p - 46733From: unknown Page: 1/4 . Date: 11/15/2011 10:56;29 AM ,. , �, ,, L�1V11V11'1���L �-����` Bt�ildin�g �bs�ections ��a-s�2-3�0� APPLICATIUl�►T 763-502-4977 FAX �ZTy �►F FRIDLEY EFFECTIVE 1-01-2011 1p'} �y DATB �V �cT � '�O�IR i-MA�Y. ADD1t�SS �� rrrsr,u�.r.�,xrorr �nn��ss: `i L ee,� 14-t�'-z- THIS APPLiCANT IS: ❑ OWNER �[ CON'Y'rtACl`Oit � AiiCT�TTTT�CT/EN(3��TL pTtOpElt'I"Y' O'VVNEit GONTRACTOR AIZCHIT�CT/EI�C3INEBR NAM�� L�.- L-� I i Y GL f �w��sss•��9� 9 In�� � p�orr��(n3 - 5�`?i � a�' 3 I c��.�. STAT� LICENSE# Permit Na.:� I2eccived ��+ / Date hec'd: l� � f � C.� /. (_�b�7j'7 ' �1 SrAT� C�LL PHOATE CITY � . J� 5TA' d a9� -3 s rax� EXP. DATE: CTT'Y' `�^��'S'X',A,T� 2TP �Y PHON�: STATE LICENSE�� �' nAT� QUESTIONI�AY� Please answer the questions below. I 1. Ar existing roofing materials being removed to the struciural deck? ❑ es � No 2. a} �To n . ft. is the e�cisting roof? � b) T�or�r man sq. ft, are being repla.ced? i� 3. 'Wha.t type of rooiing systemm cu��rentl� e�ists7 ❑ Built�u �Membrane ❑ Other _ 4, VJ"hat type of roofing s�stem is prqposed7 ❑�uilt-up j�Membrane 0 Other 5. Wi11 the ne� raafing matex-�als reduce or increase the current dead load? Q�n�crease CI Reduce E� Na ohange 6. If loadin is to be increased, has a st�-uctural engineer been hired to review a11 allowable laads7 ❑ Yes [�To.Ifyes, ntt�rcla an Engineer's report. 7. Are.any new di�ainage devices being added or altered as parf of the re-toaf� ❑ Yes �No $. per Tnternati al Building Code Table 1505.1 what class desi ion is the ne'vv roof s�'stem? ❑ A ❑ B �an-classified � 9. `What overall T1-value will the new raofpyod e7 ' 10. i'er Ynternational Bui�ding Cade Sections 2603,4, ,�F, � 2603.4.1.5, will a thermal barrier be required as part of the re-roa�ing project7 � Yes f�Na 11, Will an� electrical, plumbing, gas or znechanieal iterns on the existing roof need to disconnected and ��econnected as part af the re-roo�'? Q Yes �No 12. Are �ny electrical, plumbing, gas or mechanical items being replaced in conjunction with the re-roaf? ❑ Yes �No O'V'�Yt ,.�., �� ..,,, , ,,,,.,. ,,,, From: unknown Page: 2I4 Date: 11/15/2011 10:56:29 AM .�, �„� ,• � x�+ QUYn�+ �i Two copies of each of the fallovtiring items must be submitted with the application. � Full �vc�rittez� scape ofthe �roject submitted r�Any T�ocumentati�n from Minnesota to ov�mer, registered structural engineer. Shop dra�r�n�gs/sectivn r�iew of �ew installation �Copy of manufacture's i�nstaClation . A listing (name) of each specific manufacturex's instructio�ns. raducts being installed. . I'ro�ride design det�il to meet the � The flame spread documenta�ion for any foam reqttireme�ts af Sea. 1504.4 of the 2006 products being installed. I,B.C.ANSI/SFRIE ES-1. � 5. '�'he thickness of a11 products b�ing installed, �. Frar�ide manufactule and detail of edge C�. The fire tested assesnbly number designation. sucurement per Sec.1 �04.5, 2UOb I,B.C. (UT,, �'acioryr 1Vl�,tual, ICC), ANS7/SPRI ES-1. k'lt�}JECT DETAILS . T���� � Estimated Completion date: � 2/ D 2-� 11 EstimaCed valuatidn: ; Descrit�tion of work: THIS IS AN APPLICATION FQR A PERMIT-NQT VALiD UIVTY� PROC�SS�7 I hereby apply for a commercial re-roof permit and I aeknowledge that the utformation abo�'e is coraplete and aeeu��ate; that the work will be in conformance with tlie ordina ces and eodes of tha Ciry of Fridley and with the Minnesota Construetion Cades; that I anderstand this is not a permit b only and application for a permit and r�vork is ndt to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with pproved plan in the case of all yvork which requires review and appraval of plans. ^ � � � _ , . SYC3NA'�'(7�t� Q� A��YtO�E� �'Y TOTAL VALUE al Fo �504 aso� m �z,000 sz.oa� to s�s,000 SZS,OOI bo 554,000 S54,001 to St00,OQ0 Str'OO.�OI ro Ss00,Q00 asao.00i �o si.aoo.00 FRINT � AY.�. �'��S Al�� �ASED ON VALUATION S23.SU (Minimum Fce is 523 523,50 for 1"a500 plus $3.0'! $69.25 f� S2 000 lua S 14 5341,25 for i° $25,0 plus $5D ODO 5643.75 for 1 550,000 plus � sioo,000 5993.75 for 1 5100,000 plus T7AT'� ach additional S 1,000 or fraction, ro ond inct►u � for cach additional S 1,000 ar iraction, w�nd eacl� additionel $1,000 or frsction b pad inclw i for each additional 53,000 or frac�fon to and i S4.75 Por esch additipnal � 1.0 or ction to Permit Fee $ ''j���j See abor+e for �tG Scheciule Fire Surcharge $ �• .001 times the total job �aluaCion Surcharge $ '�� Cj' .0005 x Permit Valuation Minimurn 5,50 Total bpe � C`� �. Make checks payable to: Ciiy of �rfdle� Attnch / From: unknown Page: 1/57 Date: 11l1512011 11:19:49 AM ,.�.. �, <� � � �,,,., ,.�. ��,. ,. � � ". � � � .� QIJALIT�'TRUSTEC} . _.. T_.. � ' .. . _ . � ' ' . � . . : -. . — �o HpME� REALTY DENNIS HOMEL 'f4 NORTW MAI.lARO COURT ST. PAUL, MN 55127 PHON E:651-g82-11 i5 FAX:651 •482-19 76 R�R�OP USfNG (3�PIFLEX TPO MaQRE LAKE APARTMEN7S 5701 C�NTRAL AVE FRIDLEY, MN REVlSED 20•YFAR PLEASE REFER T���TiNG ROOF AND �NTIRE Y RE- OI OF ALL �OUF2 (4) BUILDING3 AT TIiE ABOVE JOBOA DR�SS,�R OFF TNE DEMOLITION AND PR�p�FZATiON AT q.T. COMMERCIA! CONSTRUCTI4N AND ROOFING, WE $ELIEVE THA7 7H� PR�PARATION IS A KEY STEP lN TH� R�- R00� PRQCESS. FOFt THIS J08 W� PROPOSE TO: 1. SH��T MEYAL FLASHINGS WII.1. RE LEFT IN PLAC� ANp SECURED WITH ADDITIOANL FASTENEf2S AS NEEDHD. DOWN$P�UTS WILL B� Fi�USED, 2, REPLACE ANY W�7 UNDERLYING INSULAI'lON WITH AN EqUIVALENT 1'YP� A7 A RAT� QF $.90 PER SQUARE FO07, PER INCH VIlITH 7H� FIRST 100 SF REPLACED AT NO CHARGE TO 7H� CUS'ffJM6R. SUBSTRATE �XAMINATION 1. SOLID RdO� p�CKING IS A MUST WH�N IT COMES TO A RE•R00� F'F�OJ�CT. A$ ALWAYS, WE WILL CHECKTNE DECKtNCs AN� REpLAC� ANY TFIAT [S DETERlORAT�D WITH NEW D�CKING A7 A RATE 4F $3.25 PER SqUARE FOOT, THIS WILL gE IN ADDI710N Tp THE BASE CON7RACTAMOUNT. 2, BECAUS� ALL PENETRATIONS HAVE THE POTENTIAL OF ��GOMING PROBLEMATIC dVER TiME, WE WILL R�MOVE ALL ABANDQNED CUR�S, STACKS, ETC. THE OP�NINGS WfLt BE COVEREb WITH TH� AppRt)PRIATE DECKING MATERIAL AND SECUREO W PLAC�. ON SIT� GARPENTIiY 1. IW QRDER T� AGCOMMQDATE THE 1NSULATION THICKNESS AND MAIh1TAIN Ald ApPRbPRIAT� P�RIMETER HEIGHT, IF NEEDED W� WILL INSTALL NEW WOOp �LOCKINO AT TH� P�I21M�T�R. TH1S IS INCLUDED IN THE BASE CdNTRAC7 PWCE 2. INTHR[OH CURSS WILL HE RAISED, AS N��DHD, TO AGCOMMODA7E (V�W 1NSUlATIQN HEIGHT ON A TIME AND MA7ERIAL$ BASIS. 3. IF ANY ADp1TI0NAL CARPENTRY IS N��ESSARY, IT WILL gE DO�J� ON A TIMH AND MAiERIAL BA51S, NEw lNSUl.A71pN 1. COVER TH� ROOF WITH TWO•FACED 318" HIGH-DEN3ITY EXTRUD�D p01.YSTYRENE IN3ULATlON BOARD bESIfsN�D TO FOLLOW'CH� SLOPE OF EXISTiN� INSUWTION. 2. THE H1GH-OENSITY INSULATION WILI. BE MECHANICALLY AITACHED TQ THE UNDERLYING DECK U5fNG dN� �A37ENEI� EV�RY FQUR 3QUARE FEET OF RORF AREA (MIN). 3. �Ul.1.Y TAPERED IfdSULATiON GRICKET3 WILL 6� IidSTAI.LBD IN THE CORNERS AND 8E11NEEN ALL SCUPP�FiS. ALI. $'CUPPERS WILL $� SUMPED TO PROVIDE AdDITIONAL POSITIV� WATEI� FLOW. �I�W ROOF SYSTEM 1. INSTALLA GENFLEX �M� REINFORGED WHIT� TPO MEMBRAN6 ACCbRbING TO 7H� MAT�RIAI, MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS FOR A MHCHANICALLY ATTACFiBD SY5T6M. 2. INSTALLALL �LASHINGS AND ACCESSORI�S PER MATE121R1 MAWUFAC7UR�R'S SPECIFICATION3. 3. WRAP EXISTING ROOF HATCH COVEI� WITH TPO MEMBRAN�. SHEET METAL INSTAI.LAFI.QN 9. INSTAIt SHEET M�TAt TO INCLUbE N�W TPO COATED ROOP JACKS, N�W TPO COATEDSCUPPERS, AND NEW 24•GAUG� p1iEFIN(3HED META� CAP ON THE PERIMETER, 2. MAT�R�AL MANUFACTUI�EFi'S TFRMINATION BAR AND COUNTER-FLASHING W1LL BE INSTALLED AS�NE�Q�O. www.qtcommer�i�l.cam (OFFIGE) 763-535-5$�1 (FA?C) 763-971-9883 From: unknown Page: 2/57 Date: 11115/2011 11:19:50 AM ,. , ,, � .�.. �� �„ � � ,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,.. l�l • � � � C(� M M E R C I A L Construction �, Roafing iNECHANlCAL ANti �t�CTRICAL 7. ANY MECHANICAL DESCONNECTR AidD FiE•CONNECTS NECE$SARY TO CpMPL�TE THIS PROJ�CT WOULD B� 1N AQbITIDN T� THE BASE CONTRACT AMMOUNT. PRfQR 7d WORK BEGINNING, WE CAN CQQRbINATE A MECHANICA! CONTRACTOR 70 pROVIDE AN ESTiMqT� F'OR THIS WORK. 2. $pI,lI7 CONDUlT RUNNING ACROSS ROOF AREAS HAV� PROVEN TO B� pl�OgLEMATIC IN THE PAST. W� FiAVE INCLUDED $250.001N qUR �ASE CONTRACT PRIC� 70 ALLOW FOR TN� FiEPAIR OF ANY dAMAGED CONpUIT. ANY ADDITiOWAI REPAIR COST EXCEEDING THE 3250.00 WOULD 8� CHARG�D TO THE CUS7bMER 3. SATELLITE DISHES, ANT�NIdAE AND CABLES THATARE LOCATED ON THE ROOF MAY BE DlSTURB�Cp; Q,T. COMMFRClAL Wll,t, N47 6E RESPONSIBLE FOR 7HE TEMPORARY DISRUPTION OF SERVtCES. ANY CO$7S ASSOCIAI'Ep WtTH TNE NECESSARY R�pOSI710NING OF THE SRl'�LLITES, AI�'i'ENNA�, OR CABLES WILL 8� IN ADDITION TO THE BA$� CONTRACT AMOUNT. WARfiANTY INFORMA710N 1. UPdN PiiOJECT COMPL�TION, THE MATERIAL. MANUFACTURER WIRL INS�ECT TW�, NEWLY INSTAL��D ROO� SYSTEM A Mp PEiOVIbE A iWENTY-YEAF� WARRANTY AGAINST L�AKAGE FOR LAB01i AND MAT�RlAL5. THE CpNTF2RC70R WlLC PROVIDE A TWO-Y�AR WARRANTY AGAINST LEAKAGE FOR I-ABOR AND MAT�RIALS. TAXE3. PERMI7S AMD FE�S ALL 7AXES, pERMITS, F��S AND WARRANTY COS7S NAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN TM� BASE CONTRACT pRICE. WHILE THE PAOJECT IS IN PROGR�SS, WE W'ILL KEEP iH$ JGBSITE NEAT ANG �RDERLY, TH� GROUND9 WII.L BE C�EANED AY THH END 0� �ACH WdRK DqY WI7H A FINAL, THOROUGH CLEANUP Ai 7HE CONCLUSION O� THE PROJEGT. a hereby propose lo furnlsh labor and mafe�lals complete accordanoewfth the above speclffcatlons for lhe Sum OF; AI.L BUII,�tNGS: $�ao,ao0,00 NEW DOWNSPOUTS ALL BUILDINGS; $5400.00 Wiih Payments to be made as fallows� °/z DUE WITH SIGNEp CONTRACT gALANCE DU� UPON COMPLETION ANYADDITION/SL WORK MAY BE DONE ON A 7&M bASIS j�Qj,�: bUE TO FLUCTUATfON IN MATERIAL PRICES, QT CAMMERCIAL WILL HONOR THIS PRICE FOH 3D�DqY3 QMLY. PROJECT MAY NE6p i0 6E RE-PRICED AF'f�R 30-DAYS. N! mafer7B/ rs gWranre6dto b9 9e speoiFip�, and eN wolk sb6Nbe perlom�ed M e p�elbs37WhAI miM7erlrt arxardance wlth the eDOVe spedficaHa�s. AlreiatmnsordeNaGona Irom u,e aboiro specbJeetlona w�l bd matle aMy upon wriffer+ chsnge oio'e� signod bY bam QT Cpmmenaia! erHlOwner, �acribing Hre cherqe anda(adngwhef,A'eny,8dcrtborralamountfsioDepaidby0wner. ownerassumaMedskwcanCa�ekd or unknown awxfitbns, mrlud�ng, D� notAunNed% fhepvesenco d eaDesloa, w++ich de/ay arkxameae !ne aosf ol Q7' Lbmmerraa!'s aerformence, antlOwnoraheNepree m pay reasonable, aardlfioner cna�ges resulGr�g ham fhose oonad'tlons belore Q7 Ca»merciar�p be ob!lpefed ro pmfmva perkrrmance. f71' Commem�ells++of reaAw+slnle fu'dUeYS rasuqin4 Jrom aNUCas, Na+anvrfeUon dkruptio+r, weafhor, atcidenfsmeterJelssAalage,orofhercavaes6eyond8sconfroA QTCOmmwida!lanotraap+ons�f�/pr demegea to Ine pv�misea �esufNng fian �'6raGvn ceuaed neA►rerby �fs pwformence, mr far any inddente! or wrrsequentiel damAges a�isl�p ouf o1 eny �Rpr oranlaalon !n pe/fOrmance by QT CommefCia� Slrodwar ana�ysa, exlaNng end hrFu/o mold are arclude0l�P� fhis oor� unleas Pfherwi�sa nofed. Ap mafedalasneN6essspecifredebvve,endenworkshaYbeperformedi�aprod�esalonelmenner. ANofhsr exp�ess or imphvd waneMrea, u,cluuHig fhe lmpllear warsnHcs ol lfrnesa entl merchan(sMb'(y, ere hereDy excluded ownCrasoleramedytarwea�hpfanYenda�wem�nNesbyQ7Commera"sl,whofher express� or jmpGed aheli at Amq�d M repeh orrepleoemenG af QT Cammeir�el's option, of the po�tlon oI fhe work antl ma�orrals, suppUeat Aeieunder that are oeferminatl ro bo defecflve. O�meragiaes tu pey edc�T+onaf reasonaDie cne�pes, molu�nD huuriYfeks lor �dle eQ�xpmenl rexulting hom de/ayt wRT Commavda!'S I��rmanoa ceusetl Dy Ownara Osme�s oG�er wnhadara baleaa dnevwise apread. /+eyment s�ra� be due upon aunpleffwi olthe wark Ay OT Commerded and;nwices sheN be peyearo wr7ldn fen (f0) days affet rocelpf by Ownet s servka cherge WlAe lesurd the meximmn lepol rafe, orona enal one-hsllpe+bonf ff.6%) pevmonM wa! ba addedto pest dve aaaounfa. avNOrizen Q7 COMMERCWL CON$TjtUC718N & ROOF!lJG: ANC� OF PROPOSAL: Tha above prices, speClficalions and catld(Elorls are satisfaCtoly and are as specified. Paymenf wA! be made es outlined above. CONTRAC701�: OWN�RlMGR: DATE� PRELIM�NARY I.IEN NQTI��: Any person Qr company supplying labor or mafarials for thls improvement to yvur properEy may flle a Ilen against your property If that person or company is not pald fo� ths contrlbuEivns. Under Minnesota law, yau must have fhe right to pay peraons who supplied labor or materials for this improvement directiy and deduct thls amount from our contract prlce, or wit�hald the amounts due from us untll 420 days after complation of the irnprovement unless we glve you a Ilen walve� signed by persons who supplied any labor ar materlsl For the improvement and who gave you tlmely rlotice. www qtcommereial.tam (OFFICE) 7�3-5�5-5831 (FAX) 76�-971-9883 ,... �.� �„ � , �„ .., ,,,, From: unknown Page: 3/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:50 AM „. ,,�� , , , � Green�uard� Raofing Recavery Board � � Installat�an Gu�de � ��a, C�reenQuara�- � Roorng Retovory Board F�ds�ing u�smauon See[ion 07220 �ed EPOM or daA� Old BuAI•up qppi Non�car�bueliote oedc : (Concre�9) GreenQuartl' � ' RooBng Flecovery eoara 6dalfng meulaUpn — _ . -- MecharJcelry AUactied �aDM , (Upht-cotortd a dark) dld Bulll-up Rppf Noo-cambusutaa Aeck (steel or Concrete) PART 1 CENERAL � 1.01 SUMMAR'Y Spec�?erNote: Selecr roofsystem type and r-equtreme�rts. Coordinate with oehersections. A. Section includes: Roofing recovery boards for use in the following roof systems: 1. Roof Systetn Type (select desired roof system): a_ ioose-Laid, Ballested b. Mechanically Attached B. Related Seetions; 1. 5cc�ion 07500 - Membrane Rppfing 2. 5ection 07534 -�lastomeric Sheet Raofing 3. Section 077Q0 -�oof Specialties and Accessories 4. Section 07722 - Roof Hatches 1 A2 R��LYtENC�S A. American Soeiety for Tcsting and Materials (ASTM): 1. ASTNI C 272 - Test Method for'UV'ater AUsorption of Core Materials faz Stnich�ral Sandwich Constructions 2. ASTM C 303 -Test Method far Densiry pfPreformed �lock-'I�e'T'honnal Insalation 3. ASTM C 5].8 -�'est Method for Steady�State Heat �'itiuc Meas�ireme.nts and Thercnal Transmission I'roperties by Means of the Heat Flow Mettir Apparahis 4. ASTM D 1621 - Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Celtul�r �'lastics 5. AST'M L 84/C.1'Y. 723 - Test Method for Suzface Burning Char�cteristics of Buildiug Materials 6. ASTM � 46 � Test Methods for Wator V�por Transmissxon of Materials 1.03 SUBM17'x'AT.S A. Gtneral: Submittals sl��ll be in �ccordance with T]�visiob 1 seetio�� on "Sub�tuttal �'rocedures", � Pr�c-r�v i-800•241•4402 wurvr,green•guard.com From: unknown Page: 4l57 Date: 11l15/2011 11:19:50 AM „, �� ,, , B. product �7ata: Submit rpo�ng recovery boaxd specificatio�ns. C_ QualityAsst�rance: Submit the follp�ving: 1. Compliance Reports� ��raluation Reports conkaini.ug refere�ce to substantiating test reports used to establiah aompliance with the Mode1 �uilding Codes. 2. Letter of Certi�"ication: Signed letter certifying that rooflr,g recovery boards comply Writh the p'hysicai properues shown in Sectian 2.4�.A.3. 3. Roof system listings from Under�ite�rs Laboratories, Ina {U�,) or FM Approrrals, 1.04 QCIALITY ASS�ANCE A. Regulatory Reqt»rements: For the most current code compliance inforu�ation, go to grCea�-guard.com. B. Pre-Instgllation Meetings: Conduct pre�instRllation meeting to verify project requiremenis, substrate coiiditions, inst�lation instntctians �nd warranties for various ropf systern components. Agply Division 1 sections on "Project Management and Coordination" and "Project Meetings". 1.05 DELIV�R�Y', STORA.G`E, AND HANDLING A. Gene�.1: Shall aompl� «ith Division 1 section on "Product Requircments", B. belivery: Delirrer to the job sito in ariginal paokaging or ae indi�sridual sheets or bundles. C. Storage and �Tflndling: When sto�red outdoors, a11 product should be protected from expost�re to direct sunlight using the ortginal paokaging qr an opaque, light-colored tarp. Materia� that has been unWrspped should be cor>ered or rewrapped. 1.06 pROJECT C�NDYTIONS A. Envixonmental ltequizements: Install roofing recovery boards only v�rhen surfaces �re dry and inclement weather is not prev�lea�t, PA�t,�` z PRODUCTS 2.01 P,XT�tC,i'l��b pOLYS'�''1�1�T$ ROOFING �COVERY �OARD A. Acceptable Manufacrurer; Pactiv Building Products 1. Contact: pactiv Building �rpducts, TelepIlone: ($04)241�402,'W'tbsite: wwwgreen�guard.com 2. Propriet�ry Produets: ��truded Polystyrenc Roofing Recovety Board: a. GreenG�uxrdm P�6/PB6 PLUS Roofing Recovety �pard: Size as speci�ed below: 1) Nomint�l Tl�iclmeas� 3/$" (9,51 nun). 2} Size: 4' x 5Q' (12 � 15,2 ni). b. GreeaCruardm P�,'Y'GOOD PG38 Roofing �tecavery Bo&xds: Size As specified bclo'w: 1) Nominal Thickness; 3/8" (9.51 mm). 2) Size: �G38, 4' x 8' (I219 x 2438 mm). 3. 1'roduct Testing: a. Water Absorption: ASTM C 272; Max. 0.60% by volume. b. Densiry; ASTM C 303; QreenC3izard�' pB6/�G36, 3.571bs./ft3(5'1 kg/m3), GreenGuard�' p�6 PLUS, 3.86 Ibs./ft3(62 kg/m3}. c. Thermsi Resistance (at 75°� mean temporat�yte): AS7'M C 51 S; 1.5 f� �hr•°F/Btu (0_26 mz(k/W). Specin�ens are tested in accordanee with the �T'C "R �valtte Rule" (16 C�'�,, Part 460)_ d. Compressive Strength (at 10% deflection): AS'�M D 1621 1) 1'�6/PG38: 15 psi {ip3 kPa) 2) PB6 PLUS: 20 psi (138 kPa) From: unknown Page: 5/57 Date: 11115/2011 11:19:51 AM , �., ,., �� � � ,,, ,. ,,., �,., . . e. Surface Burning Characteristics: (AST1v1 Fs 84NL 723): 1) PB6/pQ38: �12�me Spread 10, Stiaoke Develo�ed 45-1�40_ 2) FB6 p�.t7S: F1ame Spread �5, Smoke Dcveloped 40. These nuinerical flame spread and smoks ratings are not i�nkended to refleat liazards presented b� these materials under achtial �re coaditions. f. W�ter Vapor Permeance (T�roccduze A, 75°�, 50% R.H.): ASTM B 96; O.G perm (34.5 np�'a•s•m�). , g. Woight: GreonGl�ard� PB6/PG38, lp5 Ibs/1404 ft�(0.51 kg/m'}, GreenGluard� PB6 P�,�'S, l 11 Ibs/1Q00 f�x(0.54 kg/m2). h. Maximum Recorrunen�ded Use Temparature: 200°� B. SubssitutiQns; No substitutions permitted. 2.02 ACC�SSORlES A. Accessories: provide installatipn accessories as recoinmended by ins�itation m�i�ufacturer, 2.03 SOURCE QUAY,ITY A, Sotuce Qualiry: Obtain extruded pplysryrene roofing recovery boa�-d from a single manufacturep, PART 3 ��ECUTIt�N' 3.41 MANLIFACTUI�R'S INSTRUCTIOI�S A. COmp�iAilCe: Cornpl�' with mantiif'achuer's prodttct data�, including product technical bullekins, piOdqGt catalog instaqation instructions, �nd product package instrucdons. 3.02 BXAMIN'ATTON A, Site'Veri�cation of Cp�ditions: Verify substtate conditions, which ha�ve been pre�viously uistalled under other section§ are aceeptable �or product install�tion in accozdance with the manufacturer S instructions, The foIlan�ring instructione address only the installafxon of G'reenGuard'1 Rooimg Recoverq �oard: 1. Do not proceed �cwith work du�ing inclement weather Ox install anp GreenCruard� Ttoofirtg Recovery Board prrex a wet s�vface. 2. C�tt large bliaters before installing tha GreenGiiardm Roofing Recovqzy Board. 3. If there a�•e holes or voids in the existing roof systtm, they must be repairec3 or filled priar to installing the CreenGir�ard� Roofing Reco�very Hoard. 4. CireenCmard� Roofan� Recovery �oards may be installed direcdy over existing qval tar roof sysfienis if thG roof has not been resahuated with[n tho previous a���rs (ofherwise use a 6 mil pplyethylene se,parator sheet between tbc coo�ng recovery b0�cd and the c�isting roof s�steni). In addiYion, ihe ne�w rqof system must be desi�ned to ]imit tha maximum coal tar texnperaiure to Z 10°F to prevent volatiles from escaping from the existing zoof system and attacking the roofing recovery boaxd. The design temperatiuc at the stu�#'ace of the roofing xecoveiy board rnst�lled aver existrng coal tar roofs shall not �xceed 200°� during installation or use. 5. �eginning of insrtllaaon means �cceptance of su'bstrate and e7cisd,� project conditions_ 3.03 �REI'AR.ATIOId A. Surface Preparation: 1. When installing GreenCruardro Roofing Reco�very Baards o�Vez existing roqfs, ail loose aggregate, isrge stones (shRrp-edged stones that protrucie to a height that msy e7ctend throngh thp GreenOua,rd� ,Roo�ng Reco�'ery Hoard), and debris should be reano'ved prior to installatfon oiflie roofing reeovery board. 3.04 INSTAY,�AT'TON A. Cienezal: 1. Install oniy as much roofing ;re�overy baard as cat� be ca�'cred by the roofing matexzals in the same day. From: unknown Page: 6157 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:51 AM � � v r• I! � V I 1 I V ! I �� v� ��! J �� V 2. GmenGuard� PBb and GroenGuard� P�,YG�OI�-PC�3�8 can b6 used in �onj unedan �vith the fallor�ing black or light-colored roof m�mbrane types: Cp�JT�'M, CS1��/�SM, FsTp', EpDItiI, TPA,1p0. 3. GheenCruard�' p�6 PT,YJ'S is designed for use in conjunction with most CPA,1�i3P, and �'V'C roaf mernbranes (light-colored only). Since different test methods are tised to measure plasticizer migration, d�e rooFinembrano manufacAUer shoixld be contacted ta coruFum approval fpr iu5e of �rreenGuard� PB6 FLUS. GreenCrnard�' PB6 PLUS can also be used in conjunction with CP$/TPM, CSPE/C9M, BTP, EF'x7M,1'�'A, a�d TPO roof inembrarits. 4. Install�tion: GreenGuaxd� P�6 az►d Gzee�G�rardm �'�6 �'LUS �toofing Recovery Boards a. Unfold three sections of the 50' (15.2 m) biuidle of GreenCnaard� PB6 or CrreenGuard�' PHG PLUS aud attACh it to the e�isting roa� dec1C'using 2-3" (76 ►nm) di�neter plates �nd screws thAt ase tong enaugh to penetrate through the existing roof system to the underlying roof deck. Attaeh GreenGuaxd� P�G ar�d Gree�nGu2�rd� P�6 PT.i7S using the fsste�ling p�tterh shown in Figare 1 or �'igure a. Alternative ft►sstening patterns mt�st be appraved by tlie roofing recar+er� baard n�anufaahirer ptior ta starting th.e job. A,dciltional �astenezs mny be used if necessary to secura the roofing recovery board diuing windy conditions or when the surface nf the existing rooP syatem has iaconsistencies. Note: Factory Mutual Research requires that a minim�,un af 4 £asteners (1 f�stentr/4 ft2) be used for insuladons havin� an� onc d'uncnsipn greater tt�� 4 ia�t (I .Z m) on all jobs that imolve buildings 'snsured by Faetory MutuAl� unden�rriter companies. b. Tha GreenGuard� p�6 a�d GreenG►u�rd� P�6 PL�7S should be installtd vvitli thE lungost dimension perpenciicular to the memUrnue seams and with end joints staggered. 5. Tnst�llation: areenQusrd� PL'YQOOD PCr38 �i.00fing Reeovery Hoatds: �. Attach the Gx�eer�Guard� PL'X�QOD �G38 to the existing raaf deck using 2-3" (7fi mm} disxneter plates and serews that are long enough to penetrate thraugh the existing roaf syst�an to the underlying roof deck. Attach GreenGusrd� PG38 using the fastening pattern sIiown in Fig�rze 2 or Fige���e 3, Alt�rnati�'o faSeCn'sng p�ttems must be apprOVed b� tl�e roo�ng recov- ez� board manufacturer prior to atarting the job. Additional fasteners may be «sed if necessary ta secure the mofmg recavery board during winc�y canditions or when the surface of the exist ia�g ro4f s�st�m has inconsistencies. Note: �actorq Mutual RcseBrch reqpires thAt � rninitnuln of �3 fASteners (1 fastener/4 ft�) be used for Insulations having any one dimension greater than 4 feet (1.2 m) on all jobs that involve buildings insured by Factory Mutual undenvriber COm�AniCS. b. 'The GreenGtii�rd� P�,Ya001.3 �'G38 shoulQ be installed with the longest dimension perpenciicular to the n►embrgne se$n,s and �ith end joints staggered. 6. Refer to the Unilerwriters ,Laborafaries, Xnc. itoo�iu�g M&terials Goide t►nd the Factory Muh�al Appro'val Guide for deta'tls regarding specific r4pi s�ste�ns, Some rqpP asse�nblies reqiiire a slip sheet between the roofing recovery board and the membrane. 7. Prior to installatipn of the roof ineinbrane, inspect the surface of the GrcenGuard� Roo:fing ltecovery Board and remove any pieces of gravel that may potentially puncture the roof inembrane diuing installatioi►. 