Inspections Address Card - 4817� LOCATION LOT 22 Permii No. 60 80 5241 2472 2126 3 382 3466 2 621 3608 7688 5384 7237 6368 8243 17, 668 15, 556 15,569 19,118 11, 409 27,438 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 7399 Melody Drive NE., OWNER Maloney BLOCK 3 ADD. Melody Manor 2nd Cona2ruciioa Dat� Contrae2or CosY suilding Permit(H&G) fater & Sewer Permi.t �lumbing Permit [eating Permit ;lectrical Permit slectrical Permit �lumbing Permit ;lectrical Permit 3uilding Permit(Repair) ;lectrical Permit ;lectrical Permit ?lumbing Permit ?lumbing Permit 9uilding Permit (Alter) Electrical Permit Electrical Permit Building Permit (Reroof ) Heating Permit Building Permit(Reroof) 8/14/62 9/18/62 9/17/62 10/ 15/ 62 10/15/62 11/15/ 62 12/ 21/62 1/30/63 6/3/65 8/12/65 6/ 21/68 11/22/74 12/27/79 8/20/84 8/24/84 9/4/84 8/14/87 1��27�98 Clemron, Inc. $ New Brighton Plbg. New Brighton Plbg. Ray N. Welter Heating Williams Electric Co. Robbinsdale Electric Minneapolis Gas Co. Williams Electric Co. D. W. Harstad Co. Bacon's Electric Braastad Elec tric Target Plumbing Minnegasco D.W. Harstad Co.,Inc. Aid Electric Service Aid Electric Service Manion' s Master Roof . Suhurban Air �m.Building Contr. 28.00 30.00 15. 50 14.50 14.05 2. 00 2.00 6.70 10. 00 3. 00 3. 00 5.00 7. 50 38.50 15.00 8. 00 38. 50 2Q.00 74.75 Fiaal 12/5/62 11/17/62 1/25/63 8/ 24/65 8/28/68 10/3/85 10/3/85 6/29/94 12/14/98 E#4829 - 8/27/68 P#34,852-6/16/75 B#43,846-4/28/77 E#74, 016-8/24/84 E#74,026-8/27/84 E#80,153-10/3/85 H4F106,077-6/29/94 B�6132,748-12/14/98 H��142,575-1/16/O1 H4�142,642-1/18/O1 P��146,292-8/21/02 LOCATION LOT 2 2 P�smit No. 14,446 13,521 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS 7399 Melody Drive NE OWNER Maloney BLOCK 3 ADD. Melody Manor 2nd Conatructioa Heating Permit Plumbing Permit Dat� Cossiraelor 1/9/Ol Don's Service of GV 8/5/02 ax Mechanical Page 2 Cosf Fiaal 25.00 1/18/O1 20.00 8/21/02