANGFJOVEN $10.00 FIREPLACE (WOOD) 535.00 NEW GAS GRILL $10.00 _AIR TO AIR EXCHANGfiER S15 F�ACE $35.00 ,_.GAS UN1T HTR $10.00 BOILER $35.00 � '��'GAS DRYER 510.00 POOL HEATER $35A� CHII�R1Ey LINER $10.00 —GAS PIPING $]0.00 VEI�TTIT-ATOR $15.00 DUCT WORK$10.00 — _. __._,__��„� ���.�.�,;;.�.� . . t . _ � � � � �`��� s. - . . Tk iutR.lw�•.-�s..:ec:. m�..-. ' . .s. .c .. ' �. .� � . . . .. ., . . . Permit Fee A$ Number of fixtures @$10.00 x$10.00 =$ Surcharge $ .50 Number of fixtures @ $15.00 x $15.00 = $ 'TOTAL DUE $ Number of fixtures @$25 UO � x$25.00 =$ � s^'�" Number of fixtures @ $35.00 / x $35.00 = $ ��" - � %�' State Surchazge = $ .50 Tota1= $ Lo U �� -, THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT NOT VALID UNPI1- PROCESSED I hereby apply for a building permit and I aclaiowledge that the information above is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Fridley and with the Minnesota �Construction Codes; that I understand this is not a permit but only an applic ' n for a permit and work is not to start without a pernut; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of all Lk w ich uires review and appro��al of plans. ,� SIGNATURE OF APPLIC . , PRINT NAME Zl/� DATE C iS City of Fridley Building Inspections Depariment . 6431 University Avenue NE, Fridley, MN 55432 763-572-3604 FAx� 7C3-502-4977 � �- REQUIRED INFORMATI4N NEEDED TO PROCESS PERNIIT RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION HVAC [] NEW HOMES/ADDITI�NS [� EXISTING HOME ❑ MAKE-UP AIR REQUIRED FOR NEW/EXISTtNG HOMES 1. Combustion Air (See note below) . a. Oi.l or solid fuel IMC Chapter 7 with MN Amend�ents b. Natura� £�c� Fropaa��'rC �hap�er 3 with MN Amendmen.ts • 2, Make-up Air (See note below) a. IMC Chapter 5 with N!N Amendments 3. Venti.n.g �� Gas appliances IFGC Chapter 5 with MN A.mendments b. Fuel other than gas IMC Cha.Pter 8 wr.th MN ���ents REQUIRED FOR NEW HOMES 4. Heat loss & cooli.n.g load. per room a. Required on new covstrucfiion IMC 1346.0312 5. Ventilation a. Per MN En.ergy Co3e 7670 or 7672 6. Duct Design Per IMC 1346.0603.2 a ACCA Manual D NOTE: Cenierpoint Energ� Mechanical Code Guidelines software may be used for comliustion and make up ai� calculations 0