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Mir�esnt� E7�ep�ttr�ettt �f Labor and [t�tic�stry 443 �af2yette Ftoad I�th st_ �au�, �[r� �����-a�aa PI'�e_ ��i51 � �84-5ti£4 TTYfi4iRS: �(651) 29%d t �►8 www.e�ct�icity.5t�at�_rr�.us Cor�tr��ta�r Reque�t for Elecir[c�1 C Q�te acxr�n-tn �n�ction Requui�ed? 8/2/07 �csr�tract,� �ust S�eduEe Ali Rr��l �c�iress +� ir�sp�ction — Street 386 LONGFELLOW ST NE KOTHMAN. JANET L mor Talary[u,a�a Itila�mharfcl— € 763-784-0302 ,�6��-� �0��- REC'D 0� T 19 2007 ti€�n — t�ne Fam�[y E���I�inglA�sc Yes ���� I�e�n t7theeThan Rou�t-ln: :ylTvwr�s#ti� �Ccwnty FRIDLEY. MN ANOKA X�EL ENEF�GY SAVEF� SWITCH Structure Reatiy Na�w 1 w�� scn+�du� C+�stracta N�rr� C�ntra�r A�A�i�ing Address HUI�T ELECTRI� C4Rf�t�RAT1(��'�l �300 TE�RITORIAL FtCt., ST. PA�1L, �+ih15511�4 �n#��ctflr Telep�aon� Na�r�tt�r C�tractar E-mai� Atidr�ess El�ctrica[ U#ility (Fa9� f46-�9� � TH�fn�r�hur�tel+�c.corn �1�9'�CC4C �17C11�DffZ£'d 'r`,J' @g118�UfE CdN11�C�Of l.��tBSt�' I�U(TibP.�' .1Oihrf�jECt Ct}li3�Gf PEiSOIt �`"""�� � e-� ��00883 Ti�M HAFNER Tom Hafrter ��....,�.�.�. Fe� Cal�culatic�n �lew Horne or Associa�teri Struc#ure Ex�sti�g Namel�iru�ct�re Remode! ar Addition tdew E3we�ISng ServiceCPcs�aer 5upp��€ Q—�4U€i ampere �? S35 i�evt C�w�(ling Senr�c�lP�rer Sup�l�€ �O 1—�0 at����r� � m�Q +.� eu.su rccuev�v�€�LUaa. - �aasu tdewt Horne — I��a�e the� 3ti Feesl�t�tCircuits �in ad�ti�r€ to a�+tet F�ed�r�d�i�c�i#s U'�o �Q� A: �6 E€a�h C7ther �Specif3tj XCEL ENERGY SAVER SVVIttiTCH � �etached G�rage or ai�er kss�ciai� �tructur+e t7ew Servic�it�aws�r �up��Y h3�r F�eed�rs�f'G�r�u�ts �ther ��p�c�fyj �aEher ��pe�a€�rj Q — �44} ��pere t� S3� ( 1 � �6 Emch Taf�l {the iee c�IcuEet�s! �i�v� or S3•5 n��sltdpaied �iy �e n�rt��r rf re�ui��d i�s�ct�n tr�R�„ � _"" � avh��h�+r�r as gr��1�r) ���^�� *�� � I�ew servicefPvvm�er Sup{�ly r] — 4�4 �ntpere ��35 �d� ��ra�ce.JP��e€ Sup�ly �{�3 — ��1� �¢ttpere � S&D ��wl�x#endetl �e+eder�f�'i�cu€ts — �� to 15 �e�deaaPC�rc�its � 1 Fe�de€s�Circugts ��6 �seh ey� i4� to 3ti � S1t�Q I�ewBExtend�d Feede[�tC�rc�i� — MQCe Th� � Feeder��€rc�ta i } �eec6er�t��r�u�ts �p �es �� .�a �� �� Esch Rect�r�n��ct�d F�ed�rsJ�src�ai#s � ? �e�derslG��uifs (� �2 Eseh � �let�ched G�r�ge or �t�er Assv�iated S�tructure a�ea S�rvicet��i�er Supply f3 — 4� �r�per� ��35 �3�urrtE�t�nd�e�! Fe�dersi�i�cu�Es � ? t�t �6 E�ch Reccar�nected F��=dersd�srcui�s { } �� �: E�c�r TutSl {ti�� tee ��Icul�ieii �I�ve ac 535 snulti���ed � k�y �� ��mber of r�qu�red ��p��#�n tr�p�, <"� � n� w�tiche�rer is g€+�at�r� � '� ~�k � � Requests fc+r Eiectrical �spection (EtEC} with a fc� ai �t#1 or �rzss e�re 12 months fr� ttee filing da4e. The �c+antrac.fQr must harre the watir can�eted +withen tiue 12 mc�nttr �f"rad or subm�t araather REI tt►at ine�u�es the ins�+etion i�ee fnr #he uncamp:ett�ct wark. tnsp�ctinr� [e�es do naat carry over from cane RE1 to anc�ther. �4 serviu5e dsarg�e ai S�{f wf�l be added �Eor ail d�ha�ared checks. 3 tt�r�by Cettiiy ihat i�rtspe�t� �Zc�.t€�h — in In�p�ct�{s� �_ - s n�a �ten�[ � � TD[} ��5! j 297�449�. REi �� ��£'!7i fa�ce�s � itae dates stat�d: ��te L�ate /i--r� � sueh as 4�9e P��. Brai� or an a cx