8. Inst�ll the roof inembrane in accordance with the membrane n�anufact�uer� wstallation instruetions for mechanic�lly �tt�ehcd or 14ose-laid and ballasted rpof s�rstems. (l�ptc: Tn loose-laid and ballasted roof s�stems, the GreenQuarc�°r Roofing Reoovery Board must be mechanically attached through the existing raof system.) , 2� 4' From: unknown Page: 7/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:51 AM „, �� ,, , � 50' dimension (bundles sra unfolded In thie direction) �, � Figure 1 T�astoning Pattern for Cre�nGuard� PH61�B6 pT�US Raofiag Recovery Boatds Installed Duectiy Under Dark-colored Roof �embrai�es in Mechar�ically Attached and Loose-r,sid �.nd Ballasred lZoof Systen�s (top vie�v, rc�r�esents onty a emall portion of �hree sdjacent GreenCnta�d'� PFi6/PB6 PL�J'S Uunc�ea are s'hown) 2' 4' B99' Figure 2�astening Pattern for GreenCuard�' PLYC�OOD pG38 Roofing Recovery Bquds Installed Di�ectly Under Dark-colored Roof Membranes in Meahanically Attached and Loose-Laid aud Ballasted ltoof Systems (top vie�) From: unknown Page: 8/57 Date: 11l15/2011 11:19:52 AM „,, ,, ,, � l�astenyng Re�uxrements for GreenGusrd� p�6/PB6 PLUS, and GreeaGuarcim PLYGOOD� �ioofing Re� covery �oar�is For Y7se xi�uder Light-Coloreci �toof lY1e�b�anes. .1� I T � � � H'/9' • • ' 4' Figure 3 QrtenC3uard� T'iYGOOD used under light-colored roof inembranes. 1 1�1 APP�OV�a T 24" � 50' � 4' F3gare A Gre�nGuardm PH6 and p�6 PT��75 used undor light-colored roof inembxanes. Pactiv's GreenCivard RooFag Recovery Board i� an �RQ� STAR yualifted producC as a part of EPA's Homo Scaling effaR. �or the most current praduct and code compfiance informatlon, go io green-gu�rd.com. \yAl�h'tiV�: Foem in9u]nuon �;�ill ignite if exposed tp fl�e of SuffiClent 6tdt and iatensity, P�•oteGi foam inn�latian from cxpasuce Io opan flanu or alhex igniti� sourc�es during shipping, strnnge, nad inatailnEion. 'Chpa producta should nat be uaed as an oxposed irtWrlor stivfdCe in buildinga whue people ean be expocted lo bo nreseat. An approved flire proteclion barriu, such na l/2" gypsum rx�aflboard or �he equivalenr, shouid ba ap�lied ba6wxn theae produc�s and qte iakrior of auch buildings. Fire and building codes shontd 6e followod, Pactiv Build�g Prodacts belicvea the;nformatian and recointneudaCions hcrein to be acwy'ate and rtliablo. �Cmwwer, since use conditions are not within its con- trol, Pactiv Buildiag Pmd�xcts does no guarantee results from pse of sud� produoW or other informAtiori hetEin und disclaim� eil llabilltq fro�n arry rcBURing daqr agc o� 1oss. NO WA1tRANTY, EXP'iLESS OR Ttr(pT,T�ri, rS G1VEN A3 70 THE MERCFTAN'TABIL.ITY, FlTN�SS �OTt pARTICU�.AR P1UitpOS6, OR OTii- +�.iZ'W(S� Wy71� RE,SPFCTTp THB PROAUCTS REI�RRED Tp. For niora infonnat{on on specffie building produce rocwmnendaROns aad timitations, conwct your Pnotiv BuildingProduaa insWalion repreacruau�e, INS7INSCM-F{OOF aroe 1-800-x4�•44Q2 wwrr.green•guard.com � ���r�� .� .. ,., �„ � � � � ,,,, ,,,, From: unknown Page: 9/57 Date: 11l15/2011 11:19:52 AM GreenGuard�-PB6 ROOFING RECOVERY BQARD QATA SHE�T � C�ree Gua� Descrlptlon: GreenGuard'�'-PB6 is sn extruded polystyrene roofing reco�very bosrd cunsisting of a foam cara with high impaer pl�stic facers on both sides. pro�er�„tv, �t��alue� (°F•ft=•hBtu} Water Vapor permeance �tate (perru) Water Absorption (max. % by'V'olun�e) Comprasslve Stxength (min. psi Q 10% Deflectian) �'ire Char$ctexfstics� Flame Spraad Smoke Y7evcloped Weight (1bs./1000 ft ) ��x�mum Recommenc�ed Use �'em�perature (°F) '7'ypic�l Physical P�roperties Test Method ASTM C 518 (@; 75°F Meaa Temgerature) ASTM E 96 (�'�rocedure A) ASTM C 272 ASTM D 1621 ASTM � 84/UL 723 SceenGuard��¢ 1.S 4.06 0.6 15 10 45 - 140 92 200 � Spccimcns are aged end teated in accordancc with Ehe FTC "R-Valuc Ttule" (16 CPR,1�art 450). a These umnerieal flame sprcad and smoke mtinga are not intcndcd to retleet hazards presented by this materiat under actual f3re canditions, (Gara only dataj. 5brage md 1�Tandllpg: Wben atored outdoors, all meterial should bep� tectod from exposvre tR dircct sunllght usin$ an opaque, light colorcd earp or tha origtnat paekaging. M�tcrial that has beea unwrappod should be oarclUlly rewrapped, Coal Tar P3tch Roof System: QreenGuard PH6 can bo insfalled dir¢eNy over exls[ing ooal tar roof systenns if tha roof has not becn tosatureicA wi�hin rhs previous 4 y�ars. (4thettvise, uso a polycthylene sepa�aCor sticct be[weer� the GrcenGuard PB6 and the exlsliug toof aystem.) in add'ition, tho ncw roof system must bo dosigicd to lunit the maxunum eoal tar tampCrpttue to 114°P tp pr+,woat volattlas f�pm escaping from the pci�tii�g s.ystam and attacking the GreanGusrcl PB6.'Y'he design temperaturo at the surtece of the GreenC�rd PBS instalted oV'er oxistin� co�l t8t pitch mof§ shall not sxcead 1d5°�' d�uing inst�llatiou or use. WARNIN("r� FoAm plastic insulaUon v�rill ignitc if oxposed to �re pPS�ifficient hest nnd intcnsity prateCt faam insulation from wcposure W opea� flsu�e or otlicr ignition sources during &l�ipmcnt, starage, and installation. Paciiv� ar�eRGuerd Roo�n,� Recaver�r aosrd is an L►1V��LGFY' STAR qualificd product as e part qf EPA"8 Fiomo 9oalin� �ffort. �� APPRpV�D DSFS-PD6 `Subject to tfie e0ndidor�s descr@ed In 9/1Q FM RepQrtJJ.2PQA6.IlM. � rmmaonnr�YaadPwer ■ � {� A+C'T' i \/ i-B00-24�,•4402 www,greea-guard.com From: unknown Page: 10/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:52 AM „. ,�� ,, � � � �reen�u�rd� PB� �re��. ROOFIN� RECOV�F�Y BaAR� u� FACT �H�EI" Packaging Information C4r��liance; See ICC-E5 Evaluation Report BSR-2i36. Undenvritera Y.aboratorics, Inc. - See ClassiFicatlon Certifioate A 184. 1tEAD THIS BE�'URE YOU BU'Y! 'W'l�at you should 1rno� about �,-values. � �'he cliai-t shows the R-�alue of t�as insulation. "It" means resistance ta heat flov�r. TI�e hig�er thc R-rralue, tlie greater the insulatuig por�re�: Compare insulation R-�ralues Uefarc �ou buy� There are othez factors to consider. The amotimt of insulation you need depends mainl�r an tlle climate you Ii�ve in. A1so, your fuel savi�lgs from insulation wi11 depend upon the climate, the typc and eize of your house, the amouu�t of insulatzun �lready in your house, anci your fue� use patterns and family size, If ypu buq too znuch iusulation, it w�ill aost you more than what you'll sa�e on fueL Ta get the rnar�Ced R-value, it is essential that tlus insuY�,t�on be installad propexly. Tf �ou do it yourself, get instructiaus. Instructio�is d4 not eonie �ith this package. ' Specimcns are agcd and tasted in accordenee With the �'C "it•'Yalue Ritle" (16 CFR, Part 460). 5torage end �tendling: When stored outdovis, all material should ba protectcd from sxposurt ta direct sunlight using an opague, lfght-eolotbd tacp or the ongm�l packag[ng. Material ihat haa bocn unwrapped shouid 6� earcfully rewrapped, Co�1Tar Pitch Rooi �"ystem: GreenCruard PB6 can 6e �stallcd diractly over �ci9bn� wal tar rooFsyat�ms iF tho mof has npt hean resaivmt�d with- in thv prevto�� 4 years. (Otherwise, nse a polyetb�+lonc seyarator sheetbetareen bha Gr�cnGuard PHb e�d thc �xist[ng maY syret�m.) In a8didoa, the ntat roof eystcm must bc dasignad to limit the max�mum coal fiar t�mperature ro F 10°F to pr�vent vofatiles from escaping irpra Iho exisHr►g system ar�d attscl�ing tho GrccnGuazd T'�6. Tlu design temperarute at tho surface of the C�'eenGuard p�6lnsteU�d ovcr �xisEmg coal tsr piroh roofa shall not ercceed 1b5°F during instatladon or use. 'WAItNIN�: Foe�u plastie insulation tivi11 ignite if exposed to firc of su�ciant heat aad in#cnsity. Protect foam insulation froni expos�uo to open fl�ne or o�her ignition sourccs during shipment, stor�gt, and ins4allation. FM 'SuhJact ta q,o aonditians dasc�96ed In A�PHQYED PMRepoItJ.1.2P0AGAM. �S�S-pgb 4110 �•S00•241•4402 wws�green-guard.00m � p+�cT�� ,, � �, ,,,, From: unknown Page; 11/57 Date: 11/15l2011 11:19:53 AM .�., „ �,,,, ,.�, �,.. ,. 10/2008 s��crRrcArtoM� o�sa�i.� � o�aa�.z pENF�C� 7P0 MECF�ANICAE�Y A1TA4HED 3Y�TEMS (5lN�I�� WELD $� DWAL W�LD SEqMS) �Anel'al 1.01 pescription ........................................ g ................................................................................... 7.U� 4uali Assu�anc ...................................... �,...1 �Y � ............................................................................................. i.0� �ubmitials, ... ............... ............................. .. � 7.�4 Produ�t D.eiive .ry,��orase, end Handli�9 :.............. .................. ................... ................... ................. .........'I 2 1.05 .�06 Conditlons (Cautlon's ar�d Warnings) .. .............:.. ................ .................... .................................... ...........� 1.06 Warran ..................................................... ........ -- ....�-� ......... .............................. ^� 1.0� Cades . ......................................................................................................................................... ............... ........................................................................................................... ... 1.09 A��eptabia �trwet�ral I�aaf Deelis..,. .....................................................................� ............................................................................................. ............... '1'.09 A¢ceptabl� Roof ii.ystem :�ubstrates, "" °'• "• ............................................................................................... 7=8 1.1�D A�¢e ta6)e Gan�lex ..........�....... p �sstonmrs ..................................................................... ............. 1.1f Wood Nai e �•--... ........................................8 i rs .............................. ............ ....................................... .................. ................. ................ ............. .10 Rraduats a.01 Qeneral ....................... ........................................................................................................... �.02 M�mbran ..........................................0 e ............ .......................................... �.o� aolated M t � ' ........................................................................................ .._i0 a enal .................... � ....................................................... ..... � 0-11 Ina�allation �.01 �ubstrate �ritarla� .......................... .................................................................................. ........,... 3.02 �3ubstrate . ....... ........................_ 1 �reparatton ............................................ ..1� ............................................................................................. 3,0� Insulation A (ication ����- pp � � ........................................................................................................ 11-1� 3.04 lnsulatlon Secur�rhenk �'°--'�""""�"������••°°°°� ................................................................................. ............_ ........?2-1� 3.Ob Membran pp ......... ......................... � k1 lication ....................................... ..19 �.p6 Mem6raneAttacfitnent and �eaming Procedures.....� ............................. ................ ................. ..........9�-15 ............................................................................... 3. 7 perlm�ter �nd 8ase Membrane Attachment; ....i8 3.08 �lasliln8s ............................................................................. ................. ... ..................................................................... 3.08 Walkways .............................................................................. .......'� �-1 a ........ .............................................................................................................................. 3.90 �inished ..........................................8 Roof Protectiorl ....................................... ............ ...19 �System 3pe�ifiC 3Upplem8ntal Det�ils.,.......... .....,�d 26 �or current information and promotional literafur� refer ta; www.gen�ex.com TPO Mec�anicallyAttached ��eci�c�tion From: unknown Page: 13/57 Date: 11/1512011 11:19:53 AM ., �� ,, ,.�.. �.� ..��, �„�,,,,, ,� 3PEElFICATION3 0�541.7 & 07�44.� OEN�LE� TPO ME6MANI�A�LY A'FTA�MED SYSTEM* (�1Nt�1.� WRLU � QtJAL W@LD ,�AM�) PART 1— C��1NBI�AI, 7.01 p@�CRI�i`ION A. GenFlex �too.fing �ystems re�ommends tfie use of a d�sign professional to aSSUre correct rool design for lf�e roofing prnject, to address any non�taAdard eonditions on the projest, and to ehsure compfian�e with applicable 6uilding cod�s. B. 6enFlax spe�ffic�ations are d�signad to detall tlie minlmum requlrements to obtain a��nFiex werr�enty on a rao�ng prcj:e�t. �'our rootng pr�J��t may have addikionat requ}rements spell�d o�t in tFie eontracE doEUme�s above �nd �e.yond the �eM�l�x reqwirem�nts dua ta applicabfe� bullding cod�s or design ehar�cte�i6tics sp+aciBed bX the proje�.E dQSigne.r. C. 1�� t�enFlsx �toofr�� �.ystems TPO Meohanloaliy Attached �.ys#em {innor-�eam secwrem�nt configuration) ulilizeGs G�nFl.ex TP membrane appiled over s�en�l�x approved insulation or siruetur�l sub8irate �nd anch�red io 1he slructural deck in eccordane� w�h �enRlex 1'PQ Meahaniaally Attaehed �ystem design requirements, D, One �enFlex Roofing �ystems authorized applicato� sha11 perForm fpaf applleatfon �nd rel�ted work. A sinale Timt is required so that there Is undividsd responsibility fqr the pe�formance of the Eompleted rooting system, Reter to the ��nFl9x web site to rev[aw any applisable feshnicsl u�dates, E. Furnish end instail the �enFlex Mec3�anically Aifached Roofing �ystem In strict accordanca with drawings and speaifications appro�ed tiy ��nFlex Roofing �ystems. F. Related Worl� The woric insludes, but is not necessarlfy limited to, the instaAation of: 'I. Vapor Retarders (whare required) 9. UVood Nailer �.. GenF[ex Insulation 'l0. GehFlex Walkway Pads 3. Cen�ast BarAnchors '11, Gen�lexAppro�ed �ealant� 4_ GenFlex Pol.yester Felt IJnderlayment 1�, �en�lexAdhesives 5. CenFast �asten¢rs 4�. �en�lex Metal Edginy &�oping perAN�51 /31'i�l 8. Gen�lex Roof Membrahe �,�-1 (as requiredj 7. GertFlex �lashing 1�. AI� metalwark to be fastened per Shest Metal & Air 8. CenFlex Metal Ftasitrng Gonditioning Cohttac#ors National AssocYsiion (�uMACNA) stahdatda. �.02 QUA�ITYAS��URANCE A, Th� roofng system must be install�d by an authorized GenFlax f�oofing 6j/stems apPltcator for the prvjeef to ba eligibla to receive a manufaetuter's s.ystem warranfy. B. There sh�ll �e ne deviatlon made from thls speelfication or the d�tail drawin�a withootwritten approva! from Oen�lex F�oo�ng 9.yst�ms lour�een {14) days prPor to the sta�t of the roofing proJect. C. Upon campletion of the fnstallation, an inspeetidn shall be condueted by a'I'�chnlcaf Representative of GenFiex Ffo�fing �yster�s ko sscertain ihat the roofing system has been Installed accordin� to C�enFlex Roo�ng �.ysfems most eurrent publish�d specificaiions and detai�s. 7his Insp�e'tion ls not Intended to b� 2� final inspeetion for the ben�fit of th� own�r. It is ior the benefit of GcnFlex Roofing 9ystems to determine whether e warranty can be ISSwed. D. it ts tha rQOfing applicator's r�sponsibflity to adhere to all applica6le local and natiqnal building codes for roofing system Irlstaltatlon requlrements and Iimitations In hlsmer �eo�raphicai area, E. For spec�ic codo and fssting agenc.y approvafs achleved by G�n�l�x Roofing Systems, ref�r to the agency's publisFied listfngs or call the QenFi�x �uo�ng �.ystBms Techr�ica) �op�rtmer�. 1.03 �UBMITTAl:F� A. �ubmit a Pre�ob �urvey form to the G�nFl�x Roofing �ystems Technical bepartment far approva) PRIOf� to the Job start. Thia onables Ih0 Te�hnical Dep�rtm�nt to approv� the infended aasembl.y and aasign a job oum6er to the pru]ect. °Thls submittal may In�fud�a devlat(on request forms or pullout test results, depending on the proiJect er�torla. �'or current Information and promotiana! literatu�e refer tv: www.9�nflex,com TPO MecMenical�y,�ttached 8pec�cation From: unknown Page: 14/57 Date: 11/15f2011 11:19:54 AM ,. , , ��.. � �� �r�r� �J� LV i I � I V I���� B. C. Q 1. The pre-Job �urvay MU�T ba flled out complately and sccurat�ty to include ��.y prior devlations approVed frem thls speeification. �. TI1e pre-Job 5wrvey must have e roof drawing or shcp drawin9 attachad for the projoet to he essigned � job number. 7he roort drawing r�usk sfiow: a) the dim�nsfons of the roof s.ystern bein� submitted for warranty Eoverage, b) the location of all �urbs Instailed during fn�ial application, s) tl�e rype ar�+d thickn�ss of in$ulatlon used in each area, d) tlie pen�tration count by either plotting dr lisling the penetrations instalted during fhe initlal appifcatfon broken down into 1he various eategories, r.g, pipes, drain�, pvurable sealer poekets, ete. This information is required �n brder lo prote�t 6oth Gen�fex Rooling �ystems and the (�sfalNng confraa,tpr from additiona! lipbility for alterations p�rFormed � the rqqf s.yst�m without GenFlex's kr�owiedge or involvernent. The %chnieal Department request� a ssparate rvai drawing for eao� rovf assembfy tXpe Pnstalted on a prc�eek �or example, a proJe�t consisting oi an edher�d �nd a ballasted s.ystem would require iwo separafe raof plans. lf the iwo differant assemblie�s sre on the same buildi�g, please indieate their proxlmiry to one ancther on the roof plans for re�erenee purpos�s. When materiel 8� workmansh�p ar full systems warrantles are desired, GenFl�x aocfins �.ystems MU�T receive �he Pfe-Job �u�'vey or be contacted PRIOR to prQject bid and install�tion_ Additio�al infarmation me�y b.o requir�d fo� the wind design of the s.ystem. � tJpbn c�mpteiion pf th� proJect, the rooflng contractor shall notify GenFlcx Roofing ��r5tema' oi the date of eomp(etion, arid request a final inspecifon. Upon Eompletion of th� roaf insp�ction by GenFleac Technical �ervices Department, satisiactory eompletion of any punch list items, and recefpt of epplicable warranty te�s, the warranty m�y be Issued to the fnstalling eontraetor. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STQI�A�a� AND HANDLIN(� A. Deliver materiar$ in orfginal, unopened contafners. 8. Gontatners shall be labeled with manufacfurer's product name and general in�armation. C. AI! mat�rlats, exvluding the m�mbrane, shoufd b� stored beiwcen 60 °F E16 °C) and 80 °� (�� °G). IFinaterials are exposed io IQwer temperatures, restore mater�al to BO °� {78 °G.) mPnimum temperalure be�ore using. D, �tore alf materials, tncluding mem8rane, In a dty, protected area. Damaged materials muat not be usad. lnstalled materiafs found to be damaged shall be replaced at corttractor's expense. �. F'rotect the membrane irom abusa or dama�e during storag�. F, prote�t alt stored materials from �nc�ement weather by eoverfng with breathable tarpaulins until ready to Install. Anchor ar weigh down ihe weather pratectian properly to prevent wind-related damago. G. Improparly storsd insu(afion th�t has been allow�d fo get wet $hall not be used in a warranted roof system and shall �e repfaced at the contr�ctor's ex�ensa. ln cases whera the wet insulatlon is Isolated to oniy s few boards per bundle, only those boards that have been wet must be replaced. �aifwre t4 replace insulation boards I�at have been exposed to moisfure Ean result In bowing or curiing of the insulation because the material may dry unevenly whfle in the roof syst�m. This may adversely aifect the dimensional stability of th� inswlaRion material. In either case, the removal and replacement of the aff�cted insuiation shall be th� responsibility of ihe insta}fing contractor as a punch list item or under their iwo-year obligation if discovered after the Inftl�f Inspection but within tweniy-fQUr (��#) months vf approv�d frn�i inspeetion by QenFlex. H. Ke�p lnsulatlon larped and protected from moisture until ready for fnstallatian. DO N(�T INgTALL MOR� INSULATION THAIV �AN �� Fi00FED OVLf� !N TW� SAME WQRKDAY. 9.0� JOB CONDITI�NS (CAUTIONS ANb WARNINCS) NOY�: pt�lor #c the use of eny GenFlex Roofing Systems product, consuit Material Safety Data �heets for applic�bls sautions and warnings. A. Do not use oil or bituminous base raoicement with �en�lex materials. �. Do not� instalf Gen�lex mambrane direetly In eantact with naw or resaturated asphalf. C. Po no't expvse membrana or accessories to t�mperaturea of 180 °F (8� °C) or abo�e. D. po not allow waste products, such as petroteurn grease, oil, or solvents, oF direct steam venEing to �oma ir� contac� with the �enFlex ►aoFing system. Any expo�ures not typical for norma) roafing installatiar� must be pFesent�d to �enFlex Roofing $ystems Por assessrnent o� any (mpact on Ihe perforrr�ance ot the roofins s.yst�. �. Qo not instell c��nFlex membnarle dirscliy in contact wlth coal tar raoi sui�ace�. �. When using an irtsul�tion Jundeliaym�nf �ttachmenl method othe� than m+9chaniCal s�CUrementwith GenFlex fasten�rs of an approved type, size and (engEh, thera may be addilional factors lo take lnto eonsideratiar�, �or current information and promotional literature refer to: www.genflex.com TPp M�chanfcally Atfached �pecificatian From: unknown Page: 15/57 Date: 11J1512011 11:19:54 AM ,. ,, �� ,, , 7he primary isswes to ¢onsider in�luda: 1. Tfie Products Involved and the perForman¢e of aspiialt attaehment or Ins,�lativn adhesi�e by others will not be In�luded ?n the c3on�lex system warranty coverage becauss the.y are products aupplfed b.y others. Ssparate warranty caveFage may� be availablE from fhe manufaEtureF of the product befing use�, but it is separate from the �enFle� warr�anry �ov�rage and may be pursuod tiy the installing �ontr�Etor or property vwnar. , �. �or insulation / underlayment attachmenZ rnethods other than Ioose Iaid for batlasted systems an� rn�ch�nfc�lly ancho�ed to ��nl�le� s�ecM�C�twn fior acfhated and m�Ghaniealiy altaohed Systems, the maximum allowed board sIz@ IS 4' �c 4' {1.�3 m ac 1.�� rn). 3. When using in5.ufaE(on adh�sive, verify that the approved subat�aEe has not b�.en altere.d by eoatin��, ssatants, ar edditives. NOT�: Unless th� Gen�lex Tecfinical bapartment provides wri�ten approval of ap.ecl�c products and l or applicaiions prior to the start of a rooting projeet, alteration of tHe bandinQ subs3rate (�.g. applicaticn �1' prlme�g �nd / or sealanfs, ets.} vvids werranty r3ov�er�ge fqr ths lnaul�lion aitachmenl. �. Da not tear off more roo! than �an be eovered tfie sam� worl�day. H. Do not install more roofPng Fnsulativ� than ¢an be roofed over and sealad tM� sar�e workday. I. Do not phase rovfing installstlon. Gomplete all details d�ily, ahd instal{ nlgMt seals as required io �nsure the Instalted roofing co�pon@nts are prote�ted irom moisture. J. Periorm dally quality contrp) shecks vf instslled seams �nd details, pnd sorr�ct eny identificd d�ticlencies each and Qvery w6rkday io prevent moistur� irom entering ti�e roof systam. K. Colti weather appllcation of GEn�lex 8dhesives and sealants requires sp��lal Gonsideratloh. As speeKed In the Pr.oduct pelive .ry, 6torage and H�ndling section abovE, the GenFlex roofing edhesives, soiv�nts, c�ulks and sealents must be storEd at senrise temper�tures rang�ng from �0 °� (16 °C) to 80 °� (�7 °C) prior to use. If a room temRereture storage environment is not avallable, the t�onFlex products must b� restored to serviceable tempe�aturas before appiication b�r aitern�lte means, sush as hGt boxes of p2�ll Watmers, and rotated as required to maintain a servlcsabl� irtsf�ltation t�mperature throuqhouk tho ap�stication pracess. 2. Du�ng periods of high humidity, espeeially at coofer temperatures, eendensation may form on the surface of the adhesives and pr{mer. This is referred to as `blushfng " It occurs when the dew point (s near the ambient autside temper�ture and is ¢aused b�r the �vaporaticn caoliny process inhe�ent (n the flashing af solvents. �lushing is more Rrevalent on foggy or overcast d�ys. ONGE gLUSHING ��I�iNS, WORK MUS7 8E �TOPp�b UNTiL CONUITfONS IMpROVE. During coid weaiher, woric in smaller areas, allow longor flash-off times, �nd limit appllcation of solv�nt-based adhesives and seatants to the warmest hours of the work perlod possible. �. Solvent-based adhaslv�s tend to surface-ftash during coid weafher, forming an outer skin on the surface betore the entire adhsstve layer has had sufflcient time to flash-off. To correct the applicatlon conditlon whan this occura, �11ow the adhesive tayer to �lash-off properiy. To dete�rnine if the applled adhesive has surFace-flashed, conduct a"push" test oF the prepared surPace by touehtn� it�e adhoglve frlm with your finger (away irem any seam edges), and push to see if your flnger slidos through any un-4ashed adhesive. If a surfac.