AF - 47966560-3450 r� :. �,.:, ,_�_.� �, F;, ,; ..� _,� ` C ��� e ��" .� �, > ��r}�; ti�; y i�.. � L 1 i ��... 4�: C, �i(. � � r,s i� � � � ' ' �!1 �' � � d" iY � ; « �� �-� { �� �� ` ft'.:�s��� • 7 1�.`„�-•tj-�� � ANOY.A COUNTY �� t-L�'� -� ���.; ��, 6431 �NIVERSITY AVENUE NE . Noveanber 29, 19Z6 FRIDLEY, MINNf50TA 54 s z� F� : J _; 1"�• Jo� Whited 6274 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Rec Change of House Numbers Dear iyr. Whited: _ . It has been necessary for this office to change the address of your house FROt4 6274 Kerry Lane N E TO 6291 Kerry Lane N E LEGAL DESCFIPTION Lot 1 Block 3 Heather Hills �9e have notified the Post Office Department, Minneapolis Gas Company, Northern States Power Company, North�vestern Bell Telephone Company and various departments in City hall of this change. Sincerely, _ DAKREL G. CLARK � Co:ait�unity Develo�ment Adm. DGC/mh s6o.sa$o . � ,�.a,' . �e�r a e-�.����� c� � c% ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UMVERSITY AVENUE NE November 29, 1976 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTa 5�1: � Minneapolis Post Office Dapartment Su�erintendent of Delivery • lst & Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Re: Change of Addxess ' City of Fridle}r Gentlemen: We are listing the following change of address in the City of Fridley; NAME: John Whited FROM: 6274 Kerry Lane N.E., Fridley, Mn. 55432 T0: 6291 Kerry Lane N.E., Fridley, Mn. 55432 LEG,AL DESCRIPTION: Lot l, Block 3, Heather Hills We have notiiied the occupant of this change and we would appreciate it vexy much if you wauld change your records accordingly. Sincerely, DAI' � G . CLARK Community Developmen� Adm. DGC /mh CC: City Water Billin� Dept. City Assessing Department � NlinneaPolis Gas Company - Broolclyn Park Offic� Noxtl�ern States Power Company Nortl�western i3e11 Telephone City Voters RegistraCion liomeowner sue�ecr PER O. ` City of Fridley , 13810 AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS g U I L D I N G P E R M I T r � � P � ; L ___��_ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. r � � PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. � D l•_-- �����;'� CITY HAL� FRIDLEV 55432 NUMBER REV. DATE PAGE OF APPROVED BY i J\ 612-560-3450 910-F15 � � 10 5/76 108 ADDRESS �rry Lane N. E. 1 LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADDVTION SEE ATTAGHED DESCR. 1 3 fIeS�'1QY' H111S SHEET 2 PROPEFTYOWNER MAILADDRESS ZIP PHONE John Whited 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. David Curry 5125 East Ztain Lake Boulevard �'�' ��,� , S�-ZI� 533-9573 4 ARCHITECTORDESIGNER MAILADDRESS 2�P PHONE UCENSEN0. 5 ENGINEER MAI�AOORESS ZIP PHONE LICENSENO. 6 USE OF BUIIDING R2S1C�@Yltld�. 7 CLASS OF WORK � NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERA710N ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE O REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK Construct a 26' x 40' Dwelling and a 24' x 22' Garage 9 CHANGEOFUSEFROM TO STIPUtATIONS Provide truss designs to City before capping. Provide vapor barrier in ceiling. Remove all old footings, well, etc. on building site. Provide a verifying survey before capping. Provide a hard surface driveway. Provide sod in the front and side yards. SEWER AND WATER SERVED OFF RICE CREEK ROAD Sewer: "Wye" 45' East of Manhole "Wye Elevation" 875.62 TOP OF FOOTING: Minimum elevation 878.62 Inv. Elevation of Manhole: 872.72 Water Stop Box- 13 feet west of sewer TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCV GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAD SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. Od THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING � SQ. FT. CU. FT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTiiUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT R-1 �.�.4H�' iH ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPUCATION STALLS GARAGES ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT S34r 77O yS`].%. 39 DOES NOT PfiESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE pERMITFEE SACCHARGE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCA� LAW REGULATINCa CON- STRUCTION OR THE PEFFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. $�.O3.3G $350.00 PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL FEE $25.84 $496.59 � SIGNATUREOFCONiRACTORORAUTHORIZEDAGENT � (DATEI WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED THIS IS YOUR PERMIT :♦ SIGNATUREOFOWNERIIFOWNERBUILDERI IDATEI BLDG INSP f1ATE sue�ecr PERMIT NO. � City of Fridley � . +� ATTHETOPOFTHETWINS gUILDING PERMIT r ; � `R EIPT N0. � ; y _���� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIV. 1 � � PI;OTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. ��� � �� / . � l.