P - 76136REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION �`' 1� V��- 918 � 1A821 Un'�rvtersily Aven�ue 3uite S-128, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 (651) 642-0800 "I7Y/MRS 1-800-627-3529 www.electricity.state.mrr.us Describe -using the back of the white copy If ne�sary - the work covere�i by this r�uest: ��r,�r?�� �'�,¢v�c� � fo� �iP C�r���e ���� �-' GENERAL FEES Outdoor Liahtirm Standard C� $1 RCUITS / fEEDERS 0 to 200 Am ere ,$5 Above 200 Am ere $10 ALARM, COMMUNICATION, REMOTE CONTROL, SIG' CIRCURS, CIRCUffS OF LESS THAN 50 VOLTS Each S em Device or aratus @$.50 ADDITIONS TO THE GENERAL FEES MULTIFAMILY DWELLINGS ER UN 3 to 12 Unfts @$50 Per Unit Each Additional Unit (�D $25 MAY BE ORDERED I� � III II ul ��I�I (I III II I�I �I u� II lu �� I� 18859181 Fee Includes the Service and/or Powrer Suppiy up to 500 Amper�, All Circ�uits and Two Inspe�ion Trips Each Dwelling Unit @$BO Addfionallns 'on Tri $20 Investi ative Fee Reins 'on Fee $20 TOTAL FEE @ � �� (minimum total fee is $20) 3 rwsnr�nFOa����� p _ 3a��� I hereby certify that I inspeded Nre electrical imsta0etlon d� hare6i on tlre dffies sta�: Foa o�ricE use oN�r �a���v���� "�"" Rough-in Ins on R uired7 ❑Yes pecU eq ��o Inspection Other Thah Rough-In: 0 Ready Now,� Cap %`��`� 1� You must mll the inspector when readyl Date Ready. I certify that I am the �;LICENSED CONTRACTOR ❑ COMPANY ❑ OWNER and hereby request inspe�ion of the eledrical work at Job Site Street Addr�s Ciry �'-3.3 /�s4/ru S�, /U,�. �2���.�Ef/ I TownsMp Section Range Fire No. Cowty �R�oL�y �N� OwnedOxuPant Weme Please Provide Two (2) Phorre Num�rs Includirtg Area Code ,c7,yvon �.✓m�e �S �/ � f��.a��lo — o��q( ) ElecMcal Utllity Electrical Utility Addr�s /�, GlF.I.. �N/�TiQ c� / �.Q .1G � � "��fi� " � °�d + ��°� l Cantracror / Company Name Contrador Licerrse Number Master Electridan or Power Lfmited Techniclan C; ��i�c ��.�c� �.�.� c.� e o73-a. ��� N�►� Mafling Addr�s (CoMracbor, Company or Owner Performing InstallaUon) ���/S /`�%T1� S� .. �r.val��i2 /d'�� .�%� ��.,.3�e% Authorfaed Stgnature (Contrador or r PertortNrtg InstaDation) Please Provide Two (2) Phorre Numbers Inctudirrc,� Area Code � (�ar.z)�6d -�� (7103) �'3-�fo%7 MSTRUCTIONS ON BACK OF YELLOW COPY i Rl1SRfll1F FI FCIAiCT/ Cl1PV �o �.,. ,� e, �«..