� skin candition is IdentiFied, ailow axtra time for the adhestve film tv properiy flash- off before retesting, in extreme eases �f surface curing, ft may 6e necessary to allaw the adhesive film to eure completely over�llglt! a11d to star� pve[ w11en better wotking �ontlitions exist. Adhering two surface5 Ehat fiave suffered surface curing of the adhesive will result tn 611sters and bubbl�s in t�e mambrane application, caused by Fhe t�apped solvent Irom the uncur�d adh�sive. 4. Under no Eircumstances sMould laying of inembrana, or appfieation vf adhesives, primers, or caullcs take plaCe during peripds of any form of pr6�clpltation. k. Cold weather applic�tion of �en�lex TPa merr�br�ttos requiF�s special consideration. 1. Thermoplastic membrane rocfs are assembled w(th hot �irwelded seams, using electrlc powered hot air welders. Cold weather applica'tions req�,ire extra attenfEon to ambient eonditfona because t�uQtuationa in temperature and wlnd can adversel� a�ect the weldin9 parameters eslabllsfled at tlie� Beginning of tt�e workday. �. During a cofd weat�er appllcatlon, it is impo�tant to reest�blish weldfng parametars after every break in �iot air wafdi�g, e.g, IunCh, at the 6eQinnl�g of racfi workday, etc, Conduct a welding test an soma acrap membrana, and set up the wetdfng equipmant �orrBOtiy for tMe surrent eonditions. Far c�rrrent Information �nd Promotional literature reler to: www.genflex.com 7P0 Mechanically Atf�ched �pecitfcatlor� From: unknown Page: 16l57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:54 AM . � j ,, � �.os w�aR�►M�nr t�en�fex �toofing �.ystems offers s�veral leveis of warranty ceverage on rboflng systems instalfed usin� GenFle� brand pro.duvts. A�ailable soverage ranges from m�mbrana onl.y warr�ntf�s to ful[ s.ystem materfal and labor warrantiee. �ull system warranties in�lude Eav�r�g�a (or AEL C3en�l�x brand m�tetl�Is us9d in � 11ew roof �SSembl�l and the Wprkm#�nship used ta instell th� �en�t�x products. The level oi warranty covarag� s�wghf on the projeeE is indieated by fhe 'installing EonlractQr an th� Pre-Job ��urv�.y form submitted during th� praJect regisfraticn praeess. The proJe¢k• reglstration intonnatian swbmittod by the ¢ontractor is then validated against the requiremants tpr the type and len�ih of warranty sousht during the proj�ct revlew prccess beiore � Job number is issued 4n a ProJect. Listed 6�fow are some of lhose requirerner�fs for eonsiderafion. Addition�l syst9m speciflC and WB�nty speoiffc reyuiremenks apply and are suaj�at to ehange at any time through tMe teotinieal upQate bulletin notifiEation process. Rev'rew the latesi technl�al updates on tlie GenFlex web site for t�ie most current Intormation_ �ecause eaeh warranty type and term �arries sp.ec�c req.uirements, requests firom tha Installing �ontwactor and 1 or ptoperiy owner to change the warranty type or ferm after inscall�tPon may or may not be hanared, deponding on thm aetual instalfed roofing assamlb�r and components. A. A proJEaE is eligible for warranty coverage la.y �enFlex Roofing �ystems, including workmanstiip far those materia45 supplied b.y �enFlex F�oofing 3.ystems, when the profe.et fs completed acc�rd9ng to the most surrent GenFlex specification by a GenFlex RooFng �y�tems authariz�d appllcator. �uh-contracting Installation labor to e non G�nFlex authori�ed contractor without GenFlex's e�plicit wrltt�n authorizatlon renders the roofing pr�ject non-warrantabl�. If a pra]eet is rendered non-warrantable due to �on-authorized installation labor a membrane only warranty will be lsswgd fnst�ad of the requested sysiem or labvr and 'materlal wartanly. ' B, When a Fuil system warranty or a w�rrt�nty that exceeds ten y�ars of eoverag� fs specified for e project, a complete tear-off to the skructural d�ek Is raqulred. On a devlailon basis, subJ�ct to G�nFlex reYew and aeEeptance, an independent moisture surve.y may ba submitted instead of a tear•of�. For a molsture surv�y to be ca�sidered, the survey must liave documented core cuts with findings fuliy sp�clfled. All w�t Insulation identified dUring ihe core eut process must be removed priar io reroofing and replaced wlth an acceptabt� nEw material. GenFlex's acceptance oi th� moisture survey does not Indicate the Insulation Is suitabfe for recover, and C��nFlex does not accept any liabili .ty for tha performane� aF the existing insulation. Any existfng insulation lefk in place and recovered fs expressly excluded from warranty coverage and remains ihe responsibility of the bullding cwner. C. Upon approved fnspectlon of the completed insta(lation by a Oen�tex Roofing �yst�ms Teehnlcal Representative and receipt of the approp�ate warranty fees, a warranty m�y ba issued to th� Inate{ting C.Ontractor. p. The workmanship warranty Is avai(abla tor rcofing systems Installed on cammerclal, Industrial, or Institutional buitdings onfy and Is not availa�le for sing}e family residences, walkin� decks, t�rraces, pattos or areas aubjected to canditlons not typically found on roafing systems. �_ The warranty perlod Is expressed on the warraniy certiffcate, which reflects tha Inclusive dat�s of sov�rage. F. OenFlax Insufation and tasteners are required on all full system warranted praj�cts and or� pr�jects with warranty terms greater than ten years. G. If lhe met�lwork ott a proJect i� specified by the designer to be inc(uded in a full system warranty, wse 6�nFi�x brand edge metal and Eoping products. Contaetyour �ales Agent for Infarmation, M. If a►"c��ts) fle,shing product by others is submilted via a deviation requESt for inelusion in the w�rranty coverage, the following are minir�um requtremer�ts for conslderat�on: 1. 'f'lie metalworlt must bc shop or facto .ry formed or extruded. �, The metalwork must be configured and Insfallad In accordance wfth BMA�NA guidelines snd NRCA instaliatior+ fnstructlons. 3. Mirrimum repuirements regarding metatwork material are, �4 ga (0.61 mm) Q-90 Kynar prs-flniahed sfeel or O.U40" (1.02 mm) alutninum (mill finished, pre-finished ar anod¢ed). 4_ � deviation request for metalwork tncluston In warranry sov�rage musE Ac�omp�ny the Prs-Job �urvey form submitted by the Instailing �ontracEor. "s. The devlation request must include shop drawln8s of the metaJwork tv be includQd and a root plan showing the installed locatio�► end ifnear dfine�sion for each proflle, Fvr current inforr�aiior� and Promotional literature l�efer to: www.genfl�x.GOm TPO Meehanica[ty Attached �pecification 1. J. K. From: unknown Page: 17/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:55 AM 6. �hould the deviation requESt be granted, Ehe installing cuntractor will be ��spcnsible to �en�isx Roofing �ystems for materiais and installatlon labor perPv�mance for a perlod of two-years from lh� date of tha 2�pproved final insP�r�ion by Gort�l�x under their install�rs �greement, NOi'Es The approval of inetalwork For fielusion in warranty eoveraga is eondRlonat upon acc�ptance by �enFtex Roof,ng Systema, and, if �pproved, is subJect to ths'terms, �onditlons atid Iimitatle►ns' cf the r�quested warra�ty. Under nv cireumstance will any warranty �oversge for matalwork exceed the wind spe.�d Ilmftation of the w�rranty issu�'d fcr the roof systsm. Aestheti¢ appear�nce Is express�y exe(uded iPOm warranty �overage. Meialwork b.y othgrs is NOT permitted on proJ�ots warrantad for wlnd speeds o� QO mph (144.64 km/h) or higher. Go,nlact GenFlex Roofing 6.ystems for �dditional warranty inf�rmation. When it is anticlpated that �enFlex membr�nes will be expos�d to animai fats, petrolewm gr�ase or vlher grease products, th� owner or owner's �epresentative is te8pensible for spe.cifyi�,g �hat ��aCrlficlal aheet, sand frap, or grease trap type eonta�nment praduct must be ussd to proteot tMe waterproofing roof niembrane. It shall be the owner's responsibility to expose the membrane In lhe event that waFran�y service % required when acsess is impaired. �uch impairment Eould Includa, but is not limiled t4: 1. Deslgn ieatures, such as window washer systems, which require tha instaliation of traffic surface units in excess of BU Ib �36.�8 kg) per unit. �. Any equipment, ornamentatian, building service units, or other rooftop 6uriacing materfals whiEh ere nvt definod as part of the raofing system. 3, Rooftop equPpment that doe$ not provide ��n�l�x with r�asonable accass to the membran� system for purpose5 of Warranfy InVestigation and related repafrs. 4. �tanding water, snow, IcE, or other materials unrelafed to the root syskem. L, Warranty coverage Is limited to the maximum wind �peed indicated on the wa�ranty document as measur�d �U' {9.14 m) above �round level and does not cover damage that resuits irom failure oF other tiuilding components, suCh as distodged mef8lvuork, Wood nailers, rooftop units, or other materials not Included in ihe t�en�lex warranry cov�rage. �.or cones A. Gen�l�x I�oofin� 5ystems has sucsessfully tested Its systems at UL and �actory Mutua) testlhg facilities in order to qualify for speciflc eodes and ratings used by designsrs tn the apeci�ication of the varloua rooflng s.ystems. B. This testing is conducted 1n strict accor�ance wiih the Indust�► r�cqgnized standardizad testing procedures established and managed by each organization. The purpose of testing assemblies and materials is to evaluate p�rForm�nce capability for each indiv[dual componen� of the roofing system, as well as the performance of the combined assembly. C. Because codes and ratings, are routinely updated and re�ised, � Is important to consult wlth a�enFlex Teehnical Advisor or �ales Agent before quoting a project requiring compl9ance to a specific code rating. Please visit wWw.ganflex.com for ihe most current published list af code ratings. D. It is the conlfactor's rasponslbiliky to ensure complian�e with dssigner spocified code requlrements on a project. Gen�lex Rooflng �ystems daes not inspect for edmp(iance t4 coda required enhaneements to roof systems. For curront infannatlon and promotional literature refer to� www,gen��x.com 1'f�0 Mechanically AtfacMed 9peciflcakion From: unknown Page: 18l57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:55 AM 9.08 ACE6PTABi.� SfiRUCTURAL ROOF Q�CK� ,.�, ,�.. „ ,,, �enFle�c �oofing �y�stems has cornpiled a list of tfte rnost eommon deck types found in the cor�struetion reld. �er�Fl�x Rooting �.yst�ms strongf.y recommends that� yow raview its r�quiremer�ts and reat�iotiQns PR[OR #o eaeh rooMg projeCi. F�e1`er to the foll�wing t2ble. TAgt,H 1 �OS �•�. i �n;..a: � : ti,.:.r. ....s..:r'4:r� ::.R � :.r�4 w w"• .. . ., . . rr�l:,�, ,; .p. e�, . nQ`�;.:� 'u^y., rv v�,.� ..:^. + .e"t, f,: >• d•' •!^.;r','fi�,"�4 � ' � • 1+�!�1�i c�� ���,�,� � �, ' sT " . , ..�. ; �>��. �.:� :_� ���. .�,�. :w�r:e+�...s:i•:�,,:on;t�;i.R:' ti.���.'wt'.y' ��:•r:•.. �.,+.w`�'v:A!!:�:�' � a�� . E4aPl�:&.it'.i� , � ., .':r.!•�,..n•.l•^•f.;. .!f... ,�.�.., .,rn„��;nr•M , , .h. "�`•�:•'� �`: %A., i:�' S t�;'r,.;:.qe� 1�'i�S•�•&�r:ii:" �'�u �4 - 2$ ga (0.61 �m - 0.38 Inm) requfrea submla�ion of Steel D�s)� �a gauge (0.78 mm) min. Ruflout t�st results to date�rnPna acr�ptabllity (less than tiB �.a (0.38 mrr��. n.�F 8c+�� , tabbj. � Ii usfng insula�ion adhe.stve io bvr�d to ih� Eor�cret�, th� �lructurat Conerete �000 psi (�0.68 MP�) min. eoncrete must �ot tie aealed, coated or contalh addifives ,��e,, . curin a�el�rants .without a proval !rom GenFiex. �equires subrni'ssion of �ullout test results to deter�nina �Lamber 3/4° (�9.OS mm) mtn. ac��pta6ilil.y. Re�er to pullawt teat requl�emer�s in �astaner t�bfe �I.�b, Niust �sA�Aapproved•mat�rial a�d be fastened wlth serews Riywood 1�/32° (11.91 mm) min. to the suppoHln� struoture. Require.s subm(ssion of pullout Cest results to de,termin� ace�eptability. Reter to pu}lout test . re , uir�ments in taste�er [ab,�e 1.10. Must �aAPA epproved material and be fastened with screv►� OSB 7h6a (11.�11 mm) min. �o the supporting structur6. R�quires submPssion of puliout test results to determine �Ceeptablllty. Refer to puilouf test ,re�ulr�m�anta In fastensrtab.fe 1.1U. Us� cautio� If drilling in concret� plank ta avoid spalling. Concrete Ptank 2° (�0.80 mm) min. Raqulres submissfo� of pullout test results to detsrmine aec�ptability, Ftefer lo pullout test requirements in fastEner �aktl� 1.10. Cementitlous Wood R�quires SWbmission of pullout test �sulta to determine Fiber �a a�cepta6ility.�Referto puflout Cest �qufr'ements in fastener t2�b1� 1,1U. Requires submissivn of pulbut test resulfs to determine Gypsum �eck Poured In place qr plank acc�plability. RePer to pullout t�st requiremenls in fasten�r Eable 1,10. Requfres subrr�ission of Rulloat test resuRs to determin� aeceptability. Refer to putlaut test requiremerrt� In Cast�nor Lightwelght Concrete n/a table 1.1b. When usod as a substrate for an adher�ii or meoh.antEafly attaohed system, securement ntust be made though the IfgMweight eoncrete and into the sttuctur�al depk, 6 For current informatEan and Promottonal litQratur� refer to: www genB�x.com TP4 Machanically Aftached �peci�caEian From: unknown Page: 19/57 Date: 11/1512011 11:19:56 AM ,�., ,.� �„ � � � � ,,, ,.�, � �„ „ �. 1.08 AC�@PTABL�S ROOF SYST�M �UB9TRATE� An acc�pta6le.swbstrate will provltla a smooth surtase capaiole of fully supp.ortin� a�enFlex roof assemb(y and an�i�ipated rvof loads. Wheri used to supp.ort an adhered roof sy�stem with eith�r meehan5cal(y attaefied or bonded fnsuration to the deeli, the aeeeptabla tnsulation substrate must also possess suFficient st�uaturaf fntegrity to s�¢ura the roofing membran� to tha structure wMen the membrane is b.ond�d tc it. 7harmal value to !he roort as:embly, wMer� applieable, must also bo considered when choosing an insul�tio� substrate. When Insulation Is used as a roof subsFrate, the Insulation must be �ap.abl� of being supported by the struGtu�al deelc. For ex�mpf�, a tXpibal st�sl da�ic wdr�ld not suppor� woad fiber aione b�t would supPort an isaoyanurate insulekion board v�ith a w4od fiber ova�lay. A suit2�bi�a subSkrate can be an existir�g roof surfaee, a structural deck, or Insulation as detailed In the following table, TABLE 1.09A .��.,,;. . .�: ,.,: . • �:�:��:,�.• �:: �r;.;;:��: � ��,.<�..� � :;�: , .� . .. . y:•. . , . „t.: y„� ,��%��. l�i���T��: .;•Y+3eti..:kL.t�..tt:,:§�i.' ,.'T.:.MiP:;r%,i:;st'r.:�;f{a'f,b'S::•,M •w•r .i3�1.. r� �.�:',�.'•• -,•e.<.t��t;:�.R�:.�G:�•�.6'M'�T�.;y^;;ar;e,{.', ,•d •Ffi,�y,e.;?^>-wt.��.,y,�.,�..w•v .,.y. ,�y.,�•.,,>...r:•�.,;�;,.,.a�;�,,��,7+���y..�.;•,�y:,•�., .;:�.,4,r•i,,:,;•�r; .r„�;�<; � a �j�;$ 'bs ra � � � ��►l���ll�s 9��:� ��. b �,��t Sl�±�.�.�'lIl.;��!4���� ' J , 'S � . . � -•,� . _ . „. • n..`:.:...'. r..�m:• .• • •.::. i•.i.`nY.� •ri . A.t�..:.i43.l.A'.' .i.� 5 �:1: �t 4: W �.If. • �h : ••l� • GenRlex roolsvbtems mav be I�swtea mresuy overpvwood, provwed+hs aubsu��e Istree of vonWminauon, shoro adoe:, and plyvrood or prolnnrons. wbod planK daks rcqu�r� an approved minfmum Ihlcknes� N�sdaGon boart. 7na bondable subsltils, wheu�er . WOdd Pla�k Oacks p�yiwood or minlmum Ihl�knabs inauleGoh, muat hava any vvld� preslar tl�an 1I;' (8.35 mmj betwaen penele Aled wNh a iullilbiC f�i�101i�l 10 MONdq a smoot�7, boqdabia su�faca, HR�e�O plyW�d M uSOd aa A dltpG {ubg,UAM, U10 p1yW04d ih041d b0 aEteched lo lhe ilruclural SGpjMrf wklh SGYE�rdypE Fi�StMSrS, nstead of ha�7iry, to prevanl damapa eaused by laslsnsr back-out as U+e el�ueture movea due to eMpension i confreelion and sattllnp. Uamasa eau�ed dy buNd��g movement le sroeiudad frem wartanty wverope. . Steel ae�k M Approved minlmum �hkakneae IneulaVon 6oerd muet ba used, ineulatlon ahaA be mechanlcatly f�s�ened wt�h eppro�W (�Z eiauge (0�76 mm) min.j rastcnera �ind Piaoes. conu�c� cenFiex ror aitemauve methods a �nacn �naulaUon �o nieta� aecacs. An Approved minlmum �hk;kneas Inaulaunn ba�d Is requlred, InsulnUon can be mechankally Msuned wllh �ppnoplale &t�utlu�l COnCrotO fas[enera end plalea of faatancd usinp allemadva fialhods of inaula6vn securemsnt 6enKlaX i�wlation adhsalvs k epprowd or t3onere�e plank bP �eculemenlwhen eyalem epecfficalione esll for atlecfimant, provldqd Ihe deaJC haa nol been ei►ered by ooatm9�� �esianta, ot w�fng acxEletants. Asphall anachmont Is accepled M aome cases Ior hsulation sewrement but is not wverod by 1hv 6enFlez warreNy. Llghtwalght Conerote, ��h[WCiyht Gonuelm, cemen�aous wooa noer, antl pypaum doGta mval be over[ald wilh a minimum Ihkknou layar oF approved Ineulatlan aeeured direcBy inlo ihe fiphhveight deck, provlded eateplaWe puAouivelvea era echieved wllh a OenFaal Cem�ntltlous Waod �Iber �e fasitner rnd Inwt�pon ple�e. NtemaUve meihads o� Ir�ulaqon securoment Mdude sewimg �he Insulallon Ihrouyn 41' �1j�Uill p�o ��ghtwaighl wnclate diractly to the slivahlYal dack or inslallinp a mechaniee�y aNeched baae eheet and moppinp-In Ihe insutatlon. Inauletlon mey atso be aHached !o cemenlftloua woad fiber deaka Wlth 6en�lex htsula�on adhsehrp, 6xl9ting Q1dV9) Sp1idC@ NI lonee prevel musl be removed orlevefed lo enaure a relelively Aet aubetrate. M approvad minfmum 1h�eluteae InauleUoq 8UR and Coa( Tar Pltch boara Is rcquired and mus� oompN wl�h syslem requMemems for the roa aasembly baing Insialletl. Far adhsrod systems, Ine exlsUn6 smoolh surfaa �UR must be oved�[d wiin � minimum th[ckness approved insutation Smooth 9urtace BUR acoeplabla tor use wilh adhared 6ys[elns and seared in ec¢ordance wilh Ehe QenFlax publiehed festenfnp requlremenle for pr Modffy APPISBS �ny pNen fnwlauon qpe. Fer ei other GenFlex TPp rydle�ne, me membrane may be ansched elrccqy ovx smoolh surrace Roof Sy6t@m BUR without A separatar sheet a k�sulaUon poarA, prolAOed no treah bituminoua roof ament ar e�aphalt baso produeis haw been uead on BUR audass or wGl come in oonlecf wflh Ihe rooBnp mem6rene. When Ihe sond(Uon of s�moolh Qudecad BUR or modlfled 611uman reof p�oven�s thB use o( tl+e aodsU�4 roof ss � dlfe�t substrale for e� 7P0 roof system, A�enFlex sepnrolor sheel may be used b amooth 1he 6UR or modified bfNmeb sur(oee b an eaeeptaMa IeYel. Please consull lha GthFlax7eohnical Deparlmenl reger�in� 6uilab�ily of using e separa[or shwk Tnslead oilnsulapon. In reTOef Nh�etlons thst InveNe leaving Ihe adatlnp r1�le�ply mem6rane �n �i��, ►he sXf�Ung membnne must d► wt Inl� ��g��8 s�n9�PN 70' x 10' (9.0� m x S,A6 rr� pTeras and overlaitl w[q� an aaeptable �pid InsulaGOn board b iadate U�e new 6enFfax sinylm�pry Membrans Koois —A11 root ayatem Irom Ihe oripfial roof inefibtane. The riyid boerd lype and mechenical aeauremenl o► Ihe Inautetinn mue! �amply �Pe6 W�lq the steuremant nqulromenta of Ihe new {oof eyefem beTng MsWted, i�IsUng 5fngle•Ply �� reraof ailuaqene Ihrl Involve leavlhp 4�e exleflnp cinqle.ply membr�no ln pl�ce, �t exlsGnq membrane must De eut Mto MRmbl'afl9 Roois —!UI � D' x 10' (3.05 mx 3.05 m) pieas aAd overlsid wilh ph accapbble rigid insulaGon 6oerd b isolela lhe new OenFlex single-ply ry� roof �Y��m irom �he «tglnd•roofinembrena. The dptd board iypa end mesi�anlee! aecuremanl ot U�e loaulntlon mu�t e�vmplyr �ilh 1he:eeurement requlrcma�ts of t�e new root syalan beinp Insqll�d. For current information end promotional literature refer ta: www.genflex.com � 'FPO MechanicaAy Attached �upec�catior� From: unknown Page: 20f57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:56 AM TABL� 1,p96 , . -, . .... . ,a, ;,q' � � r��«�r,...,: .,.a:a,,,,•:.�..�..•.. , , � ... . . . ' •�i"��i,.. � ;.�:;:;•:;.,...,:•. .t�: .,.r' ; �1.i;i� .���M��:,��i - . . �. ..,.. . . . .... ..:..;,::�..... ��:. .. .. .. �:+, v :':ti,.c�����.r�eir : •�:,.,a::�.�.: ;:a�b... ,..,...;,< .::, .,..'.:.<.. .. .:,. •.,+. .. :::..'�; .. ,..,.�.,r , . ,,,...-;....,�.., .. ,., .w:.� :.7,7:e': > 'v7.r,ik�t+�:«:;,t:.1(i:..,:r. ::x � . .✓ .... � . ,w., �.t�.. . ..�. , u �5r.•: �. . . . , �'. . ' . ''J.' ��_.� , �:.i . .. : � ' �,, ��;�;:� , �;; '',.�� JU �:. ' t�1a'��1?�:��!�R �,����`$� ��.I�1�¢. � . . �� � .� � : Ta��� V � ,.�::;;.�::,:�.:.: : , ,: ..::. , , .: ,, �.��. .: Y=:..<,.:: , .,.JS� G,onFiex Roofinp 6yatams" �� i�g�Q mmj tnin_ Isaeyanurale 1 il2' (35,10 mm) �� (�) Aties, Hunfer Panels, Johns Manvlllo, i�-Max mtn. 1" (28.4b mm) m1n. OenFlsx Rooling Syalams" ibr �Id. Wood fiber A1F (1) KnlgT�t Celolex, Geotgia Ra«C�e 9I1' {1�,70 mm) min. Tor Hi�h Denstty Parqte �AF, Jolins. Marnlila �14" (19.0� mm) min. eabas,led an (1) Porystyrene (�anded CowGha�lileal, Prem�el'1ndu+itries° or €xtruded) (Insulfosm EP�S) �� C15A0 mm) min. All (1 � 2) 1/4' (6.35 mm) U"ypsum B�ard GeorQia PaelTrc (DcnsDeckp qp ��� 1l�" .(1�.70 tTwr1) NOTE$: 1. i�liuf�ti0n 1111Ckne5a InuBt b6 minimum thfckneas requlred by manufatture� to span vpenfngs In Ihe d9Ck, ln some cases, It may ba neceasary to usa a support layer of Insutatlon. 2. �xC@pt bdll�ds4, elioanded and exlrud�d pol�s,lyrene InsulaUon must be 1 ib minimum denslty and be oYert6�id wilh aceeplab�e eover board. Contact GenFlex %r other opuoRS wilh expanded and exlruded polyeryrene (nsulalions. "Produat9 In huld are covered by the 6enFlex ws►rsnty Whe�t in6taNed In a warrantad systetlt. '�roduats fn bofdltallc are ¢ovenad 6y fhe Gen�l9X wa�ranty�vhen , urchased (hrough OenF/vx Roofln�r System9, For current Information and promotional literature reFer to: www.g�nflex.com TPO MechanicallyAlt�ched 9peclfic�tion From: unknown Page: 21(57 Date: 11/1512011 11:19:56 AM 1.10 ACC�P'fABLE ��NF�L�F FASTENHR$ Warranted Cer1Fi�� roof s.ystems �ust b� assembled wsing GenFasE fasteners of epproprlate lyp.e and l�n�th instalfad �t fhe rate spe.a�ti�d In the InsulatPon attachm�nt, and if applicabfe, the membrane attaehmant Portion of the Instellation �eetion of this speeiflcation. The appliomtlon tats o� �asteners spesified in the sec�ions manti�ned above Is base,d on an approved deak providing 3001b (1 3�4.47 N} minimum pullout res;atance. �or pr�jects with d�,cks re,qulrin� pull�ut tastin�, a completed �ullout tast result form Is required with th� Pre-Job 9urvey Form fn order to register the pro�evt �rlth Qen�lex. � TABL� 1.1p `:, �,� , . .. . ,;':1-'.;��:. . ;..;..; . :�� �.�:r: , ,-::�;�:::r,:::.:..y,.::,::. :a :.CUS�.:.� .`P' .ewi,°}?ti�S�Y7 � � 'i�,k. S..• ' . • .`�4�I s+y I ''�IY:•.. •y`( � „�1 . ,� i�{�Y`4: hi:ti 'pR�.4:�`�.n'! �snFp6t �12 Feslener � GenFesl /14 Fsslaner GenFasl�1S (UVF� �estener Fenpabt i116 Mux Faslener GenFasl �1� Prea�eembled �'astener � Rlsle GenFast Ca-10 �onerele �a�lener 6enFast Llte-DpCk �a8tenet CvnFast F'urtin Faslener Gen�ast N7� �astener (w/ or w!o wlr�) Inaula�on Plats Optlpna: Melnbrana 8a�ursment OpUons: 1 �.a.s.� 1,5,7 7,10 N!A � � a. � ������������1��:� -+����ii!�: .; ,.,, , ; : ,. ... ,.. �, . . ..:.�Nt.x:.<G.:y:c.siy:.a,:.x::•.w:N.,,..:<��.:�.�,,;,;: :�,�.���•,,,�i,;µ,� . -1l7e :7 ..,� , •riap., . w.�';y : �.• �ia�i� n •:!M ',. � ' 4 `��.�`���;.. �, : � ;,;{::.�:� •4.i.;.:i, .. �, .� . ,,.� �,M „ . •, , �itYr:�. Yd8 NO aPi�� HIq�Od , �es Ye,s •Sleel, Wood Yes Y�s �teal. Wbvd� Conaele No Yss &tael, Wbod, Ys6 No 31ee1, WOOd NIA I 1'ea 1,4,5,6 Y4B 2,8 Yes b,6 Y68 S,@ Yea 7• �enFast In�utation Plata ,� 6enFas! NT� fneUlaGon Plala A GenPesl 8" Seam Rlate 4 �en€aslt�arMchor $ SSenFasf Llle-Dq�lc �af 90 �9n�ast 3" Max Seam Plate Yes � Sleei, Wopd, 4'oncrele Ye� COnCfete Yea I,"�psum, Ccmenqqous Wood Ffb.er Yes . Ste¢I f�urlins Yes (s�rpsum. Cem�ntiflaus Wood FI49� 7) GenFsBt L'+le�Dedc Plate 5) �en�ast (V..VH) 2 ��a° *�ea�n wla�e 7) �enFast �'a�er Bstten �ldp 9} �enFesl N7 �e�m Plate Thls Is only e partlal represenlation of GenRIAX poofin,g S��+slema codee. Pledse cvlitaoi !he fien'Piex TechniCa) Departmen! tf you fi'ave any coda 1�61dted questlons 1e�arding sasenlbliea not r�feronCed. N�TH: GenF{ex Tas(g11�Rr8 8re requlred an all iull 6y8tem and 1Q & 20 y�d� warranUes. 9. OenFfex fqstenars badA be aorrosion reslslanl toated and comply vrilh Factory Mulual Slanda►d 4470. 2. InaulalfOn fas[eners aha116e sultable for Uie Insulallon us.ed. 3. M asrew typ9 fa6leners 9haN b4 a minlmuRt �t14 ehank dlame(e► for membrane 59Cltrement a. No hex head fastanars ar9 permiaed ibr Insulallon or membrane aeeuremenl In GenFIpX wRrranted a�stems. Csell�lex Roofing �yslems r�quirea a pulto,ut Lest to be Qol�duvted by an Irldependent a�an¢�r on th.o (ollow�pg typqs of deCk9: gypaum, c�� entitious wood �Ibor� eAented atmnd boarcl, IIghtweigh� concrera, cOnCrete plank, Rtld aq,Y metal tla�k9 IIghter fhan F2.qeWge (0;76 mm), The Yesulls inust tia submlltad to the qenF�ax Technloal deparlm9nt pNor to proJ ��8 bld. Ful adhbrad aP U- aatrona pn deoksp►�rvldln� 1ea6 than the requlrad'80D Ib (q'a�k.49 N} of pupout r�ststsnco mxy, sqll quall�►fo�wa rr ap ty coveM' e, proVlded tha Insuf�UO.n i8 secured In accard�nCe wllh tha supplemental securamrnt table on iho rollOWing pag� snq approvad�y the �en�lax 7vchntcati DepdrimenL LesS Ytai110 OUO fl?,(929.U3 ro� �I�t.7est Requlreme� 10,dDD Il� -��OOO. li�_(a2'8.4� mY - 4 94$.13 m�) 10 ��r�1 0,0001C� (9 90 30 m� 13 mz • 9�80,3d rr►�) 1 peP 5�00011a (464.b2 rr� Cqt�lYiqNt U�se �poropr{ata fastenar for subatrate. For current Informatlon end promotional literature refer to: www.g�nflex.com 9 TP� Mechanioally Attached Speciflcation ,.