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Inspections Address Card - 4885
� INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS LOCATION 73g7 Memor�,. �e OWNER ��.��� ,�lo�ell LOT 11 BLOCK ADD. � Melody Manor� 3rd Add. Permit No. Can�truction Date Contractor I �t 8��8 5263 3653 3237 63 � 5376 3868 5�63 6069 4421 6680 13,602 11,461 6833 11, 111 12,472 28,276 42 Bldg. Per. H, Att. Gar. Electrical Permit Pl�bing Permit Heating Permit Water & Sewer Permit Electrical Permit Plumbing Permit Electrical Rough-in Electrical permi,t Plumbing Permit Plumbing Permit Building Permit(Pool) Electrical Permit Plumbing Permit Heating Permit Heating Permit Building Permit(Reroof) 6/28/65 7/15/65 7/15/65 7/2c�/65 7/23/65 8/11/65 lo/z5/65 7/19/65 4/�9/66 9/20/67 3/18/76 6/23/76 7/6/76 8/2/76 9/9/92 10/10/96 10/15/98 Clemron, Inc. Williams Electric Farr Plumbing Ray N Wslter Htg Co Farr Plumbing $obb��lale Elect. Mpls. Gas Co. wiil�.� n.e�, co. Minnegasco, Inc. Minnegasco, Inc. Minnetonka Pool Co. Total Electric ti.nnesota Gas Co . Residential Htg & A/C Sharp Heating & AC Citywide Home Imp. �26.00 $16.l�0 $12.50 �11.�.50 $30.00 �2.00 �2.00 $3.80 $5.00 2.00 36.00 56.00 6. 50 20. 00 25.00 62.25 Fina1 2/1�/66 8/13/65 5/6/66 9/9/77 7/20/76 4/3/78 6/29/94 P#487o-a/15/6s B#39,594-6/28/76 E#39.779-7/7/76 E#40,302-7/21/76 C#39,871-8/16/76 P#45,937-9/9/77 P#48,754-4/3/78 H��106,068-6/29/94 E��154,322-11/5/03 H��156,400-5/20/04 Page 2 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS LOCATION 7387 Memory Lane NE OWNER Florell LOT 11 BLOCK 4 ADD. Melody Manor 3rd Addition P°� NO' Conatruction D�� Contraclor 15 , 511 Cost g� Heating Permit 3/10/03 Residential Heating & C 30.00 30,184 Electrical Permit 3/18/03 Total Electric 20.00 11/5/03 ,