-•• �. ����,', C�TY MALL FAIDLE� 55432 NuMeEA REV. DATE PAGE OF � APPROVED BY - i• •� � e�a-sse-3aso s� o-Fi s � 9/ 5/ 76 / � / � . . � �oe aooRess lKerr Lane N.E. t LECaAL �-OT NO. 6LOCK TRACT OR ADDITION SEE ATTAGMED DESCR. � 3 Heather Ni11 s sHeer - 2 PROPERTY OW AIL A D�i SS ZIP PHONE ��X�XBX Jo�in 4�i�ed 3 CONTRACTQA MAIL A ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. Dayid Curry �'��1� East Twin Lake Blvd. 1 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PNONE UCENSE NO. same 5 ENGINEEfl MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE IICENSE NO. 6 USEOF BUILOING res identi al � CLASSOFWORK NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ AItERATION ❑ REPAIR O MOVE Q REMOVE � 8 DESCRIBE WORK � Constructio ' 4 house_:.'th 24' x 22' garage _ � 9 CHANGE qF USE FROM p�ViSION REGARDtNG CURB To TELfPHOHE • fIECiRl� - GAS Etc. STIPULATIONS A7 ORIVEWAY OPENlNGS. ���� _�Y ��► 1..Provide truss de�igns to City before Capping 2. Provide vapor 6arrier in cei'ting Y� � 3. Remove all old footi'ns, well, e�c. on building site. �� �jlRl � 4. Provi�de a verifiying survey before- p� V�R�d 5. Provide a f�ard surface dri �'� 1'z�MtTS REQ_ 6. Sod the front and side yar� p�U�811`�!G AND S1G�1.� ' : �EA�f ING� �-.. SEWER AND WA7ER SERVED OFF RICE CREED ROAD - 4�, Sewer: "wye" i4SXXi��d�iiX��XN�(�t 45' East of Manhole = - Wye Elevation - 875.62 Top of foati m e i 8 �`� Tnv. Elevation of manhole 872.72 � �� � ����.� � � �! Water Stop box- 13 feet west of sewer ACCURACY OF tfTtliiY LGCAT10N5 AND ELfYA O�:S TtflS DATA IS fOR 1.�1FORMATION PUF,PQSES ONL i�NJ ER50NS USIN {� V�1F7 T}i� SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMBING, HEATING, TYPE O��t�E � CCUPANCY GROUP OCCUPANCY LOAO VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONiNG. ` ,� THIS PERMIT BECOMES NUIL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING :$Q. FT. _ CU. ET. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED fOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT '� �Z�J�H4O ANY TIME AFTER WORK 19 COMMENCED. NO. OWLG. UNITS OFFSTREET PARKING S I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPUCATION " STALLS GARAGES ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALl PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SURTAX AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPUED 3,q,�77O•4O Z'rJ.04 WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OA NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE pEfiM1T FEE SAC CHARGE PROVIS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR IOCAL lAW REGUTATING CON- 17.39 350.OQ STRU 10 OR TH ERFOA E OF CONSTRUCTION. � PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAI FEE 2 4 496.49 P1us 40Q ss SiGnr,aruRE F iHACTOAOAAUTHOA4 AGENT iOnrH HEN PROPE L VAUDA7ED THIS IS YOUR PER IT GSC � ���� �� � -� SIGNATURE OF OWNER IIF OWNER BUIL ER� IDATEI BL G INS DRTE ' . rov c. .[ � r ��t- r rc t vr_ c t APPLICATION FOR RESIUEN7IAL ALTERATION, AUUITIUN, OR REPAIR BUILDING PERMIT OWNER' S Nl�N`,.� : ��� ��fi'�� BUILDER : ��fl%! ,D �'e� r -m- ADDRESS : ADDRESS : 3'���' � T� �� ��t�= � ��t�tJ NO : . �� 77" S TREET • LOT : � BLOCK: 3 ADAITION :�7'�ATff� 2�l CG. S � � y � CORNFR LOT : :LNS ZU� LOT : SETBACK :�S SI DFYARD :,S� � l Appli.cant attach to this form �ro Certificates of Suxvey of Lot and proposed building Iocation drawn on these Certificates. � DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING To Be Used As; / ��-es..(;5�. ,__ Front : a2 � Depth :� � � Height : Square Feet •� �`E � Cubic Feet •� (��,-1?,�-� � Front : � '� Depth : a � Hei�ht : Squaxe Feet; Cubic Feet: � Type of Construction: lt3nod`� �YLtF�'j'1 f EsCimated Cost; $��, n�a To Be Completed: ����- ,3�Tf% � � � The undersigned hereby makes applic;atian for a pern►it for the work herein spzcified, agreeing te do all work in strict acc�rdance with the City of Fridley Ordinarices and rulings of the Department of Buildings, and hereby /_declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application (�����fe tr.ue and correct. p tl DL?T� : ��7 SIGN�`�'L'URE : G�^�`��K � (See Reverse Side For Additior.al Information. ) s�j�pu, �„ f},P7 $ � i� 3, 3 � � ���� a,� . 8 y �, ,�,�o d��o� �2 us s.�. ,� t�� .�s B'�' � ro c.r �"� ,d£ �a�� Gy4�Y�� , � , � �,�u > ) 3 9 �1 �a J � o� r.¢�d � �dfi,� � �@. �� 3.�'a,v� / a1 c i�iiJ . . , i � � �,Q� � r -�%�� 5�.� � 9c, .�y 3) ,�'��� � . . _ ss. �- ��.�= -�' n` '�` 8 9 G, s 9' — 7'a n�4- �.