� ., �., ..� , , � � „ �,,,,, From: unknown Page: 22/57 Date: 11/15J2011 11:19:57 AM ,... ��., �. �.. 1.'�9 WOOD NA1L&R� Wood nailers pr�Vide a termfiation point for roofing Insulation as well as a SeeUramenE poin4 to fie the roof s.y.stem intQ the buildir�8 sMe11.1+4food �ailers ar'� noi covored by ti�� �ehFlex warrant�y becawse the.y ere a produ�t by oii�ers and eonsidered par� of ihe building si�uctute. �ollowing are Gen�lex's requirements for wood nailers: A. 11Vood nailBrs are required at all roof edges where metslwark, drip edges, or gwtter a.ysiems are sp�¢ified. TMe widih of rhe nai(gr must �xcsad the wldth of the fiang� of any metalwork rnounted io it an� 6.e oi equal lhickness to the roop in5ulation in order to protect the edg� of the lnsutation and ptevlde a substrate ip whieh the me.talwork �an be anchared, wlthout Impeding dr�inagg. Woad nailers are also re.qulred under any rcoRop curba that are not mount�d directly to the s,tn,ctural d$ck with t�e sar�e widfh �nd thickness requiram�nts stat�d atiove. B. 'Woo.d Nallers must b� #� �rade or better lumber. Wood treated with preservataves contaln(ng areosote, aspfialt, p�antarhlarophenol, �opper naphthenate, coppet 8-qUinolinolate, and aikaline eopper quatenarles (AGQ) i�sve an adverse eKect an single-pty rooflng membranes and are not a�ceptable %r use ir� a QanFl�x rpoQng syst@m. C. In all oases, tFie wood nailar must be anchored to the deek in an Ir�dustry accepted method to the designing arehitest'a spe�iAcatio�. As a minimurn standard, the wood nailers must be anahored sutficlent�y to resist �p0 Ib ��889.84 N) of /orce per linearfoot in any direetionwEth fas#ensrs spaced not mpre fhan 3R'` (�09.60 mm) a�art, Ftefer to lhe �'erim�'f�r �lashing portion of �2�ctory Loss F'revetttEon D�ta 1.-49 (,lune 'F985) for nailer s�eur�ment recemmendations, Wood naifers are �iot part of the Gen�tax roofing aystem and ara not �overed by the� l�anFlex warranty. PART 2 — PRODUC7S 2A1 G�NERAL A. 7he componenfs oi the Qen�fex TPO Roofing 5yslem are to be products oi Den�lex Roofing ��ystems or appraved by ��nFt�x Roo�ng �yst�ms as campatible and acceptable, llnless speemcaNy inEludsd In th• warranCy �average by (3�nFl�x Roofing �ystems, products by others are excluded irom coverag�. 2.42 M�sM813AN� A. GenFlex TPO rr�embrsnE is avaitab(� in a variety bf inembrane thlckness and sheet width combin�tions that are iliust�ated in the iable in Section 2.02 of the �en�lex I�oofing �yst�ms Desi�n Criterla. Noi aA she�t wldihs shown are �stock items. Consult your GenFlex Customer Service Represenfative �agarding lead time for nonstock sheet lengt}i / width combinatians. 2.03 RELATED MATERIALS The following iist cuntalns the nar�es of other �enFiex products and accessaries that could be requlred in order to camplete th� roofing system. With the exception of walkway pads, which are considered mainf�nanco lterns, Oen�lex manuf�ctured or supplied material ts sovered in the limited warranty, provided � warrant�r is purcha8ed for the projeet. N4TF�: Prolongad exposure of adhesi�es and sealants to temperature$ areater than BO °F E27 °C) will r�.duce th�ir shelf life. �helf life is indicated on the product label or in the prcduct information data for tha particular prvducf item which can loe found at www.penflex.corn. TPO A. TPO Non•Relnforved Ftashing �. �'p0 Goated Metal C. Bondirx� Adhesive D. TPU Caver Tape l�it �_ Cle.er fi'rlmer F. TPl) �dge �aulk �. TRQ �dge �salant H. TPp Hsat Y1�Idable YValkwsy Ped f_ Cieaner J. TPO lnslda Comer �C. TPO Outsid� Carner L. TPO Relnmroed Outsfde Eorner M. 7P0 Pi �oot N. Peel 8� idc �FO Pipe Boot 24° x 60' (609.60 mm x 15.24 m) 4' x 10' (1.Z2 m x 3.08 m) aheets 60 RZ/,ga) (1.A7 m'IL) 1 6 gallon (18.9� L) pe[I 5' x 100' (1�7.04 mrn x 30A6 m)/2 rolls par ctn 9S0 IHgal (28,18 m1L)1 � �allon (11.3� �.) pail 1� �f Co �G If (4.57 m to 8.10 m) Rer tube /10 per ssrton 115' (35.OS m) per botU� / 12 botttes per QaRor� 3U" x 60' x�!�'1" (762.00 mm x 18.�9 m x�,g� mm) S qal (i8.93 L) pails I 5 gailon (iB,9� L) pail �6 per box 1 U pvr box 1U per box 7' �5A0 mm) ko 8" (1J2.40 mm} /1U per dri 9' �25.40 mm) to 8° (152.a0 mm)/8 per �tn � 10 �or current infarmation and promotional literature r�f�r to: www.genflex.�om TRO M�chanicalfy Attached Speciflcatlon �� From: unknown Page: 23/57 Date: 11/15l2011 11:19:57 AM O. TFO RelnfvrGed i'ipe Boot 1" (��.4U mm) (0 8° (iS2.40 mm) I 10 per �#� p TF� T-Jolnt COVer 4 9/2' (.114.30 mm) rvund / 1 UO piec�s p.er Carion Q. Tp0 Flashir�g Kit 9' � 5U' (228.SQ mm x 15.24 m) �eel � 9tide �lashing,l , t(0.95 L) Clear Primer, 4�crub Pads,1 �orub H�ndle, i Wooilen �4ashing Roller on Wandle R, TPO Coating Kit 1 pt (.b.88 k) WhiteAee CoaGn�, � ea. 4" (101.9Q mm) Roller Covers,l aa. 4° (1U1.60 mm) Rolier Csge �. Whfte Seam Tape $' z 100` , i8.20 mm x 3.0_q.8 m) I a rolls p.er cin T. �srub �ad & Handla �' X S' E7�,�0 mm z 92T_90 mm) I�0 p�rl's & 4 handles per etn MUL'f1=SYST@M ACCE9$OFI�B�u Irtsula�an GenFast Fastener �enFast Insuiaaon F�late �e�n�as,t $eam I�late �enFast QerAnalior C.anFast �olymer Baken Strip �en�ast kil�-pee4t Bar ��nFast Preassembled Fastener & Flate Low Rlse insulatlon Adhes(ve One S'tep Insulefion Atlhe�[ve All Purp.PSe YVator essad spnciing Adhesive Pouraa}e 6eaier (A � B) Water Stop Termination Caulk CenFast 7ermi�ation 9ar �enFast 1 114" cins Masonry Anchor Ace Coatln Poljr�star �elt Underlayment I�O, {�0-�iber, Naffboard, Wood Fibsr 411�, #14, �i13 (VVH), #16 Ma�t, �D-10, Puriin, Lite-Dedc, NTB 1 qu�rltity Ret ein Va�i�a S", �it�-6.edE, NTB g", (1►Vlij � 3l8', a' Max., NTB / 1,00o per cln 1' z 1�' (23.40 mm x 3.05 m) / 50 per e!� 1' x 2�p' (�5:q0 mm x 76.20 m} 1' � iD' �25.40 mm x 3.05 m)1 S00' (15�.40 m) per tube #1•�, #1•5 ! �5U pcs pex etn S00 to B:OO lt? per � ga) p2il (.48,a5 to 55.74 m2 per 17.38 L pail) �p0 Cq B'00, f� �er 4 pk �#n of 1.58 qt eartridgesj (1•6.:�6• to a�.74• �nt per 4 P!c cattoh oF 15.00' mL• c�artridges) 1�d it�!p a1(�.85 rr�/l.)/ 5 gallon (19.82 L) pall 1 ft�/�al (A.O� m21L� at �" (50.80 mr�) thlck 19 if 4.$7 m per tube / 25 per ctn 28 K f 4.�'� m�j per tube / 2S per cm 1.��' x iD' (31,76 mm x 8.05 mi /50 per stn 1 114" (31.75 mm)11000 per ctn 1QD ft'!g sl (�.4� m'/L) !� 8allon (99.82 L• ) pa91 4 0� (11��.40 g} J 13' x 100' (3.66 rn x 30.48 m) CON�U1:7 7H� F'Iibb�1CT DAiA SHEETS AVAILABL� bN-kIN� AT WWW.G�NFlHX.COM FOR ADDITlONAL PRODUCT INFORMATION. PARY 3 - IN�'fAL.I:.ATICIN 9.01 SUB•�rTRAI"� CRiT�RiA A. The building owner or awner's representative Is responsible for providing and dgtermfnfng th�t the substrate is suitable to receive the �enFlex TP� Roofing �ystem. The �en�lex authorized contractar shbuld not proceed antif all defeets have been cor�ected. If possfbla, bEgln ro�f InstallatEon at the hlgh point of th� roof, and work toward khe lowest polnt. 3,02 SUB8TRATE PREPARATfON A. In a rerooting applicatlon, ths buiiding owner ar ownar's represer�ative is responsible fo� making sure that all wet Insulation andlor substrate has beEn prop�rly remaved. The best diaynostic technlque to det�rmine thls Is to take a series of roof core euts and to anal�►�e for moisture content at�d degredation. Twa ather teehniques ar� currentiy available and mak� thls deferminatlon by Indirect m�ans: nuclear mai�ture detection and irifrared thermography. 7hes� teehnlqu�s provid� measurements of �actors fhat can he assvciated with fhe presence vt molsture. �3. A posft�ve Slvpe Ps r¢commended Eo Provide edequatQ drainage. Per NitCA gutdelln�s, there should be no pondPr�g wpter on the roofing system forfy-eight (48) hou�s sfte� it has stopped r•�[ning. G, Any e�isting �prayed-in-place urethane foarn roofs MU�T be r�rrioved prlor to the installatfon of this roofing system. �. Sweep th� area of roof being sovered to r�move an.y Ioose dirt or d�bris, 3.08 1N�ULATfON APPE.ICA7iON A. (dQntify lhe erea of raof being addressed in the workdsy, and I�y out inswlatlon with edges resting on the upper deck flute Por metal decks or flaE on supporting swbstfafe ft�r other fyp�s of deCks. B. �tagger all I�►sulation joints fhs ma�cimum amount Possible and lay out with all Jolnts tightly butted. Any $aps greater than i/4" (8.55 mm} wide must be flled with matohing Insul�ti0n material. C, Whefi installing insulatioh thicker Ihah 2't!�' (6�.60 mm), use multipl� I�yers to maximiz� Insufation tfiermal efficienc.y. For eurrent Informatfon ar�d promotiona) Gterature re�er to: www.genfl�x.com 1� TPO Mech�nfcally Attaohed �,psclflcation From: unknown Page: 24/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:57 AM a. Wh�n us�ng multiple layers of lnsuletion on a praJect, fnst�a!( e,ach �ubseq.uent (ay�r wiifi th�e lor�g axls running. perpendiEU)ar tA �ha (ayer 6�low it with all Jolnts �fagggre'd and tightiy bultetl. �. �it irtisulation lightly io ropi penetratio�s, woo,d nail�rs, tFansiti�nal walis, and parapets with any gaps gr�ater than 1/4' {6.35 �nm) �I)ed with like material pFior to memb�a�e applieation. 3.04 IN�UI.A'TION SECURHM�NT A. Insulatlon atta�hn�ent de�ined below Is bassd on �0.0 Ib {1 334.4y N) pulsout reaistance o� �reater. NpT�: Inthe aventtlie insulation is inst�lle� overan airbarrler, theinswCation s�curemgnCmustbeinacoctdanea with �M F 90 Eriteria for �en�lex FuUy Adhered Roof ��stems. 1. Afi fnsulation must be mEelianiEaily attach�d t�o th� approved st�uotural deck using �anFlex tasXe.ners of appropriate lype end length and Insulation pfates fnslail�d st tha rate of one fastener and piglg per8.9 it' (0.60 m�), 6r � Fastener assemblies per 4' x B' (1.�� m x�A4� m) board for �i2 ga (0.76 mm) ateel decks or stru¢tural eoncrete. Othe� dectis req�tre pull testing antl may require �dditional se.curemer�t�. �ast�n att insuFatlon pel' det�il drawing T-��.Oar. CAUTION, ALT�I�NA'TNE METHOD9 Tt�: �U�.��53F'ULLY S.�GURE INSt11.ATlDN TO A R�10�' DE�I� OR AN �XI9TMl� R�Qp �URFACE RELY HEAVII:Y QN �'ROP�i� �pf�pITIOM ANI] PR�PARqiIt�N OF TFf& INTENLIED 8U�3TRq�'�, B. ALT�RNA'T� IN5ULA7l4N S��UREME�IT M�THf)D -�ENFI:�X Bt�AND IN�ULATION AbH��IV� (C�en�le�c �aw Rise Insulaflon Adhes9ve and G�n�lex On� �tep Insulation Adhesive.) NOTE: Insulation edhesive Is p�rmitted otrly �n applie�atlons where tha acceptabl� roof deek has not been altersd with soatings, �ealants, or addit'�es that may aif�et the bond batween the accap,table substrate and insu(atlon. Refer to the approprfate product data she�t (�enFle3c Lcw Rise Insul�tion Adhe.siv� or OenFlax Oh� �tep �nsulation Adhes�e� Yo tietermine if the stru�turaF deek to which the fisul�tloti is beln� b.onded 1� approved, or if special requlremenCs apply. Both �enFl�x Lt�w Ris� In�ulation AdhesiVe and tseh�lax One 9tep Insulatfon Adhesive may also be used belween layers oPaecept�ble insulation. 1. Sweep and power-blow the subst�a#e Gle�n of any du5t, dirt, and loose debris and make sure any moisture is allowed to d.ry priot fo insulation �pplieation. l7epending on the oonstrustjqn sit�, thls step may have to be rep�ated p�riodically ihroughout the workday du� to blowing dir� and debris. DO IVOT APPLY GEN�k�� INSU�ATION ADH��IVE OVER b11�T OR DEBRI�, GenFlex Low Rfse tnsulatlon Adheslve (mofstura curing} 2a. Using an insulation adhes�Ye applicatlon sart, epply the GenFlex Low Rise Insulakion Adh�si�re to the swb5trat� at the coverage rate of 500 to �00 ft� (46.45 to 55.74 m�) of Instalted insulation per 3 eal (11,�6 I:) pail of adhesive. Refer to Ehe C3en�lex �.qw I�is� Insulation Adhesfva Produet Data �h�et fior additional product informatlon. The fnsul�tion should be faid in a fresh bead of adhesive before the bead(s) begins ta skin. 3a. Any unused Insulation adhesiv� may be poured from the �pplicator Eart back Into an adhesiVO can and tightly resealed far latar a�e. CenFlex bne ��ep Insulakion Adheslve (ehemical cuf�ng) 2b. Using ona of th� iour One �fep lnsufatlon Adh�siVa Ap�llcato� modets, apply the O�nFlex One �tep Insulation Adhes�e lo the sub�trate at the soverage rate of 20D tp s00 ft$ of coverago per 4 pk ctn of 1.58 qt cartrldges (18.a�8 to �i5,74 mz pat a pk Earfo►� pf 1�Ofl mt eart�'dges). Coverege r�te will depend on spacin8 of Insulation adhesive beads. i�efer to ffi� 4enFlex One Step Insulation Adh�slVe Product Data �hee# for additlbnal informatlen. Tha tnsUlation should Ae laid in � fresfl bead of adheslve 6efore the bead(s) begfns tc skfn. �b. Any unused insulation adhasive may be used at a later �ime by simpiy replaoing the cartridge mixin$ applicator �ozfile. 4. Using 4' x 4' (�.�� m x 1.2� m) maximum insulation bpards, lay out insulation with a11 joPnta tlghRly butfed and any gaps grea�er than 9!4' (8.36 mm� filled with (ik� matorial. Stagger Jolnts 6etwe�n I'owe ar►d fayers the max�mum amount possible to enfianc� therr�al efff�lency. 5, Qnee the boards are Isid into the fr�shl.y applied (nsulatlon adhes�ve, appl.y pressure by walking on the boards or by pla¢in� a suificlent welght on the baard b�e cerfain of adequate contact between �ha insulation and th� �dhes�re. �. Repeat thQ pre�r,�ss as appllcable ta apply subsequent layers bf Insulation. Prlrning ia Flo! req�ired lietuvaen layers o1' approved Insulation. 12 �or ourrent lnformatlon and promotfonal literature ref�r to: www gonflex.00m TPO Mechanically Attached �pecifioation � � From: unknown Page: 25/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:58 AM E. ALT�RNAT� INJULA�ION'AYTACWM�NT M�TNOI} III (AsphaftAtt�chment) Roofing.asplialt is notiher suppligd nor spec�ed by GenFiex, and the performance of espMalt uaed io attaeh �oof insulation is not ineludad in Ehe Gen�lex warranty coverage. In th� event tlie praijec�t desig�ar 5el�ts thls method of attachmont,ltie fallowing requirements must be m�t: 1. The proposed Insulation shall be compatible with ihe roof substrate, khe proposed type oi aaphalt, and the requlremenfs o#the aen�i�x �ullyAdhered �.ystem. �. SteeP asphaltASl'M D 3i2 Type III or IV shall bo utili�ed. �. Insufaflon silall not be attached with asphalt d[re�tl.y to a steei deck. 4. �xp9nd�d or extrud'ed polystyrene insulation shall not be attached with asphalt�. 5. Ma�cfmum 6oerd sl�e allowed fs 4' x 4' (1.�� m x 1.23 m). 6. If ihe inswlaticn aasemhly eonsists oF the fl�st layer b�ing �nechaniEaily Fasten�d �nd the second layer b�ing �at asphslt attacMed, the 1'aslening Fafe oi the fir3t (ayer sliall be p�er E3en�(ax requlrerh�nts 1or the particuf�r insulation. NOTE: TFiE A80V� R�QUIFi�M�NT� AR� NOT INCLU�.IVE. ADDITIONAL R�QU1��M�NTS IN AGCO�DANC� WITIi CURR�NT INDU3TRY BTANDARD� AR� N�C�6�ARY TH� f��N��.�( ROO�IND 9YuT�M WARfiANTY pA�9 NOT COVER TH� A'ITACFiM�NT O�' THE iN�rUL�4T1�7N WI-1�N IT iJ B�CUFt�D iM7H W07A�PMAl.7 3.0� MEMBRANE ARR�tICA710N A. Membrana 1. Posifion the GanFlex TPO membrane over tha approv�d substrate without stretching, �. Ailow the m�mbrane to �elex a minimum vf one-�ialf {1l�) hour prlor to any �eamin� or flashing. 3. Position ai! adjoining sheets fn a m�nn�r that all sheets o�erlap a mirttmWm ot 4 1/�" (114.�0 mm). 5.06 M�MgRAN� ATTAEHMENT ANQ 3EAMING PROC�DUR�$ A. The seaming methods �'wdll:�ble for TPO meChanfcally attached roof systems are Single w41d and duat w6td. The significant diFferenCe behkeen the two typ�s of hot air welded seams is the way they dist�ibute wind (o�d from the roofing membrane sheet to the �nchoring assemblies in the struetural rovf deck. B. Ths dual weld seam eonflguraUon dlstributes an even, bidirectional load on the anchar bar seam anelioring syatvm. This results In a Ittgher wlnd load toierance than the unidirectional load applfed to the sma�m plata ancMoring s.ystem used In the singla weid assembly. C. The raqulred seaming method for tha TPO mechanically attacMed raof system is determined by tha to3lowing Factors: deslgn codes and approvals on the specified roof system, width o# the roofing she�#s bsfng installed, and warranty wind speed befng saught for the proj�ck. 1. Stngle Weld seaming (5ee Detail T•42.02sw.) NOTE: IT 15 VERY IMPORTANT THAT BOiH SURFACES ARE CLEAN ANb N�J IVIO1�uT�JR� 1;3 PRE�ENT ON THE �!'UCIN�a �uURFACES. a. LJnroll th� membrane, and allow it to refax as long as passible. (Minimum 1/� -1• hour) b. Position the top membrane to overiap the bottorn membrsne �y 4 1/2" (714.30 mm} . c. IFseam area F�as beeome cont2m�nated'with dirt or debris, use a cle€�n rag saturat�d with Q9n�lex Cleaner and thorougnly cloan an �Y�a on both sheets at least 4' (iq1�.e0 mm) w9d�. Chang� rags frequ�ntly to �voId d�positfng pravlously r�maved materials. Allow cleaner to flash-cff ccmplately prfor to e�am�ng. d. �'otd b2ck fhe top sheet without creasing, and posftlon the �QnFlex seam plaie on the approp�ate dots th�� have fie�n applied at f�" {15�.40 mm) fntervals to th� seam area of Eiie bottQm �Meet. Fasten with the apprqpriate GenFast fasteners. For fast�ner spacing �equirementa, reter to the GenFlex web site for �urrent the t3en�lex fasiener matrlx for th� sy�tem being InataAed, or contact ths �aetiFlex Techni�el t?epartment. ReiQr tp detail8 7-4�.04-1 through T-42.Oa-3 for perimeter and eor�e� fa5teni�� requirements. e. Using an spproveii automatiC heat welding machine ar hand held heat gwn and s(1leona rallar, continuously weld a minlmum 1 1/3' (38.�{0 mm) wfde seam. Qen�lex recemmands that ony approved automaticwalkerwetders be used towetd atlfield sear�s. Sse HotAlr Wslder�paclfi�atlons. 3peclal �ttentlon must be pald to ar�as whare muftiple layers (3 or more) aP TI'0 ff�ld m�m6rane aome tagether (T Jofnts). For curr�nt Information and promotional literature refer to: www.genflex.com 13 � TRO Mee�►anicaly Aktached �pecification � � From: unknown Page: 26/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:58 AM ,.... �., ..,, � � ,.�, ,,,. „ ,.,, i. "f-Joint Covers are recammentled for applicaiivns involving 4� mll (1.14 mm) r�embrane if probir�g reve8ts tNe presen�e of voids or cold w�lds and are REQUlR�Q for applioations Involving s0 mil (1.5� mm) rnembrane rega�dlsss of prvbing resulta. T�dint aovers are marketed by Gen�lax In packapes of pre-�ui cavers or Ean be fleld lcr�ed by ewtting 4" (101.80 mm) rcund disks from a roli of �en�l�x TPO Non-Reir�foreed Flashin�. ii. AGenFlexTPOTJoinlCov8ror4"E101.60mrn)roundfleldcutof�,en�le�ciqONon-Relnf4re�d �leshing ahall be used in areas where three (3) or more la�ers ofi TRO r�embrane Infer$eet (T-Joints). lil. Gtean the atea wh�r� the T jo(nt sover will be applied thorowgily with �enFtex Cle;aner, Th� area shauld be 6" {152.4D mm) rownd and have the interse.ctlon o� the 'T Joint at its center point. iv, �'osition �he Ttjoint cover so that it is c�ntered an the T�Joint v Hot alr weld the T Jolnt cover into plase in accQrdan�e with Den�lex hot eir welding requirernenis. vi. Allow the hvt air we�ded '� �oint �over to eool thoroughfy, and tMen prob� its edg�a ta be certafn pf � s,alfd weld. vr. Repair voids or cold welds as neeessary to obtain a so11d weld bc�iween T jolnt eover and the underiying TPQ merrt6rar�s fayers. t All wefded seams must 6e tnanual[y ch�cked for volds or s�al d�flef�nGld$ after Ihe seam ha8 Cooled. Probe the entire �eam area with a dull cotter key extractor. In additlon, lhere must be destruetive testing porFormed �t the begihnins nf every workday and ev�ry tirne ther� Is en interruptlon in the welding procesa. (�.g. Pow�r fallure, welder shut dawn, shanga fn Job site eonditions, or after luncfr). Aft def�cfencies must be repaf�d. g. All TPO m�mbrane cut etlges with expased r�inforcemenk scrim requlre an appifcation of Gen�l�x TPO �dge Sea�l�nt by th� end of lhe warkday in wliieh the membrane wlth lhe raw edge ls Er��talled In the rootin$ system. �aflur� to �eaf the raw membran� edga aefora molature wicks into the acrim may result tn an lnFerlor hot alr weld if not already welded, and/or a leak source, depending on the locatlon of the cut edge In retation to fasteners penet�afing tha mernbrane. Isaues relaiing to unsealed edges wlli be corrected by the fnstalling contractcr at tha contractor's expense as eifher a puneh Ilst Item or under th�lr two-year obligatlon if identified by ��nFlex wiihin twe�fy>four (��4�+:• months of approved flnal fnspect�on. 2. Dua) Weld Seaming (�5ee Detail T�2,02dw,) NOTE: IT IS V�RY IMPORTANT 7NAT 80TH SURFACES AR�' GL�AN AND NO MOISTURE IS PR���NT ON THE SpUGING $�iRF'A�ES. a. kJnrol! khe membrane, and aitow it to relaX as long as posslbfa. (Mlnlmum 1/2 -1 �our} b. Position the top membrane fo overlap the bottqm m�mbran6 by a 7/1' (1'14.30 mm). c. !f seam area has become contaminated with dlrt or debrls, use e�fean rag saturated with GenFfeX Cleahet and thoroughly elean en ar�a p� both sheefs at I�ast A° (101.80 rnm) wide. C#�ange rags frequently to avoid depositing pre�iously removed materfals. d. Fold back lhe top sheet without ereasing, and pasitlon QenFast Bar Anchor or ��enFast polymer Batten �trip ih the center af the seam, directly o�er the iully adher�d I�ne of th� bottom &heet, and secure using only GenFast#18 (WH) �asteners. �ee detail T-6.o3. Care must be iaken when placing the bar wh�re there are no facto .ry lins markings. Fasteners must be locat�d precisely �' f54.80 mm) fn rr�m the ed�� of tha top sheet �t lh� correct spacing intervel. This alfgnm�nt will provide a 1 1/�" (38.i0 mm) weld area past the bar. Too much material ove�lap msy result in a non-welded seam, �qufring the aeam ta be repalred. R�fer to the GenFlex web site for th� �urr�nt Gen�lex fastening matrix fo� th� system being instslled, or contact th� �gnFlsxc Teehnioar pepartm�nt. Rgfer ta detalls T�2,04-1 fhrough T-4�.04-3 fvr perimeter and comer flashPng requiremenls, All bara are to be overlapped at�d ��cu�d with a Common sCrew. NO.TE: ContaCt #he (3enFfex Technical Department for bar enohor overlap req[71rem�nts on �M projects. e. Using a�enFlex approved automatic welder mvdified �ar dwal weld applicsations, continuously weld a minimum 1" to 1 1P4" (2Sf.40 mm to 31.75 r�m) wide weld on both std�s oF the �en�est BarAnchor or �enFast Poiymer Batteh �trip In #he seam. On�e eaoled, ail w�lded seams must be manu�lly �heek�d fur volds or seal daficlencies v►�ifh a dufl eotter key extractor or other scceptable blunt tip metal probe. An.y tdentltfed seam defisieneies must be repaired using an approved hand held heat pun, sllicone roll�r and standard seam repair procedur�s. Upon eompletlon af seaming, qualiqr 1a For current �n�Ormation and promotional literature referto: www.gen�ex.com TPO Meclianicaily Aktached l6peGfication From: unknown Page: 27l57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:58 AM cor►trol Eheak, Qnd ar�x suiosequ�nt repairs, s�a) al! cu� edges and end laps of TPp membrsne whora scrim is expossd wilh Gen�l�x 1'PO Ed'g� �e�lant. �er�Flex recorrimends that edge �e�iant b�e �pplfed at the �nd ofi eaah workday. �eam �reas wh�re thre.e (3) or more layers of reinforced m�mbrane interse�t may requfre the app.li�atioh of a�en�lex TRO T Jpint Cover or a 4" f 1U1.60 mm} round fi�ld Ewt c�f �en�lex 7P0 Non-I�einforced &I�shing: �t,��e e�eas incr�a�, buE are not limit�d to, weld inters�ctlons, ia�te .ry spli�eS, efc. i. T-Join# Covers are r.e¢,ommended for appllEatisx�s Invofving 4� mil (9.14 mm) mec�brane ff probing rev�2�l� ttie pres�nce of voids or cold wefds and are l��q'UIRHD 1or applioation5 Invohring BQ mi) (1.�� mm) r�embrane Fegardless of p�otiing r�sulte. T Joint Eovers are m�rkeYed by Gen�'!ex In pael�ages of pre-eut covers or c�n be fr�ld furm�d by cuttin� 4" (101'.60 mm) round disks frorn a roll of �en�lex TPO Non-I��Infq'reed �lashing. iP. A Gen�lex TPO i;Joint C.over or 4° (101.80 mm} round feld eut vi �enFtex 7P0 Non-Reiniarc�d �'lashing sfiall tie s�sed In areas where thr�e (S�) or mor� laye�s of 7'PO membrane interaect (T-Joints). Pii. El�an the area where lhe 7aoln! caver will ba applied fhoroughly with GenFle� !