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P - 76914
Mir��t� Q>ep�er�t af L��avr �rtd [txiu5try 443 �af�yette Ftoa€i Isk�th �i_ Paui, MM 5515�-4342 Pt�te: �fi51 � �84-.�s{I64 ,-����: ���,� ��-�,�� �,�►.���:�r,�_�,��� Cantract�rr Rec�uest fc�r Electri��� !ns �ate Rc�u�h-!n insp�ctio� f�equired? 8/2/07 ��;ntr�ct� R�ust �+ehedu� Ait Rou h-1n A��ss of 9r�s�eciican — S�reet 7382 MEMORY LN NE LARSON, ARTHUR W � T�t�phc�e h�u�iaer�s) — tn�iu€�e Ars 763-784-0524 Gc��tr�ctor Name HUPJT ELECTRIG CC�RPORAT1t3N 1) �a4�-2� � � S�rsature Tom Hafner �6b� -���C�(� � REC'DOCT192007 tion — t�r�e Family C�w�ell YE� 5�1�� E[tSp2C#IQtl C)�12F1T1� FRIDLEY. MN �nty ANOKA XCEL E�iERGY ��VE�t SWIT�H 23�� TE�tR�Ti3R�AL Ri�., �T_ PA��L, ;P�1� 55114 +�;antractar E-m�� Address Etectrica[ Uti�ity TH�fn�r�hr��telec.cam Gc�ntr�eta�r L�cen�e Numt�e� ,kr�Pro�t Cc�taci �A00883 Tt�M 1-IAFNER ��� �s�ICU1c��liin N�v� Ho�ne or Assaciateti Structure 3d� �w��ling S�erv�c�fP�eer S�p��y� Cr -�t7t} ern�re r� �35 #•de� [tw�iling �err:e��P€xwer S�p��,f �[11 - 3430 arav��re i� ��Q �Ie�ir [iw�iling Feeders3Gireu€ts � tr� 3� F�de�l�irc�it� - $t�#�d t���� Hame - I��� tha�� 3� Feed�r�°��r�uiis {in €�d�6�o�t #a �t>osre ' F�eder�Circ�its U To Z�D A $+6 E�ch 4t�er (�pzcify,r) X+�EL EMERGY �A"�l"ER S�iT�H � �etached ��rage c�r Qifi�r kss�aciatec! �tructure Fdewr ServsceJPaws� SuPP�Y ���w F+�ec#erstC�r��:t� �ther (�pecitY� {P - 4�€k �r��re � ��5 � � � �6 E��kr r� Structure r+� Ready I+lo�lr ❑ �1P�1 Scheciule Existing Hor�ei�rtructure Rernodei or Add�tian t+�e�a :�rv�c�rP°erwer SuP��Y 0- 4t3� �sr€p�re t� $35 3Jevr �tv;€�JPawer �upgly �G�� - �3�4 ��npere {� �4 3��wlEx9endec! Pe�eder�lJG�custs - li�t to 15 �e�tieraP��rc�ats 5 )�e�ders�tC�rcu�ts �� E��h esr 1� tv 30 � S1flQ �3ee^w�Extend�d FeerJe€sfC�rc�its - P�Aare T�an 3f� Feeder�tG�ra�za [__ )�ees�srsiG�rcu�ks U� tc� 2tM} � tt'� �6 Each � ) �eedersPCircuits (� $� ��ch � �let�ched G�r�ge or CJrt�er Associatec! StructurQ �1ew S�rvicefPowec Su{�ly D- 4i�3 a�npere ���5 ���wf�.��rad�d �ee�er�f�€��u� �. i � �� E�ch Reccsran�et�i Feeder�d��rcui�s � � � $? Eac� �i#her t�t�eci�i� Tt�t�l {the fee c�€I�ug�t€� a�� �r ��5 r�i�li3p i�d TQ#ztl {�� �� ��€Icula�ci a�srrwe ur 53� �uitipl��ed �^� �ay th� n�b�r of r�€��i��d in�gre�Y�n #�R$. ��` "� "�"j, �y ti� r�umb�r o� r�quared ir�spe�tion t�aps, l /\ �rt►ichever �s �reaier) � w#�ich�v� �s gr��ter� � �a- � �J � U Requests for Eiectrical �pection [t�Eij wi�t a%� ai #234 or iess ex�sire 92 manths fr�wn �te �aling date. The �cxrntractc}r must hav�e the war9c com�eiirci with�n #rr i2 month pr�d rer suttm�t aeecrf�er RE'1 that ir�caus�es the inspecti�r� fee for the a�noc+mpleted wark. 6nsp�ectinn te�s do nat �arry aver ham one REI' ta ar�attmer. A s�vice charge af $3dU wiii be adcied #vr aii dksh�o�ed chcc3cs. � nerer�y cemry tasat k xnsp�tett at� ei�r�al Ra�ugh — in Inspeet�,rt{s� �s use aates s#�t�d: ��t� F�r�l En�ct� I3at�: l�—�`'� 7 T[�� n�ateriel c.�► be rr�acle a�srai[�ibie in ditfier�rtt fryrr�as, such �s t��e TE?� (65'!� 2!�7�L198: Fi�E 02 {�!7} �}� 0