-� ��� .a , � r �� 13UILDTNG PLRMIT FET SC1{l�llUi,E SECTION 2. The Inspector of Buildings shall, before issuing permits for the exection of any building or structure, ox for any addition to any existing building or s�ructure, or for any alteration or repa.ixs to any existing building or stxucture, upon application therefore, lequire the payment by the applicant for such permit of fees to the amount her�in below set forth and�in the manner herein provided to-wit: , NEW CONSTRUC�IQN: S.i,r�g].e Family Homes and Garages: $4.00/1000 cubic feet PLAN CHECK: 25 percent of building permit fee. _ . _ ADDITIONAL INI'ORMATION For the purpose of computing fees for building perm�.ts, the cubical contents of any building or addition, is determined by multi:plying the ground area covered from a point six (6) inches below the floor line of the basement ox the cellar to the average heights of the upper gurface or Co the average� height of the roof surface of the ma.in,gable of a pitched roof. For repairs or alterations to an existing structuxe,, the fee s�.all be at the rate of $3.00 per each five hundred dollars ($50O.a0) or fraction thereof in the cost of all proposed woxk. , In no case shall the fee chaxged for any permit as set forth in Section 2 be less than $7.50. ' VERIFICATION OF FOUNDATI'',ON � NOTE: Permits for eonstruction will be issued a minimum of 24 hours from the time of application, to allow for proper review of'the proposed structure and of the construction site. A Certified Survey o� the lot, showing the location of the foundation, once it has been constxucted, will be required Uefore pxoc�eding with the framing. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAN�Y Application for a Certificate of Occupancy shall b� made ten (10) days prior to the use or occupancy of any structuze for which'a building permi� has been issued; and said structuxe shall not be used or oc�up�ted until a Certifir_ate of Occupancy has been issued. ', ,, t ':; r�� /`f,�c �fo � S� a `�`` o� Y'n / � = 0.2� , � � 5'' g. X �' _ �� �� ''� Y o ' = jo flv -+- b '� / � � _ �a ° _�1 � o� Y ��' Z 'i = .� � 8 / � = /3. ,�� - 2a �4� --L - -- — -- X /t�= ��8� ---- - ��-.� �� �-5�8_�d x� _�_���Q d o - _---�� - - __ _ _ _--------- ------ --------- --- - -- ---- �---" �--��' X--3��� __ = _ __ � 9��. ��_-_ '- ---�� �� k- ��, 6 0_ = .��q �'ygo_ �- _ ��� x _� s�� = � za_ , 3 p 7, � l� 3, 3 c o2s', 8y ------ �>--�'-�' � °-- ?,�o � ���a � --a � _� ��9 -- - -- .�.��, v � � 9 . .�9 -- ----_ ---`�-� -- . ' �---�-- --- -- . 4 A� . . . . . � ' • �� ..� S _. _. . t j� . �. �, K �) U N1 t� �/ L f. hi ° Y C�i'X OF BUII,DING L�ARrR•IENT EXTERIOR �7VEL�OPE AVERAC� °U° �1P[71�1TION (Zb be submitted with buildin� permit applicatican) an� � t� family c�aelling ?< �-r' I X1 �a r� � � I.� i►2 b n r!� E LLt O`,�_..s . site Address 'antrac'-..or � t• rt n.�- S i, l.s S Date - Phorne .�'� - yS i 3 . ZrI..��T_, FT. OE �no� j� ,� + yU + Z t� + .'� z + � + 1� +� + X ft. above yr� _ � - �*,[�L E}�O�D ALL AREA 9Q. FT. ���,L �•�1T�, OC7�VSTRCICI�ON: °U" valt�e X a12a � j- . �etail ref�erenoe fro�-n .t: ac'xa sheets �i�(JI�'l" /-t_/J'r� f-�FZi✓-� »Un I � � ?C ft. �NGr Z �% • _ , 9� �. � _�� �� �.� � :,1�- �U�� ��X,�'� ft. 1 ��� /3 . , i� �,.:%. c�asr'7�•i() " "U"- -��x �• ft. /3G..�U = . .R'" - �'� � v t c.< t,�l v� t L � U" �_x'sq. �. 9 ; , 4 4 : _ �l � _�.— �U) _ . u(r� g St�. . c�i . � � *u^ x sq, ft. � _ . . (i» pUn X SQ. ft. . . _ . . . (U� �� �A) {A) c�� {A) %t�F��arNEvl.51{-i£�r} W1�� ' �t��'f,•�: �U° �idlll� X dr23 �� �� 2.�C8 & � r._._f . / � 1� 1 . / � pU° �Q• ft• ' _ ' �` a n �V�� <�, sr g+sg. ft. / %�. `.'-' Z• — . n �l� �U) ��l �� r Jv n � . . _ � �c1 t�+l �A� n n ��I'� t 1 C• �it . . - . . • • � (1 �3 ( _X Sq. £t. � S Sc f� _ . ��+J \A� �I p �(jn �C Sq. t• — 0� �: �Q° V311]e X 3rB3 — tL� �A� 3.�C2 & � °�T° X SCi. f�. 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'"' �U� �� � O^� (U) iA) VAI�TFS �� �.� S� �1L ROOF/ . . rV� ?��:,.A� s�,�� - lly� j (�y� 3�T�s /1 �S' sq. ft. � G� C� � _(U? 1 r �'��= : "iJ" .05 for v2nti.lated roofs ' .10 for all o�ther constructi-on " ;Orr�: ii avzrage •'U„ val�.�s as calculated above do noL rreet ��rgy Cod� require�mnts, the "_Alte?-nat�e Env�lope Desicgi" as outlin°d in S� 60Qo (g) r,,ay be u�d. Additional sheets --_.- '-- --- - , . _ _L_... _ ,..,i.-„l �+-; r,nc . � � . _ _ _ [� __ __ _ _ . . _ ._ __ _ _ __ -- — - _ - —. _ / - - ---_ _ _ _ - ��l.dC��.. 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CI1�Y OF FRIDLEY APPLICATION FOR PL.UMBING AND GAS FI'TTIN� PERMIT N N� '� � • x o� watcr � �^+ c � L � w a' Hcatcr L C.a N � r; S� �. � °� u .��i � uf F•r r, sa n w G �; C v; .L ^I U i� �..Ci G�.�c � U C7 ...� xC � S O tV! V; U Ui UI N N .0 y f� � � � � .,� 'y :1 U � .-i rS �0 � rt1 itl •.1 /0 'u i1:: :LC'C � � U � p G N 3 � 4. t/: [+� U C] �L 3 C� s. C9 O �. ., ' � ls: I I ^n3 � 3rfl , " t` I �. I (R) = Flzture Co:uiection Gpening Connected with Sewer (*) _ ::e:+ r^ir.ture, 02d Oj.ening Water 1 PARTIAL RATE SCH�DULE PLU�I3IAG FIXTURE R�TES: �,L:We: Fir.=i:res c^stnre ?ixture C�ening tie� Pixtuz.:, Oid Gper.ing Catc� 3asin Water Y.eater - to 99,G00 BTU 1CQ,G00 BTU to i99,000 BTU Wa:e� So-ter.er t:Ea Gro�.::.� °.'.. U1d Building Electric katcr hea:er G�S FITTI:�G FEES: lst 3 :ir.tares :,��:�io :al F::ctzres Gas Rar.ge to 199,000 BTU F�EP:.IRS $ :�LTE•A.ATIOtiS First 5100.G0 each a�3. 