�laaner. The area should be 6" (1��.40 r�m) round end have {he fntersection Qi the Tyoi�t at 16s cer�ler point. iv. Position the Taoint cov�r so khat it is centered on th� T Joint. v. Hot afr weld lhe 1=jolnt cover inta p(ace in aceerd�nce with GenFlex hat air welding requiremants. vi. Allow the hot air welded �;joini cover to cool thoroughly and then probe Rs edges to be certain of a solid we1c�. vii. Repalr voids vr cold welds es n�c�ssary to abtaln a solid weld beiween T�oint eaver and the underly+ng TpQ mambrane leyers. g. Wh�n seaming Ih�rmoptastic single-ply membranss, practice w�lds are highfy recommendad in vrder to set up the hot alr weiding equipment pr�periy. h. When wetding stops and Starts in p double weld seam, a dual weld must be achieved by using e hand held wetder. i. Hat air equlpment, apprcv�d by �enFiax and design�d for use In dual weid seaming, will ira¢k aver the bar anChor, welding on both sides. It Is import�n! that the operator maintaln a visusl cho�k to make sure th� ma�hine is not riding on the anchor bar. Praper afignment of the bar anchor ln the seam araa [s critical to achieve minimum 1" (2S.4p mm) welds on both sides of the bar, N07�: Hot air flow bet�n+e�n the dual welds will oausa a slight rise in the msterial o�ver the anchor tiar, indicating that a weid Y��s been achleved on both sldee vf the anchor bar. ThEs condition w'ill diminish over time, j. All weld�d seams must be manually ch�cked for volds or se�l deficiencies by probing ih� �ntire seam area with a duU cottet key extractor or other �acceptable blUnf tlp metal probe after th� spam has eooled. In additian, th�r� must be destructive festing performod at the beginn(ng of the workday and every time lhere Is an int�rruption in th� welding process (e.g, power failure, welder shut down, change in joa site conditlons, runch 6reaks, etc.). AII deficiencies must be repaired. k. All TPO membrane cut edges with �xposed r�inforcement aerim requlre an application of Gen�lex 7P0 €dge Sealank by the ertd of th� workday ln which the membrane with the r�w ed�e is instalfed in the raDflng syst�m. �ailure ta seal the raw membran� edge 6efore moEsture wieks Intq the ss�Im may result in an Inierlor hot alr weld 'rf not already welded, �nd/or a leak source, d�pending pn th� tpcation of {he cut ed�s in relation to fest�n�rs penetratfng the membrane. Issues relatina to unsealed edges Will be corrected by the fnstalling Eontra�tor �t the contractor's expensa as eithEr e punch 11st item or wnder iheir two-year obligatic�n If Id�nt'rfi�d by GenFlex within Cwenty-four (24) mortth� of approved ffnal inspection, �or current lnformstion anQ prorr�otfpnal IiteYature refer to: www.genflex.com 15 T'p0 M�chanically Aftached �pecificatlon „, �,,;,,, From: unknown Page: 28/57 Date: 11/1512011 11:19:59 AM 3.OT P�RIMETERAMD BASE MEMB�tANE BECUR�MENT A. Re.gardless vf the method used �o secwr� th� field of the �aof+ng ��mbrane, some p.oints on every roof �quire additianal memb�ane securernant. `�hes� �reas fnciude root perlmEtora (parape.ts, transftionel walis and edgeg), deek angle vhanges In exe�ss of �%1�” (includin� draM sump ar�as}, �II �urb-t�rpe rqoiirig pe�et�ations, pip�-type peneiratipn8 greater than 12' (304.80 mrri) in dian1et�ar, both side$ of expansia� jo9�ts and ofher src�s where the membFan� mu5t be 7n�hored to Rrever�t movErnent, stresg or damage to ihe toofing mem6rane, Refer co the TRO standard detaiis I� thfa manual foF seeuremenC raqulr�m��ta. �erimeterAttachmcnt 1, �enFlex Ftoofing �}rst�ms of(ers several different types of attachmen# methods. eonsult the appropriats �enFl�x standard detall seetion of lhi5 manuaL �. Bas� attaehment Is requlre.d at eacfi raof I�vel, cu�b skylight, e�cpanslvn f�inE and roof pene#ration over 1�" (�04.80 mm} In diameter or any angle eh�nge in slope or Gombfnad slop�es thak excesd �" ��q.80 mm) in 12" (�04.80 mm). B. Wocd naifars pruvitls a termiriation point tor t�ofing insulatlon as well as a secureme�t paink tor basv flashing s��urement. Wood n�ilars are not sov�red b.y the �enFlex warranty beeaWSe tlley are a produvt by oihers and cat�sider�d pa�t of the �uilding s.tructure. �ollowlhg are �eriFlex's �equir'omer�ts fo� wvod nailers: 1. Wood n�llers ar� requlred at all roof ed9es where metalwo�C, drlp. edg�s, ar guf#er systems are specitted. The width of tha naller ►nust exceetl the Hfidth of the ilange af any m�tafwork mounted to it and �e of equal thickn�ss to tho roof insufation In ordar to prateat the edgo oi the Insulation end provids a swbstrste to whlch th� metalwork can b� anchared, withvut Irripeding dralnage. Wood r�atlsrs are al�o nquired under any roo�op cwr�s ihat are not mounted directly to the structural decl� with the sam� width and thickness requlr�menfs stated above. �. WoQd Naifers must be � carade or better lumber. Wvod treated with preservatives containing creosoEe, asphatt, pentach(orophenol, copper naphthenat�, sopp�r 9-quinolir�olate, and alkafine copper quatenari�s (ACQ) have an �dve�5e eiieCt pn S�gle-ply roofing membra�es and are not ae�e�tabte for use in a�enFlex roofin9 syskem. �. ln all cases, thewood nail�rmust be anchored to the deck in an industry acGepted methvd io th� deslgning areF�it�cYs sp�ciflcation. As a minimum standard, the wood nailers must be anchored suffi�fently to r�slst �OO lb {889.64 N) of for�e per linear foot in any direciion wlth fasteners spaced not more than �4` (609.60 mm) apart. R�fer to the Perimeter FlashPng portivn cf Factory Lo�s Preventlon pata 1-49 (Jun� 1985) for nailer s�curement recommendations. Wood r►ailers are not part of ihe Gen�l�x roofing system and are not covered �y th� �enFlex warranty. 3.06 FLABHlNG9 (REVI�W THE APPROPRIATE FLASHINt� P�TAIL IN DETAlL SECTI4IV QF TH18 MANIlAL.) A. Raof p�rimeter �ashing and flashing around vents, skylights and miscellaneous roof projectlons must utili�e GettFlex pre-molded 1'I'0 fl�shings td the greatest extent po55ible. F'lald f�bricated detail flashings using GenFiex TPO �lon-R�Inforced Flashing are acceptable oniy when a pre-molded flashing is unf�asiblo, aucY� as on pip�s without tap access. GenFlex ftaofing Syst�r�s oifers num�rous options fvrflashing, 3ee vur standard details. 7. Vertica! Membrane �lashinps (Parapets, Transitional Wa11s, Curb$, etc.) Wali, parapet, andlor curb f�ashings m�y ba compteted using standard TPO m�mbrane or Peef & Stick Tp0 �nembrane equal in gauge (thickness} to the deek membrane. a. Compl�ta s�ams Detween th� flashing membrane end the fleld membrane according to aEnF{�x hot a(rwelding proc�dur�s. b. �tir Gen�lex banding adheslve thoroughly. Achieve a uniform mlx with no marbling and no sediment on the bottam of the pail. QO NO7 TNIN. c. Apply GenFfex b�nding adh�rsive to both ihe flashing materlal and the vertfcal substrate tq whieh it is bei�g bonded. See �ecfion �.03 oi titis speeification t'or eaverage ratas of ��nF(�x 6or�df�g adhesives. d. Allow adhesive to flashtoff �ntil the surface of tho adhesive-coated memb�ne flashing fe�ta i�eky but does not transfer to e slean dry ftnger or "Slide" when � pWSh test is perfip�7ned. e. Rall the prepared flashing membrane inko the �ngle eh��t��, 8voidPng both sh�rp eTeas�s �hcl excesslve bndging, end continu� up the vertical �ubstrat� wfthout wrinkles, ereases or trapptd alr while smoo�hing the flashtng to tha substrate with a sweeping mptlon of �rour hand to promot�a a positiv� bond. NOT�: Allowflashing membraneto brldge sIl�hUy atthe deckto vertieal�ubstrate Junctlon equal tq the amount that wouid stil[ allow a rubber or slflcone hand seam roller ta make �ontact w(tii botl4 the �erticaf and ho�aontai membFans surfaces simuftan�ausly. 16 Far current information and promotfonal literature refer to: www.genf�ex.eom iP0 MechanlcallyAttached Specifi�ation ,, � y,,, From: unknown Page: 29/57 Date: 11/15J2011 11:19:59 AM ,.�., „ ..� � , ,.�. ��.. „ f�. E. � }. Once th� fl�shing has b�9en preliminarily bond�dto the vertic�l eubetrate b.y hand, sweep tfte flesF�ing materi�l with a medl�m-stiff 6ristie broom to ffnish th� bondir�y process. g. 7�ermPnate iop edge of ifashing per �en�lax RooTfng �.ystems standard TPO details. Z. �fashfn� penetratiQns passin� thrnugh the rooti�g membran�. a. Flash ali pipe.s with t3en�l�x prs-moided pipe boots tc tha greatest� ext�nt possible. �ield fabricate pipe flashings witi� C,erlFlex TPO Non-Reinforaed �lasliin� �er standard Q�tn�ie�t Ro�ng �.ystems details when a p�e-mold�d flashing Is not feasibl'e, NOT�: All ex�$ting flashir�gs MUBT be remi�ved before ap�tying a new fleshing. �xpanslon Jo)nt� and Building Gontrol Jolnts. 1. Consult �enFl�x Ftooflng �ysCems sfandard detail� for various application msthods: T 91.d'I, T 11.0�, T 11.U�, and t 11,04. Pitch Pans 1. Fili pitah pana in ��eordance with GenFtex Roofir�g �.ystems standard detaiis: T-9.d1, i�9,0�, end 7'-9Aa. Roof Dr�ain9 1. Consult aenFlex Roofln� Systems standard d�talls T 8.0�1 and T B.pB. 2. Prepare subalrate around each roof drain to prevent membrane brid,ging or distortion and to provide a smooth transition f�dm the roof surface td the drain ulB�mping ring. �. The surFaCe betwesri the clamping ring �nd iho dralr� mus,t b� c�&an and smooth. Remov� �fl e�alsting ilashing, c�Bment or le�d on retrofit proje�ls down to bare Elean melal. 4. Apply one �i} complet� tube of GenFlex Watsr �top �etween drain bowi compres.sion flanga and tho �,nderside of tha new m�mbrane before Eomprsssing th� new membrane to draln b,owl a;ssembl.y, with the �ampressfon ring mounted on the t�4p sur�aco of tha new membrane. The detail is anly complete wMen the water slop is fully eompressed beiween the r�ew r�embrane end the fl�nge of the dre�in bowl, t�rming a s�lid seal beiween the two. Be oareTul io cempreas the assembly evertly to a�aid Era�tcing or breaking the dr�in aomprssslon ring. Crasked or broken drain sompression rin�s ma� feau� in a reinspectian of the finisM�d roof system tv mak� eerl�aln corrective measu�es have been made be�Ore �enFlex will accept ihe roof syst�m far warranty eoverag�. 5. AILb�It� �nd/.or clamps must be in pla�„ r to ro° �ide e�stant e�en compression MlssPn� drain bolts may resuft in a �einspeetion of ihe fiinl6�ed roof s.ysterxt to m�ke certain correCtiv� me�sures have been made beforE �enFlex will eccept th� roof system for warranty coverage. 6. Da not run seams through roof drains or sumps. (f ���am ts run through a draln sump, eut the membrane With fhe assembled s��m outside of the d1'aiTt eompression ring q1'��, and instali e terget patsh of new mernbrane extendlny a minimum of 3' {78,�0 mm) outside pf the aump area and seamed into the field membrane, using ��nFlex standard seam tapa s�amfng procedures. Appy T joint covers as requPr�d at the target p�tch to seam Jntersections in aecord�ncs wiih Gen�lax standard i jofnt appliv�ation procedures. E. Scuppers 1. �cuppers �re to be constructed according to �rikeria detailed In the �heet Metai �nd Alr Conditioning Contr�CRors Nationaf Assoclation {SMACNA) Manual. �. As a minimum, c3enFlex r�qufr�rnents reg�rding sEUpp�rs are as follows: th� scupper assembly mu�E be fabriceted fram a minimum of �4 ga (0.43 mm} G.9a s�a�l, 0.040' (1.0� mm) alumfnum, or �enFlex 7P0 Coated Mete1 and b� sized to fit anuggly fhrough th� wall open)ng. All joints must be sealed eccordtng ta �MACNA atandards, and the scupper must lnclude a�ontinuous 3° (78.20 mm) wide Intenor face flp,ng� with continuous rounded corners. Tlia scupper must also be of sufficient length to a�dend through the ext�rior wall by at least 1/�" (12.70 mm�, and be �apable of being seal�d on the exterfor of the building io pravent 6ackNow i�to the roof syst$m or wail cavity, 3. In addition to th� above, If a scupper is to be �nounted at tF�e deck ta wa11 or parapet junctian, a wood nailEr of equal thiekness io ihe roofing ir�sulativn must De secured to tha structural deck below the scupper flange tQ proYde a suttable mountifig �u�faee ror tite scupper. 4. Cut tha Bashtng r�embran� tightly to the scupper ap�ning in the wall. 6. Appy a Meavy baad of VYater �top around ths scupper opentng (15 N(4,57 m) per tube). 6. Inse�t the s�upper sleeve into the scupp�r opehing, and press the mounting flange �ntv the Water �top. 7. Secure the flang� to the substrate with an �pproprlate [�stenor, 8. Flash scupper in accordance with tha approptiate ourrent QonFlex scupp�r detail. l�ar current infarmat�on end promational lite�atur� refar to: www genflex.com 17 TPO MechanicallyAttached 5pecification „, � �, ,,,, From: unknown Page: 30/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:19:59 AM � Met�fwork 1. Nv rooi s.ystam is complete untif all the edges are terminated Iri such � way as to prevQntwator Infiltr�atfon inia fhe roofad structure. This typieally involves tF�e uss of manuFactured or shop fabricated mefal deC�iling, suah as c.aping caps, gtavel stop5, rooi edging, fla5hing �nd eounter-fl�Shing cemponer�fs. All matafwork sh�uld be fabrieated a�d tnstalled aseording to �MACNA and National �toofing Contraolo�v Asaoela#ia,n (NRFA) guid�lin�9. Uitless speeitf�allj/ agreed to in wriiing by the (�enFlex 7eChnlcal Dep�rtm6nt prior #o fnstallation, matalwork �nanufaetured by others !s not include� fn tlie �en�'lax warrar�ty �o�ar•age. �. 7ha destgn�r and roofina eontraetor sfioufd be aware that many �►unicfpaiiti�g and states are beginhing to enfcrce m�fal Eodes that, until racentry, were merey used as yuidelines. These meYal �ode� t8late to minimum stand�rds on material, fabrleatfon, and te�sling of roof refated m�te�work. it is ihE eontra�tor's r�eponsibility to review and know th� bulldins Eodes relatir�g to iheir roofing projects in order fo avoid cosily rerhedial work to bring a projset rnfo compliance. 3. (� the meCalwortr on a prcye�C Is specifed by th� deslgner to be irtcluded in a fu11 system w�r�ant��, use 4enFlex brarid edge metal and copfhg produets. Contact yaur salas a��nt for inf�rmakion. 4. If a me�al flasfiing produet b.y others Is submitted via a devfatfon request for Inclwslon in the warranty coverage, the following are minimum requirements (or �anaideratton: a. The metaiwork musk be sfiop or faetory, %rmed or extruded. b. The metaiwork must be �onflgured and instatled in aeCOrdance with SMACiVp, guidelinas and N1�CA Installatlon instructions. c. Minimum r�quirements regarding metalwork materlal are, �a �a (0.61 mm) a-�0 I�ynar pre-finMsh�d ateel or 0.040” (9.0� mm) aluminum (milf flnlshed, pre�fiinished ar anodized). d. A dev;atlon requ�st for �nclusion of inetalwork in warran .ty cov�rage must accompan� lhe Prs-Job F�urv�y (crm submitted bylhe Installing cont�actor. e. Th� devi�fion request must inalude shop draw'ings vf the metatwork to be Incfuded end a rooF plan showing the install�d location �nd linear dlmension for eaEh profle, f. ;�houid th� d�9vlatlan request be granted, the installing cantrastor will be responsibl� to i3enFlex Roofing ��st�ms for a period of iwo-years fram the date of GenFlex fnspection and a�c�ptan�e under thelr Installers agreement. �. Metalwork installatlon, regardless af materlal source, must be� aecordfng !o the metalwork manufaciur��s fistructions avallable from tlie manufacturer or supplier. a. MetalworK farmed by roofing contrastors must be labricsted and Insfalled (n accordance wlth �MACNA and NRCA recommendations. All Qange-mounted met�iworic must b� flash�d according to the appropriate Oen�l�x mate�al type's standard details. Metalwork Formed by contraators is not eligible for warranty coverage untess the condittone listed und�r Item "C" above are met and QonFlex acc�pfs the metalwork for warranty coverage in writing. b. Mstalwork by rooMg contractors must ha�e metal Joints stripped-In to the uppermost edge of the met�l dam on the roo} slda. c. TPO pro)ects wiih eover tape flange stnp-In of motalwork with a�raveE dam (or a formetl eanfguratlan fh�t Is eapable of holding watar on the edge of ihe Installed cover tape} must fiave f3en�lex TP4 Edge Cauik applied on both sides of the co�er tape. d. Gravel stop style melalwork on TPO roof systems may be tabrioaUad from (3en�'lex TP� G�ted Metal (n order to provide � suitable welding surface to seal the roof system to lhe mefaliNOrk, As �n �Iternative on some 'FpQ applications, it m�y �ia appropriate �nd permissiblE to use a tWO- piece snap on Faseia assembly instead of clad metal. Consult .your t3enFl�x Technlca! Advisor for options. 8. The approval of inetalwork (or inclusion In warran�y coverage Is conditlonaf upan acceptance by GenFl�x Roofing 9ystems, �nd, if approv�d, fs subJact to the "ierms, conditions and limltations" of the roqu�sted warranty. Und�r tto �Ircumstance will eny warranky covera�e for metaMrork �xceed the wind �p�ed limitation o�f the warranty Issued for the roof sy�tem. Aesihatic appearance rs expressky �xcluded Rom warranty eoVerage. 7. Metalwork by others is NOT pmrmltt�d on prajects nquiring full system warranties and wlhd �peed �overag� equatto, or greater than, 9U mph (944.84 kmih). 18 Fvr cu�rent in%rmatian and pramationai literature refar ta: www.genflex.com TPO MechanicallyAtt�ahed Sp�cification � � From: unknown Page: 31/57 Date: 11l15/2011 11:20:00 AM �� � �• 1! L V �� �� �� I 1 J.I �• J 1 �. Night ��p�l 1. Consutt (3enFlex Roo�ing �.ysterns stand'ard d'ef�lf �'-19,0� . 2. At Ihe eomplelion of e�ch day's work, a watertight se,al mwst be establ)shed at any toose edae of mem6rane with an appropriat� sealant. �are musl6e us�d to guarantee that no water ilows benaaih any eompfeted secRione of rooP, Cansutt G�n�lex Raoflng �yetEms standard niglit 6ea1 dat�ll for m�thod of �ttashrnent. Msmbrane cont�minated with the sealant u$ed as � night seai n'iust b� ¢ut out and dissarded qrior to r�sumption oiwork. 3.09 WALKWAYJ A. Consult Gen�l�X Roofing 3ystems gtartdard detail T 18.04. 8. Walkways are required at all access po(nts to tMa roof s.ystem and re.�ommended anywhere routine (routine � d�ned as once a Ittontf� or more) traf�c on t11� membrane suriace I� antioipated. Walkway pads ar� use.d to prote�t IMe we.atherproo�ng membrane from dain�,qe or excsss)ve wQar and lear. Traff'ic-related raaf d�m�ge IS not eovered by the Ger�FleX warranty. In �teas of eXlr�me traffc, oont�ct 6enP�l�x iot optlorlS to enfianCe the ronf s.ystem in order to prevent or rnifigat� traffie-r�+lated' Insulatlon demap8. WalkWe.y maintsnance is the r�sponsibifity of th� building owner pecause walkway pads ar� not parE of the warranted waterproofin8 as.sembly. C. �ho.uld access #o lhe roofing membrane be requlr�d in o�der to perform warranty servlee to tile roof s.ystem, only Qon�lex brend walkway peds wili he moved and replaeed as necssaary Co perforr� servlEe at Gen�'leXs exp�nse. Pavers, walkway systams, pativ aur�ace components and other products neither manuPaetpred or supplied b.y GenFle�c Roofing Systems ihat impede roof s.y6tem seniiEe must be removed �nd r�placed at the bullding awner's expense. �hould the ob5f�cle rernoval and replacem�nt be p�tform�d by the Gen�'lex eontractor s�rvieing a I�ak call und�r building owner authorization and/or purcfiase order, de�►Flex �ssumes no responsibiliEy or liability for the pert`onnance of fh� contreotor In performing that seMce. 3,7D FNVI3HED ROO� pROTECTION A. When it becomes nece�sary for ofher irades to wark over a aompleted area of now► root; the roofing membrana and flashin8 must be protected from physical damage. Proper and adequate prote�tloh Includes insEalling a stip-sho�t i� the work area overfaid wlth plywood or O�g, in arder to disslpate the effect� af traffic on the f,nished roof surfacQ and to prevent impa�t damage to the system cau��d by dropp�d tools andlor equipment. If damag� dv�ds occur to the roof syat�m, rt must be repaired immediately fn �rder to preserve th6 i�fe�rity of lhe roof system. IF membrane is damaged In mor� than six (6) Iocations wiEhin a 100 ftp (9,28 mY) area, �ew membrane extending 6' (952,40 mm) beyond the �order of the damaged areas must be Installed over e�cisting membrane In accordanc� with GenFl�x apsoifications. For fully adhered and rriechanically attached applicatians, the m�mbrane must be iully bvnd�d with th� existing underfying membr�ne with a GenFlex approved adhesive. eontact the f�enFlex T�chnlcal aopartment with any qu�stlons on haw to addresa comprehsnsive dam�ge. �or curreni information and promotlonal literature refer tc: www.genflex,com 19 i'PO MechanlcallyAttached 6peciiication From: unknown Page: 32l57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:00 AM „, ,, .�., „ � , � � �, ,,,, �,., .,.. 20 'For Adhergd 8nd �allasled �yalems, p06111on ad'acenl membfdne panela on lha factory-6p�hed adid ro�erence Nne. Hot Air W�Ided �eam Detail #: T-6.09 t 1/2^ Mln. (59.10 mm Hot AIr.We GenFlex Faaleners and $cam pletee Ceniered Over Spacing Uots. 5ea Delatl T,e.os. heter lo the GanFbxweb aile tor the most a,rren� GenFlex TPQ Faslening Malrbc for 1�9tener spacing requiremenls. I�, GenFlax TP4 Membrane •: ;1:; �:;:' .'�%",1•.. .S:ti•wa•"'� ' , ,�.C. �"d �: ;FN' ��I ~,\ _:�r'N..;:' �1' • jj". p'' ���% .;i���„ . .�:'r ..'. . y,7. ..C; �:t,' yA; ^ �,. ��.�.`,,: , a., .:.�.;' , ! ,�i.: ��. . , �.'Y^, ''. �;.�"=d�i�';ir.-:;. A.t ' .'•;a4;..;: ,�e ' m.:, � "'t:3C: �' , , ,:: •� . ,.r ..it'�4����'� .. . r� �: .�M,.� . ' .. �`�,. ,.. , . .�t'' 1 712" Mi11. (3@.10 mm) Ha! Air Wald` GenFiax 7P0 Membran9 Qen�lex 7P0 Bonding Adhesfre (If Adh9fed v�ystem) GenFlex ISO Approved Subelrele �� � Roofltt.,� Xs��m� po ys em� (For Adhorad i Bslla�lvd Appilc�tlons • g� Mecfiervcally l9youtunr ,�,m�erod R Balatli lsyaulune �� 6' • P9rte1 Etlps tss"=S@.10mm �K"•17�: 2x• • easo Mm .6"s �s2ao e',10', � 1�' Panels Metl�eniwNyAtta�hW Lsyoul Une Adher�d � Bepaetotl / 4+Y� L.ha , GenFlax �J � ISO �/' � �gto,�d • $u strale p� � 19P'=M.�mrn 5"=76.2omm 6"�16Z� `Po�itioh adjacsn! membrdne panels on ihe tactory.-8pplied dash�d roierenae Gna, �(� � and Install membrane aeeursment as requlred, centered ovar Fastenar and apacieg ���� dolled reference Ilne. Ro of I�n g yst ems TPO Me�F�anicall.y Singla We1d �eam D�tail #�: T-9.02 AtE�ched 8. stem� �or cwrrent informaiion and promotional literature �eter ta: www_genflrx.com TPO Mecl�a�icallyAttached �pacification �nd � From: unknown Page: 33/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:00 AM 1° Mfn. (26.4Q mm) HeFAir Weld on Eaoh Skle of .:4F. MvfiororPolyDar" ;r-�' � ',r :•�. ,<;5:.�'. ;���. ?':� : :: ;^�';,:-• I� ', ?^ r'l; !' ��v�"y��••° � y da:� ;!• ','�� �jxp.?�� � ..'. • � ' � ,• � � ..4I`..�. �•1�� �.+.V �n 1�M I .•�M. �•'� � . • � Ap ro+red sU�saace � 'Poslllon edjacenl membrane panafs on lfra factor�applled dashed referenee �n�, and inatall membrane securemenl (anchor or po� bar pnly) 8s �equ�f8d, Cenleretl dlree�ly oVer Adhered and Ballested re[erenc,e kne NC1T �VBR FA3THN@R q0T8. Thls allows suificfent membrane on each side oi Ihe bar lp achleYe e minlmum 1° (25.�0 mm) hol al� weld on oach slde. 8� (2.Ad m; Dual Weld 5e�am 4' (1.22 m} —� • � 4' (1.22 m} ------- �i_�4"-- (806.80 mm) • Det�fl #: 7�B.o3 � (1.2 ,�uways atag�er InsulaUon jointa, regardle9s of panel size used. , �enFiax Faslsners and Md�or or Poty Bar CoRtsred over Solid �Ino. See bate117'-8.0�. Gen�lex Kestenere sn� 5esm plaEbx orMEhor Bar Cenlerad Uwr 3paldnq Dols..,*ss batait '1=B.o3. Ref�9r � 1he 6en�x we� eito for tha mosl c;u�rent QenFlbu TPO Fpalening Mauix for faelener �paelnp requlromsnfs. GenFibx 71�0 M4mbrane G��+� R4oF�ng �'y���ms fi'�'C INeohanica�ly At�a�ch�ci Svstems (2b3.20 mm) �or use on buildings up to �i0' (15.24 m) hl�h. If building h�lght ex�eeds 50' (15.24 m), ¢ontast the Q�nFlex � 8„ Technical Department for att�chmen4 pattem, �a.o3.2o mm) N(JT�: Thls det�ll is �pplicable for both �ingl� & Duai Weld , �i� Assemblies. (20S.Y0 mm) �teler ta Detail T�6,02 for �eam speci�cativns. ���� """ ' Roof�.