P - 486621�U11Q111� �11S��CCt1011S 763-572-36O4 763-502-4977 1�,� X l�U1LlJ11� V R[:SI:DENTIAL APPLICATION CITY Or FRIDLCY cr-ri:c'rivr_ i-i-?oi i i�criuii ivc�.:.��� .�Q13"'- R��cc.ivccl I�y: �__ I)�itc �' p� �'�. �� � _� �1't_ .�,_ ._ _ �!� i�,al f � a 4.! !_-'J- ------ -- -__-- - YOUR I�-MA � ADDRI SS -- --�. 0 / S w L -- Q/��_ 0 i� �,.5 � n�i __—_ _. • . . - ----- �rrr_ ni�nr.i:5� _ ----__�J_'_� i � � � � S?'Cl /' d k` Q� I Nl,ti �i'{'1.1(:nN'f IS --� O\��Ni=R I�'ONTRAC'I�OR i�ao�>ra��v owNrrii TI;NANT CONTRACTOR �� �i3n�i r n c�c�r�v o� 1'OlJR ti'I n'I�I� I,ICENSI� 1ND CI;R'I 11 IC'n'I I; OP iNSUitnNC�r: rROPf?R7'Y '1'YPr? r�r.an���r ��vr►; �rvr�r or� woaic: N A M I : _ _ � /_ l b �.1 �-- `� � li _ � � .----- ni:�i.��ti_ti� -5.._�l �7 %�l t S�� �"—�t? QQ` _ �����,��� 7�_3 �`� 8�� 3 S�� -- --- Pella Northland ��nMr. _ �.�.n.�.�.. � 15300 25th Ave N. Ste 100 ni�i��t� , Plymouth, MN 55447 Lic # BC645090 Ph. 763/745-1400 ��i io���: f�-`57NGL�: I'/�MII_Y/Nf:\�J CONSTRUC"I'ION ❑'I \��O I'n�-11L1'/N[:W CONS'1'KUC1`ION c'i'rv rnu critT n�i�n��tra_-_-j1!� cn�v _. '^x--- - SI'/_G ----- -___ S'I�C)RILS- — l7 ADI)I'I'ION ❑ CiARAGI:/51IL:U ���'�������w.� ❑ iinsr_n�eN r nNisi i ❑ aoor ❑ urzniN rii_r. ❑ I)I:CK ❑ SIDING ❑ OTIif-�l: ❑ tiWIMMING PUUL -------- ---- _------_.-- _ __------------- D N131�� I1UM1� CONS't�RtJC'I'ION ❑ nDDi'I'ION r��niN�reNnNCr-.iizi:r�Air: o r.�n�o��r�.iNa ____ i:,rscr,ii3r �uoah i�;�-iN��� �c»vr-.: �in: ni� inni�RrlVl MI'N"I ROOFIN(: Nl IMItl7t ( 11 tii 11lnl.l{.ti (::11ZAGI,S ('ROI'O,S1=:1� SI%I;- l'I:OI'USI�:I) I11�7f ill'I' till>IN(: f.] \!in��l ❑ Aluminuiu ❑ Cqhci �i' I N U(11�1'S LGNG'1'FI WIDTII FII?IGI IT' ❑ i io� �sr ow.v ❑II(�USI• �.(iNZ/�(il ❑ nrrncin:r�c�niinc�i:. 17 f)I:'I A(:I II;I) (.i/�RACiE ❑Soliil ❑ "1'r i m O Pasci,i RJC�XISTINGOI'L?Nil�l�S C�hs ONr� I.(_)C'A�'IONOPWINI)O��ti uR FUR NBW OPCNIN(;S-I)I�SCK1131: tiIG6 C�I� __— !�!�%��___�--M —.--. r)P�:IJINGC�unNCesn: GaStl+'�cl1 � l l'I'I� UF WIIJUU\�J'I'O ItG INti I AI.1.Lil) ------ __ NUMIif-_R 01= �NINDOWS _ ALL rrrs n�ir; KASI:D ON VALUA"f'ION, INCLUDING TI-l� COti l Vt� Lnlsll�t niv�� ivin � e,ic�n���: LISING TH[; 1997 U.[3,C FEG SCI�IGDULG) OTALJ013 VAl,UA7'ION � l� 7 S OCCUPANCY `I'l'f'1 --- ---- ---- ---=_- --- ---� --- - - -- - - ---- _-- _----- ----- - I'ermit Fee 9' --_`Q-(,� ''i See 13aci: Page for I�ce Schedulc __— --- I'lan Rcvie�v `h- _.