5100.00 or fraction N� RATE :� S3 , QO �_ x $2.00 � x 52.00 x SS.00 � r, $5.00 x $10.00 x $7.00 x $5.00 � X 55.00 � x 53.00 x S1.00 x S10.00 SS.00 $2.00 State Sircharge TO:Ti?. FEE '�OTA.L S J�� S � S $ $ �. S S S S $ 3.� $ S S S $ .50 S �y5o REINSP�C2ZO:d FEE , ' • (S]0.00) r Job Address � � � Dcpnrtmr.nt of IIuildinqs City of Fri.dley Tcl. #571-3450 Thc undersig�cd hereby makes application for a permit for the wror;c hezp±n specified aqrecing to do all �ork in strict acco:dance wzth the Cit/ Cc3es ancl ruling� of the Departr,icnt o: Isuildings, and hereb� decla:es that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true a^d corsec Fridley. y1. �"U V � � , 19 7� OWNER �� U� C U Y� V� �/ -- iCIND OP BUILDING � � � '� � USED AS ���- 1 1� vI �I TO BE COMPLETED ABOUT �/ /'/V �/�� ESTIMATSD COST / � � U OLD - Ny'W BUILDING PERMIT NO. PERNZT NO. �/� � Company ��v � U� 1^ �` L� J'Y% D/ �? G Signed By � Tel. No. �� � � a "� / 7 ROUGB SNSP. Date FINAL INSP. Date APPROVAL FOR P�R'.IT �2'������ MINZMUM FEE FOR ANY PLUMSING PER"iIT IS S7.50 i � � i CITY OF� FRIDLEY aPPLICATION FOR POWER PLAfJTS AND HEATING, COOLING, VENTILATION, REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS AND DEVICE6 PARTI,'�L �TE SCHEDULE GRa�"iT1' 1tiaR?t aIF: RATE F'urr.ace S::ell & DLCt work '. $12.00 Re�lac,�.:.er.t of �:rr.ace ' • �•00 Regairs s:,lterations-un to 5500.00 ` •� �•00 Repairs s Alterations each add. 5500.00 �,4.00 �fECH.a\ I C.aL ii aR�t AI R; Ftiraace S:�ell & Duct Snork to 100,000 BTL' S12.G0 eac� ad::. 5J, G00 S::J 4.00 Re�lace.Te.^.t o: : urnace 7• 00 Fepairs & Alcerations-up to $500.00 7.00 :eYairs & Alterations each add. $500.00 �•00 S�a.�l OR Ek�T I�:�TiR S)'STL,1: 3oiler &:..ir.es ::o to 100, 000 BTU eac : ac,:n. 50, OGO s.L' Soiier oniy up Lo 100,000 BTU each acdn. 50,0�0 STU OIL BliR\Eh- to 3 gal. per hour each afl3. 3 gal. pe= hour GaS BliR\iR- °ro:� 100,000 B:u to 199,999 BTU (over 199,999 B:U see Fee Schedule} GAS FITTItiG FEES: lst 3 Fixtures .� X Ad3itior.al Fixtures X Gas �ar.ye to 199,000 BTU ' X aIR CO\ilIT10\I\G ��g' ��/ ��O7J Fa\ H��Ti\G S1'STL•?iS " See Fee Schedule VE\TILaTI\G SYSTE�IS i ALTERaTIO\S $ REP�IRS � TOT.'1L $ S S S $1 '_ S S S S Job Address 6274 Rerry Lane Department of Buildings City of Fridley Tel. i�571-3450 The undersigned hereby makes appiication for a percnit for the work herei.-s specified agreeing to do all work in strict accordsnce with tne City Cofles and rulings of the Depart��ent of Buildings, ar.d hereby declares that all tze facts and representations stated in this application are true and corrECt. Fridley, Minn. ��� � / � 29?� owNER Dave Curry, Jr. $12.00 $ � KIND OF BUILDING Frame 4. oo s � Dg 7.OU S USED AS ' 6.00 $ TO BE COMPT..ETED ABOUT _ $10.00 S 10.00 $ $20.00 $ %O•<u S $ 3. OU $ ,��. a � $ 1.0� $ $10.00 $ - State Surcharge TOTAL FEE S /v.m s S S S $ .50 S 3 �,-, � I ROUG?i'IVSF. REINSPECTION FEE • Date ($10.00) ?L`1AL ZNSP. Date APPR:,VAL FOR PER�IIT ESTIMATED COST OLD - I3�F1 BUILDING PERMIT N0. PERS+lIT NO. DESCRI?TION Gc FURNACE/BJRNER HEATING or POWER PLANTS, Steam, Hot Water, Warm Air- No. 1 Trade mame LeIIAOX � size �w. G1203-110 Capacity Sq. Ft. EDR BTU �.�.0 � 0�� HP Total Connected Load Kind of Fuel Nat_ ra c BURNER - Trade Name Size No. Capacity Sq. Ft. EDR BTU xp MItiL+lUM FEE' FOR A2dSC HEATIAG PER'�+IIT IS $7.50 Comoany Mill Citv heatinct Co. Signed By �9_s� /�% � .� J� � `r-� -�v�-,.._. � • Tel. No. 559-2500 J. �G�`^'•► J /� . � � �� `�� ilEAT LOSS CA[�ULATlONS 'bEPARTMENT ��' ' Mead�erstrips Guide Construction T' �- IReferwce Out. WaU Int. Wall Ceilin` 19.�.._ ,�.�,.., p" Fl. '�r � Len�th Width ( Heighc �, ,� �isdow� aad �oon---Cracka�e aac� Area .: Idth HN�At No. oI Ll�ql tt. An� ,,:" �!h. ef pan� et oan� U�hb o[ eracY' p. tt. �:.';�•�`�.;� 4 L/ � � �_ �'� 6 �UU 2 3 -Z � >� 3 Dt� � ��tr.cioe Bcu � � ;4� � & � y 11 � � .r � � —� .w � ; �let es� a11 J �: �� : %t. wali �, . �� � Ceilin= 3 -�. �'. , � x o �i,-..�_b . �;, ''`°`�� Btu. � � � d ;:� ReQuired sq. h. ED.R. or p. iaa. W.A. L.eade� arca F{. R� L,eo�th idch -�Heighc �" �' - He :�` ;� �isdows and D�oas—�rackare and Arc� '�!" ~ w�eia •��nc Ho. �t ro•ai tc. wr•• `� ',." 1�w er p�n. oe an• Iltec. or enet q. te. . �+. � � r � $ �'' Coef. Btu biltratiou -� � �y � d+� z 3 Z : �tp. watl / Net esp. w�{ , ; � 1N. wa1! Ceilia� //�— .X iv' 1 �! O Ffoor Ta,l B;u. U� "� � Required sq. ft. E.D.R. or p. in�. W.A. i.eader �rea � F3. Room � Len�th Width /,� E—Height �' I Windows and Doon--�Crsckage and Area � H�QAt No. o[ Lln�al tt� Area lfe. ot p�n• ot p►n• 11�6b ot craek � p� it. � � � �L t `7 � / . �! 1 � 1 � J I co�r. B�U inilene;on ' ` Y i , _, G4r �' �_. ._._.__r_.-'_~_ E�. w,u j p ;� �= � � ,�{ �ij%I �U �1 �� 4 / % __._,_. .... 1.i. wall --' Ccilini D � U_ `, ') ; �loor Toeai &a. '1 � , -- -, I Requaed p. ft. E.D.R. or p. ins. W.A. l.eader are� ��_ � ; �G O �..,�.� DF INSPECTION o. Roof Floor K;nd _.� Fl.