� ystems Meci�anlcally Attached Detall #: T�42,08 7P0 Mechant�ail.y lnsulation �eaurem�nt Attached � stem� For current information and promotional �t�rature reFer to: www aen4ex.com TPO M�chanlcallyAttached �pec�cation �1 �� From: unknown Page: 34/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:01 AM GenFl�x Bar Aneho.c �acured Wi1h (danFlax �aalenen Spa¢ettAecording �01he MeGhaniealfyAflaehed TPO �pde Malrix_ ne Posltion (nsulaUon and membrane aheets io ana6le ae�urement Into Ihe (op Aules on slee( decks (o ensure pbsitive atlachtnont and lo reduce faalenar moVement. Insulatlon 6houtd ba Inslalled wilh board ends teslinq on 1hg 11u1e lops. G��nFI�� Refer la Delail T•s.o� ior seam speci�catans. Rv of tn g�y�� �ms I]ual Wel�i �eam pgtail #: T-4�.02dw TP4 Mechani��lly In�ulation Cross �ectian . __ Attached �ystems GenFlex Ber AnChnf 0� �eain PIs1e Secured rM�h Ge�fJP�c Fasteners �paced According t0 the Mechan(cslly AqaChed 7P Pp61110� Insulation and memhrane 8heele lo enabla SeGUfoment mto (he tOp Hutes an st8i) decka to enSUre posiGve aNachment and (o reduce isstener movement. Insulatlon shoUld be Installed With board ends res6ng on ihe ftule lopa. G��F�e� �oo1�I�g �,yst�ms �uingle Weld �eam � f TPO Me�Fianlaalfy Insulatlon �Erosa �ectfion detail #; T-42,O�sw � A����,� ���ms 22 �or current Informatior� snd pro�otional literature reFer to: www genflex.com Tp0 MechanicallyAttached �peci�icatlon „, From: unknown Page: 35/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:01 AM �or Use on Roofs 0' tcr �0' (0 m to 16.�4 m) Above �roun�! 4.eve1 ; ! "i' j i '�'� "7�_� ' �, r '�.' '^'..--_ 'i"i • • �� ' ” � �� i i �� Rwr sheecs � ��•----- ----------w,--;--,--_--�--------- • i 7 i • • _. i • • • ■ �� 1 1 w i ., i .� i p r '�'i".-':"' -i--i -i- � 'i' � -i -Y- •' Half Toheels '� Md�(Imum 6D96 of FIeId panel Widlh � n I �� -i- i1-P'Y` � i-i-^P"Y- � -�--i�..i'_i_ � _�"i- �r � � � � � -;-;--,--;-,-°- � . ., i .+ � i ., �; �ull Sheals � •i.�-- - - - - � . i � ': `: .-? . � � i I �1 1 1 � I 4 �.,---------��-------� . . . . . . . . NI �en�I�xTPO Meq�Bnieal�rAltatjl�d Jyslqma requlrg 11d1F sheq.lperqlleter s,e�remenl, A Flalf 6haet wldlh oC up l0 60�,b p'(1he w(dIh bt Ihe rteld pan81's may be u�ed, Ffalt�lig:et �a,eursmEh[ fs equal tO the membrarie seeurement uaed In U1� �field o� 1he -: roai. Sta Ih'e MechaNqil� Atts¢hed 1P(� Fgalenat Malrlx fo� fealen6r and ape�rp tequiramenl;. If lhe prc�evt musl meet �aaory Mutuai «iteda, refer to Deiaq T�42.04-8, end pontact Factofy Mulual for review. HaIF she615 are raquUed at aM eKtetior adgei af the roo1 sys.tem end at Ihe up�er level edges oT Uansltlons in 6ufiace helphf qreater than 3' (814.40 ryNt1), • If lhe bulld,'ilg being rooted has �ny of fhe (dlowir� condllions, conlact Ihe �,en�lsx Yec�inlcal pepa►imenf tOr assiatanc� lii deterrnllllrg half aheet fequlremerll9; A) L• af�9 wall ope�IngS toialing 10% or more of any wa area. �} Canople� ppen below q1e roof deCk, C) 1n tt� Immedlale vldnify ollarg8 bodies of We�ter ; or ooaslline_ D) guilding fielght in exc�sa o� 76' (22.89 m), For proJeCle requlhn� p yvarranly wlnd apeed ht exce;66 of 54 mph (Ql0.80 kmlh), tsonlec! !he CaenFlex Technicsl DepaAmeht for psr9maler securemenl requlremenle. Atldillonal haff ¢fieels �ndlor f�sleners _ and seem plate� may pe rdqulred. � -��-� -�- �--� -;- � -� �� � -i -i--i -i `i - �--� - �- � � --- _. i • -� -Y` � '� i i 9 � HaltSheels � Mpximum 6076 oi FIeM Par�e! WWIh 'i �------ -------- �--- -----w - q • � i" i' � • • i' • i • � r i' � ' ti q C�er�Fl� Roofing �ystems Perimeter 8ecurement t,ayout far TP� Me��aNae�Hy AttachE �tandard Warr�nty �0' Hi�h or less De�all #: T-��.Q4-1 .�..�+ar,,,� �,��:, Fvr current inforr�ation and promotional iiterature refer to: www genflex.cem 23 TPO MechanicallyAttached $pecificekion ,, �, From: unknown Page: 36/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:01 AM For Llse on Roof$ 60'tv �8' ('f�i.24 m to 2�.86 m) Above �rourrd L�vel r a 1 �� 1 :,� , .r t '�i I �I 1 �� 1 ., � n i �� � � ,� � - -�- - i -i'it � ;_..; _�_. n �� .; Full Sheeis � .� i �I 1 l 4_______� � • • • i � i �� � .� � � ., � -; � -;- � �r- �--� -�. .,_�__________�,..______ • • • � • • • � • ��- � -� - �--�-;- � -� - �--i"�- � •' ' Half �heels �i ; AA&ximum 804i Ot Field Panel Wldth � i -i _ il i `i__ �j ?- � -i -i•• i�_i_ �__� _ _ �..�i_ �_ •' .� � � � •� .� ;--,--,.r;..�� _� _�_ � _i_ �__: _.-_: .� � ,; �ull5hee[s � .� � .r �- � -� - � -� -� -�'- � -; - �--,--�--- • � .� � N �� � i �i i �L_____ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _ �• � i" i �_ i i i� i • i i � � H�If $�lpets i Maximum 60% of Flold �+anel V�fidth } �i -----�------------ ------ � �:-. . . . . .,. . :-. . . •� n � .� �� i i � � � .� Alf �enFi�x TPO Me.chani�aly Attaohed syslems requlre hdlf sheet p•�dm�bet r;e¢urement. A half aheet widlh p� up to Bfi`� oi• thq wklth of ihe Tield panels itisy pe used. M�TI sh�et s��uremen@ is equal to lhe membr��e ae�urem�t used In the field ot the rooL Se9 the �lechmlr,allyAltached TPO F's�t�nfng i�latrlx tor Festaner And sp,acing iequlreme�ta_ {t the proJee! must mqet FYe,lo :ry Mutual +allene, reFer to Detafl T�2.04-�, and wnlmci Faclory Mulual for reNew. Half �heets are requlred ee at1 exterlor edges vf the roof ayatem and at the upPer Ievel edges of lranaitions in surfa�e Height grealer ihan 3' (914.40 mm), If lhe buildinp be(ny ro.afed iias any of the tolbwing condttEons, contact the C.anFfex Teehnieal Department for asslstanoa in d�lertninin� half shee! requlrements; Aj Lstga wall o{�enings fotaling 104e or more of 8ny vWd(I afea. B) Canopi�s open beloW th� ro,af dedc. Cj In lhe immediate viGnl�r of laraa badiea oi wal'ef Or eosspine, D) Building helghl fn exCess of 75' (22.89 m}, �or proJvela requirin� a warrenty wind sp.eed In exoess af 54 mph (86.90 kMh), canhact lhe (3en�lex Teclinical Depa�tmant tor pedme�ersecurement requirements. Addidonal half sheets andlor faateners and seam platea ma.y be requlred. Rerlmeter S�curement L�yout for 8tandard War�an.tv 50' ta '�S' �flsah bQ'�FI #; T-4�.04-2 G+��FI�X Roofing �y�tems TpQ Mechanicalfy Attached 24 Far current Enforr�ation e�nd �romotional lit�r�ture refer to: www.g�nflex.co� TPO Mechanical(yAttached �peeitication „., �,,,,, From: unknown Page: 37/57 Date: 11/15l2011 1120:02AM .�., ,. �„�� ..�, ,�,. ,. .,, �or Use or� Raois �Fequlrlrg Factory Mutuai Ratln� Gomplian�� r i L N •I �I � ! i �I �I �� 1 1 � I f � �� •� �� 1 1 1 �� �� �� � , i i i i •� •� y � i i=� .� .r .i— 1 � •' .� : � � , � � , ., .� � i i .i . �� i i i r S •� i __f w � • ♦ R��� _ �j`� -;--��___ � -%-:- � -�' � Full Sheets -�-�� �_ �.,..�_�_.,� _�_ Hali She9le • �^ • i • � • • �� � 1 �� �� �� � i i � � + i ---- � �� '' • i � -.- i"-.-- � �"-,-----^- � • . r- :--: -_- � �; - ; i i i � i r �� �� i � --� - �-i ' i .r-: - ,�-r-;--r-�- ;--,--�- � -, `i--� d .' : i � i i i i .� .� .i i i 'i_"� __„-� -.- ���� _ �_�+ _�_ �I �i N 1 I �� �� �� Half 8heets .+ Full �heete i i i .i .i .i I 1 1 1 � 1 �I �i I li�-i -i-`�: - - � `� i 'i `i-- �I tl � I � I � �� �� � , , , �' �' '' � i i i .i .� .r i r � i i � .i .� .i � r , rl •I • �r � 'i - �--� -Z�----- - - - � � • � i i i •� �I R �I 1 � 1 I � i �� � •I � �I � 1 fi--i i' i'i �i- �-^..-___„ N • • • • � •� t � 1 1 s� � •� � �� 1 1 � �I • •I �f � -�-i..�� _�_.i.._�'i'..�'-i-i 1 I �� �� � �� 1 : 1 � q � �! .� The vddG�s of enhanced erimelar pnd �e,me� �eeur4menl ar�d'! ort a �e�hank��y /�(lar�gd TP4 roof �yslem are daterminad k�r multlplying the bulidlnQ h'ei�ht by 0,4 or multipl�lnQ the teeser building dlrrNl�fvn by 0.1, whid}�ver la less. 7ki'e perimete'r drea mu'sl be �pf�d wOh hdif a►1ee(a {ha(f aheels up 10 6096 0l llie fleld sheet width aro AcFCptable) Ihat aPe aeeured at (he esme rate as ihe full w(iifh Qea s1'►eels of Membrane. til» r,emer araas musl D� further Bnhar►cqd ds atiow�t tzy eds6Cro.sslr�p Ihq hsff sheet# I� 1he eqrrlsra. C�ulion: Or1 InatallaUpllg lhal ItiusE m6eC Faetofy f�iulual fequiromellta, all fastehera tr�ed io anhance ihe Opmer areds musl pepefrate lhe Uppeimo6l Isyer6edm ssaembty, Ae en oplipn, sorr�e� enhencgmenl may be �CC�mpllahed by fn6taNing adtli6ona) roWS o( securement Ihrok�h lhe half sheelS bnd then sldppin�dn those �ows of securemenl wIlh 6` (152Ad mm) Wide relnfotced TPQ Bashing InstaAed !0 Gen�19�c speclHCation or Wlth Cen�tex Gear pr(mer and 7P0 CpVp�dape. Comer s�eufement muel be equal to Ifetd ��� securarqenl and redUee lhe area be(ng aeCUred tp 4U9b meo�imum o! Qeld panel wldth. For ��y.r ��� asslslance, cont�dt Ihe �en�lax TaCtItllGal ��” j pepartmant. 1�oefPn �ysf�ms Perimeter �i�curemer�t I.ayou� for p���� �_ T-42.04-3 TP� Mschanlcally Atta�hed �actor�r Mutuat Rate� �vst�m.� �.__t_�_ _ � . For current information and promotional literatur� rafer to: www,genflex,com �$ TPO M�cftanically Attached 5pac�cation , From: unknown Page: 38l57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:02 AM �. � •� 1 I L V � 1 i l I V ���� I �! I '� J V HOMEI. REALTY DENNIS HOMEL 14 NORTH MAI.LARD CQURT S7. PAUL, MN 55127 PHONE:659 •482-17 75 FAX;651-482-1978 REROOF US1NG G�NF6EX 7P0 MOQFiE LAK� APARTMENTS 57p4 CENTRAL AV� FRI�LEY, MN REVlSED ZO-Y�AR � n��Fr1 � PLEAS� REFER T4 ANY ATTACN�D 5HE�1'S �OR ADDITIONAL I�lFORMATION ON THIS PROPOSAL.W� PROPQS� TO TEAR O�'F TM� EXISTING ROOF ANb ENTIREL,Y RE•ROOF ALL FOtJIi (4) BUIl,1]INt33 qT TH� ABQVE JOB AdDRESS. DEMOLITION AND PREp�RATfON AT Q.T. Gt7MM�RCIAI. CONSTRUC710iV AND ROOFING, W� BELtEV� 7HAT THE PREPAI4ATION IS A KEY S7EP IN THE RE- ROOF PROCESS. FOR TMf$ JO� WE PRdP05E Tp; 1. SH��T METAL FI.A5HIfVG$ WILL BE LEF7 IN PLAC� AND SECURE� WITH ADQIT(OANL FAS7EN�RS AS NEED�p, DOWNSPOCJT9 WILL BE REUSED. 2, REPlAC� ANY WET UNDERLYING lNSULATIOId WITH AN EQUlVA4ENT TYP� AT A RA7E OF �9p PER SQUARE FQO't, AER INCH WITM THE FlRST 100 SF R@p[,ACED AT NO �HARGQ 7b TH6 CUSTOM�Ft, SU83TRq7� EXAMIINAiION 1. SOLID ROp� pECKING IS A MUST WHEN IT CQMES TO q R�•RODF PROJECT. AS ALWAYS, W� WILL CH�CK THE D�GfCING AND FtEPLAC� ANY ThiA7 IS DET�RIORATED WI7H NEW D�CKING A7 A I�AT� QF $3.25 pER SQUAR� FOO'I', THIS WILL BE IN AdDITION TO THE BASE CONTRACTAM�UNT. 2. B�CAUSE ALI. P�NETRATIONS NAVE TNE PO'fENTWL OF B6C4MING PfiOBLEMATIC OV�f� TIME, W� WILL R�MQVB ALL ABANpQN�h CURB5, STACIC$, ETC. TH� OpENINGS WILL BE COVERED WITH TH� APPROPRIAI'E D$CKING MA7ERIAL AND 5ECUREplN PLACE, ON SI7� CARPENTRY 1. IN pRDER TO AGCOMMODAT� TFiE 1NSUi.ATION TFiICKNESS ANb MAIN1'AIN AN APPROARIA7E PERIMETER H�IGHT, IF PlEEDED 1N� WILL INSiALL NEW WOOtI BLOCKING AT TH� pER1N{�7ER. THIS !S INCLUDED IN TH� BAS� CONTRACT PRIC� ,Z. INYERIOR CURB3 WILI. �E RAIS�d, A5 NEED�b, TO ACGOMMODATE NEW IN3ULATIQN HEIGMT ON A TIME AA1D MATERtAt,S BA5lS. 9. IF ANY ADDI710NAL CARp�NTRY IS NECESSARY, IT WILL B� bON� ON A TlM� AND MA7ERIAL BASIS. NE1N IN3ULATION 1. COVER THE ROOF WIYH TWO-FAC�D 31B" HIGH•DE{VSITY �XTRUD�D PO�YSTYREM� (IdSUlq710{d BOAaD DESIGNED TO �OlLOW TH� SLaPE QF EXISTING INSULATI(?N, 2. 7HE HlQH-DEN511'Y INSULA710N WILI BE MFCHANICALLY A'ffACH�b TO TH� UNDERLYING �PCK USING ONE FAS7�NER �V�FiY �OUR 3QUARE F��T OF ROpF AREA (MIN), 3. FULLY TAPER�p INSULATlON CRICI(�TS WILL 8� INSTALL�D fN THF CORNERS ANb BE1V11�EN qI.L SCUPP�RS. ALI. 3CUPpERS WIIL p� SUMPED 70 PROVIqE ADDITIONAL POSITfVE WAT�Fi FLQW. NEW ROOF SYSTEM 9. IN$TALL A GENFL�X 60ML R�INFORCED WH1TE TPQ MEMBRqNE ACCpRDING TO 7H� MATERIAL MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFIGATIONS FOFtA MECNANICALLY A7TACHED SYSTEM. 2. INSTqI,L ALL FLA$HINGS AND AGCESSORI�S PER MA7ERIRL MANUFACTURER'S $P�CIFlCA710NS. 3. WRAP �(ISTING RQO� HATCH COVER WiTH TPO MEMBliANE. SHEET M�7AL INSTAi.LATIQN 7. INSTALL SH�ET METAL TO ING�UbE NEW TPO COA7ED ROOF JAGKS, NEW TPO COATED3CUPPERS, AND NEW 24•GAllG� pli�FINISHED METAL CqP ON THE p�RIMETER, 2. MATERIA! MANUFACTUR�R'5 TERMINATION BAR AND CQUh1TER-FLASHING WILL BE 1NSTALIED A5 NEEDED. From: unknown Page: 39/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:02 AM ..�, ��„ ,. �. MECHANICAL AND �Z��FR�� 1. ANY MECHANICAL DISCONNEGT3 ANp ftE-CQNN�C7S NECESSARY TQ CQMPLETE THIS PROJECT WOUlD BE !N ADDI710N 70 TN� BASE CONTRACT AMMdUNT. PRIOfi TO WORK CiEGINiVING, WE CAN C40RDINqT� A MECHANICAL CONTRACTpR Tp PFt(JVIDE AN E$71MATE FOR THIS WORK, 2. 30L1D GONDUIT RUNNtNG ACROSS Fi00F AR6AS HAVE PROVEN TO B� pROBLEMqTIC IN THE PAST. W� f{qVE 1NCLUDED $250.00 IN QUR BASE CQN7RACT PRI�� 70 RLLOW �dR THE R�F'AIR 4F ANY DAMAG�D CONDUI7. ANY ADb1TIONAI. R�pA(R Cd57 EXCEEDING THE $250A0 WOLlLD BE CHARGED TO THE CUSTOMER 3. SAT�LLITE DISHES, ANTENNq� AND CABL�S THAT AR� (.bCATEQ ON THE ROOF MAY B� bISTURB�p; Q.T. CQMMERCIAI. WILL N07 BE RESPONSIBL� FOR THE T�MPORAaY DtSRUP710N OF S�RVICES. ANY COST$ A550CIAT�Q WITH THE NECESSARY REFOSITIpNING DF TH� SqTELLiTES, ANTENNA�, dFt CABL�S WILL 8� IN ADDlTfQN 70 TH� BA5E GONTFiACT AMOUNr. WARRA TY INFORM 71bN �. UPON hRa�cf CqMp�eTioN, 7HE MATERIAL MANUFqCTURER WIL,L INSPHCT THE NEWLY IN3TALL,�D ROOF SY57EM A ND Pf20VIDE A TW�NTY•YEAR WARi2ANTYAGAINST LEAKAGE FOR GABOFi AND MATERIAL$. THE CpNTRACTOR W1LL PROVIDE q TWp.YEqR WAFtRANTY AGAINST LEAKAG� Fali LABCIR AMD MqTER1ALS, ��S. PERMIL$ AMd FE[3 AlL TAXES, PEF�MITS, FEE$ AND WARRAN'TY CQSTS NAVE SEEN WCLUDEO IN THE BAS� CO�lTRACi PRIC�, WHiLE TH� pROJ6CT!$ IN PROQRESS, WE WILL K�EP THE Jp�51TE NEq7 ANb ORD�RLY. TH� GROUNDS W1LL 8E CLESNED A7 TN� �ND OF BACH WORK DqY WI7H A F1NAl., THOROUGH CLBANUP AT TH� CONCLUSION OF 7H� PROJECT. e nere�y proppsa ro turnisn iapOt E�nd materlalg Complete aGCOrdance with lhe above specificatlons for the $um Of: With Payments to be made as follows: 'r�Z I�UE WITH SIGNED CONTRACT BALANC� QU� UPON COMPLETIpN ANY aon�7�oNnl WORK mAY eE opNE oN n 7aM sA3�s j1Q�,: DU� TO FLUC7UAT[ON IN MAT�ftIAL PRICES, Q7 COMME1tC1AL VIqLI, HON6R TH15 pRICE FOR 3Q-DAYS ONLY. PROJEC7 MqY NEED TO BE RE-pRICEO AFTER 30•DAYS. — � ---• -�-------� e worh as spqcl/led. payment w!!! be msde as ouUlned a6ove. ywr�� �oV M d MweBH/Un�u R/aIIRBiHI acaoidaxa wi'th �he abave speancshons. AReiatiars w davlelrons ham the ebove sp�ph�edona wAPbe mede aM'vp�r+ wr�ten d�anqo ader, a/gnbd bY 6om qrGommerde/ end Owner, descrralrrg fhe cherpe antl stahny whaf, ifany, addklona�amoant la ro De paid byOwna� Owneresaumts fhe dakolcancesled orunknown aondirbne. �Judinp, butnot /um7ad to, thepresence alesbeafaa wlach dersyorMcreaae lAe cosf o1 QT LbmmenMeYs peflamarroe, end owxrshell epiep to P�'reesoneby, addlGOnal cAsipes resWkng from Nase co,rdiKona oerwp QT Comraemel sAap be oDTipbted fo aw�unum pen6rmenae. 4T Comme�c)sl is rrot reaponspre Aordefeys nswPinp Irom srrikes, lrenspavtatian drert�pt�on, weelher, eocio�nts,meferielsShortape.orolhercauaesDeyOndRsaortlmL 4TCommartlslfanotiesponmi6/efw ��� ��Ae �� ��9lrom Y+b�t6an carrsed neifher bYMa perlprmmne� norloYanY�eMel $iltNaff� �ny�Y�8, 69flSfiAq AJId � IB r110ld Sro BXC(Ud9d� II �l8 COrNl�{ GltlB38 0of119tW�P AO1Bd., Al! makdals anesDe as specdQeal eeovo, and epwovk shaH 6e peAprmad In e prokssionel ma�u�er, AN ot�er �press or imAbed we�rsnlies, Gxiu�rng 1!ro implled wairanBes o►l�oesS arrd meiuhenMbitip; are hemby exdvdea� �wnersaolerem�dylorDresd,ofanYandeswarranNesay4TGommanval,whother exWessed wknaned aAa1l be Emfled ro repafr orrepJecwnanf, e� 4TCOmme�lel'a oplron, ol Me pertbn of thaworlrsnUmnterklasuPP�dheiavn�eithaterea�eterminedtoDeCbaG�va Owneraq�slo edo,�tona! raeaonsNe cherge$ MdupF�9 howly reMa Iwldle eq�dpmenf resWNnq ur�m delays ol Qry Commeraal�AedormenaecausedoyownelorOwner'aofheraonrreda�, un�eaeane,�aeao�eac PeYM�f shaU be dus upcn oempiet;c,� p�fhe work by QT Commerc;al, �dlnwkea shaNbe psyaDle wr'� tenfi0ltlsYg�rrocelplDyOwnar. Aae�vi�achsrgeolfhafosserolfhsma�mumleg�el�ate.oroneentl onrhaNPercertt ry.6g�j p�montb w�71 be ed0etl fo Past due aacovnla. AuUpihet! �T COINMERGIAL CoNSTRUC7fON b 1jQpplNO: a►a satlsfactory and are are CONTRACTOR: OWNER/MCr1�: �r�; PR�LIMINARY LIEN iVOTIC�; Any person or company supply;ng labor or materlalS for thls improveMent to yaur property may flle s iien agalnst your property If that person or cvmpany Is not paid for the cvntributions. Under MinnesQta law, you must have the rfght to pay persons who supplled labor or materials for this improvement direcEly and deduct this amount from our contract price, or withhald the amounts due from us unfil 120 days artfer completlon of the improvement unless we glve you a Ilan waiver s! ned b persons who sup Iled any labor or materlal for the Im rovement and`who ga�e ou timel notice. From: unknown Page: 40f57 Date: 11l15/2011 11:20:03 AM GreenGuard�-PB6 RaaFING RECaVERY BQAF�D DATA SH�ET �.�, ��.. ,. �„ � �ireerl. �71�iara Descriptlon: GzeenCruard�-pB6 is an extruded palystyrene roo�ng recover� board consisting of a foam coze with high impact plastic facers on Uoth sides. � �t,'V'alue� {°F'f��'h/�'CU) Water Vapor permeatiee lZate (perm) Water ADsar�tfon (max. % by'Valume) Compressive SErength (min. pai Q 10% Deflection) �`lr�e Characteriatics2 l�lame Spread Smoke beWeloped WeigLt pbs.iioaa t�� Maximum Reeommended Use �'exnperature (°�) '�'ypical Ph�s�cal �roperties 'Y'est Metltod ASTM C 518 {@ 75°F Mean Temporature) ASTM � 96 (Procedure A) ASTM C 272 ASTM D 1621 AS'�M E 841C7T. 723 �reenGuard�� 1.5 a.o6 O.b 1S 10 45 -140 92 2Q0 ` Spccimcns are aged ond tested in accordTnce with the FTC "Tt-Ynl��e Rulc�� {l6 CFR, Pnrt 460), 2 These m�merioe! flamc sprcad and smoke ratings arc not intended to reflect bazaHis pi,cscnted by this marorial under actual fite canditions. (Core only data). �torage ond Tiandling; When stored outdoprs, 81l metcrial should ba protacted from cxposure to direct sunlight using an opaque, light-colored farp or fho origtnel paokaging. Material that hes bctin unwrapped ahould bo eareFuRy rcwrapped. Coa11`ar Pitch Roof �ystemi OranGuard �'�d cen be iastalis,d directiy ov�r exisdng coa] tar roof systems if tho roof has nat been reseNrnlcd within fha prcvious 4 years. (Othorwise, use a poJyet4ylbno acparatar shat bcnveen the (3recnGuard PB6 and t6e exishng roof system.) In addition, the now roof syatem must ba dasigned to limit tho maxlmum coal !�r tcmpernture to 1 IO°� to provent wlafiles from asca�ing IFom Iho exisiwg aystcm and attacklns rhe GrccnGunrd pB6. The desiga tomperamre at tha surfac�e uf rhe GceenGluard PB6 instalied ovor existing coa( tar pitch toofs shall not excead I65°F duriug ]nstatlation or use. WARNINC: Foam pl�stic insulation will ig►rite if eacposed to �ro of suflfieicnt heat end i«t��sity. Protect foam insula6on from exposuro tv ope�� tla�tte or othcr ignition sourCes dqring slupment, etoragt, and installation. Pacti�v e (3reenGuard itoof5n� Rccovery $oard is an ENLRQY STAR quslified Qroduc! as a parC of EPA's T�Toma 3e�ling �ffort. • �� APPAOV�D DSFS-PB6 "Subjectto th� cnnditlona deacrlbad In 9�� 0 F�IRepartJ,M,2P0AS,A,M, ' �'' �Np,�p,�, �M � . � Pw�-r�v i-800-24�,-4402 www,�reen-guard.com From: unknown Page: 41l57 Date: 11l15/2011 11:20:03 AM �P�CIFICATI�NB 07'641.1 & q7641.� C3EIVFLEX TPO MECHANlGALLYATTACH�D SYBi�MS (SINGLE WBLD $� DUAL WELD 3HAM9) �eneral Page 1.01 Des�ription ........................................................................................................................................................................1 1.02 QualityAssuranc� ......................................................................................................................................................... i i.p3 Submlttal� ......................................................................................................................................................................i-a 9.04 Product Delivery, �toray�, and Handling ...............................................................................................................� i.Q� Job Coaditions (Cautfons and W�rnings)-• ........................�-�•---�.............................,........,................................�-3 1,b6 IlNarranty ......................................................... ... .,. . 4-S ............................................. .... ..... .................................................. 1.d7 Godes ........................................................... . . . .......................................................... .. ....... .. . ...............................8 ...... .. .. .. . . 9.08 A�¢eptable �tru¢tural aoof Decks ................................................................................................. ....................... .B .. . 1.09 Aac�pt�ble Roof 9ystem Substrates ............................................................... ........................................ . . ......7�8 1.10 Aecept�bie GenFlex �asCeners ........................................................................ . . .. ............................... .................. . ..8 1.11 Wood Nailsrs .................................................................................................................................................................10 Products 2.01 General .......................................:............................................................. 2.Oa Membrane ............................................................................................... �.03 Relatad Materials :............................. .... .. ................. . . .... ......... ..........10 ....................... . . . ............ ,10 .. . . . ...... --------------�------�--------�----------- i0•11 Installatlon �.01 Substraie �rlteria ........................................................................................................................... 11 ............................. 3.02 �ubstrate Preparatio� .................................................................................................................................................11 3.03 Insulatlon Applle�tlbn ............................................................................................................................................11-12 3.Od Insutation Securement ........................................................................................................................................12-�� 3.Ob MembraneAppllcatio� .................................................. ......,..............................13 ........................................................ 3.08 MembraneAttachment and 5saming procedures .....................................................................................13-15 3.07 Perimeter and Base MembraneAttachmen� .........................................................................:..........................�76 3.(}8 Flsshings .................................................................................................................................................................:18�'19 3.09 Vlh�lkway& .......................................................................................................................................................................19 3.1 Q Flnished Robf Prdtectio� .........................................................................................................................................18 System Speciflc Supplemental Dets�ils ........................................................................................... ..,.. �0-2b �or cuRent inFormation �nd promotfonal literature re�er to: www.�enflex.oam TPO Mechanfcaily Attached Speciticatlon 10/2006 ,,,, From: unknown Page: 42157 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:04 AM ,.�.. �, ��,� �, �� ,.�, ,�,� „ �.. u�PECIFICATION�S 0754�1.1 & 07841,Z dENFLEI( T�0 M�CHANICALLYATTAGHED 5YSTEM� j8lNGLE W�LD & UUA1. WELD SEAMg) PART 1— t3LNERAL 1.01 D�3CiiIpTICiW A, GenFlex �tooifn� Systems recommends the use of a design professlonal to �ssure correct roof de�ign ior ihe roo�ng praJoaf, to address any non-standard conditivn� on the proJeet, and to ensu►e eompliance wlth applicable building eodes. B. �enftex specifications sre designed to detafl the mi�imum requ}rements to obtain e �enF'lex warraniy on a raofing project. Yqur rvofin� proJ�ct may have additlanal requiremenfs apell�d out in the cont�act doc,umenta above and beyond the [�enFlex requiromants due to �pplieable building codas or deslgr� characterislies speclfled 6.y the Rroject designer, C. The GenFlex Roofing 5.ystems TPO MeehanicaUyAtEached �ystem (inner�,�am securemen! configuration) utilizes GenFfex TRO membrane epplied over a C�en�lex epprpved insulation or stru�tutal substrate and anchored to the struetural deck in accordance wifh GenFlex TPO Mechanioally Atta�hed System design roquiremants. D. Ona Gen�lex Roofing �ystems authorized applicator shall pe,farm roof appfication and retated work. A singl� firm fe requlred sa that there is undivided responsibflity ior the per(ormance of ti� comptet�d roofing system. Refer to the GenFtex web site to re�iew any applicabl� technlc�al updates. �. Furnlsh and lnsta(1 the GenFlex Mechanic�ally Attached RooBng �ystem in strlct accardance with drawings and Spec�ic�tions approved by GqnFlex RQOC�g �ysfsm8. � aoiaied Work . Th� worK irtcludes, but Is not neeessarily limited to, ths Inst�ll2�tlon of: 1. Vapor Retardera (where required) 8. Wood Nailer 2. C�enFlex Insulation 10. GenFlex Waikway Pads 3. Gen�ast B�rAnchors 11. QanFlexApproved Sealants �F. GenFiex Pol�ester Feft Unde�layment 12. QenFtexAdhesives S. �enFast �asteners 13. aanF[ex Metal Edging & Copfn� perAN�l /�PRi 6. Gen�l�x Roof Membrene . E8-1 (ss requ3red) 7. GenFlex �lashing 14. All metafwurlt to be fastened par �hee.t Meta! &Air 6. QenFlex Metal �(ashing Conditfonins Contractors Nafional As&oe{ation (3MAGiVA) skandards. 