Inspections Address Card - 4392INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS LOCATION 7418 McKinley St . N. E. OWNER ��1��-�-t Edminster LOT 7 BI.00K 1 A��, Dalberg Terrace Pesmit No. Constructioa Date ConYracior Cost 9417 Buildi�g Permit, House 8/24/67 DalbergFBuilders $26.00 3978 6756 4428 6784 67�6 10,698 7890 13,645 28,566 30,407 15,691 Sewer Connection Heating Permit �lectrical Permit Plumbing Permit ! Sewer & Water Permit Rough-in Building Permit (G) Heating Permit Electrical Permit Building Permit(Reroof) Electrical Permit Heating Permit � 4Z 7418 `McXiniey St��et� N. E/ 9/ZO/67 9/12/67 9/26/67 9/27/67 9/25/67 6/11/70 3/28/80 3/28/80 11/12/98 8/8/03 8/13/03 Suburban Air Conci. 0. B. Thompson Berghoorst Plbg. Berghorst Pbg. Sussel Company Royalton Heating laoyalton Heating Tabor & Sons Inc. Dependable Electric River City Sheet Mtl $100.00 $17.00 $29.�0 $15.00 $30.00 10.00 20.00 5. 00 51.25 20.00 30.00 Fiaal 1/3/68 5/18/71 � 4/1/80 8/2/04 9/4/03 SEWER LOCATION - 24! South of Manhole [�IATER LOCATION - 14' South of Ma.nhole 8�1943-8/25/67 �2053-9/20/67 P��'2082-9/26/67 �125�-io/17/ba B�k10648-6/12/70 B�k10557-6/18/70 B�k15,834-5/18/71 E#58,460-4/1/80 B��132,150-11/12/98 A��153,471-9/4/03 E��157,102-8/2/04