� ,[ � Room Len�tt Windows a ra—Crackay WIdtA H�I�At No. ot No. ot pan� ot pane Il�bt� 2v �U In6ltratioa �� Fap. wall � 3,r p' Net e:p. wall It�t. waU Ceiling � Q/ �f' / t�/ ��oo� Total Btu. Reyuired sq. h. E.D.R. or �q. in�. WA Leader area Fl.I Room I Length Width , Windo� aad Door♦—Crackage aad Arta w�acn dsre No. �t s.i..ai te. ♦r.. NO. O� y�AY Oi �/N �� �� Ot C�ICt q. i�. In6ltratan C.las Eup. wall Net e:p. wall i Int. wall Ceiling /,r � Floor 1'otal Btu. J-♦ � � ^ +131� Ig.14�[�QV. }bw Ap �lied � ��r r� w� / Width / He aad Area t Rcquired sq. h. ED.R. or tq. w. WA. Leader �rea F7.� � � Room I Len�th �- �Vidth /� Windowe and DoorF—Cracka`e aad Arca Wldth �� Hd�At No: o! Lln�al !t. An� NoI �� • n�• II�MU etor.elc N. tt. G� O Y In6ltntion Clasa - ���:,��u �,;� ,� A: s-n7ti rRp. WS�� �nt. wall Ceiling Floor Total Btu. 1 � Required sq. ft. E.D.R. or sq. ins. Q/A. l.eader area [ �.�7 Bca ..� � � -�, i - -. . . . 131� �'� � �+ � ,��. : T LAB.S CAL�CULATIONS DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION MlNNEAPOLIS. NIIl�M. ,� � � �, oPs �� Construction No. In�ulation � o iaows Doon Refer*aee Ont. WaU, Int. WaU CeJin� Roof Floor Kiad How � : '�-po � a�o 19.._ . Rooa L.e4s�h 1 Width Hei�ht Fl.� ` a M,'� Room l.ength Width /� '� �l'wdow� and Doon—Crae _ _ kase �ed Area Windows aad Doors--Cracka�e aod Area i� °. IAt Hd�Mt �. iJa�al t An� Wldth HNSht No. ot Llnul tt. At�a �. K�y sl M�� IItAt• ot etack p. t4 No. ot p�n• of pan� Ilibt� o[ eraek q. tt. ' � � � Z G. � (0 2 � Z '� `'' Coef. Btu t x. :� . q � Infiltratan :k� �. ��.. .. W�w � E:p. Wall �R. � ' :�t �P• �� •j Plet e�. waU waH 3 � M ,C"b"� 1 � / S '` � /D O � Ftoor �c 1 1 �� .�. etd 8tr. Z Total Bca. f,, p. k. E.DR or p. is�. W.A. LRader area Required p. ft. E.D.K. or iq. io�. W.A. der area �•�; ' ft�oom Lca� Width ( Z Eki�hc Fl. Room ( L�w�h ;dth . � RI' a�d Doo�s--Cr�eka�e at�d Area Windows a rackaae and Area Itafio� w . �.au ; at�. �•ali •q. k. ED.R. or �q. ins. W.A. L.eader �rea t�-T� w� � wt and Doon--Guka�e and Area e .t�te . et e..� te. wna WN o[ O�N (ltib e[ sr�e4 �a. tt � � � �� a I2� I�/ ea. r�d p. k. ED.R. or �q. ias. W.A. l.eader area Btu Btu zs � -�-�—=— z � �. � � �� 'I 1e61tration Glaa �. �►.0 Net e�. wdl , i Z. I�Ti�i�Mf �- Z � X � .i , Floor �- ? ' Total &u. Required �q. h. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. L.e�der area Fl. �'i . Room I L.en�t6 idch / Heighc Windorw and Doon--Cracka�e and Arca Idth Hdsht Na of 1 tt Ana No. ot pan� ot oan� Il�bt� of cr�ek N. t4 � 7 2 3 G / z'3 / L Infiltratioa Gla�� E�cp. wall _ .�1et exp. wall , �iM�l�i" h' C� g ... Ftoor Total &u. ,� —.✓�� -,t .i x i � ; ��r X� IRequired sq. ft. 6.D.R. or sq. ins. QIA. L.eader a�ea _ � .J 8tu � �, - DEPARTMEP/t OF IN$r6CT10Nf • 2s0 ORAiN LXCNANOt * t�00L'�IG I.OAD SNE�T MiNNE�ro�is. MiNH�sbTw sra�s � � i J �a�. � L u �� Roo�: w�aa� .t� v : � � 2.: �t / �— ��: w. �. D�sip� G�dltions: Outdde: De'y �lb jrj �' : Wet Bulb �� Inslde: Ihy Bulb � y : W�t Bulr (i rs . WW �o�ae': D�rlt O: L�ht O� Idedlnm(�,. �: �i � C]; ll��i�w p�r wtnav�: ehadt�$: w O: B�+r p. — �tw�t uw� �a. nw COI�tICT10N INAT O�AIN� 1. Sticaeloe wall. � . 2 �aesoe d... a � .�.n. a.� �. Paranaa., a.c � S. 17oar _- � �. 111� ce ra�ot p� f�OtAR O�ANri wnus i�•a� � � �� ■ � - � ' �L`�' - ��� -���� - _- - �� r •. t�.�r� �� � �� ����I"�� �i ���e � �� �OOY IiAT OAINi � 1d�1� �OIINMiNT 1�iAT OAM �Mett1C li�bb I/�_ � �.��i L' �ettie motoe� (totsl H.P.). C. P' rio. ac MoN� s TJ� Na ct p�ople x 17S Na a� p�opN x �60 Watb x b.� X ��S 7[ pO�YlT x 1000 ` (p Ci � 1 Z.�-- =f.UX Z U o � .. .... l/ 11 // 110' _..._ ,L �� � ._._._ �� l � .... �+ �,.__._ � w.. � � ..» � .... ., ��.: �.. � ,,,, � .---�,. � .... .�. ---� � . :a `�-�a . �'. . �-- '�. 10'PAL HFrI1T GAIN (SENSI ) `3 � «« !8. TO'!'AL I�AT GAIN (I.ATENT) __ ` •••• �. SNnlb1� lfeat 1'atb= Itsm 24 x 100 _ _ _ x 300 _ 9i . Item ZI + It�tn 2S Z7. Tempent�m o[ dr �up�pty __ __ _ - DrY _Dulb,--- Wtt b�lb • �. ?otal dr wppir= Item 24 - -- ---- - = C,t.�,;� 1.1. [rootn d.b. — Itwn Z'T d.b.) ----- i1�AT LOAO O/ VENTILATING AIR �. No. of peopit —x -----.__ __ C.F.M. Qrr Perwn =-- -------- C.!'.1t. 011t�id! Atr. , S0. Item � : --B.T.U• per_C.F,b[.- -- - - _--- --_ B.T.U. P!�' h� !1. Total cootin� load = Item 44 + Item 2S + Item 30 _ _ - --_ H.T.U. qt hoYr :Z. ��N A�vabr+t d coolin� lo�d = ---I �1--_ . _ � �7 7 !- - � ► . �Q� � � DEPARTM[W� Of IN�P[CTl01i� ��A1M Ri�NOi•'� MINN[APOt.K. NINN TA ��It1 �r K.m. �aa�.. G u /�-r� „ . � • �,'�:��... �: wbts d: ; c ! Z- �n�: s. �. �: o�wa.: nrr �e , Fr 1 ; w� sme ;7�" i�+a�: n�r s� 7 y : w.e aue �. G- �.0 odor: a.r+e o: �t o: xe�u�, Roo�: na�c iL• �c o: � c�;� RtnBo�rs: AwN� D� Hare p. � AyA l�INOIt 1A�� � �, � 1� OI�A�filONf f0. /T. K � ' MMi � , � �.`i�� ��i �� •• •• »�� � �Mi► _' � �i ^'S�-_t1- � �i _� � �' 1"� --- — -- �x�c� iou►R a►�u wAtt� �ir.� Iaa� o1Aii iiw�M� 1�a� �OO�Y IiAT OAINf � I.r�wt (aurt) _ �OY�IIMNT IsAT � W 4 No. d 0 � Na ol y Na d p �! Watb x i_ � : C. t'. H � � , � � �� ,���� ,__- �_�- ,��� ! ,��� ,—�-� �����!