1.02 QUAUTYASSURANC� A. The roofing system must be Installed by an euthor�ed �enFlex Roofing 5ystems appficator for the proJect to be eli�ible ta recelve a manufacturer's system warranty. B. Thare shaH D� no devlatfan rnade fram this specific�tlon or tha detai( drawings without written approval from �en�lex Roo�ing Systems fourteen {14) days prior to the statt of the roo�ng projecf. ' C. Upon completion of tha (nstailatlon, an inspection ghall ba conducted by a Technlcal R�pr�santafive of Gen�lex f�oofing Systems ta ascertafn that the rooting system has been installed acc�rding to GenFtex Rovfing Systems most current published specifrcations and datails. Thls Inspection is not intended to be a final inspection far the benefit of the awner, It Is ior the benefit of GanFlex Roofng Systems ta determine whether e warranry r,an be fssued. � d. It Is the roofing applicator's responsibility to adhere to all appliceble Iocal and natEonal building codes far roofing system installetion requirements and Iimitatians in his/her g�ographical �rea. �. For speciflc code and testing a8ency approvafs achleved by �enFlex Ropfing Systet'ns, refe� tp fhe agency'a pU6fished IistinQs or c�ll the GenFlex Rt►ofing �ystet�s Technical Department. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit a Pre-Job Survey farm to the GenFiex RooFing Systems Technlcal Deparfinent fo� approval PRIOR to the job start. 7his enables the Technlcal Department ta approve the Intended assembly and asalgn � job number to the project. 'rhis submlttal may Inelude deviation request forms or pullout test resulls, depending an th� project criteria. Fbr ctarr�nt Information and promotional literature rafer fo: www.�enflex.com TPO MechanicallyAttached �pecffication From: unknown Page: 43157 Date: 11/1512011 11:20:04 AM ,.�., „ ",�� ,� ,�� ,.�, ��.. „ �. 7he primary Issues to conslder inslude: . 1. The produets Involved and tha parfarmanee o.f asphalt attachmenh or insalation adheslve by vihers wUl� �ot be Ineluded in the �en�lex system warrant�y eoverage Be¢ause lhe.y are products supplied by others. �eparate warranty coverage may be available f�om the manuiacturer of the product beins used, but It Is separate from the Gen�l�ex warranry coverage and may be pursued b.y the installing contractor or property owner, a, For insulation / underlaym�nt attaehment m�#hods other than loose lald for aallasted s.ystems and mechanieally anchored to �en�tex apeei�se�ion for adhered and mechanieally attsched �yetems, the maximum aliawsd board s�e Is a' x 4' (1.22 m x 1.2� m). 3. When using Insulation adhesive, vert(y that the approved substrat� has not been altgred by co$tings, sealants, ur addit'ves. NOTH: Unless the GenFl�x Technical Department providea writtan approval oF apeclflc product$ and / or applicatiQns p�for tc th� st�rt of e roo�tng praje�l, alteration of the bonding substrate (o.g. applicetion ot primers and J or Bealants, etc.) voids warranty �ov�rage ior the insulativn attachment. C�. po n�t tear o�f more roof lhan can be covered the sarne woricday. W. bo no� install more roofing insulation than can be roofed over and sealsd the s�ma workday. (. Do not phasa roo�Hng (nstallation. Compfete all details d�Ely, and lnsEal) night seals �s required to �nsure the Ins►alled roo�ng companents are proteeCed fro.m molsture. J. P�rfarm daily quality contro) cheeks of installad seams and details, and correct any Identified deticlmncles eash and eve .ry workday to prevent moistur�a Tram eni�ring the roof sy�tem. K, Cold weaRher applicaEion of C�en�lex edhesivQS and sealants requires speclal cons[deration, As specifi�d in the Produat pelivery, 5torage and Handiing aoatlon above, the GenFlex roofin� adheslves, solvsnts, cautks �nd sealants must be stored at s�rvice fernperatur�s ranging irom BO °F (16 °C)10 80 °F (27 °C) prlor tv use, . � 1. If a room temperature storage environment is not a�ailable, th� C�.enFlex p.rpduets muat be re�tored ta serviceable temperatures befor� application by efterr�at� means, such as hot bpxes ar pall warmer5, and rotated as required tp maintairl a servlCeabte installaiion t9mperature ihroughout the application process. � 2, puring pErlods of htgh humidity, espec�ally at coolsr temperetures, condensatlon may form on the surtace of the �dhesives and primer. This is referred to as "blushing' It uccurs wh�n the dew polnt is near tha amblent outside temperature and is eaused by the evaporatfon coofing process inheront Ih the flashing of solvents. Blushing !s more prevalant an foggy orove�cast days. ONCE BLUSWIN6 BE�INS, W4RK MU57 BE STOPPED UNTIl. CQNpIYIONS IMPROV�, t�uring cold weather, work in smaller areas, a11ow longer flash-ofF times, and limit app(lcatlon of solvent-based adhesives end sealants to the watmast hours of the work pErbd possible. 3. 5olvent-based adh�sives tend to surface-flash during cold weather, formin� an auter skin on the surtace before tiie entire,adh�slve tayer has had su�icient time to flash-off, 7o correet the application conditlon when this accurs, allow the adhesive layer ta flash-off property. To detarmine tt the app}ied adh�slve has sa�ace-flashed, c:onduct a'push' test af the prepared surface by #auching the adhesive flIm with your Tinger (away irom any seam edges}, and push to see If your finger sifdes through any un-flashed edhesive. lf a surface skln canditlbn is Identified, allow extra time for the adhes(ve Tilm to proper�y Aash- off before retesting. (n extreme cases ot surFace curing, it may be necessa .ry to allow the adhesive film to cure completely overnight and to sta►S over when better working conc�+tians exist. Adherinp two surt�ces lhat have suffered surface cur(ng of the adhesive will I'esult in bliskers and bubbies In the membrane �pplication, caused by the trapped sohrent from the uncured adhesive. 4. Under na circumstances should laying of inembrane, or applicatlon of adhesfves, primers, or cauiks take place during periods oF any forrri of precipitatlon. Cald weather appticatfon oF �enFlex 7P0 membranes requires speGal consideretion. 7. thermoplastic membrane roofs ara ¢�ssembled with hot airwefded seams, using �iectric pawered hQt a�r Vvetiiers. Cold weather applieations requlre exfra attention to ambfent conditiona because fluctuations in temperature end wind cBn adversely affr�t the welding param�ters established at the beginning of the workday. ' 2. During a cold waather app!lcatlon, it Is fmportant #o re�stablish wefding paramaters efter evary bnak In hot air wetding, �.g. lunch, at the bs�inning of each workday, etc. Conduct a welding test on samo scrap r��mbrane, and sat up the wefding equlpment correctry for the eurrent canditions. For current Information and promotionai lite�atur� refer to: www.genftex.�om TPO Mechanica(ly Attached �pec�cation From: unknown Page: 44/57 Date: 11/1512011 11:20:04 AM .�., „ �� � � � � ,� ,.., ,�., 6. 3houid the deviation request be granted, the ins�alling co�tradpr will be responsible to GenFiex Roofing �ystems for materials and Installatlon I�bnr pa�Pormance tor a period of two-�ear� f�om the date af the approved flna( inspection b.y CenFlex under their lnstalfera agreement. NOTE: The approval of inetalwork [or inclusion In w�rranty coverage is condiilvnal upon acceptanee by GenFlex Roo�ing Syat�ms, and, If �pproved, is subJect to the 'tarms, cor�dilions and ifmitatlons' ot thv requested warranty. Undar no clrcumstanee will any warranty coverage for metelwork exceed i�e wind speed Ilrnitatlon of th� w�rranty (ssued ior ihe rool system. Aesthetia appearance Is expressly sx�luded trom warranty cov�rage. Metalwork by othors Is NOT permitted on projects warranted for w3nd speeds of 90 mph (144.8�1 km/h) or (ilpher, I. Contact GenFlex Roofitng Systems for additlonal warranty iMarmation, J. Whan it is anticipaled ihat Gen�lex membr�nes will be exposed to animal rats, pelroleum grease or other prease products, fhe owner or awner's r$presentative (s responsible ior speClfying (h�t a saCrmClal sheet, sand trap, or grease trap lype eontalnment produvt musf be used to protect the waterprooflng roof membrana. K. !t sFiall be the owner's r�spongibility !a expflse� the membrane in th� event that warranty service is �equired �rher� aceess is impalred. �ueh impairment souid include, but is not limited ta 1, peslgn features, auch as window washer systems, which requlre the instaUatlon of traffio surfaee units in exc�ss oi 801b (36.a9 kg) per unit. �. Any equipment, arnamentatlon, 6uilding servlce un�ts, or otiter rooftop surFacing materlais whl�h ere not defined as part o� the roofiing system. 3. I�oOftop equlpment that do�s rtot provlde �enF�ex wit� reasonable �ccess to the membrpne system fbr purposes of warranly invEStig�tion and rel�led repairs. 4, w�tandin,g water, snaw, Ice, or other materials unretated to tha rooF system, L. Warranty coverage is limited tG the maxitnum wind speed indicated on the warranty document as measured 30' (8.14 m) abovs ground level and does nat caver damage that rasults irom failura oi other buitding campanent�, such as dlslodged metalwork, wood naHers, rooftop units, or other materials not Included in the �enFlex warranty coverage. 7.07 CODE3 A. GehFlex Roofing Systems has successfully tested its systems at UI. and Factory Mutual testing faciliiies in order to qualify for speclflc code� and ratings used by designers (n tha gpecificatiqn of the various roofing systems. B. Tfiis testing is conduated In strlct accordance with the Industry �ecognlzed standardizad�testing procedures established end managad by each organiza�on. The purpose o1 t�sting assemblies and matsrials is to evaluate pe�formance capability for each indivldual component of the roofi�g system, as well as iha performanoe of the combined assemby. C. Because codes and ratings are roulinely updated and revised, it Is important to consult with a Gen�lex Technical Advisor or Sales Agent before quoling a project �equiring comp{iance to a speclfio code rating. Please visit www.genfleuc.cam for the most current published list �f code ratings. D. It is the contractor's rvsponslbflity to ensure compliance with designer spec+fied code requfrBments pn a project. GenFlex ftoofing 5ystems does not inspect for compliance to cade required enhanoements to roof systems. For currant Informat�on and promotional literature refer to: www.aenflex.com TPO Mechanicaliy Attached :3peciiication From: unknown Page: 45/57 Date: 11/1512011 11:20:05 AM .�., „ ��, , � � �� ,.�. �,., ,. ,. 9.09 ACC�pT'Apl.g �00� �Y5'TEM SUB�TRATff9 An aceeptable substrate will provide a smooth sur�ace capable of fully supporting a�enFtex roof ass�mbly end ant(efp�ted roof lo�ds, When useci to sup�art �n adhered roof system with e�ihar m�chani�ally etta�he.d or bonded Insulatlon to lhs d�ck, the acceptable insulation substr�te �nust also possess sufflelent structural inte�rity to secure th� rootin� membrane to the strucfure when the membrane is 6onded to it. Tharm�l vafue to the roaf assembly, wh�n appffea6la, must a(so be eonsidered wh�an ehoasing ar� Inaulation subsirate. When fnsulation i� uaed aa a foof subatraCa, the Ineulatlon rnust be capable o( being support�d by the ffikructural deek. �or example, a�ypi�al steel dadc wo,utd not s.upport waod fiber aione buk would guppo�l an Iso�yanurate insulation baard wRh e wood ifber overlay. A suitable substrate can be an exlsting roof surfaee, a structural deck, or insulalion as dataifed In tFie following table. TABL� 1.09A �,�-.�,: .,>,.,.,;, :,:;;�u�:.: :,,:w� ., {:; �,Y... ..A^" P'(� . w'wM1" �n�t . • • '�t�•. ;•:.r. � ;rL��', �'.�1 ��� ��:�l.�R��..���'�.., ��. . . !��.:�\.�! ..4. / . ���'�; N�� .1'•' eCe,,,i• ,.r:.�;:�nr.�.. r. a:e.�r.: �i •x .4t• , •,9�'.:.:�, Q"rF.3•� ,�yy* ��a•++ •+t: �.r.� y�.vr a.vy>:^�ri+ , . �:r�;�,.., � �a�' `.�'.�i:'•'a,,,� ' : �%�,} �I�il.•�Hbi'�!�lF.. . ..;�� ;� ��}��%�t!µ�,�oj� Usi aa. �{ � �t���:� �� , M� �,�l�. ��:�: ,. , f. :�►��::.: . , ��z.�; �.. � �:..... �'��:� �, CienFNx roof ayalems may bt InH�od dirss9y aver pywopd, provid�d ths subsGsle b(rcs o� eenlaminatlpn, ahsrp rdp�s, ahd Plywood pr pro�=bm.lM1bod qanK deck� reqete an spprtJypd minlmum Ihkkas6s Ineula0an bo�ud.1'hs bdfMSble iubatre�e, whelher Wood Plank Deeke plywood or m�nfmum U�IcNness Insukltlon, muit haw eny volde yreatef tl1dN 1/4' (9.a6 mm) b�Nraen psnele }iMed WN1111 wll�ble malerW ko pfovfde a smooth, bondabie audaca, W1�en plywootl IS used es a dirael �uL�lrppp, I�e pfrwood fhould bs eHaGhed lo Ihs ilrucslural anpporf wRh �cra�type fasleneYa, inatesd of naAing, to prcveRl di�mays tausad by iasknar back-ouS ae Ihe swctura moves due W expans�onloontreclion and eeltl[rq, pam�oe aused by builai� movament b ezduded nom wuranry oornraqe. Steel Dock M �ppraved mtnknum lhicknslt Insula6on board mus{ jos us�d. Inwtabon Ih■N be mechanlcaqy MstenW with appropriate (1Z �3nuge (0.78 mm) mie,) faatene�s and p1a►es. Car�laal BsnFlsx fer �IlemaWe meUada �o auarfi fneuledon la met�l dedu. N1 �proved minlmum Ihidmsoe Nulauon boud b roquke4. Insufelion sen 6a mechankally f�tened w71h appropri■le 8tructural Eonerete �as��sre and pialee or (as0'ened uslnp iitenta6ve metlioda otlmukqpn Iecuromchtt, penFts7�t heulalian edhesNe ls �pprovld or Concroto Plank for �ewremsnt whtn syrtem apecifiaahona sallloraUecbrnen4 provldvd 1�e deck hae oo! been tdiered Dy walinps, �selante, or curiny acceleren(s. Asphett ati4Cfiment b Aettptod fn aome tiaeee �or Insul�lbn setuifament but ta nm oovgred py the GenFlax warrenb. Llghiwelght Goncrote, ��4htwelghl ¢oncrete, camdndQous w0od Iiber, end gypsum decka mubt be oVerlald wilh a minlmum ihlcfule4g ldyer o! Cementltloua Wo4d Flber ppP� �n4�daU0n fCtured dincYy Inlo Ihe IlphlWelph� d�, pro+�9td aece�tade puloutyaNiea Rre aehleved with s OenFa6t NTB f3atener and InadeUon piate, Ftfamaqve methads of inau►auon sewrsment Induds:aarinp u,e Msulauon �hrough of CiypOUm �e I! h�wel 11t rAnuCt! atre lo ths :lrvclural de� or InsWti a f�16d1anICaH allachad base aheot anA mo 9 9 C�Y 1i1$ Y qP��9-in tlre Insulaqon. Insulatioh may aleo ba atleched W CanellOdout Woad flber decke w[Ih FaenFbx ilsUlmtlOrl adhesive. �xlating tiravei SuiisCa AN loose qravel musi be removed ar Ieveted to en�ura A►tlalive[y Aat subsirale. M epprove4 minlmum Ihl�s inaWeUon 8UR and Coal Ta� Pltch bverd is required and musl oompry wIt11 iystem tequ?emenla Mr Ihe roof se4embly bNlfy Mslatled. Fw adhered eyslema, the e�dslhtg imooih w�feca BUR muel be oveAi�ltl wNh a minimum ihldcnesa epproved Insuldtlon 5rnooth Surfdce BUR aCCeptable fo� use witl� adhered syatema end secufed Ni attOtddn�a wilh Ihe Os�Fleic publlshed tistenlnp 1'aquieemenle for or Modlfy APPlSBS eny qiven inauleGon 1ype. Fo� � o1hel Gen�lex TPO iyatems, iha membraqe mAy be ittachsd direcUy over emoolh 6uAAte RoOt SYbt9m BUit wlthout a �epafAlof �heet oi' insulation boerd, provlded no Ire9h Allull'Nr10u6 roo! c�menl or eephall b71se ptOducls hava bCee used on 6UR surfaca or wil coms b con�ACt WUtt Itte roofiny memhrene. Whan tha oondition of a emoolh ►ulfaeetl 8UR or modified b�umen roof p�qypnts the uss oI Q�a exisllnp mof as p olrBCl aubsVata (or $ 7P0 root iyttem, a GenFlex aepara�or ■hee� may be use� lo smoow the BuR or modlnad bitumen surracs to �n 7�ocep171b1e level. Ples6s aonsult Yhe GenFlesc 7�ehnlC�l Deparlmenl regarding euNabqKy ql uslnp a ieparalor ahsal Inelead ofinaula6on. In reroof iltuetlons lhet InvdVe kilVlnq Ihe t�aGnp einyla�ply membrane In plate, tlte �Xsdnp msm6rene muat bq Wt In10 EXisNny 6lnple-Pty to� x 10' (5.06 m x �.06 m) plaras and ovedaTd wftl� ary qceep�p�C fiQld (nsuleGoh 6aard b fedaie fFle new GenFlex ainqls�ply M9mbran9 Roofa — q11 �ppf iyitem frqm the orlyin� reof inem6rpne. The dp10 boatd lypv and mech�nlaal �sW�Om011t Of tf1� Insuletion muel comply ry� . wilh Ihe eacureme�! roqu►romelllb of Y1R hew �ooF syalam befrp Insiorysd, EKIb(Ine $lhgle•Ply �" re�I �ItuaUon� Ihat lnvolv6 kevfnq Ihs pdaUny dnpl�ply nlemAtAne in aadb. Ihs oxf6tln9 msmbrane musl be eu1 into Mombrsne RooFa—Ai� 10' x 17 (9,Ob m X 0.05 mj pieese and avadak! w1V111n �ooeplable tipid 'maulaUon board b(6oli�k tlla now �enRex 61n81s-plyr �p� rao! iyalem hom the ortpind roof inemCrane. Ths riqld bosrd type aqd lllpol�rlk�ll �lGUnment o( the IntulqpWl►IIp�1 Cp111p1y Sh�l (h! i0CGC0Iq011t flQtA�Vminla o► tl�e nsw raot ay6tem bl111y 1115ti11ld. �or current informatlon and promotional literature refer to: www.genflex.com 7 TPO Mechanic�allyAttached �peciflcation From: unknown Page: 46/57 Date: 11/1512011 11:20:05 AM ,.�., ,., �,,,� ,. ,� ,.v. ,�., „ ,,, 1.10 ACCEPTABLE GENFLLX F'A�7�NL=fi8 Warr�nted Gen�lex roof systems must be assembled us(ng GanFast fast�anare oi appropdata typa and length Installed at the rate specifiod in the insulation attachment, anai If appll�able, lhe membrano a�achmant poKian of the Installaiion �ection of this specificati�n. The appliaatlon r�te of iasCeners specHied in iMe sections me�tioned above is based o� an approv�d deck providing 300 Ib (13�4.47 N) minimum pulloat rasistance. �or projeeta with decks raquiring pullout t�sting, a completed pullout t�st result form is required with the Pra-Job �urvey �orm in order io register the pr�ject with Oen�iex. TABLE 'f.10 ;',• �a�e.:a :" %+.:. . .:��'r;;.,'r�::e;;::i;J r, r'� :.;'.: `s;, . . . ,:� ��j;�'t��r�p'� � � w;. ,:t �;�.:`�:.: .'.;: C�enFaslfl2 Fastener IDen�ssl f14 Festener GenFasl #16 (Wliy �ealeneC OenFast �t6 Max Faatener GenFa9t 01i Pre8s6embled �aetener 8 Plata GenFast�l6Pfe�o9embled �aelener & Plate �enFaat CU-70 Consxete �aelenet �aan�ask Llle-peck Fsatener senFaal Pu�ln Fasler+er GenFasl NT� Fastener (w! or wJo wire) lit6ulaiton Plata Opllona: Membrane Socaremont Opflona: !��?�i.'. ,.. .,,!:�..;'. . . . .� R. ,I .' .��..,. .' ' ,��; . `:'. . : �:.,�':. .. • ; I�' � ::�► .�.�����.`��`r:': �`.'�. ��i,�n�' ' ��k;�!p�#. °.' , ,P:�' ...P.�. :�'i... .. . .. , . • . . .. . .. _ . . .> j� . . . ... .... . . ,.�... .... .. ., � . . 1 Yes 1.4,6,& YeA 1,5.i Yes 7,10 NO N!A Yes N1A Yes 1,4,B,6 2�9 6,6 3,8 Yes Yes Yes 1'6s 1) CaenFast �nsulanon P1ale 3j GenFsat NTB Insulalion Plale 4 Gen�est 2' 3eam Plate $ GenFastBerAnchor 8 GenFasl Lile-beCk pdr 10 �en�as! 3" �1ax Seam Plate No Yss Yes Yos No Yes Yes Yes Yes Sleel, Wood Steei, W. .00d 3Re.sl, Wood. Cmiaete Sleel, Wpod, s�eai, wooa Steal, 4Vood. Concrele Co►�crete �emenUtious YUood Staql Pu�lrw Yes � Gypsum, CemenllGpus WOOd Flber 2) GenFasl LffaDedc Plate 3� GenFasl �iNH) 2 918' Seam Plale 7) GenFasl Po h"�rner 8atien �trip e) Gen�asl Ni"� Seam Plale 7hta �S anly a partlal �oproseMaUon of CisnFfeX RooRnp 3yatema cod�s. • please conlack the QenFlex TechnlCal [iepartmant If you have any coda related questlons ragerding assvmblivs not refetehced. NpY�; GenFlex iaateners arerequfted oh all fUA 6yslem and 15 & 20 y�ar vra�rantles. 1. GenFlex idblenel�5 6h21) ba Carroslon resislsnl coated and comply with Facloty Mutual �ulandard 44i0. 2. InSUIaUPn faster►ers ahall be suitable For the Ir18U1a11011 used. 3_ All acrew lype faslener9 ahail b9 a minlmum *14 ahank dlameler tor membrar�a securement 4. No hex head fa6te►19r5 are permitted tor (nsulsUon or membrane aecuremenl in GenFlex warranled ryslems. G9nF1ex RooflnQ Syslwn� re�qulYeB p pulloNt tast to 6e conducled by en Indopendent aganey on thv follqwing �pea of dacks: gypsum, c@men t1oU6 Wood tlher, orlontod strand boar�, IIBhtwetght conCrete, eoncrets pi8nk, Mnd a motol oaks Ityhter than 42 O�ug9 (0,7e mmj. The results must ba �ubmlttad to the GanFlex TechnlFa) Daparfmsn! prtor to pro e.c! 61d, Fufly adhored appll- catrons pn decks pr pvldf�g le6s than th� �aqulred �00 Ib (19i4.47 N) of pulloul rostalanco max slTII qusi{fy for warranly covara e, he GenFlex Tochnkal Dopsrtm�nt�n accordance w l t h t he supp tementa l seouremen t ta b le an t he f o l l i a w ing pape en d app r o v e d� y euureman�s 9� uian 10,040 Rz (9?0.03 m� ���—' 10,000{�Z- 60,008 fta (829.03 rtt� • 4 845.15 t� 10 50.00D $s -100,000 it� �; 64g.15 m3 - 9 R80.3 m� 20 OVer 10a,OQQ �tz (9 290. 0 m=j 1 per 6.00U Rz (464.62 m� CAIJTION: Uso appropTlate (astsn@M' 10Y iUI3stlata, _ For current inforrnat�n and promoiional literature reF�r to: Www-genflex,cvm a 7P0 MechanicaliyAtfached SpeciTication From: unknown Page: 47f57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:05 AM i� � � i �! J �� � � O. iR0•Relnforced Plpe Bqot 7" (25.40 mm) to 9" (152,a0 mm)/10 per cin P'. Tla[i T-,loint Caver a 1/2" �11.4.�0 mm) round / 1UU pieoes per oerton Q. i�'Ci �'lashing Kit B' x 50' 5�28.80 rtlm x i5.Y4 m Pee► � Stldc �lashing,,1 gt (Q,85 L) Claer Pnmer, 4 Scru6 Peds,1 �crub �iandle, I Woaden Flashing Roller on Flendle R. 7RQ Coating Kit 1 qt (p.B5 L) WhiteAce CoaNna, 2 ea. 4" (101.60 mm) Roiler Covarv�, 19a, �3" (1U1.60 mmj i�oll�r Cago �. yVhit� �sam Tape �' x 100' 78.20 mm x 3.�1.A6 m)14 roNs per etn T Scnib Pad � Nandle 3' X b" (7�.Z0 mm x��7.00 mm) / 30 pads � 4 hendf�s per �in MtJL'TI-9Y8T@M AGCE�$�Fil�$ Insuls@on GenFast �'askener Gen�ast Insulatlon Plate G.enFest �aam PJate ��r�R6�st �ar Anchor t�en�ask Poiyrher 8atten �tdp �en�ast Llte-Dedc ��r fienR�3.t Pt��ss�mpled Fastener & Plete Lotiv I�ise Insul�tion Adheslve t7n�o Stap lnsulation Adh�sive All Purpose Water Based Bonding Adhesive Paurs4le Sealer (A & �) WaO�r a�fop �'eRrEinetion Caulk Gen�a9t Tq►minetion �ar [�enFsst 1' 1/4' �inc MasonryAnahor Ac� Coating Pory,ester �`e1t Unda�ayment IS0,13a-Fiber, Neilboard, Wood Fiber #1�, #14, #i� (VIM), #q6 Max, CD-10, Purlin, Liie-Desk, NTB 1 quantlty pef Cfi varies �', �Ite�ded(, NTB �', (WH) 2�18', a' Mex., NTp /1,000 ppr ctn 1" x f0' fgS.40 mm x�.U5 m)150 per ctn i" x 250' (25.dU mm x �'6.80 m} 1" x 10' (25.40 mm x�.0� m) / 504' (15�.40 m) per tube #12, #1 � / �5o pos per ctn �00 io 800 R' �aer ��al pail (48.4.8 to 83.7'q m= r 11.38 L pal!) 20D to 80'0 ft� per d pk ctn ot 1.58 qt car�rfdQes� (18.58 to 9�.74 m= par 4 pk catton oF 1600 ml ¢artridpes) 120 Rsl9al (2.85 mElL)/ B psllorl(18.92 L) pail 1 ft�/ al (8.U8 mzlL) at 2' (�0.6ti mm) lhlctc 15 If�(4.87 m) per tube ! 3S pe,r ctn 25 It (�t.57 m) per lube / 25 per �tn 1.25' X 1 �' (�1.75 mm x�.05 m) / 50 per ctrs 1 1/4' (31.75 mm) ! 1p00 per ctn 'f00 ft'!gei ��.a5 m�IL)1 �f �a11on (18.82 L) pail 4 oz (113.40 g) ! i 2' x��00' (3.66 m x 30.48• m) CONSULT TfiE PRObU�T []ATA 5H��TS AVAILABLE ON-I.INE AT WWW.(3�NI'l.�X.COM FOR ADbITIONAL PRODUCT IWFORMATION. PART 3 -- INSiALLA'fION 3.oi s�1as7�AT� C�IT�RI� A. The bullding owner or owner's repr�sentati�e (s responsible for pro�idi�g and determining that the substrate la su(tab(e fo receive th� GenFlex TPO Roofing System. The GenFlex euthorized contractor shoufd not proceed unRii a11 defects hava been coxrected. If possible, begin roof installatian at the t11gh point af the roof, and work toward th� IPWeSt p01nt. 3.02 SUBSTRATE PFtEpARA'�IC?N A. In a reroofing application, tha building owner or awner's r��resentative Is responsible for making sure thak ail wet insulation andlor aubst�te has be8t1 �troperi.y remoVed. The best diagnostio tecllnlqus ta determine thls Is to t�ke a series oF �oof core culs and to anafyze for molsiure cbntent end degradatlon. Two other technlquas are currently avaifable and mak� this determination bylndlreat means: nualenr malsture detecfion and Infrared thermography. These teahnlques provlde measurements of faotors fhat can be associated with the qras�nce pf mQisture. �. A positive slope 1� recommended lo pravide adequate drainage. Per NRCA guldelines, there should be no ponding water on the roofing system forty-eight (48) hours aRer it has stopped taining. C, Any existing sprayed-In-pi�Ce urethane foam roofs MUST be remov�d prlol'to the Insfellation of thls roofing system, D. �weep the area of roof being covered to rema�e any loose dlrt or debris. 