__ 65°/, of [3uilding Permit l,ce Fire Surchar�,e _�----- --- _ OOl times the tot�l job valiiation �urchar�c .i; _ � ' _ .0005 x Pennit Valuation Minimum 5�5.00 I�icense Sinchar�.�c �_`{� � _�j�!' __ R5.00 (State Licensed Resi�lential ('onh�actors) SAC Chart;e `f _ ___ $2230 per S/�C Unit (Plans lo M WCC for clelcrminalicin) Curb Cut Escrow _-R -- _ {j -i 6 ft = _ -- (t x `{�25- 9:_ I�rosion Control 4� ----l-- :h154 Conservation Plan Revie�ti� Parl: Pee `� _-----------.--- Pee Determined by Gn��,ineerin�� Se��,�er Main Ch.irs�,e ,i� ngreement necessary O Non Ne.cessarl' O ---- "fo(al Dor h . V i� Malce chccl:s Ii��yable lo: Cify of rridlcy ----_-__ _AU:►ch Slijiulali��ns ___ —_ -- — — _ -- --- ------ i i iiti • N nr>ri_icn rioN rc:��z n rrr.n�rr-NO�� v,ai..ii� ��N�r�i�_ rrc�ci �tir-.i� I;������y �����,ly (i�r a builclin�; p�rmi �ind I acl:nme�led�,e that ihe inform��lion above is completc. ancl accur.ile; Lh.il Uie �voil< ���ill be in conf�innancc ���ith the orclinances and c des �f lhe Cily of Fridley ancl ���itlt the Minnesota CimsU-uction Codcs; tliat I uncicrsis:ind this is not a �,ermi� hut cmly rin a�i�,licaticin 1or a ��erni ancJ worl: is not to start ���ilhotit �i permit c�n sife; Ihac tlic w��irl: �-vill be in ticcc�rclnnce with the. ,ip��rovcd F�lan in tlic case c�f all ���c�rl: ic requ e evie�v •inci approval c�f plans. ����� �_______I>n l l: _._7_( (. tiic;N.n r�.n:i c,i .nrri..ic n i�riiN r ��nn�i _�� -- - � K �%_ .-- --- - - ---- �I'I'RUVAI_ INSf'I'C.l OK til , A i UI.I --`— Pl.,l::/1S1? NO"T' �: S I; i' A i t : 1 I T� A i t l� T; Q U I I t}, I � 1? O f Z P L U M L 3 I N C� I:_ t. l_ C' TT Z I C A L /� N l) M L C 1 1 �NICnL WOl:lt � _ti�rn�� r%� �.ir �S�13 � •�b8G0• a -s�r^ r'_ - __ r.ir � I�A.tif{MfiN l' RI?.��(ll)IiI.ING tit 113Mf1'. _I I �istint; I�liiur I'lan � 2 I'rn�x�s�d Iluix �il�iii i I.isl ul tiiruc!iiral mcnihcrs lu hc nsc�l P111: NI{W ('ONSII�II("I'ION IN('LI�IIIN(i I)Iic I:S. nl)DI i IC?NS _�l_ I'(_)ItLI lI ti_tilllth1fl; I. tiile I'lan/Survey tihowing Ihc c�itilin�� s�ruclurcti cind rroposecl nroject. ? f\v�i scts ofconshucliun �il�ins 1_ I;ncrgy C�ilailalions I�UR WINL�OV��S - ('ROVIDL'- ll-V�LUL'• ANI) MnNIIfAC'TURL ti"I"ICkGR ON 1A�INDO\N.