/ , �� . �� ■rrr� ■���■ �, �� — --u, `- �- .... = � �.' .. --'- .'--°"'`; . �� �'� � �� �f . ..,;. ��¢ � MN __�y� ..r.-.--.....-..,.� � ���: ..,....�.._ �� ;,,. w«. ...� .� . .... ��, � - ��_ � ...�. ,� . . . • i .... c�.,�'� , �� . . . �'. .w. �... � �� � � s�. Tarwi, xawr cux csnvs�► l3 »« � ffi. Z�OTAL I�AT GAIN (LA1'ENf) ~�• ` �. � l�e�t retb= Item Z� x 100 _ x 100 _ � �—+ Iteen�FS =7. T�ntp!latun d dr '1tpp1Y -- Dry bulb� W�t bbl0 '� j; 7�. Total air aupplr= Item 24 _ -------- - �,�' ���rootn d.b. — Tt,�m 97 d.e.] � NEAT LOAO Oi VENTII�ATiNG AIR �. No. d p�ople x C.F.M• .prr_P�rson= - C.F.1t. Ontid� AI�', i S0. ItMn � x _ B.T:_ per C_F.M.=_- _--- ---- H.T.U. p!r h�1te ! �1. Total 0001M� load = Tt�en ?4 + Item 25 + Item 30 _ _ _�-- B.T.U. pe hoYr ---- �� ; �. 1b� puiwlent d 000lity� lo�d= --Item 31 _ - _- �� Q'�1--• _ � ' 1Z000 1� �' . _ 9 `� CI?�Y GF FRIDLEY' f APPLICATION rOR PUJ;f�I�v� AND GAS FI'TTI�G PEFZ"1TT c� •:. ' . I +� I ; p, c, r, U • � X C1 I 4:1tC� y: r, 7` C i I i.� "� � w tr` 7 . d » :� ^ . L � ^� V.' C ( � F i .-' � � t{<.il�CY v � � ,..� i cr., •^a F., �.r r,' i• I.- :�' r: t' , `� I . � j_ � � f .. .r y �' c _ : I� I.-� .r' � u I r' � s. i o � :J 'J —i '�J � L: � V! �.{ ^_ � C) 'J :J l � :J N 'J: N � - ;� — L � ..1 r, ::i J .i r,l . �;� T •^ +c3 a� ,�7_:� :ZCCI � c� S U � G N .. � !..' i , :+, U � � _._ � � -. t7 O ���. � i I I i '� --1— -- —J.— _-- I � �� i � � i! � I`� � j-�l i ! I � I� � 3=� � i � � c I �' I T ;�� i i� ! I � i i � j� � � �(R) _ .....,._ _ Co :.:e� _ion G:_..iag � Co:.rec.ec ofit:z S�o:c f ! ('; _.._.. _ ir �_re. O? c G�._ :ing I t•7atcr PAP,iIAL RATE SCHEDULE � PL�:•i3i��G FIXTL'�E ?2�^•.TES: .�0. RATE :: •.__,`� Fir. ��es x S3. GO r^.;tuse ?=..Yt::re Cpeai: a x $2. 00 .:c:. ?i:cture, O:d Goea'_ng � S2.00 G�:t_.. 3;..,_., x S�.CO n�tez .._�tcr - to 99.C�0 S:J z $5.00 1C0.�..�0 'uiJ to �59.000 B�C r. S10.00 ::a�e= Sc:te-er x $7.00 ..e�r Gro;..._ ?_.. OiZ 5uild::,g x SS.00 E=e=..riC �:�=cz Lcate= x 55.00 G�S FIT:I::G F��S: lst 3 :ir.tsres x 53.00 „��:tio :al ?::c:ures r. 51.00 Gas R;:-ge �o :53,000 BTU x$10.00 R.'.�nT:t� Ci :�L1L�alIO�S . . F:_�,. S?G�.GO SS.00 esca a�3. 5�00.00 or �ractioh a2.00 State Surchargc :O::.T_, F�� RE'.�::5?���'�`J:J F�� • ($:-0.00) TOTl1L S S S S S S S S S S S S S S - $ .SO S �: /� c_7 / Job Acdress L /�� ✓2-��Z ck.tic.f_ �- r- �o,�Zrtm��rit of IIuildings Clt}� Oi �3'.1CLCj/ . TCl. ;'S�1-3.50 TY,e undcrsignc� hcreb� makes ap�lication for a per:::t for the Mro::c heze��n spec.ified ar,recing to do all •.:or; in �trict accorZaace �.+:t'1 t'r.c Ci_y Co�es arid ru].ing� of the Depsr��c^t o: Suild;:irs, and ::creby declazes t::a: aII t'�e facts and re�resentatio.^.s stated :a tn:s a?p.icat:oa are trse aafl �orre:: F'ridlcy. :!1. � ` .�, : � 1? % � t ,� OWNER . \ f t /L--�- •r.xNn or nuzL�z.; � ��-�� USED RS TO BE CO:f.PLETED A3CJT ESTI:IATED CCST OLD - ATEW 3L'ILDZNG P�RJ:IT :�0. PE2�ZT \0. V�� - / /� ' Co.^„pany �c�L= �C�c_ c� �------ S�gnefl 31 �?n'`L �c �"-' __ -- Tel. Ko. �/2 / � J S �Z- ROUGH INSP. Date FIN1�L ZNSP. Datc APP:20VAL I'OR P�I`u:IT M2NZN,U:9 FEE r^OR AJ1Y PLL'MEISG PER`!ZT ZS S7.50 � ��,._. . . ,�� ��� �� ..µ��: -e � ` �_ r� . �v April 1, 1977 CIT'1( O� FROL7LEY 8431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE ( 612)5T1-3450 Mr. David Curry David Curry & Sons 5125 East Twin Lake Boulevard Minneapolis, Mn. 55429 Re: Final Inspection at 6291 i:erry Lane N.E. Dear Mr. C�zrry: A final inspection was made on March 31, 1977 of 6291 Kerry Lane td.E. and the following items were noted which must be corrected before the structure can be finaled out; 1. Install smoke detector in lower Ievel. 2. Install handrail to lower level. 3. Provide smoke detector in upper leveZ. 4. Please note that the front sidewalk is being undermined. We will expect the above items to be completed by April 15, 1977 when a reinspection will be conducted to determine compliance. If you have any questions or� these items, please feel free to contact me at 571-3450. Sincerely, 7 RON HOLD�Q • Building Inspector RH/mh 0 0 _ . ,. . . ...�_.�.. . _ �,�,� ._ CIIYOF FRIDLEY CIVIC CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 • PHONE (612) 571-3450 May 8, 1987 Mr. I3ea1 Lawson 6291 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Re: Fireplace Dear Mr. Lawson; An inspection was conducted on May 8, 1987 to determine whether the brick that was removed f rom your fireplace created any structural damage to the fireplace. The inspection noted that the brick that had been removed from the side of the fireplace does not have any structural effect on the total structure. If you have any further questions on this matter, please feel free to call me at 571-3450. Sincerely, DARREL G. CLARK Chief Building Official DGC/mh Building Inspections 763-572-3604 DATE 1���7( c)l/'Y�.P (, SITE