3.03 (NSULATION APpI.ICATIGIN A. Identify the area of roof being addressed in the wo�cday, and iay out lnsulation with edgas resting on the uppar deck flute Far metal decks or flat on supporting aubstrata for ather rypes oF decks. �. Stagger all Insulation joints the maximum amount posslble and Iay out witit all Jolnts lightly butted. Any gaPs �reater than 114" (6.39 mmj w;de must be filfed with matching insulatlan materlal. C, When (nstalling Insulation thlEkerthan � 112" (6�.50 mm}, use multiple layera to maximixe tnsu(atian thermal �ffciene.y. For current inFo►makion and promotional Ifterature reFer tv; www.ganflex.com 7i TPO Mechanlcalty Atfached 5peciflcation From: unknown Page: 48/57 Date: 11/1512011 11:20:06 AM ,.�, ,,.. „ �„ C. ALi�FiNA'I'� IN�UI.ATION ATTACHMENT M�THQp 111(Asphalt Attachment} Roofing asphatt fs neil#�er supplied nor speaified by �enFlex, and the performanc� of asphalt wsed to attash roof insulafion is not in�uded in the taenFlex war�anty coverage. ln #he evsnt tho project d'eslg�er aelects tlii� method of attaehment, lhe faltowing requirements must be mel: 1. The proposed Insuiation shall bs campatible with the rcai su�strato, tho proposed type of asphalt, �nd the requfrem�r�s of the Gen�lex FullyAdhered System. 2. Steep asphslt ASTM D 3'12 Type f II or N�hell be utilized. 7. (nsulation shall not be attachad with asphalt diractly to a st�el dmck. 4. Expand'ed or extruded pplystyrene Insulatlon shall not be att�ac�ed wlth aSphatf. 6. Maxir�um board�ffilze aAowed is 4' x 4' �1.22 m x 1.22 m). 6. If the insutatian assembly consists of th� first layer being ms�hanieally fasten6d and the aecend fayer being hot �sphaft �Bltached, lMe taslening rate of lhe first layar shall be per GenFlex reqpiremonts ivr the partioul:ar inaulation. NOTE: TH� ABOV� REQUIR�M�NTS AR� NOT INCLUSIV�. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTu� 1N ACCQRDANCE WITN CUFiR�N7 lNDUBTRY �TANDA�iE�� AR� iVECE�3ARY. THE GENFLEX RQOFIN� SY�TEM WA�{F�ANTY ap�5 NOT �OV�R THL ATTACHMENT �F Ti�E IN3UI:A'fION WH�N IT I� 9�CURED WI7H H07A�I�HAI.Y. 3.0'S MLMBRANE APPLICATION A. Msmbrane 7. PosRlon the Oen�iex Tp0 membrane aver the approved substrate withaut stretching. 2. Allow the membrana ta �elax e minlmum of one-half (1/2) hour prlor to any 8eaming or ilashing. 3. � position sll edjoinin� sheets in a manner lhat �II sheets overlap � minimum of 41P2" {114.�o mm). 3.0B MEMBRANE ATTACHM�NT AND S�AMING F'R4C�bUR�S A. e. C. '�h� seaming malhais a�ailabi� for TP0 mechanicaliy ettached roof systems are singl$ weld and dual weld. 7he slgnifieant difterenee between the two types of hot air weldad seams is the way they distribute wlnd laad from the roofing m�mbrane sheet to the anchorin0 assemblies In the structural roof deck. ihe .dua1 weld se�m confguration distributes an even, 6ldirectional load on the anchar laar seam anchoring syst�m. l'his results In a hi9her wind (oad tolerance than the untdirectivnal load �pplied io the s�am plate anchoring syslem used in the si�gle weld assembty. 7he required 5eaming method for the TPQ rnechanlcally �ltached roof system is determined b.y the following factors: desfgn codes �nd approva(s on the specified roof sysfem, width of the roafing sheets being instal(ed, and warranly wlnd apeed b�ing sought fo� the project. 1. Single Weld �eaming (See Detall T-42,02aw,) NO'fE: IT IS V�RY IMPGRTANT THAT �OTH $URFAC�S Aa� CI.�AN AND PIO MOI�TURE 13 pR�S�NI' ON �'H� SPL[�[NG SURfACE3. a. Unroll the mambrane, and allow it to relax as long as possible. (Minimum 112 -1 hour) b. Positlon tho top membrana to averlap the bottom msmbrans by a 1/2° (114.30 mm) . e. If seam area has became cantaminated with dlrt or debris, use a claan rag satur�ted with GenFlex Claaner and thoroughly clesn an area on bath sheets at ieast 4" (101.60 mm) wide. Chang� rags trequent�y ta avoid depasiting previausly removed materiats. Attow clean�r to 11ash-otf completel� prior to aaaming. d. �old back the top sheet without creasine, and position the Gen�iex seam plate on the appropriatQ dols lhat have been epplied et 6" (152.40 mrn) intervala tq fhe 5eam area of the bottom sMeet. Fasten with the appropriate GenFast fasteners. �or fastener spacing requiremenis, refe� lo lhe GenFlex web site for currenk lhe GenFlex iastener rrlatrix for th� syStem belrtg ilist�lled, ot Colltact the GenFlex Technlcal Dep�rtment. Refer to details T•42•Q4-) through T-�12.p4-9 fpr perimeter and comer fastening requlrements. e. Using an approved automatic heat wefding machine or hand held heat gun end aPlieone roNer, aontinuously wald a minlmum 1 1/1" (38.10 mm) wtde seam. �enFlex recomr�ends that o►rty approved automaticwalkerwelders be used to weld all Ae Id seams. �6ee MotAlr Welder �pecifi�afivns. �peclal attent4on must be pald t4 areas whare mulilpfa tayers (� or more) of TPO field membrane come tc,�ether {Taoints}. �or cu�rent InformatPon and promational literakure reier to: www.genflex.cvm �3 TPO Mechanicaly Attached specification From: unknown Page: 49/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:06 AM controi sheck, and �ny subsequent repai�s, seai a11 cut edges and end laps oi 'fp0 membrane where ssrim is e�osed with �enFlex TP� Edge �ealant. �en�lex recommends ihat od$� seala�t be applie,d at lhe ond of eaeh workday, �eam areas where threa (3j ar mare la.yers of re(ntorsed membrane Intersect may require Ihe appll�aGon oi e GenFlex TPO T-Joint Cove� or a 4" (101.60 mm) round tletd sut Af Gen�lax TPO Non-Relr�tarced Flashing. 7hese areas include, but are not Iimited to, weid intersections, factory splices, etc. i. 7 Joint Covers are recommended for applioetions involving 46 mil (7.9a mr�) memb�an� If probing reveais the presenee of voids or cold welds and are REQUIR�D for epplications involving BO mll (7.52 mm) membrane regardtess oi probing result�. T-Joint Covars are marketed by, tfe,n�lex In paeKage$ of pre-eut Covere or e,an be field formed by vuiting a' (101.60 �nm) round diska lrorn a roll of CenFlex TPO Non-ReinForEed �fashing. li. A CenFlexTPO T-Joint Gcver or4" (101.60 mmj round field cut of F3anFlexTPO Nan-aeinforced Flashing shall be us�d in areas where thrse (�) or mor� isyers of �PO membra�a interseat {T�olnts). � i�i, Ciean the area wltere the T-joint cover will he epplied Ehomughly with Gen�'lex Cleaner. ihe �rea ghould be 6" (152.40 mm) round and have the Interseation oi lhe'f:]olnt aR its cenl�r pci�lt. fv Position the T�oint cover so that it is center�ad on lhe T�olnt. v Not sir we►d the 7 joinE cover into piaca in accordance with t3enFtex hot alr welding feqUlremenis. vi. Allow the hot air welded Y�oint cover to caol thoroughty, and then prob� its ed8es io be certa�n at a solid we1d. vfi. Fiepa(r volds or cold wetds aa necsssa .ry to o6tein � salfd weld 6etween T Jolnt coyer and the underl.ying TPO membrane layers. g, When 8oamin� thermoplastia single-p{y mem6renes, praeffce welds a�e higliy recommended in order to set up tl�e hot air welding equipment properly. h. Wh�n wefding sfops and sterts in a double weld s�am, a dual weld must ba achleved by using a hand heid welder. i. F1ot air equlpment, approved by Gen�l�x and designed for use En dual vVeld seaming, will treek QvQr the bar anchor, w�lding on both sida9. It Is importanf that the operator matnfaln a visual check to make sure the machPne !s not �iding on the anchor bar. proper elignment of th� bar anchar in lhe seam area Is critical to achieve minimum 1" (25.40 mm) w+�ltls on both sldes of the bar, NOTE: Hoi alr flow between the dual welds will crause a slight risa in the mateNal over the anchor bar, ind(cating that a weld hes been achleved on both sldes of the anchor bar. This aqndition wi11 diminish over time. j, All welded seams must be manually checked %r vo(ds or seal defir�encies by prabing the entire seam ar�a with a dull cotte� key extracfor or othe� acceptabfe blunt tip metal probe a�er the seam has cooled. irr addition, ther� must ba destrudiva testing perFormed at tha beglnning oftheworkday and ev�ry time khere Is an (nter�uption fn the welding procass (e.g. power faflure, welder �hut dawn, change In Joti slte conditions, iunch breaks, etc.). All defictencles must be repa(red. k. All TPO mombrane cut edges with exposed retnioroement scrim require an appifcation of �en�lex Tp0 �dgE 8eafant by the end of th� workday In which the membrane with the raw �dge Is installed in the roofin� system. Fallure to seal the raw membrane edgo before moisture wicka lnto lhe scrlm may result fn an InFerlor hot a4r weid if not alread'y welded, andlor a leak source, depending on the locatipn of the cut edga In relation to fasteners penetrafing the membrane. Issues relating to unsealed edges will be corrected by the install(ng aontractor at tha contractor's expense as either a punch (ist item or wnder thefr two-year obligation If Identified by GanFiex within twanty-four (24j months oi approved �nal inspectlon. For current Information and prornotional iiterature refer to: www.genflex,com 15 TPO Mechanically Attached �pecification B. C. � From: unknown Page: 50/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:06 AM ,.., ��., „ ,,, f. Onca the flashlt�g has be�n preliminarlly bonded to the vettieal substrate by hand, �we�p the flashing material witM a medium-stiff bri$tle broom to flnish the bonding proeess. g. 7erminate top edge of flashing per CanFlex Roofi�g �ystems standard TPO datafls. Z. Flashing penelrativns passing throwgh the roaRng membr�ne. a. filash all pipes with aen�lex pre-mo�ied pipe boois to lhe gre�test extent possible. Flsld fiabricate pip,e tlashings with GenFlax TPO Non-Reinfore.e.d �i�shing per standard CenFlex t�oofln� �ystems details when a pre-molded flashfn� is nol feasibla. NOTE: AI! existing flashings MUS'T b� removed bebr� applying a new (lashing. �xpans.T�n Joint� and �uil�ing Conirol JQlnts. 1. Evnsult f3e�n�lox iickofing Systems standard detalls br �arious application melMod3: T 11.01, T 11.82, T 11.03, and T 11.04, Pitsh Pans i, �ifi piteh pans !n �ccordance with c�en�lex RaoTing Systems standard details: T 9.01, T�9.0�, and 1=9.0�. Roof Dralns 4. Conault �enFiex Roofing Systams standard details T BA1 and T.6.0�. �. Prepe�re substrata around eaeh roaf drain to prevent membrana brid$ing or disfortion pnd to proyide a smooth (ransitton from lhe roof surface to the dr�in clamping rin�. 3. The surfecQ betwsen tha clamping rina end lhe dra}n must be clean and smooth. ftemove all axistins ftashing, cement or lead on ratrofit projeets down to bare clean metal. 4. Apply one E1) complete tube of (3enFlex Watar Siop beiween draln bawl cornpresslan (lenge and the unders�de af 1he new mambrane b�lore eompressing th� new membrane to draln bowl assemb�►, with the compressfon ring mounted on the top �urtece of the new membrane. 7he detsfl is only complete wlien the water stop is fuily compressad between the new membrane �nd the flange of the drain bowl, forming a solid seai belwsen ihe two. �e �ardlul to cotnpress tite e$sembly �venl.y to avoid ¢racking or breaking the draln compr�ssion ring. Cra�ked or brokan drain compresslon rlr�gs may result in a relnspectfon bF the ilnished roof system ia fnake cerlafn cd�rreCtive measure� k�ave 6een made befora C�enFlex wil! accept the raaf system for warranly caverage. 5. �111 bQ�t� and/or clamq�_must be ln place '� o� rder �g provlde e�nstant. even comp,�essfan. Miasing drain bolts may raault In a refnspectlon of the (inlshed rtiof system to make certaln carracliv� measures heve been made before Gen�lex will accspt ti�e roof aystem tor waRanty coverage. 8. Do not �un seams thrcugh rooidrains ar sumps. I� a seam is run through a dralr� sump, out th� mem�rane with the assembled seam butsfde bF the drain compression �ing anea, and Install a tar�at patch of new membrane extending a mirtlmum of 3" {78.2p mm) outaide of [he sump area and aaamed Into the field membrane, using GanFlex standard seam ispe se�m(ng procedures. Appfy T�oint cov�rs as requlred at lhe target patch to seam Intersections In accardance with GenFlex standard 7�olnt appitcation proesdurea. E. Scuppers 1. Scuppers are io be construcfed according to eriteria detaited in the 6heet Metal and Alr Conditianing Gontractors Natlonal Associatlon (SMACNAj Manual. i. As a minimum, Gen�lax r�qulr�m�nta regerding seuppers are ps tollows: tha �cupper aseembly must be fabricated fram a minlmum of 2d ga {0.45 mm) t�-90 steel, 0.040' (1.0� mm) aluminum, ar GenFlex TPO Coated Metaf and be sized to fik snuggiy ft►rough tha wall apening, Ap joints must be sealed according ta SMACNA standards, and tha scupper must include a contlnuous 3' (i6.�p mm) wlde Interlar face tlange wlth continuous rounded corners, The scupper must �Iso be of sufficient laqgth to extend thr�ugh the exterlor wail by et leest 1J2" (12.70 mm}, and be capable of being sealed on the exterior oF the building to prevent bacli8ow into the roof system or wall ca�it�r. �. (n eddltion to the above, If a scupper ia W be rnounted at the deck to wall or par�pet junction, e wood nalter of equ�l thlc#cness ta the roofing inaulatlon must be ��cured to It�s struct�ural d�ck below the scupper f�ange to provide a sultable mouniing aurface for the scuppar. 4. Cut the fisshing memb�ane tightly to lhe sc�pper opening in the walL �. Apply � heavy bead of 1N�ter Stop araURd tlie scupper opening (15 If (9.57 m) per tube). 6. Insert the scupper sleeve into the scupper openln�, and press thg mounting 8ange inta the Water �t4p. 7. Secure the flange to tMe substrate with an approprlate fastener. • 8. Flash scupper In accordance with 1he appropriate current �enFlex scupper detail. For current infvrmatipn and promotional literature refer to: www genflex.eom » TP� Mechanlcally Atteched $pecltiealion From: unknown Page: 51/57 Date: 11/15J2011 11:20:07 AM ,. , ,.�.. �, ..��� ,� �, ,,,, �, ��.. . �� G. Nfght� ���I 1. Eonsult GenFlex Fiooiing �ystems stand�rd delail i�19.03 . 2. At the eompletion of each day's work, a wate�tight seal musE be established at any loose ed�e of r�em6rane with an appropriate seala�t. C�re must be used #o guarantee lhat no water flows beneath �ny ¢ompleted seetians of rooL Consult �aenFlex Roofing Systems sta�dard nlght sea! dataii tor method of attae�tmer►t. Membrane contaminated wlth the sealant ugsd as a nlght seal musi be eut out and di'scarded prior io resumptlon of work. 3�09 WAL!(WAYB A. Eohsult �;en�l�x Robfing 3ystett'�s standard deCail T 16.04. B. Walkways �re required et all aeces.s points io th� roof sysfem and recommended anywhere routine (routine is detined as once � month ar more) Ira�ie on the membran� surface is anticip�ted. Waikway pads are u9od to protect the weatherprooiing membrane from damage or excessive wear and tear. Traffic-related roof damage Is not covered by ihe GanFlex wa�anty. In areas oP ea�reme lralfio, contacl GenFlex for options to enhencs the roof syslem In order to prevent or mitigate traffle-related insutation dama�e. Walkway mainfenanca is:ihs �esponsibility of lhe buiiding owner beeause walkway pads ere noE part ofthe warranted watelproofrng �ssembly. C. Should aeCess to the roofing membrane be required (n order to peCfotm warr�nty servlce to th� I'qof aystem, only QenFlex brand walkway pads will be moved and replaeed es necessary to perfoRn s�rvice at Gen�lex's expe.nse. Pavers, wafkway systams, patio surface components and vther products nelther manufaetured ar supplted by Qan�lex Roofi�g Systems that imped� raof systam service must be r�moved and replaced at the b�rllding owner'� expense. 3hould tha obstacte remaval and replar,�ment be perfarmed by ihe C3en�lex contra�tar servicing.a leak call under building owner authorization and/or purchase ordsr, GenFlax assumes no responsibiliry or fi�b�lity ior ihe pel�vanance of the contractor In perForming that service. 3.10 F!N[S,HED RGCl� F'R(�TECTION A. When it becomes necessary (or other trades to work o�a� a completed area oi new roof, the roofing membrane and flashin8 must be proteated fram phy�ical damage. Proper and adequate prote�tion includos Installing a slip-sheet fn the work area overiaid wilh plywaod or QS�, In arder to dissipate the effecls af tra�rc on the finished roof suriace and to pr�vent im�aet demage to the system oaused by dropped tools and/or equlpment. If damag� does accur to the roof system, it must be repai�ed Immediately in order to preserve the intesrily of the roof system. IF membrane fs damaged In more than slx (6) locations within a 144 ftz (8.2� mz) area, new membrane extanding 6° (1 �2.40 mm) D�yond the border of the damaged a�eas must be in$tall�d over existing membrana In aecordance wlth CenFlex specificaiions. For iuliy adherad and mechanicaily attached applications, the membrane must be fully bonded with the existing underlying membrane with a C�en�lex approved adhesive. Contact the GanFlex Technical Depa�tment with any questions on how to addr�ss comprehensive damage, For currer� information and promotivnal literature refer to: www:genflex.cam 19 Tp0 MBChanlcallyAltached Spec�catlon From: unknown Page: 52l57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:07 AM �� v .� 1� � v i I � i 1 V �� u• 1 1 I J �� J L 1° Min. (3b.40 mm) Hot Air We1d on Eeeh 6We of Anchar or Poly Ela�` � , • '�;;.:,•;': '�rJ. .... `. .� \... .. �.: s� F:• . � .',. _ 1��!] 5ubalrete -�. �� �z. . �t ��� 'POShlon adJacant membrane panels on the iaclory-applfed daahed reference line, and irrslall membrane seauremenl (anchor ar poy bar only} qs requ�?ed, centerea dUeqlY oVer Adhered snd BaNeated rpferenc� ifne NOT OVER FABiEN�R D07$. This �llovrs suHldenl rr�mbrane an e.ach 8kle al lhe bsr to aoh�eve a minimum i^ (ZSriO mm) itot 8ir weld on each �ida. 8' (2.44 m; Duaf Weld Seam (203.20 mm) D�atall #: T-6.4S Always slagger Insulatlon }olnls, nagardless oi panel atze used. mm) Reier to Gekail T-6.�2 ior seam spec�ications, Me�hanlcatly Attached InsuisNon Securement � � (1.2 OenFlex FBSlenars and 1,InEhoror Roly Bar Clntored 9ver 8dld �Ins. See Dalell T.8.06. �enPlex Pasfenera and Saem pletee.orMc��or Bat �enlered C1var $pacinp Dols. �ee Delell T�6.05. Refor lo tlrs dsnFkx wsb aits fo'r Ih� moat sun►9nl 06nF19x 1P�7 FeialoninA Matrbc for �aslenor spsdnp requlremenls, �enFlex TPp Membfdna �er�F�ex Rc�of[ng �y���ms 7P0 M�chantcally (20�.20 mm) For usa on bulldings up to 50' (15_24 m} high. If building h�lght exceeds SO' (15.24 m}, eontact the den�lex Teehnicai Departmenl far att'sehment pattorn. NQ7�: 7his detail is appllcable for both Sin�ie � Duai Weld Assemblies. Detafl #: T-4�.08 G+��FI�X Itc�ofing S�r�tems TPO Mechanloally Att�iched Systems �or curreM infarmation and promoNonal Iiterature cefer to: www.genflex.com �� TPA Mechanlealty Attached 6pec9ficatiorf From: unknown Page: 53l57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:07 AM � Far Use on Roef� 0' to SO' (0 m to 15.�4 m) Above C3round I�ev�l All C#eaFlex TPQ Meohanically Aaached S�!slans requlra halF3he'et petimelerse4utemenL A fialf she61 wtdlh of up l0 80°� of d�b wfdih Of lhe fleld par�le rrtay+ be usad. Ha�l sheel �ecurem�pnt Is equal to Ihe membrane ceau�em�ni used k11ha fieid ot•Ihe roo(. See 1he M9dt�ntearyr Altacfied 1'i'O Faslaner iNalrlx fpr �dstener end apadnq requk9merils. N Uie prOJeCt musl meet �aclqry Mu[ual Criie'ds; �efer to Detail Y-42.04-3, and oontaCl paolory Mulual {q� �ev1eW. Half ShgelB are requlred �t aA ezcteriar edges of (h� roof sy�lem eutd al the upp'�r t�vel edyes of Iransltion9 In BuA�ce helghl prealer lhan 3' {914,A0 mm). ii Ihe bulldlnQ being roorea has any ot 1he follaMng canQllions, contac! the aenFlex Technical pepartment' for 6ssislan�0 Ih detennining IiattahEel rEqulr�emenla: A) Lar�e wan openings tota6ng 1096 or more of aiq+ vYa I Broa. B) Canoplas open belaw Iha rooldeCk. c� m the Immedieoe vrdntty o! Ia�e boaiea or water or coasQin�. Cn Bulidlr� lrelght in excess of 75' (22,e6 m). �or proJecta requu�n� a warranty wind spoed In exoesa ot 64 mph �89.90 krNh), contaci ttie C3enFlex Technicat Depaflmenl for pedmete� e¢CUfement requlrements. Addit�anal haif aheeis and►or haslenera and seem ptates rr�y be required. ���� Raofing S�rstems Perimeter �ecurement Layaut far d��l� �: T��'��_� TPO Me�hantoally AttacliE �tandard Warranty SO' High +�r L.ess � System.s OnIY For current fnfarmaiion and promotional (iterafure refer to: www.genflex.cam 23 TPO MechaniaallyAttached �peefficalion From: unknown Page: 54l57 Date: 11115/2011 11:20:08 AM NEW P�RINIki'fR METAi. � 24" OG � NEW PERIM�TER pEAIL PERIM�1'�R BL�CKING (AS NE�pED) 3/8" PB6 GREEN BOARD !;' ='::::•:_�r.�,•.••,::�^:. . ,.��:,,. . . 1:�,;�>:•:::; .y.� :.. • ,��.;::::::.:•:.;;�, .;.,.. > ;•h .,.;•: S; r .:.! r _, : . ;. , ��; .;y,�,, �. .. � : �S``n'•...�.: r . . rr,••.;:; %�} •. r f ? :Yry7'rn•.�•. � r '� S:� �r ;:? if !i'.��?'-•:: ..t�y;.;' ;._ �1 �. � :.C:� � '}':. 'r'.�.•f•;: : � . .,_ + .i''':.'.` :: ;'�r•�c:%`::::�'`+r ,.�• , n. .;•�:; !:.ti'. ;;;�';' ;';`;' ,,{ �; ;!' �:;���, � . . .. . ........ ....:,.. . .. .':�i,. ,. , .. .. .. . . . . . _ �.: .. STING �' � EXISTING lNSULATIOM NEW TAPERED CRICKE7 (AS NEEDED) ( ��,� n � From: unknown Page: 55l57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:08 AM ,.�., �, ,.�„ � � „ ,.�. �,., �� ., Moore I,ake materlals to be instaNed Pactiv 3/8" GreenGuard recovery Board GenFlex 60m) TPO membrane From: unknown Page: 56/57 Date: 11/15/2011 1120:08 AM ,. ,, �� , � J V L�J � ... .. � . • STON� WHII"E 5R R .60 E .86 SRI 71 SLATE G� AY S � R .36� E .84 SR! 37 M�PIU[v1 B�iONZE 5R R .30 E .87 SRI 31 gRANDYWIN� SR' � R .26 � .85 5RI 23 RE AL REO SR � R .A2 � .84 SRt 45 Y 1 REGi4L BIU� � � R .16 E .66 SRI 12 SHEk D GREE SF� • R .27 E ,85 SR) 26 (�. G . .. , . , , �; .' . .�. .. 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MA7'fE eLAC S ' R .28 E ,84 Sfll 17 MP;1VSAflD BROWN SR R .26 E .85 SRI 24 �I.ECiRIC B�,UE ,t � R .21 E ,B8 SRI 18 DARK IVY SR' � R .24 E .83 'SRI 21 TROPICAL PATINA 5R fl .28 E ,85 SAI 27 * = Premium Color SR = Solar-Reflectsnt color, with KYNAR finish having Reflectiviry ot et least 0.25 "SR� va(ues qualify in ateel only *SR� values qualify in aluminum only pro��ctive filrn must be remov�d immediatel�r after installatian, From: unknown Page: 57/57 Date: 11/15/2011 11:20:09 AM ,. ., �� ,, � P'AINT�b ST�EL °�.n:d A�UNIINUM KYNAR - Kynar 500� / Hyfar 5000� SMP = Silicani2ed Modified Polyester POl�Y = Polyester �* = Premium COiOr (CeH1orP��B7 • � SMP only SR = 5olar-Re�lectant colot, with KYNAR finish having Reflectiv- ity pf at least 0,2b �`SR'vafues quali�y in steel only "SR=values qualiiy in aluminum only paFk Bionie'SR� ExGa 6a'rk Bron:� Met�sard Btown 5A Medii,rn IRpman) Bronze SR 1Viatte Slack SH� Charcwl Gray 5fl Ciryscape SR • Li�ht Gray S(a!e Grap 5R Scone yVhit� Sfl eona While 5R All�hand 5fl Sierro't�q 5R • C�ay (eetgel 5andsbne Sfi Troplr,�l Paiina 5R Shetwaod Grean SA , Hartford Green NemlockGrean 5fl Patina Green SR pat�ivY Sfli 7eat Regal 81ue 7k EIeG�fic elue * Av�rerd 81ue Sky slue &H ' BrendyNrfne SRa Regal Aed SR Cotonial Red SR Te�ra �otta SR • Ba�n Red 7�[ Cigssie Copper SR "� 5ifver Meblfic SR 1k Champagne M9tallic SR WhiteJyVjlite , �. � ����:�a G.d�SH�ET + + Fregd¢i�{9rai�', . ,� .+ �v�i�ieen•"' � } �a�"t�qlGleen" . + ,. a.. . ���t ���arid �IiEET .. . . �'�,•.•' . ;� ♦ ' � ��.�...�_ ,... g,�.1,1tk f � '::ri..,:�`,;it:,' . . •• . � �ajgr� pra available In ths, abovs gauges. , _ ;, �'�'�ctlors and gauges are stocked �:<�.•' � 'A;t :''t �'' . ' �,rel± . H� ;', , . . `�°J��4.� , w ,. . , . . ♦ t t ♦ # '} ♦ � } � � � ♦ ♦ .� ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ � ����� �. ♦ f t � � ♦ + # �+i� � �I � ♦ � ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t t '� ♦ ♦ t t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t ♦ +♦��� ♦ '�' .♦ MILL �'INiSH 3ooD Series � 6005�H3d Ad t COiL AIVODIZ�D Clear Satin ,� Champsg'ne Dark eronze } F.xtro Dark Bronze 61ack . Clee� SBGn Champagne Llght Bronze Medium 9ronze DArk Bro�te Ektra Dark Bronze Blank '���,t'� ♦ � ♦ ♦ ♦t'f'��'�♦ ♦ � t ♦ ♦ '� ♦ # 'F ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ �,�'�ir♦♦♦ ��" ♦ ♦ ♦ '�' ♦ t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t t ♦ � ♦ t + SMP only availsble from F�restone Metal Products. � • Oil canning is not a•cause for rejection. • Protective film must be removed immediately after instailation, • For a true color representation, pfease csll or write for actual meta) sample(sj,. • Contact your locaf sales representative far specific stocking information and special requests.