P - 787311-4��1-719 �2 ❑ NEW ❑ REMODEL ❑ ADDITION CIRCUITS CIRCUITS OF LESS THAN 50 VOLTS �er Unit � $25 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Minnesota Board of Electricity .-a_ ui, Minnesota 55�oa 1821 University Avenue Suite S-1 � ��' e[ectrici state.mn.us (651) 642-0800 TTY/M . 1-80 2� • h'• _ . ..� �__�. _.,u.....�,,.e ..,,., f�o�sarv - t work covered by this request IIlII IIIII IIIII NIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII1 �� I� 143L7192 I ceRiiy that I am tlie ��l/�� ONE & TWO FAMILr uwt�un�a, v1�.� �+^� � Ir�cludes the Service andlor Power Supply up to 500 Amperes, All Circuits and Two Inspec6on Trips Each Dwelling Unit @$80 (minimum total fee is $20) � �JCI�/ J� THIS ARFA FOR IKAECTpi USE QlY I hereby ceNfY that I inspetted Me elecbic� instaMa6on desaibed haeia on the da�s shated: ���� � _ � _ c� a� COMPLETED WITHIN 12 MONTHS ��i�3� ao,so � Rough-in Inspection Required? ❑ Yes ❑ P1c Inspedion Other Than Ra9h-In: Y ►� ❑ v�i can � Q� You must cal� the inspector when ready! Dffie Ready: . rl �.���.�ecn rrwrRer.TC� f-iCOMPANY ❑ OWNER and hereby �equest inspecbon of the e�ctr�� W°rk ax: gpqRp OF ELECTRICITV COPY Eg.00001A-14 8.1.2002