ADDRESS �L> 'I THIS APPLICANT [S: PROPERTY OWNER/ TENANT CONTRACTOR SUBMIT A COPY OF YOUR STATE LICENSE WITH APPLICATION PROPERTY TYPE PERMIT TYPE TYPE OF WORK: BUILDING RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY Permit No.: Received By: YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS lJV c� ��w��O � D C= Cv ` I` � , c; ❑ OWNER �fCONTRACTOR NAME: �—...,� � NAME: STATE LICENSE #_ ADDRESS: PHONE ❑ SINGLE FAMILY/NE� Renewal By Andersen 1920 County Road "C" West Roseville, MN 55113 License #20130983 651-264-4777 _ O ADDIT[ON O GARAG O BASEMENT FINISH 0 ROOF ❑ DECK ❑ SIDfNG DESCRIBE WORK BEING StZE OF IMPROVEMENT ROOFING NUMBER OF SQUARES A A .F.0 PROPOSED SIZE: PROPOSED HEIGHT: SIDING O Vinyl ❑ Aluminum 0 Other NE W ❑ HOUSE ONLY ❑ HOUSE 8c GARAGE ❑ ATTACHED GARAGE O DETACHED GARAGE STATE ZIP t STATE ZIP ❑ DRAIN TILE ❑ OTHER WIDTH �� BASEMFNT REMODEL.ING SLI3MIT: 1. Existing Floor Plan 2. Proposed floor plan 3. List of structural members to be usod Ft. FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING DECKS, OSoffit ApDITIONS. & POR F HMIT: ❑ Trim 1. Site Plan/Survey showing the existing structure ❑ Fascia and proposed pmject. WtNpgWg 2. Two sets ofconstruction plans IN EXISTING OPENINGS OYes ONo LOCAT[ON OF WINDOWS 3. Energy Calculations OR FOR NEW OPENINGS-DESCRiBE SIZE OF OPENING CHANGES 8c TYPE OF WINDOW TO BE INSTALLED NUMBER OF WINDOWS ALL FEES ARE BASED ON VALUATION, INCLUDIIVG THE COST OF LABOR AND MATERIALS: (USING THE 1997 U.B.0 FEE SCHEDULE) TOTAL JOB VALUATION $ I�-i T 3�- OCCUPANCY TYPE Permit Fee Pian Review Fire Surchazge Surchazge License Surchazge SAC Chazge Curb Cut Escrow Erosion Control Park Fee Sewer Main Chazge Total Due � $ � � � �� $ g•9 � $ ,S�DU $ $ $ $ 3as.i� See Back Page for Fee Schedule 65% of Building Permit Fee .001 times the total job valuation .0005 x Permit Valuation Minimum $.50 $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) $1550 per SAC Unit (Plans to MWCC for determination) ft+6ft= ftx$21=$ $450 Conservation Plan Review Fee Determined by Engineering Agreement necessary ( ) Non Necessary ( ) Make c6ecks payable to: Ci of Fridley Attsch THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT-NOT VAL[D UNTIL PROCESSED I hereby apply for a building permit and I acknowledge that the information above is complete and accurate; that the work will be n conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Fridley and with the Minnesota Construction Codes; that I understand this is not ; pern►it but only an application for rmit and work is ot to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approvec plan in the case of all work which uires view an roval of pians. 1� SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT P NA � f��(0� � i!� Sn, � na� /� � 1(M OU 7- SuBJECT I���i1�. City of Fridley �� -:� �� rr 8 AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS g U I L D I N G P E R M I T f ; � RECEIPT NO. � COMMUfJITY DEVEIOPMENT OIV. � iV��_��� � r � � PROTECTIVE INSPECTION SEC. �� 1 1 �'��1 � CITV HALL fRIOIE� 55432 NUMBEA REV DATE VAGE OF APPROVEO 8� i"""�" �'' 612-571-3450 970-F15 7/5/95 � � J08 ADDRESS 6291 Kerry Lane NE 1 LEGAL LOT NO. BLOCK TRACT OR ADOITION SEE ATTACHED DESCR. 1 3 Heather Hills SHEET 2 PROPER7Y OWNER MAII ADORESS IIP PHONE Steve/Linda Prusha 6291 Kerry Lane NE 574-0381 3 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS Z�P PHONE LICENSE NO Same 4 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAII ADDRESS 21P PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE LICENSE NO. 6 USE OF BUILDING Residential 7 CLASS OF WOFlK O NEW ❑ ADDITION O ALTERATION �1 REPAIR O MOVE O REMOVE 8 DESCRIBE WORK Reroof House & Garage (29 Sq) Tear-off 9 CHANGEOFUSEFROM TO STIPULATIONS Underlayment must comply with the State Building Code. TYPE OF CONST. OCCUPANCY GNOUP OCCUPANCV LOAD SEPARATE PEAMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION ZONING SO. FT. CU. FT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOfiK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERI00 OF 120 DAVS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. NO. DWLG. UNITS OFfSTREET PARKING I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION 1 STALLS GAfiAGES AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS VALUATION SUF7AX AND Oi;DINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHE7HER SPECIfIED HEREfN OR NOT. 7HE GRANTlNG OF A PEAMIT �2� IJS �1.09 DOES NOT PRESUME 70 GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE pERMITFEE SACCHARGE PROViSIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR �OCAL LAW REGULATING CON- @ @ STRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. �pS�F.00 Fire SC �pZ.IH PLAN CHECKFEE TOTALFEE $57.27 GNA UREO CON'R O AU7MORlZED4GEN7 iD/7E� HEN PF;OPER�Y LIDATED THIS IS�R PERM17 Y� '7 •S - i.