P - 81529REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION � � Q�-� 5 6 Minnesota State Bo�rd of Electricity 1821 University Ave., Rm. S-128, St. Paul, MN 55104 � Phone (612) 642-0800 ome Duplex Apt. Bldg. Other: New Commercial Industrial Farm ; Remod Air Cond. Htg. Equip. Water Hfr. Load Mgmt. Other: Dryer Range Elec. Heat Temp. Service "X" above the work covered by this request. Enter remarks in this space and on the back of the white copy only. (l�i.c �. un1(`�� Calculate Inspection Fee - This Inspection Request will not be acce Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Mobile Home Pork Stall 0 to 200 Amps $freet Ltg./Traffic Sig. Above 200 Am Transformer/Generator INSPECTOR'S USE ONLY Sign/Outline Ltg. XFmr. Alarm/Remote Conhol Swimming Pool I hereb certi fhat I ins fed fhe Irrigation Boom Rough-In without ihe correct fee: Fee # Circuits/feeders Fee 0 to 100 Amps Above 100 Amps TOTi� � described herein on the dates Investigotive fee " � V C) •••-• " —� TYIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTH . OFFICE USE ONLY This requesf void 18 monfhs from validofion date prinfed in this box. I�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lirtl IIII��IIIIII� � /5'� * 0 6 0 4 5 5 6 1* f�j ( 9 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Requesf Dafe Rough-in inspecfion required8 ❑ Yes No Inspection Other Than Rough-In: ❑ Ready Now Will Call 3���� (You musf call the inspector when ready� Date Ready: I, �licensed contractor ❑ owner hereby request inspection of the above electrical work at: Job Address �Skcet, Box, Route No.) Ciy Zip Code �I.B� '�,n,S.l-(�-.�- i� �,r1 $ecfion No. Township Name or No. Range No. Fire No. Coun �� �"C I � � Phone No. m�. 5 �1 � -. q�8� jCompany Name) ` � 'f� �l��Tl2-+ L, nh941or or Owner Performing Insfdipfion) or License No. Master Lic. No. �P ��13� >- �,� ��.--�� Pho^ne No. /� �� HACK OF VELLOW C�PY