� " - ' � � N TUREOFOWNER�IF EABUILDEA� �OATEI BIOG S� �T NEW ( ] :. : .A.DDN . ... • t l • ALTER [] ConstructionAddress: Effective 1 / 1 /95 . _ .,. .... :..��TY �OF FRIDLEY •_ : . _ . . : . . . .: ... . . . SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEXES R-1 AND R-2 � - Building Permit Application �� 3 Legal Description: L 0�- 1� 0 Clt�._ ��t��� �[�. r �.� . . Owner Name 8c Address: ��-��1� � L,,.`�r•_c�.. ��S�c�.J Tel. # J%`�- 6�'� / .. . . . . � . ' Confractor: .. : ��v�... ' -' � . '. . � :. . .. . . _ I�vIN LICENSE # �� � � • � Address: LIVING AREA: GARAGE AREA: DECK AREA: OTHER: Tel. # Attach to this application, a Certificate of Survey of-the . lot, witti the proposed construction drawn on it to scale. DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT Length Width Length Width Length Width Height Height Hgt/.Ground �..___�. Sq. Ft. _ Sq. Ft. Sq. �Ft. Corner Lot [] Inside Lot [] Ft. Yd Setback Side Yard Setbacks 't'ype of �Construction: . . . Es�imated Cost: $ �/ %S � ' . Approx. Completion Date: � : � (Cost on Back) Driveway CurU Cut Width Needed: F.+ t=� Ft =$ DATE: � - S' - �'y � APPLICANT: Tel. # 5�7�� G � _ Permit Fee Fire Surcharge State Surcharge SAC Charge License Surcharge Driveway Escrow Erosion Control Park Fee Sewer Main Charge TOTAL $ �--/�Da $ �. / S � 1, 09 $ $ $ $ $ $ s s`7 � � CiTY I,��E ONLY Fee Schedule on Reverse Side .001 of Pernut Valuation (1/lOth%) $.50/$1,000 Valuation $850 per SAC Unit $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) Alt. "A" or Alt. "B" Above $450.00 Conservation Plan Review Fee Determined by Engineering Agreement Nec�ssary [ ] Not Necessary [ ] STIPULATIONS: `� ' � Building BUILDING Permit No.:� �� I� � Inspections RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION � 763-572-3604 CITY OF FRIDLEY �� ��d°�� � 763-502-4977 FAX EFFECTIVE I-1-2010 DATE ' � YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS SITE ADDRESS ��l Fi . �i THIS APPLICANT IS: ❑ OWNER �ONTRACTOR PROPERTY OWNER/ NAME: tC�I-� L TENANT ADDRESS: N`¢'CITY ��t �LLvJ STAT�w ZIP S�'L PHONE: � ' 'ZZlo � � CONTRACTOR NAME: ��$��b (�.+C, SUBMIT A COPY OF STATE LICENSE # 7�S$'S�'�IO EXP DATE YOUR STATE LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE OF ADDRESS:�(oBSO (��c �oe AU�. CITY I�ElU,�P.Cilocc� STATFri7►.3zIP ,S(rO?/ INSURANCE PHONE - 3$ - FAX PROPERTY TYPE jZ['SINGLE FAMILY/NEW CONSTRUCTION SIZE O TWO FAMILY/NEW CONSTRUC7TON STORIES PERMIT TYPE ❑ ADDITION ❑ GARAGE/SHED O WINDOWS ❑ BASEMENT FITIISH �iROOF 0 DRAIN TILE ❑ DECK ❑ SIDING ❑ OTH6R ❑ SWIMMING POOL TYPE OF WORK: O NEW HOME CONSTItUCTION ❑ ADDITION � MAINTENANCFJREPAIR D REMODELING • DESCRIBE WORK BEING DONE:_ �c' � SIZE OF IMPROVEMENT LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT S FT ROOFING / p HOUSE ONLY NUMBER OF SQUARES Z7 J[iHOUSE 8c GARAGE BASEMENT REMODELING SUBMIT: 1. Existing Floor Plan GARAGES ❑ A7'fACHED GARAGE 2. Proposed floor plan PROPOSED SiZE: ❑ DETACHED GARAGE 3. List of structural members to be used PROPOSED HEIGHT: SIDING FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING DECKS, ❑ Vinyl ❑Soffit ADDITlONS_ & PORCHES SUBMIT: ❑ Aluminum O Trim 1• Site Plan/Survey showing the existing structures O Other p g�18 and proposed project 2. Two sets of construction plans WINDOWS 3. Energy Calculations IN fiXISTING OPENINGS ❑Yes ONo LOCATION OF WINDOWS FOR WINDOWS — PROVIDE U-VALUE AND OR FOR NEW OPENINGS-DESCRIBE SIZE OF MANUFACNRE STICKER ON WINDOW. OPENING CHANGES & TYPE OF WINDOW TO $E INSTALLED NUMBER OF WINDOWS ALL N'1;E� AKr: KAJI:ll VN VALUA"!'IUN,INCLUDING THE C05T UF LABOR AND MATERIALS: (USING THE 1997 U.B.0 FEE SCHEDULE) TOTAL JOB VALUATION $ _ OCCUPANCY TYPE Permit Fee Plan Review Fire Surcharge Surchazge License Surcharge SAC Charge Curb Cut Escrow Erosion Control Park Fee Sewer Main Charge Total Due S �/) "l L5 See Back Page for Fee Schedule $ 65% of Builcling Permit Fee $ .001 times the total job valuation $ /�] .0005 x Permit Valuation Minimum $.50 $ ' �-�; r) � $5.00 (State Licensed Residential Contractors) $ $2100 per SAC Unit (Plans to MWCC for determination) $ ft+6ft= ftx$24=$ $ $450 Conservation Plan Review $ Fee Determined by Engineering $ Agreement necessary ( ) Non Necessary ( ) $ ( , Make checks pavable to: City of Fridley Attach THIS iS AN APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT-NOT VALID UNTIL PROCESSED I hereby apply for a building permit and I acknowledge that the information above is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance'with the ordinances and codes of the City of Fridley and with the Minnesota Construction Codes; that I understand this is not a permit but only an application for a permit and work is not to start without a permit on site; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of al ork which requires review and approval of plans. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT �///.�/I�y PRINT NAME �_�A�J DCY�r�P DATE L� 'S`�D